Puppy Tales Pet Services

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Puppy Tales Pet Services Puppy Tales specialises in 1-2-1 puppy training alongside dog training including recall. We also offer pet sitting (daily and overnight).

Puppy Tales offers dog walking (both solo and group walks) which include treats, water, lots of exercise, photo updates and a towel down afterwards. I ensure that your dog gets the appropriate exercise alongside enjoying themselves along the way. We aim to walk any dog and will cater their walks to each dogs individual needs and owners requests. Daily visits vary and last from 30 minutes to an hou

r. We will play with your pet, feed them, let them out to the toilet and clean up any mess that may have occurred. If you need to go away for the night, We are available to pet sit in your home to relieve the stress and make sure your pet has lots of company while you are away. If this is a dog, one or two walks are included dependent on the length of time. We offer training services too. Puppy classes, older dog classes and 1-2-1 sessions are all available. Please get in touch if you have any questions or want to know more about a specific service!

Babies & dogs 🐶 As the time approaches for a new baby to enter our lives, I’ve been speaking to other mums about prepari...

Babies & dogs 🐶

As the time approaches for a new baby to enter our lives, I’ve been speaking to other mums about preparing their dogs for a newborn.

Many dogs don’t spend a lot of time around children especially if you don’t have any in the family so it’s always a good idea to prepare them as best as you can.

A few top tips:

🐾 playing baby noises - you can pop the speaker in their crib/car seat/next to me or just on the telly to get used to those noises.

🐾 Get your dog used to less walks or shorter walks. Obviously we try not to disturb their walks but those first few weeks with a newborn are hard.
Your dog may need to adjust without their morning walk or with a quicker walk for a bit.

🐾 Routine - if your dog is in a solid routine then try to adapt it slightly. Like above, you may not be able to stick to it so prepare your dog for this.

🐾 Teach a solid ‘off’ cue - for example my dogs are allowed everywhere so if in the sofa but they needed to move ‘off’ means jump off the sofa and on the floor.

🐾 Teach a solid ‘leave’ cue. They’ll be lots of new things entering the house - pram/cot/toys/clothes. Allow your dog to explore these and sniff as much as they want but also making sure they can leave items is important too. Especially if you’ve dropped a dirty nappy on the floor!

🐾 Create a safe place for your dogs to get away from baby or visitors (you may have a lot more than usual). This could be a bed away from the main area or a sectioned off area too.

🐾 Stock up on chews to keep them occupied.

🐾 Allow your dog time to come to terms with a new baby. Some are instantly in love but others take some time to get used to them and may struggle. Ensure they still get some 1 on 1 snuggles, buy them a few new toys & try to keep them involved where possible 🙂

The first few weeks are a whirlwind and you can’t always do the same thing 🙂 if your planning to block off rooms or places your dog is used to going in then do that early too!

If you’d like more support then drop me a message!

My biggest thing I recommend to puppy parents is get yourselves lots of chews and enrichment toys! 😋Whether it’s from a ...

My biggest thing I recommend to puppy parents is get yourselves lots of chews and enrichment toys! 😋

Whether it’s from a small business, big business like pets at home or you dehydrate your own.

Puppies need lots of chew time, it’ll keep them occupied, help their teeth and tire them out! Plus you can use them to create positive associations with places like their crate, car & being left home alone!

If you’d like recommendations then let me know! 🐾

Let’s see your puppies with their favourite chews! 🐶

☀️ HOT WEATHER! ☀️The weather is gradually staying more sunshine than rain so I thought I’d do the annual post on hot we...


The weather is gradually staying more sunshine than rain so I thought I’d do the annual post on hot weather.

Although we love the sunshine, it is so important we are sensible with our pups when it’s this hot! 🐶

🐾 Plan those walks - try to go super early or late at night and even these times try to walk on grass and in shaded areas. Bonus points if there’s a stream for your dogs to have a paddle in. Take water out with you and pop on those cool coats/vest if you have them.

🐾 Make sure you are providing plenty of water and shade (closing curtains and blinds in the house). You can use cool mats, fans & umbrellas to provide shade & cool air.

🐾 Do the five second pavement test before you take your dogs out. Use the back of your hand and hold it onto the pavement.
If it’s too hot for you to touch, it’s too hot for your pups paws!

🐾 Make sure you know the signs of heat stroke and how you can prevent your pup getting it - it can happen very quickly (image posted below) 👇

🐾 Instead of walks, you can do enrichment activities such as filled food toys, trick training and scent work.
Chewing is also calming and tiring for pups so get yourselves some long lasting natural chews (we have lots on our group Kimble’s Dog Chews - so get in touch to find your dogs perfect one).

🐾 You know your dog - you know what panting is normal for them or if they struggle more out in the heat.
Remember your older dogs & breeds like pugs/frenchies will generally struggle more compared to younger dogs too. Don’t be afraid to cut walks short!

Remember no dog ever died from missing a walk - I know we want to walk our dogs but if you feel it’s too hot, then just miss a day! They won’t resent you for it and then you don’t need to worry!!

Enjoy the sunshine but stay safe too 🌞🌞

DO YOU THINK ABOUT YOUR DOGS BREED WHEN TRAINING & RAISING THEM? 🐶Every dog is different. When raising your puppy, you n...


Every dog is different. When raising your puppy, you need to remember this!

Breeds have different characteristics which reflect behaviour.

If you have a Labrador, they are bred to carry things in their mouths so are generally more bitey and love to explore all objects with their mouths. If you have a beagle, they are bred to follow scents so may get distracted outside and have that nose pressed to the ground.

It’s important that when we look at training and raising our puppies we take these breed traits into account.
Look at what your puppy is bred to do, work with them to allow these traits but in a positive way!

Also remember upbringing also plays a part in how our puppies perceive the world. Some breeds are more confident than others and come from great breeders who have done wonders to keep this confidence. Other breeds are more sensitive and if their breeder did not raise them brilliantly, it can have an effect on their thoughts and feelings towards things.

If your puppy is nervous then it’s not necessarily going to forever be nervous but you may need to focus more on confidence building.

If your puppy is very confident then you’ll need to focus lots on getting them motivated by you.

Reya is a great example! She is made of a mixture of breeds - mostly sled dog and has a very high prey drive. She loves to chase anything and everything but also gets frustrated easily. So even nearly 4 years down the line, we are working on frustration tolerance activities with lots of toy play too.

Kimble on the other hand is a hound. He uses his nose CONSTANTLY. So we use scents to help with training and as his reward. Walk nicely on the lead and you can get to that smell (this is opposed to food that he doesn’t really care about on walks). He also loves to chase & would chase cars if allowed so tons of tug & chase play are needed.

So for today, think about what your dog is bred to do or what they enjoy doing and think about how you can incorporate that into your training.

If you are struggling with certain aspects of your dogs behaviour - can you use these inherited traits to motivate and help solve them?

Chews, chews, chews!We ❤️ chews here! But why should you give your dog chews?🐾 Firstly, chewing is a natural behaviour f...

Chews, chews, chews!

We ❤️ chews here!

But why should you give your dog chews?

🐾 Firstly, chewing is a natural behaviour for your dogs.
If you don’t provide your dog with things to do chew then like many of their behaviours, they’ll go ‘self employed’ and find their own things to chew (sofas, beds, cupboards etc). This generally happens more with puppies but can be at any stage of life.

🐾 Chewing helps with our dogs overall well-being.The repetitive action of chewing releases serotonin and dopamine, two important neurotransmitters in the brain that support mental health.
Chewing can help calm our dogs but also can help with the pain of teething too in puppies.

🐾 Chewing helps to alleviate boredom - keeping our dogs occupied & tiring them out too.

🐾 Chewing helps with dental health. It decreases plague and tartar build up alongside exercising their jaw muscles to help with jaw bone health.

Chews can be given as part of your dogs daily routine and diet but always consider weight gain & change food portions accordingly.

What to choose?

There are so many chews on the market - it’s so important to avoid anything called rawhide ❌

But natural chews are amazing! Things like cow ears, beef skins, ostrich bones, goat skins and more!
Hairy chews are a popular choice too with things like rabbit ears & feet being loved by many dogs.

If you’d like help finding a chew for your dog then get in touch! 🐶

SNIFFING! Do you let your dogs sniff?Sniffing is such an important part of our dogs lives. They learn so much from smell...


Do you let your dogs sniff?

Sniffing is such an important part of our dogs lives. They learn so much from smelling things - about the environment, other dogs & people.

We use our sense of sight to learn about the world whereas our dogs use their sense of smell.
In fact, depending on the breed or type a dog’s sense of smell is around 10,000 - 100,000 times better than ours (that’s a crazy figure)! 👃

Why let your dogs sniff? There are many benefits!

🐾 it’s enjoyable - as humans we like to look around, see the sights and enjoy the view.
Our dogs love to sniff and enjoy learning new
Information from it.

🐾 Going on a sniffari is tiring for our dogs! Five minutes spent sniffing equates to an hours physical exercise. It’s not just our dogs nose working but also their brain too processing all the information.
Now that’s not to say you shouldn’t have a physically tiring walk but try to mix it up too!

🐾 it’s great for our worried or reactive dogs - it can help them to feel more secure as they are finding out what’s been around.

🐾 Most importantly, it fulfils a need in our dogs. As stated above, dogs use their noses to learn so need the time and smells to do so!
By allowing our dogs to sniff, we are giving them an outlet for it!

How to include sniffing in your dogs lives;

🐾 Allow your dog the time to sniff on their walks. So often, we see people dragging their dogs away from smells but our dogs need to fulfil this need so let them! It only adds a minute or two onto your walk but is so beneficial to our dogs.

🐾 Visit new areas or mix up your usual routes. But even if you have to take the same route each day, it’ll still be exciting for your dog as new smells are there each day.

🐾 Allow your dog to lead the way with their nose! Pop them on a long line (and harness) and let them choose the trail with their nose.

🐾 You can play scent games at home (perfect on a very hot day where walks aren’t always possible). Simple games like hiding their favourite toy or chew and allowing them to search it out.

My dogs love to sniff - Kimble is a hound so his nose works overtime and it shows as he finds all the sniffing spots when out and about.

So let your dogs sniff, let them learn & don’t worry about fast paced walks anymore 🐶

What names do your dogs have?Nova is also nova bean, beanie, noonie, moomon Kimble is Kimmy cho, little man, Kimmy k Rey...

What names do your dogs have?

Nova is also nova bean, beanie, noonie, moomon

Kimble is Kimmy cho, little man, Kimmy k

Reya is Rey Rey, Reya bug, buggy, bug bug





I’m looking to revamp a little bit and looking for some puppies/young dogs for discounted 1-2-1 sessions.

Please get in touch or tag anyone who may be interested 🐶

Look at this cutie! ❤️Hugo had a 1-2-1 session to work on lead walking & recall.With both of these issues, I always like...

Look at this cutie! ❤️

Hugo had a 1-2-1 session to work on lead walking & recall.

With both of these issues, I always like to work on focus exercises too - getting dogs to check in, building on a hand touch & building on keeping our dogs in a closer proximity to us.

We also looked at waiting when the door is open & jumping up too!

Hugo is only young and adolescence is definitely creeping in but with some training he’ll master these issues!

Well done Hugo 🐾

Looking for help with your dog? Get in touch to chat more 🐶


It’s National Love Your Pet Day ❤️

Let’s see all your pets!!

I have limited spaces available for 1-2-1 training sessions! 🐶1-2-1 training is brilliant for focusing fully on what you...

I have limited spaces available for 1-2-1 training sessions! 🐶

1-2-1 training is brilliant for focusing fully on what you’d like to work on with your dog.

I cover a range of dog training issues including;

🐾 general puppy training - biting, recall, crate training, obedience, leaving your puppy etc

🐾 recall - we have a 3 week recall plan to help get your recall back on track

🐾 loose lead walking - how to get that nice loose lead

🐾 general obedience - we can help with other issues too!

These sessions take place at your home or local environment - I come to you!

Sessions are 1 hour 30 minutes long with support outside of sessions too!

These start from £70 a session with a discount for multiple sessions or packages.

If you’d like anymore information on 1-2-1 training & whether it’s the right option for your dog then please get in touch 🐾

Grab your dog some tasty chews! 🐶🐶🐶🐾 I have a range of bundles starting from just £5! Including our new bundle - hairy c...

Grab your dog some tasty chews! 🐶🐶🐶

🐾 I have a range of bundles starting from just £5! Including our new bundle - hairy cow ear, lamb Trotter, 3 x puffed chicken feet, hoof, 3 x beef testicles, sprats. Or £7 for that plus a pate.

🐾 sell chews individually or in multiples

🐾 Can get chews in bulk for less £££ (just pop me a message with what you are looking for).

Local Delivery available (will be Wednesday or Thursday this week) or via postage.
Collection available from St Julian’s.

For the last week or so, I’ve been poorly which has meant dog walks haven’t been as long or exciting.We’ve done treat hu...

For the last week or so, I’ve been poorly which has meant dog walks haven’t been as long or exciting.

We’ve done treat hunts & training bursts in the house but going for a good old sniff is always their favourite.

I wad feeling better so thought we’d do a late night wander.

Before we went for a walk, I knew the dogs would be more excited than usual as they just hadn’t been out as much.

They were a little bit pully which I expected so lots of stop/starts.

Reya then saw a dog and went into silly mode. She doesn’t sound like a normal dog and almost screams in frustration. It can be embarrassing and frustrating for me (yes us dog trainers have dogs who aren’t perfect and we get annoyed at them too 😂)

But I kept my cool, we waited for her to calm down and refocus and off we went.

After this, she was so so good! I took them down to sniff path central as sniffing is not only distracting but calming.
We did lots of easy bits of training like hand touches & check ins.

And all I did was focus on what was going WELL.

Sometimes with our dogs, we get so caught up in what we deem as wrong - pulling on the lead, barking, not recalling and we almost forget to focus on what is going right.

For some dogs, it may be that they loose lead walked 5 steps without pulling or they did a fabulous recall when you called them first time.

I always say to owners, we want to reward the good choices our dogs make. You can’t over reward, there is never a point where we give too many treats or too much praise but we can damage our relationship if all we do is scold & tell our dogs off.

Reya even saw a cat and when asked to leave, left it instantly 🥳

So on your next walk with your dog or even just around the house, try ignoring or redirecting behaviours we don’t like and praising those we do!

Do you regularly check your dog over and groom them? 🐶For some breeds, it’s so important to brush and tend to their coat...

Do you regularly check your dog over and groom them? 🐶

For some breeds, it’s so important to brush and tend to their coats. They may be double coated, have a long coat or very curly coat too.
Keeping it regularly brushed will ensure that they don’t develop matting (which can be very sore) and ensures you can see any changes too.

Did you know changes in your dogs coat may be due to a health reason? So it’s important to get to know your dogs coat and the patterns in it too!

But even if you have a short haired dog, make it part of your routine to check them over. Run your hands through their coat and in all the places you don’t normally stroke your dog in (think of their armpits, under their belly, tail etc).

Reya is double curly coated and we only found a large wound because we gave her a check over - you would never have seen it otherwise!

It’s so important to make this process fun and rewarding too!

With young puppies, pick an appropriate time - you want pup to be aware of the handling but not at silly bitey mode.

With older dogs, you can choose a comfortable time for you all. This may be during evening snuggles!

Pair each stroke with a tasty treat if your dog is very unsure or allow them to have a kong/toppl or chew whilst doing it!

All this hair was from 5 minutes of brushing Reya and only one side of her too! Lots more to come out! 😅

Look at this cutie 😍Molly started her 1-2-1 journey with me and she did great.The biggest issues her family had were bit...

Look at this cutie 😍

Molly started her 1-2-1 journey with me and she did great.

The biggest issues her family had were biting (very common for puppies & it hurts).

We talked through lots of ways to ease biting including providing Molly with lots of appropriate chews & ensuring she has much more rest time!

We finished the session looking at some training they can start implementing with her. As soon as we started the training she was switched on and so beautifully focused. She picked up the exercises so fast.

Go Molly & Team ⭐️

Remember when you have a young puppy, try to do lots of short little sessions of play and training throughout the day with plenty of rest in between so pups can digest it all!

We have availability for 1-2-1 sessions!We cover a range of dog training issues including;🐾 general puppy training - bit...

We have availability for 1-2-1 sessions!

We cover a range of dog training issues including;

🐾 general puppy training - biting, recall, crate training, obedience, leaving your puppy etc

🐾 recall - we have a 3 week recall plan to help get your recall back on track

🐾 loose lead walking - how to get that nice loose lead

🐾 general obedience - we can help with other issues too!

Pop me a message for more information:)

RECALL 🐾🐾Recall can be hard work! As young puppies, our pups generally need us but as they get older and more confident,...


Recall can be hard work! As young puppies, our pups generally need us but as they get older and more confident, they may venture further or realise dogs/people are much more interesting than boring old us.

If our dog has poor recall, it’s not safe and other people & dogs may not be safe either.

A few tips;

- if you find your dog isn’t listening and is running off to smells, dogs, people then it’s time to stop letting them off the lead. By letting your dog off, it’s just practising not listening and in turn rewarding themselves by going over to those things.

- Walk in quiet places! This is so useful for getting recall back on track. Don’t go to the busiest place where your dog is overwhelmed and struggling. Go to the quiet park or field and retrain that recall!

- Introduce a fun toy that is only played between you and your dog. Sometimes treats are not good enough or your dog is full. A toy works wonders and gets your dog chasing and tugging!

- When using treats, make the rewarding exciting! Throw them so your dog has to chase to get them, scatter them on the floor, play ready, steady, go and on go, throw and run wirh your dog to get the treat. Think about what treats you are using - are they the same ones you use everyday? If so, get some new meaty ones!!

- Don’t put too much pressure on yourself or your dog. If it’s one of those days and your dog isn’t listening to you then just go on a sniffy walk - let them sniff everything, if they check in then reward heavily, if they even look in your direction, have a party but other than that, say nothing. Let them sniff, maybe point out some bushes and just don’t ask for recall.
We overuse cues so much and always ask our dogs to do a lot!

- Have fun!! Run away and get your dog to chase you, teach a hand touch, play find the treat! Make being with you and close to you exiting and your dog will want to be with you.

*if you are really struggling, get a 1-2-1 booked in and get your recall back on track!


It’s national Labrador Day 🐶

Have you got a Labrador? What do you love about them? ❤️

Do you ask your dog to do something too much?!This may sound silly but whenever I go and train dogs, the owners are cons...

Do you ask your dog to do something too much?!

This may sound silly but whenever I go and train dogs, the owners are constantly ask the dog to do something whether it’s asking them to sit, 10 times before they actually sit or saying ‘heal’ a million times!

I believe the dot knows how to sit but the reason why it’s taking them so many asks to actually do it is because they are distracted or overexcited. In these cases, did we need to ask the dog to sit?! Do we need the dog to heal?!

One thing, I always get people to do is to stop talking and just mark the behaviours we like. For example when waiting at roads, we don’t need to ask the dog to sit a million times, we can just mark the dog for standing still or mark the dog for choosing to sit on their own. We mark and then reward our dogs. The marking tells our dog we like that and a reward is coming. The reward can be anything - a treat, play with a toy, running along the pavement together.

What do I mean by mark? Marking is a way to communicate to our dogs that we like what they’ve done. I use the word ‘yes’ but you could use a clicker or a different word too. So for example if I’m out and about walking my
Dog and my dog looks at me, I’ll say ‘yes’ and reward. Why did I mark? Because that’s a behaviour I like!

My dog then looks at me again, I mark and reward. They look again, mark and reward and repeat!

Now in these instances I haven’t said anything other than ‘yes’. My dog chose to look at me and then continued that behaviour because it was rewarded for doing so.

If on the other hand, I continuously told me dog to ‘watch me’ they may do it but also I probably would get frustratrd if they didn’t do it straight away and would repeat myself over and over and that phrase would become redundant.

I like dogs to learn for themselves sometimes - I always find they learn and repeat behaviour faster than when they are continuously being told to.

Now that’s not to say, that there will be times where we don’t need to ask them to do something as there definitely will be.


What I want you to do today is try and not ask your dog to do everything all the time but allow the thinking time and throughout the day, simply mark and reward behaviours you like!

**Not used a marker before? Start by just saying the word and rewarding your dog so they start to associate the word with a reward 🐶

PUPPY BITING 😬Puppies use their mouths to explore and are still learning about appropriate things to bite so we need to ...


Puppies use their mouths to explore and are still learning about appropriate things to bite so we need to help them to learn this.

When your puppy is biting you then its good to work out the reasons why - is it excitement, tiredness, needing the toilet, being hungry.

• The number one reason that puppies generally bite is because they are tired! Puppies need on average 18-20 hours of sleep a day. It may appear to us that they have energy as they are moving around, biting etc but I generally find that it is because they need a nap.

• If they do not have this then they can get overtired which quickly leads to undesirable behaviours. Make sure to have a safe place set up for your puppies. If you see them getting tired or they haven't had a nap in a while then pop them in there (you can give them something to do like a chew or kong).

• Remember this place is somewhere that we do not disturb them in.

• If it is excitement based then find a toy and play with them with a toy instead (special toys are perfect for this!). If they persists then you can throw some food on the floor to direct their attention or give them a long lasting natural chew or filled toy.

• Remember to be boring if your puppy is biting you, if you are waving your hands around and shouting at them then they will see this as playing and continue to bite. - We do not recommend yelping as this normally just excites puppies and does not help with the biting.

• Providing your puppy with lots of toys and chews will help them to choose appropriate things and avoids them chewing furniture and other household items too.-

• You can also check if they need the toilet or if they are hungry (sometimes we need to up their daily food allowance).

• Remember to keep play sessions short so that they do not get over excited and start biting.

• If you have older guests, people who are nervous of dogs or children visiting then you can put your puppy on a house line to control their interactions, use baby gates to meet at and get people to play with your puppy with support (using those extra long toys!).

• Sometimes puppies try to bite ankles or pick on certain family members - look at when this is happening. Is it because they are leaving the room (puppy might not want them to go) or because when they do bite them, the person responds and your puppy gets excited.

• Teach your puppy to settle on a bed or a mat - that way if you need to do something and are happy for your puppy to be there but want them in a particular place (for example cooking dinner or washing up) then you can have them stationed on their mat.

• Another thing to remember is to look at your puppies breed- if they are a gundog then they are bred to hold things with their mouths so can be bitey puppies. Make sure to have lots of soft toys for them to hold and carry, provide them with lots to chew on. If you have a sighthound then they love to chase, spend time teaching impulse control and have fun chase and win sessions (a flirt pole is perfect)! If they are a herder then they are more prone to biting ankles as they herd you up, again a flirt pole and herding games will be fun for them!

Need more help with your puppy? Get in touch for more information on our 1-2-1 sessions 🐾

This year is nearly over! I’ve spent a lot of this year raising Mabel and spending time with the 3 crazy dogs in this ho...

This year is nearly over!

I’ve spent a lot of this year raising Mabel and spending time with the 3 crazy dogs in this household.

2023 I made the decision to stop the dog walking side of puppy tales and 2024 I will be focusing solely on 1-2-1 training with my focus on puppies & recall.

I will try to post more on here with information, updates & just general dog nonsense 😂

If you’d like any information on our 1-2-1 services then please get in touch!

Here’s to another year of loving our dogs ❤️

I’ve been very quiet with family life but I’ve got some 1-2-1 spaces.If you are looking for help with your new puppy, ad...

I’ve been very quiet with family life but I’ve got some 1-2-1 spaces.

If you are looking for help with your new puppy, adolescence or recall then get in touch!

Each session is 1 hour 30 minutes & takes place at your home or local park/green space 🙂

As a dog professional, there can be focus on having the ‘perfect’ dog and I see a lot of owners who assume my dogs are t...

As a dog professional, there can be focus on having the ‘perfect’ dog and I see a lot of owners who assume my dogs are the best behaved however, they aren’t!

And that’s okay.

My dogs all have their strengths & weaknesses as this makes me a better trainer for it.

I am constantly learning and finding new ways to teach things - all 3 of my dogs are very different! Nova is super food motivated when at home but not outside, Kimble is an independent man and Reya is highly distracted so needs lots of rewards to keep her focus.

They all learn differently and although this can be tricky as it can be trial and error, this means I have different tools to fix the same problem.

It also means I understand. I understand the frustrations of training your dog. The highs when it’s going well and the stress when it doesn’t.

Yesterday I cried on our walk, it was just stressful & I felt like a failure. But I took a deep breath, grabbed some tasty treats and went home.

At home, I decided to just do some fun training - nothing new but something my dogs had done before. It meant I didn’t get frustrated if they didn’t pick it up and that they could be rewarded easily & repeatedly.

Training your dog isn’t straightforward, there are ups and downs and it’s a lifelong commitment.

But remember even dog professionals, get frustrated and have dogs who play up too!

Want to chat more about training then just pop us a message! 🐶

🎆 This weekend there are going to be lots of fireworks! 🎇It’s important that we prepare our pups for this! The sudden lo...

🎆 This weekend there are going to be lots of fireworks! 🎇

It’s important that we prepare our pups for this! The sudden loud bangs, flashing lights can upset them!

How can we help our pups?

- I’m a bit late with this post but playing firework noises on YouTube, Alexa etc is great for getting them used to the sudden sounds. Many breeders do this when raising their litters.
Start off with it nice and quiet, give them a tasty kong or chew to pair the noise with something good.
Gradually turn the noises up - take this slowly if you notice your pup is a little unsure of it.
- You can play firework videos on the telly too so they can see them. Generally it’s the noise that causes issues rather than the sights.
It’s never too late to do this (unless your dog is absolutely petrified in which seek additional support).

- Most big firework displays will be publicly announced so you know what days they are happening. You can also post on social media asking your local area if anyone is having any firework displays or ask neighbours too. This means you can prepare for those evenings.

- Always walk your dog before it gets dark - this is not to say that fireworks won’t happen at other times (people are silly) but generally they happen when the sun goes down. If you do need to take your dog out later, keep them on lead. A loud, sudden bang can startle even the most confident of puppies & dogs.

- If your dog has shown a some uncertainty towards fireworks, prepare your house.
Close all curtains, have music on (classical or reggae is meant to be most calming) or just TV on.
You can prepare with chews, kongs, toppls so they are kept busy too. Do a little bit of training to keep the mind occupied 🙂

If you know your dog is worried by fireworks or it is their first firework season please do not leave them alone. If you need to go out, ask a friend, family member or dog Walker to pop in and sit with them.

- Prepare a doggy den - when dogs get scared they like to hid. Cover their crate, allow them to run up to bed etc. Remember you can’t reinforce fear so if your pup does get scared, sitting, cuddling, reassuring them is always the way to go!

Not all pups will react to fireworks or even give a hoot they are going off but it’s always worth preparing them for this season as you never know! 🐾🐾

Some of this weeks furry faces 🥰🥰🥰

Some of this weeks furry faces 🥰🥰🥰

Evie & Koda are the cutest pair ❤️

Evie & Koda are the cutest pair ❤️

It’s national black dog day!This was started to celebrate black dogs as they seem to be the ones overlooked in rescues.N...

It’s national black dog day!

This was started to celebrate black dogs as they seem to be the ones overlooked in rescues.

Nova isn’t fully black but we think she’s beautiful! ❤️

Let’s see your black dogs 😍😍


Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 10:00
14:00 - 20:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 10:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 10:00
14:00 - 17:00
Thursday 08:00 - 10:00
Friday 08:00 - 10:00
13:00 - 20:00
Saturday 10:00 - 19:00
Sunday 08:00 - 19:00




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We love all animals!

Welcome to Puppy Tales Pet Services!

Puppy Tales Pet Services provides dog walking, pet visits, puppy training classes and 1-2-1 dog training consultations. With a growing team of 5, Puppy Tales puts your pets first! We love what we do and ensure that your pets safety is paramount whether they are on a walk or a visit at home.

We provide both solo and group walks. Our group walks are kept to a maximum of 4 dogs to ensure that dogs get enough attention and we can work on recall and lead walking when needed.

Our pet visits including feeding, letting pets out to the toilet and lots of play and cuddles.