Happy 3rd Gotcha Day to our fabulous boy, Stanley found his forever home.
He is still a complete snuggle monster. Has an amazing ability to hear a cheese packet being opened in the kitchen, whilst he’s anywhere in the house. But has selective hearing on being recalled away from an interesting scent.
He still suffers from separation anxiety, although we have now reverted to being teenagers and tiptoeing out of the front door, instead of using the back door, and we are managing to fool him. But obviously, if there’s a deer or hare to be chased, then the separation anxiety disappears along with Stanley!
His love for his rescue dog friend Orla, and his adoration for his Viszla friend, Penny Marshall, is a joy to see.
Stanley, you light up our world and everybody’s world that you enter. Who would have thought you could have such an impact on us all.
Also remembering Jackson found my forever home, who came over with Stanley on the same flight and imparted such wisdom & knowledge to his fellow hounds, but was sadly taken over the rainbow bridge far too quickly.