
Bimbles We specialise in reactive and non reactive 1-2-1 dog walks. These walks will be conducted by a qualified behaviourist.


Here we have Bailey enjoying a Bimble in the woods.

Which were looking spectacular this morning after last night rain.

We spotted this little one, this morning.The best bit was we all stopped, and stared at each other for a few moments.   ...

We spotted this little one, this morning.

The best bit was we all stopped, and stared at each other for a few moments.

Today George and I were out having a bimble around tawstock wood, and we could hear someone calling and whistling what I...

Today George and I were out having a bimble around tawstock wood, and we could hear someone calling and whistling what I assumed to be a dog. George 's body language was telling me that there wasn't a dog close by. Plus I couldn't here anything charging through the undergrowth.
I can here someone getting closer, then around the corner pops a man holding an aerial.

I asked the man what he had lost?

Turns out he was looking for his hawk.

We had a brief chat, and George and I moved on, we must have gone 10-15 meters and there was a squawk above our heads.

The chaps exclaims "there she is" but he can't see her. In order to pin point exactly where she was he called after me, to ask if I could bring George back around towards him and make her squawk again.

As soon as George was directly underneath her she shouted.

So George got to help in a hunt for a hawk.

She was absolutely stunning. 🥰

Here we have the lovely Dudley.I couldn't resist taking a photo of Dudley and a giraffe in sunglasses 😎                 ...

Here we have the lovely Dudley.

I couldn't resist taking a photo of Dudley and a giraffe in sunglasses 😎

Sometime dogs can just have  a bad day.Yesterday when I went in to pick up Oaken, he was at the door waiting for me. Usu...

Sometime dogs can just have a bad day.

Yesterday when I went in to pick up Oaken, he was at the door waiting for me.
Usual when I pick him he saunters out to greet and is quite calm.

Yesterday he was far more enthusiastic. It was clear to me that something had worked him up.

We did his usual walk, and he has learnt over time that he's safe there, he's learnt that he can enjoy the environment without having to be constantly on guard.

Yesterday however it was like he was expecting a ninja attack at any moment.
Constantly looking around, and fixing on anything moving.

Now that may seem like a huge step backwards. But what it demonstrated to me, was just how far he's come.

Today he was back to his normal self, so fortunately it was just a blip.

I'll probably never know what upset him, as his owners have lots of things in place, to help him stay calm when he's on his own, such as shuttered windows, music playing and an outsider post box.

So my advice for when your dog is having a bad day. Stop the walk and go home! Because neither of you are enjoying the experience.

Go home chill out and try again tomorrow.


Scattered showers the forecast said!!

I'm sure I would have noticed a torrential rain and flooding forecast.

Well I have had a fabulous birthday so far...I have had the best company ( I mean the dogs of course), a mention on the ...

Well I have had a fabulous birthday so far...

I have had the best company ( I mean the dogs of course), a mention on the radio and the sun has shone all day. 😍

This is the superb Dudley. Today I had my first walk with him. We are just getting to know each other, before Mum and Da...

This is the superb Dudley.

Today I had my first walk with him.

We are just getting to know each other, before Mum and Dad go off on holiday.

He is a big beautiful boy. 😍

It was Nancy's last day today.She has come so far. I'm really proud of her, and her humans for putting in the work.Nancy...

It was Nancy's last day today.

She has come so far. I'm really proud of her, and her humans for putting in the work.

Nancy is now at the point where, when she sees something worrying in the distance, she looks straight at her handler for reassurance and is happy to turn away if necessary.

Previously she would lock her gaze onto the scary thing, and would have a bit of a melt down.

Now she is much calmer, and walks for her and everyone else, are a lot less stressful. 😃


Here we have the amazing Frankie.

She has mastered her wait while I walk away and drop some kibble.

Her searching skills are awesome.
Here you can see her using her nose to full effect.👃🏼🐾

Clever girl 😁

Yesterday I came across these 2 beautiful hornets, both on different locations.Fortunately the dogs that I had with me w...

Yesterday I came across these 2 beautiful hornets, both on different locations.

Fortunately the dogs that I had with me when I found them, both know "find it", so I was able to distract them and persuade the hornet to buzz off before it was sniffed by a curious dog.

And yes that is a large bit of kibble next to it for scale.

I must have walked past this hundreds of times in my lifetime. Only spotted it today.Anyone want to take a guess as to w...

I must have walked past this hundreds of times in my lifetime. Only spotted it today.

Anyone want to take a guess as to where it is?

Liley here, is doing her best pose.
I couldn't get her to point at it with her paw though. 😁

Here we can see the amazing Ripley calmly watching the goats.Daddy goat was keeping a close eye on her. If you zoom in y...

Here we can see the amazing Ripley calmly watching the goats.

Daddy goat was keeping a close eye on her. If you zoom in you can see him stood up on the gate.

The big step forward is, now she can look away and focus on me when she's asked.

Clever girl ❤️ 🐾

Scruff has been practicing focusing on me when around cats.The white blob in the window of the house behind him, is a ca...

Scruff has been practicing focusing on me when around cats.

The white blob in the window of the house behind him, is a cat sat on the window ledge.

Not only is Scruff focused, he's so focused that I am able to take a photo.

Today on the way back home, there was a cat in the grass, that was about 4 metres away.

We used "focus" and he didn't even look at it. We were well past it when he spotted it moving quickly through the fence.

He stopped to turn and have a good look, and after a couple of seconds he was ready to move on. 🙂

Previously the sight of a cat would trigger him, and turn him into a Tasmania Devil on a lead, he also redirects when he is in that state. That's why he wears a muzzle.

Today the hard work that we have done together really paid off.

I was so proud of him 🐾😁😍

Bailey would like some more days like today, please.🌱🐾🌞

Bailey would like some more days like today, please.🌱🐾🌞

Well Spring has definitely sprung.Although it's been very windy, it's lovely to see the sun again.To celebrate here we h...

Well Spring has definitely sprung.

Although it's been very windy, it's lovely to see the sun again.

To celebrate here we have...
Dougie in the Bluebells.
George in the wild garlic.
Nancy in the daisy's.
Oaken also in the wild garlic, and Heidi on her way to a windy beach.

George has been helping his Dad with some painting at the weekend. It looks like he may have sat still just long enough ...

George has been helping his Dad with some painting at the weekend.

It looks like he may have sat still just long enough for Dad to brighten up his paws. 😍

The dogs would like to wish you all a very happy Easter 🐰🐣

The dogs would like to wish you all a very happy Easter 🐰🐣


Here we have the delightful Doughe, snuffling out some treats.

Today he did something that really impressed me.

Dougie isn't reactive, just young and enthusiastic. We have been working on not being greeting every dog we meet.

Today as we rounded a bend we came face to face with a Chap and his older Jack Russell. The Jack Russell is perfectly pleasant, but doesn't want dogs in his face.

Doughie saw the dog came around Infront of me, turned his back to the dog and sat beautifully Infront of me looking directly at me!

Turning his back to the dog and sitting down, is a really good calming signal to the other dog, that Doughie isn't a threat to him. The Jack Russell walked right past behind him and didn't bat an eyelid.

I was soo please he chose that behaviour without being asked. 💃🏼😁

Needless to say Dougie was handsomely rewarded for being stuck a clever boy.


Here we have the wonderful Frankie working hard finding the treats.

Turn the sound up and you can hear her little nose working overtime. 🐾🐶

Here we have the amazing Neo, jumping for joy! Well no actually he's jumping for his ball.Neo really loves to play with ...

Here we have the amazing Neo, jumping for joy! Well no actually he's jumping for his ball.

Neo really loves to play with a ball, and on the days when he's struggling to concentrate and shows no interest in the food rewards. I break out the ball, and we will have a quick game to ignite his interest.

Then at the end of the walk, usual in the last 10mins he gets to pick the game.

If he drops the ball and moves away he want to jump and catch it.
If he lays down and lets the ball roll out of his mouth then I hide it.

He's such a clever boy. 🐶🐾❤️

Heidi's beautiful smile is enough to brighten any rainy day. 🐾🐶

Heidi's beautiful smile is enough to brighten any rainy day. 🐾🐶

Well you know it really muddy when the dog slips over, closely followed by me.🐾🤣

Well you know it really muddy when the dog slips over, closely followed by me.🐾🤣

For the first day of spring I think we have had every kind of weather today.Here we have Bailey's walk in the woods and ...

For the first day of spring I think we have had every kind of weather today.

Here we have Bailey's walk in the woods and Neo out in a field.

Poor Neo,I had to shelter him against the hedge at one point it was hailing so hard! Shortly followed by lovely sunshine and a beautiful rainbow 🌈🐾

Nancy has been progressing nicely, She is able to focus on her handler now rather than things in the distance.She can no...

Nancy has been progressing nicely, She is able to focus on her handler now rather than things in the distance.

She can now cope with people walking towards her, with plenty of positive reinforcement.

Today we managed our second pass of a dog without losing total control, greatly helped by the fact that the owner of the other dog had impeccable manners and handled the dog so well that the dogs never made eye contact.👍🏼

Here you can see Nancy practicing "on it" .

Every dog is different, some will work of food other for a game or toy.Gorgeous George here likes to work for huggs. He ...

Every dog is different, some will work of food other for a game or toy.

Gorgeous George here likes to work for huggs. He just loves to press himself against me for some fuss, when he's been a good boy.

When he's on a longline and hears a car coming he starts to get excited, leaving whatever smell he was investigating, to run towards, tail wagging like mad. I direct him to exactly where I want him and at the point were most dogs would be looking for their food reward, George just wants to lean and be stroked. ❤️

I was soo proud of Scruff today. Cats are his main trigger with dogs following a close second.We have been practicing fo...

I was soo proud of Scruff today. Cats are his main trigger with dogs following a close second.

We have been practicing focusing, listening and making good choices.

Today it all came together.

He chose to check in with me, even though he had spotted the cat.
We were practicing "on it", were the dogs place their front paws on objects. Within sight of the cat, when out of the blue, a lady walking her dog, has decided that her dog would like to meet Scruff.

I politely explained that this wasn't going to be a good idea, fully expecting Scruff to lose his cool.

But no, he was still focused and awaiting the next instruction.

I love it when a plan comes together. ☺️

I love my job, especially when the sun shines. 🌞Today I had the pleasure of some fantastic dog company, plus I spotted a...

I love my job, especially when the sun shines. 🌞

Today I had the pleasure of some fantastic dog company, plus I spotted a pair of glossy ibis.

Below we have.Neo, Bailey, Oaken, Lily, Heidi, Dougie and the birds. ☺️🐾

Little wins this week include, Ripley not batting an eyelid when a spaniel was kicking off at her, she patiently waited,...

Little wins this week include, Ripley not batting an eyelid when a spaniel was kicking off at her, she patiently waited, while repeatedly checking in with me, for the owner and dog to move on, so we could get back to the car.

Oaken coped amazing with the enormous monster in the field ( the crop sprayer was working in the next field over) he was happy to walk in the direction he had seen it, and remain calm. ( Being a boxer that is challenging at the best of times). Then the following day he had an off lead dog approach him, the dog stopped 10 metres away, they both froze, and the other dog made the correct choice to run away.
Oaken took it all in his stride and chose to bring his attention back to me, which he was handsomely rewarded for.

And finally Narla walked past a cat!!!!!
It was on the other side of the road, and in full view. She was eyeballing it, but kept checking in with me, then eyeballing it again. But there was no lunging at it or barking.

So proud 🥲


Opening Hours

Monday 10:00 - 16:00
Tuesday 10:00 - 16:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 16:00
Thursday 10:00 - 16:00
Friday 10:00 - 16:00
Saturday 10:00 - 16:00




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