A young team having fun at Hoopers. #shfdogfield #happydogshappylife #positivereinforcement #hoopersworld #hertfordshire #cambridgeshire
Slowly does it. Sniffing her way around the woods and then watching and searching for treats out in the open. She is coming along nicely working on predation substituting methods.
Everyone did amazing in this class, we did TD Rally, start of send aways and focus games.
I obviously wasn't taking my shoes off fast enough. He wanted a treat. He's enjoying life and getting his own way in the process. ❤️🐾🐾
It was lovely weather to include TDRally in class, everyone enjoyed learning new skills. Well done to them all.
Hoopers fun in the wind. The dogs were all totally amazing and progressing well. One new young dog joined us, it looks like he’s found something which he enjoys and engaged brilliantly with his young team member.
Welcome little ones. They were all amazing, the wind was gusty but they did so well. One of the things learned was the use of a mat as a positive place to settle.
Oh, he does love his walks even though it means a bath after every one. You have got to love them. ❤️
We asked the puppy class to ask their puppies 5 behaviours of their choice. They all did so well and should be so proud of how far they have progressed on their journeys together. We certainly are proud of them all.
Hoopers fun! Didn’t they do well? How do you spend time with your dog?
Working on placeboards or platforms refining our wait. Well done everyone ❤️🐾🐾
It didn’t take this gorgeous puppy and his family long to learn the counting game. They were amazing and we look forward to seeing them in their next class.
Wow that was definitely a wet day. ❤️🐾🐾
Classes for 2023 have now come to an end. Two earned certificates which were well deserved. We are looking forward to 2024 and welcoming everyone back for more fun. #sensiblepaws #shfdogfield #puppylife #forcefreedogtraining #dogshavingfun #adolescentdogs
My last walk of 2023 blew a few cobwebs away, the wind increased really fast, it wasn’t windy when we started out. He was such a good boy though, through choice he stayed closer to me than usual. ❤️🐾🐾
The power of the nose. He was on the settee when his nose went up and like a bisto kid he followed the scent to the toy on the table (a present, not for him though). You have got to love him ❤️
Hoopers is so much fun and builds confidence / team work. These two are an amazing team, well done to them 👏👏👏