Following on from our amazing update today we’d like to ask everyone a huge favour and hope that you can help us raise awareness of the change in the RCVS Code of Conduct.
The change has meant that owners of elderly cats like Boots who are lifted off the streets as strays and euthanised can complain to the RCVS for non scanning.
It means that when your cat disappears and is taken to a vet and euthanised by a person not registered on the microchip your voice will be heard.
These are cats like Bibs and Boots who have driven our determination to see cats recognised in the same way that dogs are so please share this information to all the cat groups you are in and contact us directly or tag us in posts where you see this happening.
“Standards & Advice update: April 2024
This update follows a decision by the RCVS Standards Committee to agree new guidance on compulsory microchipping of cats following the introduction of legislation in England.
In April 2024, our Standards Committee agreed to add guidance on the new legislation which extends the compulsory microchipping requirement to cats into the supporting guidance to the Code of Professional Conduct at Chapter 29 (‘Small animals and microchips’) and Chapter 8 (‘Euthanasia of animals’).
Historically, only dogs have been subject to compulsory microchipping in the United Kingdom. However, from 10 June 2024, by way of the Microchipping of Cats and Dogs (England) Regulations 2023, keepers of cats older than 20 weeks in England will also have to ensure that their cat is microchipped. Guidance has been added into Chapter 29 to support veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses to understand the requirements.
Additionally, Standards Committee agreed to add cats to the guidance in paragraphs 29.30-29.33 of Chapter 29, and paragraph 8.9 of Chapter 8, around scanning for a microchip where a healthy cat is presented for euthanasia and there are no other welfare concerns. This guidance already exists for dogs, having been introduced in 2021 following consultation with Defra.
As outdoor cats may wander and be fed by someone other than the owner, the guidance also highlights that cats may be presented at a practice mistakenly as a stray or for euthanasia because it is considered a nuisance. In these situations where the cat is otherwise healthy, veterinary surgeons should check for a microchip prior to euthanasia to establish whether there is someone other than the person presenting who has responsibility, or is willing to take responsibility, for the cat.”
If you are a rescue or registered breeder please put your contact information on a DEFRA compliant microchip database - we can help you with that so please message us.
Dawn and Sue