It is a shocking statistic that over 80% of dogs over the age of 8 have Arthritis and it really is a young dog's disease due to the change in floorings, ball throwers etc.
As someone who suffers with chronic pain and Arthritis, I don't want my dogs, they both have Arthritis, to have to endure this without knowing I am doing all I can to alleviate their pain and make them comfortable.
Why should they have to just live with it when there are easy wins at home that you can implement.
The Canine Arthritis Management website is such a useful tool with so much great information on it. One of the best things people can do is to use the Home Assessment Checklist tool.
Check it out; you may be surprised at what you can do to help your dog in your home, in addition to pain relief, hydrotherapy, physio, acupuncture etc.
How CAM Can HelpToolsHome Assessment Tool Home Assessment Tool It has long been understood that physical features in the home can positively or negatively affect people's ability to function safely and independently. Occupational Therapists work within the field of human medicine to as...