Introducing new guinea pigs to each other:
We recently sadly lost our cheeky teddy family guinea pig Hoggy (who could do the best 'twist' trick ever!)
Her cage mate Mabel now needs a new companion, so is gradually being introduced to two x 1 year old rescue guinea girls, Ermintrude & Gertrude, whose owner could no longer care for them due to illness.
Sows will normally accept new friends in 90% of cases, but some tussling/rumbling is normal and to be expected as long as it's doesn't result in injury. It's best to do the introductions very gradually over days or weeks, in neutral spaces and allow them time to become used to each other's smell.
My daughter Charlotte currently has them living with her while away on an apprenticeship, so she's divided a large C&C cage into two so they can all get used to each other at a safe distance.
Initially they were rumbling and gesturing at each other but things seem to be settling down, as you can see in this video.
I'll post updates as they progress 🤞.