Wishing all of our friends and associates a very Merry Christmas 🤶 🐕 🌲
A little cooling off on the moor! 😱🤣 It’s not all about picking birds 🙄 🦛 🐖
Yes, Sybil had a lovely time on her training day. Thank you. 🐖 🙄🤣🤣
And Kitty taking a blind up the length of the line, on a rabbit.
A 'dry run' for Kitty. Sent for a possible towered bird shot before we had gone into line. Given an area to hunt, from which she produces a live bird. (FB downgrades the video, so you may not see the bird flushed mid-way).
It's that time of year again! #pudding
Moose enjoying some 'down time' at the beach. Love his enthusiasm! Powered by Orijen 😊👍 #orijen #acana
A bit of water fun with Kitty!
Our New Guinea Fowl are great fun, and good for steadiness!