Client spotlight: I was asked a couple of weeks ago what my favourite kind of case was to work with, and if there was ever a dog that could answer that question, it’s Freya. I will admit, her original brief isn’t pretty. Chronically fearful, ex breeding dog, abuse and neglect case. There’s a lot of ways in which I could describe her issues, but to put it simply, the initial challenge was getting her out of either hiding in her crate or a cupboard, and getting her walking from one room to the other without her wetting herself in fear. You’ll be glad to hear she’s doing awesome now - but here’s the truth. When a dog is this bad, as professionals we have to remember - we WILL fail, if that dog doesn’t have the most patient, most committed and most resilient owners. I Have spent maybe 10-12 hours working with Freya over the last year. Her owners spend more time than that working with her every single day, and they have done it for that same year. I can put my A game face on for the couple of hours I spend with her.I can be my best self, I can go to my calmest and most patient place and I can give the dog in front of me everything they need - for the two hours that I am there. Then I can get back in my car, cry out all of the sadness and anger and frustration I am feeling at how a dog could suffer that much - and then I can drive home.Her owners couldn’t do that - they stayed by her side, practiced the training activities at every single stage, for months to get her to the dog that she is today. She now toilets outside, she goes on walks with other dogs, she wags her tail and she plays with toys. Normal, beautiful dog things that mean SO much when you have a dog that started where she did.And why? Because her owners have sacrificed and dedicated everything to a dog that anyone else would have just put down because she was too much work. That level of strength is something that I cannot succeed without. I am humbled by it, I am so grateful for it.So Kirsty and Craig - here’s to you. For a strength of character that is superhuman - to not give up on a dog when everyone else did.I am so grateful for your trust and so proud of you all.