Saving Macedonian Strays - Pepa's Rescue Team

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Saving Macedonian Strays - Pepa's Rescue Team 'Helping abused and abandoned strays in Macedonia in Pepa's memory.' We raise funds to achieve our goals and future plans. Our charitable objectives are:


Saving Macedonian Strays is a voluntary organisation, set up with the aim of rescuing, rehabilitating and rehoming stray animals in N Macedonia by providing love, shelter, food and veterinary care. We support the work of the N Macedonian NGO Animals Voice and help to re-home dogs and cats into loving forever homes in the UK and across Europe. FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE PUBLIC TO RELIEVE THE SUFFERING

OF ANIMALS IN NEED OF CARE AND ATTENTION AND, IN PARTICULAR, TO PROVIDE AND MAINTAIN RESCUE HOMES OR OTHER FACILITIES FOR THE RECEPTION, CARE AND TREATMENT OF SUCH ANIMALS. (2.) TO PROMOTE HUMANE BEHAVIOUR TOWARDS ANIMALS BY PROVIDING APPROPRIATE CARE, PROTECTION, TREATMENT AND SECURITY FOR ANIMALS WHICH ARE IN NEED OF CARE AND ATTENTION BY REASON OF SICKNESS, MALTREATMENT, POOR CIRCUMSTANCES OR ILL USAGE AND TO EDUCATE THE PUBLIC IN MATTERS PERTAINING TO ANIMAL WELFARE IN GENERAL AND THE PREVENTION OF CRUELTY AND SUFFERING AMONG ANIMALS. Saving Macedonian Strays exists to raise awareness of the dire animal welfare situation in N Macedonia, supporting a local NGO to educate local people and inform the municipality and government that animal neglect and abuse should never be tolerated or accepted. We campaign for change and for a better life of the 2 million+ stray population in a country with a human population of 2 million. With the help of our supporters and donators we are able to pay for vital emergency veterinary treatment, food and shelter for abused and neglected animals. We have also raised funds that have enabled the purchase of land in Veles, N Macedonia with the aim of developing and building a sanctuary, shelter and veterinary station to further achieve our goals. Thank you for reading and please support our work if you can.

Food Alert ❗🙏We don't want to face a desperate situation again for food. We still have food for 3 more weeks. but 3 week...

Food Alert ❗🙏
We don't want to face a desperate situation again for food. We still have food for 3 more weeks. but 3 weeks is not always enough to raise enough to buy the food we need to feed our rescues .

👉please help us out with a donation if you can is we won't have to worry again how to feed our rescues .

❗Paypal: [email protected]

❗You can join our Teaming Group and donate 1 Euro a month :


A new fire has started tonight 6 km from our shelter. And another fire has been put out next another animal shelter … the air so heavy it’s difficult to breathe 😓🥵

We have received 5 dog pools so far, and 2 more are on their way.

the temperature at our shelter hat reached 51*C .

we have no tree shadow , and we just pray we get to move to our new land and new shelter before the next summer.

In the meantime we have a very gepffer from a German supporter who will match any donation on the German fundraiser for new shelter up to 5000€ , she offered the match donation at 5280€. So basically we need to raise the 10 K .

Please join the teaming group to help support Saving Macedonian Strays, just 1€ per month. Follow the link below to sign...

Please join the teaming group to help support Saving Macedonian Strays, just 1€ per month. Follow the link below to sign up. Thank you for your support.

Saving Macedonian Strays. We are a group of dedicated animal rescuers who are raising vital funds for Saving Macedonian Strays (UK RC 1170041) to purchase land to develop a purpose-built animal shelter with on-site veterinary facilities in North Macedonia. The team is currently caring for 100+ stray...

There are 18 active fires in our country atm.4 of them close to our town. 🔥 The temperatures are so extreme that we can ...

There are 18 active fires in our country atm.

4 of them close to our town. 🔥

The temperatures are so extreme that we can not even remember when was the last time that it was this hot 🥵

Marija and Meri are struggling each day to make the life of our animals more bearable.

Meri had to take our boy Amarok at home because he wasn’t able to handle the temperature at the shelter.

We have received 3 pools for the dogs , and we have constantly sprinklers on .

This month we will have a HUGE WATER BILL.

We are desperate in moving out of this shelter to a better one.

And we have a new matching donation offer for up to 5000€. From a German supporter.

So anything that will be donated to our better place fundraiser will be matched.

Please support us if you can :


Weʼre raising money to help the Forgotten Macedonian Cats! Locked away for 5 years. Raising money to give them forever homes in the UK. A true compelling sad story. Support this JustGiving Crowdfunding Page.

We need more dog pools urgently 🔥🔥🔥🥵And while we try to raise to be able to buy most necessary thing to be able to make ...

We need more dog pools urgently 🔥🔥🔥🥵

And while we try to raise to be able to buy most necessary thing to be able to make life more bearable at the shelter by the extreme temperatures. We really need any help to get dog pools / metal tubs .

You can order from our Amazon wish list :

🔥🥵This is what our team dealing is with right now.We need to improvise so our dogs and our volunteers  could survive thi...

🔥🥵This is what our team dealing is with right now.

We need to improvise so our dogs and our volunteers could survive this.

So we need around £620 to be able to buy metal tubs for the dogs so they can cool off, more materials to make shadow, more sprinklers.

Any donation is more than welcome.🙏🏽

PayPal: [email protected]

Update on the little mouse that was thrown from the moped:Jenny is doing significantly better, she has gained weight, an...

Update on the little mouse that was thrown from the moped:
Jenny is doing significantly better, she has gained weight, and just received her first vaccination. 😀
The little girl is still looking for sponsors. 🙏

Jenny's story: (Video in comment )
This almost starved puppy was thrown from a moving moped by a person in front of our shelter. 😔
Marija was feeding the dogs in the shelter early in the morning and only saw it out of the corner of her eye.
The little girl was disturbed and totally terrified.
She still needs to be seen by the veterinarian.
The fear of distemper is also very present with us. 🙈
Moreover, our shelter is is the worst place for a small creature like her😓

Please support us by:

⭕️joining our Teaming:

⭕️Or by donating to our PayPal :


Trotz der vielen Rückschläge der letzten Zeit, versuchen wir im Hintergrund alles um den Bau am neuen Shelter weiter laufen zu lassen.
Das neue Shelter ist das wichtigste, nachhaltig Projekt, was wir je angestrebt haben!!
Außerhalb der Stadt, endlich mehr Sicherheit für Marija und die Hunde. Neue Kennels, eine Krankenstation, in der ein Tierarzt auch vor Ort arbeiten kann.
Bessere Bedingungen für Marija: Strom, fließendes Wasser und ein Raum mit Heizung und Toilette.
Eigentlich alles was hier zum Grundbedürfnisse zählt...
Bitte helft uns weiter dabei 🙏🙏🙏

Wir haben extra hierfür eine Betterplace Aktion gestartet.
Spendenbescheinigungen bekommt ihr direkt von Betterplace, wenn ihr das anklickt.
Die Bagger arbeiten wieder.
Wir müssen es einfach schaffen 🙏💚

Für das neue Grundstück:
Hier geht es direkt zu Betterplace:

Spendenkonto :
Hilfe für Straßentiere in Mazedonien e.V.
Sparkasse Gifhorn-Wolfsburg
IBAN: DE89 2695 1311 0161 6762 42

Wir wurden mit Freistellungsbescheid vom 11.05.2021 vom Finanzamt Gifhorn als GEMEINNÜTZIGER VEREIN anerkannt und dürfen Spendenbescheinigungen ausstellen.
Schicke uns dazu bitte eine E-Mail mit der Bitte um eine Spendenbescheinigung inkl. Vorname/Nachname und Anschrift.

Verwaltungs- und Vereinssitz:
Hilfe für Straßentiere in Mazedonien e.V.
Vorstand: Yvonne Staudinger & Sasa Vaskov
Königsberger Straße 214
D- 38440 Wolfsburg
E-Mail: [email protected]

Registergericht: Amtsgericht Braunschweig
Register-Nr.: VR 201465
StNr.: 19 218 15814


❗️NEW SHELTER UPDATE 👇🏽you may have been wondering what has been happening with the Big Build Project. We started excavating after a very generous supporter donated the money to cover this. But then one of the workers had a terrible accident and he was on intensive care for 3 weeks. Thank god he he is recovering well, but we don’t know when the works will be the meantime time we hade to deal with more paperwork and more bills to pay towards the final project.We were even given an estimated amount of how much the shelter would cost. And we were shocked by the amount. We will start a fundraiser soon, but we need someone who could help us with 3D model of the shelter , which will help us enorm with fundraising because that’s how people can see what we are actually fundraising for.If you can do this please get in touch.In the meantime we are trying to find a cheaper driller who would drill for water so we won’t have to pay huge bills for water supply. We need to make the new shelter as much self sustainable as possible. In the meantime please support us by donating 1€ on our teaming account:

Here comes the NEW emergency Post 🆘we have been awfully quiet the past 2 weeks, but behind the scenes of social Media, t...

Here comes the NEW emergency Post 🆘

we have been awfully quiet the past 2 weeks, but behind the scenes of social Media, there was a lot going on and we didn’t even know where to start!

So here comes the first post:

We have 2 very unlucky sisters Kalina and Kira who were born by a stray mama infront of our shelter. Because we didn’t have any free kennels we couldn’t let them in the shelter, but they stayed on the other side of the gate and were treated as any other shelter animal. They were getting food, love and medical attention if needed. But now they really need it. Both have sustained serious injuries within a week.

Kira was chasing a cat when she fell of a cliff and broke a leg, and Kalina was amazed by a turtle on the train rails when she was hit by a train. Both girls are now staying in the clinic and we need your help to be able to pay

Additional to these 2 girls we have taken a little kitten that was kicked in the head and had concussion. This baby is also in the clinic.

So please help us help them ❤️

You can donate to :
⭕️PayPal: [email protected]

🔗Link to donate:

❗️Or you can support us by Teaming and donating 1€ a month :

Let’s start this weekend with GOOD NEWS ❤️Our Boy Popeye who was taken by a wonderful woman who offered to help him get ...

Let’s start this weekend with GOOD NEWS ❤️

Our Boy Popeye who was taken by a wonderful woman who offered to help him get the surgeries he needed in France, has finished his second surgery successfully.🥳

Popeye has a new chance to live a happy and fulfilling life with no pain and being able to move like any other dog.

His surgeries weren’t possible in Macedonia and he would have been disabled and in pain if didn’t get this chance.

We are over the moon seeing him smile.

What an Angel. On earth this lady is. ❤️❤️❤️


This is Kalina, one of the digs who live in front of our shelter. She was hit by the train in front of our volunteers eyes.We have been emotionally drained for years now. And everytime we think about giving up, something like this happens and we realise that Kaline would have been dying for days alone if we weren’t doing what we are doing.So when we ask for support to keep rescuing- this is why we do it. Donations for vet bills are welcome: [email protected].


Dog with Heat stroke rescued by our volunteer Meri.🥵😢

The temperature in Macedonia has reached 54*C under the sun.

Meri found a stray dog with heat stroke and had to take him imediately to the vet. After therapy she took him home to stabilise him.

The conditions in which Marija is working in the shelter are unbearable 😭 and she stays at this temperature at the shelter trying to change the position of the water sprinklers so every dog can cool off.

She is all alone and we’ve been struggling to find another person that can help but so far no luck.

She is working with no day off , and in these extreme temperatures.

We don’t even know what is a priority atm:

Raising funds for vet?

Raising funds for the new shelter ?

Or literally begging people to come and join us in this rescue work.

But today we start by asking to please help us by donating for the vet bill of this dog £55 needed.

PayPal: [email protected]

The X ray shows Broken Leg 😢And once again emergencies started happening. This time 3 in one day, and this is just one o...

The X ray shows Broken Leg 😢

And once again emergencies started happening. This time 3 in one day, and this is just one of them 😭

Our girl Kira broke her leg, after falling a small hill on the train rails.
Kira is one of the strays who live infront of the shelter.

The vet says that the bone is positioned well and she won’t need a surgery but she will have to stay in the clinic until she recovers. The vet boarding and rherapies cost £30 a day. So every help for her vet bill is very appreciated 🙏🏽

Donations can be done to following PayPal:

[email protected]

🥳 GOOD THINGS ARE HAPPENING 🥳It feels so good to be able to write this post after struggling to keep our rescue alive!On...


It feels so good to be able to write this post after struggling to keep our rescue alive!

Once again the love for animals has brought people from all around the world together 🌎

💪1. The matching Donation fundraising event was a huge success. We were able to raise the £3000 that were then doubled by a longtime supporter ❤️❤️❤️❤️

💪2. Some of you may know that we are on TikTok now . We posted 2 videos on there. One for a girl Maggie and Dragana rescued couple of weeks ago and the other for help for food to be able to pay off the bills that have been piling up. Both videos went VIRAL . And Ati has received over 100 adoption application and her story was published in the Newsweek :

And the other video received over 1 MILLION VIEWS 🤯🤗. And we have received over £5000 for food bills.

Now we can pay many bills that were making our lives miserable 🤭

We are overwhelmed by the support and love over the last couple of days.

Thank you being there for us and our rescues❤️❤️❤️

The Wonder Woman  is on a a SWEET Mission in Belgium 🇧🇪 again 🍪🍪🍪She wants to break the record for sold cookies from the...

The Wonder Woman is on a a SWEET Mission in Belgium 🇧🇪 again 🍪🍪🍪

She wants to break the record for sold cookies from the past years and donate the full amount to us❤️❤️❤️

Can she do it ? We don’t even doubt it💪
One of the bags with cookies has a hidden surprise. A voucher for a pet Photoshooting worth 250€📸🐩

We can’t even thank her enough for this ❤️❤️❤️


How do we tell Marushka her sibilings were picked and she was not💔

Marushka is 2 years old girl.
She is perfectly healthy and very friendly✅

Would you be willing to open a space for Marushka in your home?

She doesn’t ask for much, just to be loved and welcomed 🙏

You can also support Marushka by sponsoring her untill she finds her forever home, for more info comment below and we will send you details 🤍



Our Kira is at the vet as an emergency 😪
Marija followed a loud howl from the shelter towards the railway line.
And found our Kira miserably on the ground.
She could no longer move.
Meri immediately drove her to the vet.

She had to stay at the clinic so they can do x rays and help her.

We are drowning in vet and for bills and every little help makes a huge difference.

Plus every donation that we receive until 20.06.24 will be doubled.

So please help if you can.

PayPal: [email protected]

We will keep you updated...


A dear supporter promised to match every donation u til 20. June ( max £3000) .

Please help with a small donation so we can pay the vet and food bills we owe 🙏🏽

PayPal: [email protected]

„MATCHING DONATION“ Continues until 20.06.24📣So far we have received 1060€ and £247 .🥳The maximum amount that could be m...

„MATCHING DONATION“ Continues until 20.06.24📣

So far we have received 1060€ and £247 .🥳

The maximum amount that could be matched is £3000.

We need this campaign to be successful. 💪
This could mean paying the outstanding food bills , or a part of the vet bills and we could start again rescuing new animals.

Currently due to unpaid bills we have a RESCUE STOP🛑

But even with no new animals coming to us, we still have 140 animals in our care that need food and vet treatmen and a shelter to run.

👉🏽So ever donation no matter how small or big make a huge difference for the animals in our care and those waiting to be rescued .

PayPal: [email protected]


Another dog has left the shelter to live a long happy life , lived by amazing people ❤️Kole was rescued almost lifeless ...

Another dog has left the shelter to live a long happy life , lived by amazing people ❤️

Kole was rescued almost lifeless after he was hit by a car and left injured .

His lost a lwg due to his injuries.

But now he is up for the best life ( see video)

These stories with happily ever after are only possible thanks to your support.

It’s been a while since our last    . . Please comment the name of the animal you sponsor and we will send you a new pho...

It’s been a while since our last . .

Please comment the name of the animal you sponsor and we will send you a new photo with the lastest update ❤️

📣For everyone who missed our post ℹ️👇🏽We have started a  MATCHING DONATION Action, thanks to a wonderful supporter 🐾❤️Al...

📣For everyone who missed our post ℹ️👇🏽

We have started a MATCHING DONATION Action, thanks to a wonderful supporter 🐾❤️

All donations that we receive until June will be doubled by matching each donation (up until max of £3000)

this very generous offer could save us from the current situation and if we succeed to raise the full amount, we would be able to pay everything we owe for food 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

Please help us get the full amount matched by donating to:

our PayPal: [email protected]


🥁Attention Please 🥁A very dear supporter asked us if we could do another matching donation, and she offered to match eve...

🥁Attention Please 🥁

A very dear supporter asked us if we could do another matching donation, and she offered to match every donation we receive until 20.06.2024. The maximum amount that she will match is £3000 😳🤩😳.

If this goes as we hope , it would mean that we will be able to pay all unpaid food bills that we have ☺️

so please help with a small donation 🙏🏽

🐾PayPal: [email protected]


Tara is the best dog there is for an active family, and family that loves to travel. She is around 2 years old. And she ...

Tara is the best dog there is for an active family, and family that loves to travel.

She is around 2 years old. And she invited her self into our shelter after she got in our car while Marija was feeding the strays, and refused to leave ever since ☺️

She is very tiny and just the most friendly dogs there is. She loves to use our car as her bed.

she had 2 home offers but sadly they changed their minds.

So we are on a mission to find this girl the family she deserves ❤️

If you think you are that family please let us know❤️

Moni is a 2 year old girl. 🐕 She is very quiet and friendly dog. She is desperate for human attention and would put her ...

Moni is a 2 year old girl. 🐕 She is very quiet and friendly dog.
She is desperate for human attention and would put her face on your hand so she gets cuddles.

She is perfectly good health, vaccinated and spayed.

Can you give her a home ? 🏠




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