Flow loves her puppy dummy
Flow loves her puppy dummy
Heel work ✅🤣
Heel Work ✅loads of praise🤣
Puppy starter kits in stock dm to order 🐾🐾🎾
The fun has started
The fun has started. #labradortraining
What I call The Basic Routine combining heels set eye contact and retrieving
Here we are with Lucy one of my clients with her young cocker dog where we're working on what we call the basic routine which combines heel,sit,eye contact and a retrieve☺️🐾
I think she might want to go train now ? 😅🤣
I think she wants to going training 🐾☺️
Summer feels along time ago now
Summer feels along time ago now
@bawdenflight @dtboxes#Hampshire #gundog#spaniel #fieldtrialdog#countryside #rurallife #workingcockerspaniel#hampshirespanieltraining#cockerspaniel #springerspanielpuppy #workingcockerpuppy#gundogtrainingkit#gundogpuppy #gundogsupply #gundogtrainer #workingcockerpuppy#workingspringerspanielpuppy#spaniletraining#ess#springerspanielpuppy #springerspanielclub#springerspanielworld #workingspringerspaniel#springtime#spanieltrainingkit#hamsphirespanieltraining#gundogproducts#gundogdummies#gundogdummy#gundoghunting#newpuppy#dtboxes
Keep safe in your first season out with your young dog
Keep safe in your first season with a novice dog🐾
Spaniel Training kitAlpha FeedsDT Boxes
New Honeys Vlog episode out this Sunday 7 pm on our YouTube channel
New Honeys Vlog episode out this Sunday 7 pm on our YouTube channel Hampshire spaniel training
Wiggle bum walking already in the throes of filming Vlog series episode eight
Wiggle bum... Already in the throes of filming honeys next Vlog Ep-8 DT Boxes Alpha Feeds Spaniel Training kit
Gundog stop whistle ways to teach your dog to stop! Out this Sunday at 7pm on our YouTube channel
Gundog stop whistle ways to teach your dog to stop!Out this Sunday at 7pm on our YouTube channel