Lough House Boarding Kennels

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Lough House Boarding Kennels The Pawfect Rural Retreat where cuddles and play are part of the package. No appointment is necessary, just pop along during our opening hours.

Lough House is ideally set in rural isolation on the Moorhouse side of Little Orton village, six miles to the west of Carlisle city centre, Cumbria. First licenced in 1983, Lough House is currently owned and managed by husband and wife Kevin and Louise. We are a small family run boarding kennels dedicated to providing a friendly, caring and secure environment. You can relax during your time away k

nowing that your dog enjoys the personal attention they will receive within our boarding kennels. We do realise that leaving your dog in kennels for the first time can be worrying, so we welcome anyone wishing to inspect our facilities before booking. Take a look at our website and should you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us.


Good morning to our lovely Lough House customers.
It's much brighter outside which is a relief to us all.

Today is our anniversary! 11 years today we moved into Lough House Boarding Kennels, and what an 11 years we've had!

We've have the privilege of looking after so many fabulous pooches. We have had some highs and lows ( more highs than lows - and we'd rather not remember the pandemic).

Everyday is a new adventure in some shape or form.

We would like to thank our customers, past and present, for your support. Thank you for trusting us to care for that very important fur-legged companion of yours. It has been our pleasure, and we look forward to future adventures.

With much love,
Louise and Kevin x


Dear Lough House customers,
We appear to have an annoying 'gremlin' on our telephone line! It is fairly frustrating as there is a constant buzzing noise on the line. This has been reported so let's hope the lovely engineers @ BT will eliminate the gremlin asap. In the meantime please bear with us if we are repeating things on the telephone :)
Kind regards,
Louise & Kevin


Good morning folks! Happy Sunday.
Just a heads up to you all.

Another local kennel has just announced it is closing, and it's pretty quick to be honest!

Whilst space was limited last year this will have a huge impact on the remaining kennels.
Customers who will have made bookings with this kennel are ringing around desperate to find an alternative kennel provision.

So with in mind please do not delay in booking any dates for your fur-legged pooch.

However please be patient if you contact us over the next few days. I have just been discharged from hospital after an emergency admission and poor Kevin has been holding the Fort! So it's a balancing act of catching up whist catching my breath and gaining full strength.

With much love,
Louise and Kevin x


Well that's January done!

Fortunately we had our family break so had some lovely sunshine, along with 2 cyclones!! Kevin also had a fair amount of rum 🤣

It's now back to the good old Cumbrian weather. As always the holiday ads have been a plenty, and people are planning for sunny, summer vacations.

The bookings have been coming in thick and fast whilst we've been away, and we're working our way through them still. It does like it's going to be another crackers year.

So if you plans already and have yet to book your fur-legged pooch into a kennel DO NOT delay.

For those of our lovely customers who have contacted us already, panic not! Your bookings are here, we will be contacting you this week.

Much love to you all,
Louise and Kevin x


Wishing all of our lovely customers and fur legged companions a very Happy New Year.

May you have good health and happiness.

Here's to 2024. Let's hope the Cumbrian weather is much kinder this year!

Best wishes,
Louise and Kevin xx


Good morning Lough House lovelies. It's that time of year again and we cannot truly believe how quickly this year has gone.
It has been full on crackers! We have met lots of new pooches as well as caring for our regular guests. It has been our pleasure to look after your pooches and we hope to welcome them back to stay again in the not too distant future.

With this business comes the inevitable losses of loveable fur-legged friends. It is always hard when we receive calls of losses, they leave a huge void our hearts as well as yours. We are sending our love to those customers who may be having their first Christmas without their loyal companion.

We hope that whatever your plans, you all have a fantastic festive season. Whilst many businesses have wrapped up for the Christmas period, one of our busiest seasons has now kicked in. So I will do my very best to keep Kevin topped up with Christmas delights, saving the odd tipple until after the pooches have been fed, watered and had their playtimes. (ooh and had their Christmas stockings from us).

Thank you all once again, your continued support is very much appreciated.
Sending you all much love and best wishes.
Louise & Kevin xx


Phew! Phone line now working.

Additional update for our lovely customers .........

Bookings are coming in thick and fast for 2024 🙈.

So, if you have known dates already do not delay in booking for your pooch(es) please.
It's been a slightly crackers year 🤪

Take care,
Louise & Kevin x


Dear Lough House customers.

There is currently a fault on our landline number, and this has been reported to BT.
They are in the process of diverting calls to the mobile however signal here can be haphazard.

Any problems please message us on Facebook or via email please, [email protected]

Kind regards,
Louise and Kevin


Half way down, hot chocolate break!

They did it!

They did it!

At the top!

At the top!

Just checking our head torches work!

Just checking our head torches work!

To say I am incredibly proud of the two men in my life is an understatement!In the early hours of this morning Kevin & R...

To say I am incredibly proud of the two men in my life is an understatement!
In the early hours of this morning Kevin & Ryan drove to Keswick to participate in this event for an amazing local charity.
Sadly the sunrise was not forthcoming due to the cloud cover, but the group battled against 40mph winds to reach the summit of Skiddaw.
Kevin, pre-Lough House, has climbed a number of fells in the Lake District, but he has said what a tough climb this was. He is truly buzzing with the excitement of having completed it.
Ryan, our son, who has had open heart surgery twice in his 19 years, took it all in his stride ( according to Kevin). We are very proud parents!

They are now having a well deserved snooze 😴!

As with any charity, all donations, are gratefully received, and much needed. As a family we know how tough it is to go through illnesses and major operations, however we are fortunate to tell the tales.
Some families are not so lucky and sadly need charities such as Eden Hospice & Jigsaw.

So our plea to you our lovely Lough House customers, IF you are able to make a donation to this local charity, please click on the just giving page. 60 people took part in this event raising £8000 but with your help we could add to that figure.
For those of you who have already donated thank you once again from the bottom of our hearts.

Thanks for reading,
Louise & 2 very tired men!

Help Louise Courtney raise money to support Eden Valley Hospice



Dear Lough House lovelies,
Kevin and Ryan (our son) will be participating in this challenge on Sunday 17th Sept. All donations are for a wonderful local charity.

Kevin and Ryan would be most grateful if you could take the time to read this, and if possible donate on their just giving page.

P.S. For those customers bringing their dogs in the following day he may be a little sleep deprived so be gentle xx

Thanks in advance
Louise, Kevin and Ryan

Stars to Sunrise 2023 - JustGiving


Good morning everyone, and a Happy Anniversary to US!
Yes it's our 10 year anniversary of moving up to Cumbria and buying Lough House Boarding Kennels.
In those years we have had the pleasure of caring for gorgeous pooches, and meeting their lovely owners of course.
Fun filled times in the paddock, heart breaking at times hearing about inevitable losses and let's not forget a 'pandemic' to contend with.
We would both like to say a huge thank you for your continued support and custom.
Another 10 years???? Who knows what the future will bring but for now, thank you ###
Louise & Kevin


Hello Lough House lovelies! Hope you are all keeping well and happy.
So from a good old Celine Dion classic song - Think Twice.
"But baby, this is serious (This is serious)!"

I hear you cry, what on earth are you going on about Louise & Kevin??!!
Well the point of this post is, things are getting serious. So many kennel closures in the area with a couple more now going onto the market. Who knows how quickly these will sell, or indeed if they will be sold as a going concern.
Demand for kennel space continues to exceed capacity so it is never too early to book your dog(s) into kennels if you are going away.

So back to Celine, before you book a last minute holiday for yourselves, Think Twice and contact your boarding kennels first!
This is a serious post, not just the lyrics of a song :)

Take care,
Louise & Kevin xx


Thinking of what to do with your pets this summer when you head off on your holiday?

Animal Boarding Establishments are routinely inspected to make sure they comply with lawful requirements.

But did you know that home boarding services may also need to be licensed?

Check for a licence number or contact us before you book your pet into their care to make sure that they are meeting the welfare standards you expect for your much loved pet.


Dear Lough House followers. We hope life is treating you all well.

We are keeping busy here, as always. Welcoming both regular pooches back , whilst making new acquaintances with our new guests.

Whilst we are still only in mid-March, we have NEVER seen bookings come in quite so thick and fast.
We turned so many people away last year however we sense this year will be much worse.

There are dates throughout the year where we are fully booked already.

PLEASE do not forget your pooches holiday when booking your own getaway. The reduction in available kennels in our area has become more apparent with each passing day.

With our kind regards,
Louise and Kevin x


Dear Lough House customers,
It has been brought to our attention that there is a nationwide shortage of the kennel cough vaccine.
If your dog is booked into Lough House please check with your registered vets about availability of the vaccine and which type is available, and please check timescales with us because our requirements will differ from some vets and the manufacturing guidance.
When a booking is made we will check current vaccination status, and if they are due for renewal we will advise the minimum timescales.
Kind regards
Louise & Kevin


We are still working our way through a huge number of calls/emails/fb messages etc which we received whilst on holiday, whilst still taking new calls on a daily basis.

It is looking even slightly crazier than last year!
So many people struggled to get their dogs booked into kennels last year so perhaps this is the reason.

There are 'pressure points' already with some dates, even October half term, so once again we are flagging - if you are going away and you know your dates please do not leave it too late.

We are taking bookings from customers who are unable to book into their 'regular' kennels and that restricts our space for our regular customers.

With regard to bookings already made we will be following up on outstanding deposits this week.
Many thanks for your understanding.

With love
Louise & Kevin, Lough House xx


Dear all,

We have returned from our family vacation and are 'pretty much ready' to face the year ahead. It has been busy with calls, emails and Facebook messages during our break so the next few days we will be catching up and returning calls.
There are a number of dates which are filling up fast, May half term and October half term in particular.
If you have dates booked for holidays please do not delay in booking kennel space for your pooches.

With our very best wishes.
Louise & Kevin x


Due to a cancellation a kennel has now become available for February half term week. Please contact asap.


As we are nearing the end of 2022, we would like to wish our customers and their fur legged pooches a very Happy New Year.

We truly hope 2023 brings you all much love, and happiness.

Thank you once again for your support and loyalty, and we hope to see you in the weeks and months ahead.

With much love,
Louise and Kevin x


Dear Lough House customers. We cannot believe Christmas is nearly upon us, it seems only 5 minutes since last year!!!!!

What a year it has been. Full on pupsters, and new beginnings, whilst still entertaining our regular boarders.

We are forever grateful for your business and your loyalty, it truly means the world to us.

We would like to wish you, your families and your fur legged pals the merriest of Christmases and a Happy New Year.

We have a busy Christmas / New Year ahead, but then will be taking a long overdue/ much needed family vacation in January.

Family will be house sitting ( and looking after our pooches) , but all calls will be managed by our lovely PA Gwen from Curlew secretarial solutions.
Emails and Facebook messages will be monitored by us but there may be a delayed response ( depends how quickly we can tear ourselves off the sunbeds or away from the bar).

Love and best wishes to you all.
Louise and Kevin.


We need some cheer.

Come on England!!


We need some good cheer!

Come on England! X


Dare we say 'Christmas parties!' Or even ' Christmas markets!?' Or even just Christmas!

If you need your pooch or pooches cared for whilst you dance the night away, shop the day away or embrace the mulled wine way. Call us!

Remember kennel closures = limited space.

We've had the last couple of years with party poopers ( aka the government) changing our plans. Do not let us be the ones to spoil your plans this year.

Look forward to meeting you under the mistletoe.
With love, Louise and Kevin x


Well what a year it has been, and it's still only September!
So many kennel closures, so many puppies. The truth is capacity versus demand.

Bookings coming in fast and furious for 2023, and beyond!
This is not sales pitch, its reality!

We could say ' only so ..... kennels available for ......., or only x amount of kennels available for ... , or fully booked for ... . ...

What we really want to say is ' if you know your dates, book them!'

We have turned so many bookings away this year. It's not nice, it's not enjoyable, it's fact!

# book now ######


Dear Lough House customers,

Whilst we remain open for previously arranged customer collections, and our daily routine with the boarders remains the same, we would like to pay our respects to our late Queen.

We will be watching the funeral as best we can, and will not be answering the phone throughout this time.
Should your call be urgent please leave a message and we will return your call as soon as we are able to do so.

Alternatively please email us on [email protected] or message via Facebook.

With our kindest regards
Louise and Kevin x


Opening Hours

Monday 08:30 - 12:00
14:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 08:30 - 12:00
14:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 08:30 - 12:00
14:00 - 18:00
Thursday 08:30 - 12:00
14:00 - 18:00
Friday 08:30 - 12:00
14:00 - 18:00
Saturday 10:00 - 12:00
14:00 - 18:00
Sunday 10:00 - 12:00
16:00 - 18:00




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