A Dog's Tale - Dog Training

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A Dog's Tale - Dog Training Reward based dog training and behaviour. 121s and group classes. Fully insured & qualified.

We recently worked with little Vinnie and his owner. We have received updates and it's lovely to see the progress him an...

We recently worked with little Vinnie and his owner.
We have received updates and it's lovely to see the progress him and his owner are making ❤️

🐾 Another great 121 session with Freddie completed today! I love working with this boy, super eager to please and very q...

🐾 Another great 121 session with Freddie completed today!
I love working with this boy, super eager to please and very quick to learn.
Freddie has been getting on well and is mostly choosing to do the right thing around dogs. Definitely an improvement in his handler focus since last time! Freddie's recall is also one of the best I've seen. Great dog and his owners are doing really well too 😊

🌟 Progress Report 🌟Ella's tale ❤️Ella is a rescue dog who is an ex racing greyhound. Being an ex racer it is likely Ella...

🌟 Progress Report 🌟

Ella's tale ❤️

Ella is a rescue dog who is an ex racing greyhound. Being an ex racer it is likely Ella had little experience of life outside the tracks and had probably also never seen any other breeds of dog except other greyhounds!
Ella landed on her feet when she was rescued and her owners have done the most amazing job!
When we first worked with Ella she was a bit of an anxious bean. She lacked some social skills with other dogs and sometimes wasn't sure how to act around them. When she was worried she would lunge and growl.
We put a plan in place to help Ella with her confidence and support her. Ella's owners have been working consistently with her and have done the best job! We have just been sent an update and some lovely photos.
Ella has grown in confidence and now has not one but multiple dog friends 🙌🏻🙌🏻.

Let all appreciate the fact that some of her friends are teeny tiny pups as well which is extra difficult for a greyhound!
Well done team Ella 🎉


My heart is breaking. 💔
To all the XL bully owners out there who are raising kind, gentle and well behaved dogs we support you.

We do not agree with BSL and it does not work, dog bites and attacks are higher now than before BSL. The blame is not in the breed. We need to start looking at the irresponsible owners and the breeders with no morals.

Please read Battersea's statement for more information.

Battersea is part of the Dog Control Coalition, which is made up of RSPCA, Blue Cross, Battersea, Dogs Trust, Hope Rescue, Scottish SPCA, The Kennel Club and British Veterinary Association. As experts in animal welfare, we have provided the following statement in relation to the Prime Minister’s c...

Please be careful which trainers and/or methods you choose to use and follow. There is a trainer at the moment with a hu...

Please be careful which trainers and/or methods you choose to use and follow.

There is a trainer at the moment with a huge following on social media who claims to help and fix dogs. The videos show him abusing dogs. Using aversive methods and harsh handling. Afterwards the dogs appear to be "calm" no longer lunging at him and trying to bite. However they are not calm, they are far from it, they are showing huge stress signals and avoidant behaviours. These dogs have not been trained. They are in shock, exhaustion and are unable to escape the abuse and torture from him so they give up trying. This does not mean they are fixed. There are a million reasons why his methods are wrong, and I could write pages on it. He doesn't address their issues, emotions or their fears. He has simply suppressed their current behaviour through fear and pain. This does not mean the behaviour won't reoccur. In fact, it is likely it will reoccur. The dogs behaviour will eventually explode and the behaviour will be worse.
Instead of forcing a dog with pain and fear to give up and become helpless whilst still living with the same fears and emotions, we should be trying to understand these dogs. Gain their trust and show compassion and kindness. Work with them by changing their emotions and treating the reason for the behaviour. This is not dog training.
Follow Zak George for further information and updates.

⭐️How can we help you? ⭐️We offer various different services to meet the needs of your dog. All our sessions are tailore...

⭐️How can we help you? ⭐️

We offer various different services to meet the needs of your dog.
All our sessions are tailored to the individual dog and what you as the owners want to achieve and succeed in 🎉

🐶 1:1 Training- These sessions are ideal for any dog, young or old that require some support with any training. This can include learning all puppy/dog life skills, loose lead walking, recall, and more!

🐶 1:1 Behaviour consultations and modification - These sessions are for the dogs that are showing more complex behaviours and require more in depth support and guidance. In these sessions we aim to change your dogs emotional response. some examples include fear or anxiety based behaviour and reactivity. Please know you are not alone if you and your dog are struggling. 💗

🐶 Training walks - This service is becoming very popular in the dog training world. If you find you are short on time and wish you could do more training with your dog. Or if you want to accelerate your dogs training and work alongside a trained professional then this is a great way to do it. In these sessions we take your dog out on a walk for you and train them. Bonus!

🐶 We also offer pre adoption/recue sessions. We can make sure you are ready to welcome your new addition to your family. This could include advice on breeds their traits and if they will fit your lifestyle, the right set up and equipment before your new member arrives, what to expect in the first few days, an introduction to dog body language and training to get on with straight away. It's never too early to be prepared!

🐶 Dog walking - Although the main focus of our services is training and behaviour we do have some availability for dog walks. We only walk one dog at a time as we believe it is only right that the dog we are walking has our whole attention and focus. We can tailor the walk to what the individual enjoys and enrich their walks. You can relax knowing your dog is on a walk with someone who has 10+ years experience with dogs and is confident in dealing with different behaviours.

🐶Group training classes- We are currently in the process of looking for a venue to start puppy and dog training group classes in. Give our page a follow and hopefully we will have more news on this in the future!

For further information on prices and packages (Everyone likes an offer!) see our website - www.adogstaletraining.co.uk

✨P.S - Don't forget that as lovers and supporters of rescue, we offer a 15% discount to anyone booking with us that has adopted a rescue dog in the last 6 months!✨

We recently had a behaviour consult with this gorgeous boy. I was so excited to get my hands on this pup. Me? Help a 7 m...

We recently had a behaviour consult with this gorgeous boy. I was so excited to get my hands on this pup. Me? Help a 7 month old staffy puppy! YES!
This is Freddie😍
Freddie has been struggling with his reactions around other dogs at times. When I met him we discovered that when given the choice and freedom he avoids dogs and isn't the most confident boy. But when Freddie lacks options or feels worried he can become reactive. We put a training plan in place to help change how Freddie feels about other dogs and give him the skills needed to make more appropriate choices. Freddie and his owners have been working on stage one so far. We can't wait to see how they get on and work with him again soon 🙌🏻🙂

How is this comfortable?! 🤣In his favourite safe snooze spot, my lap ❤️

How is this comfortable?! 🤣
In his favourite safe snooze spot, my lap ❤️

Who are we? Its about time we introduced ourselves!Hello 👋I'm Sarah and I am the owner of A Dogs Tale and qualified dog ...

Who are we? Its about time we introduced ourselves!

Hello 👋
I'm Sarah and I am the owner of A Dogs Tale and qualified dog trainer and behaviourist.

🐾 I have always loved dogs and can't imagine doing any other job! I have been working with dogs for over a decade. Almost 9 of these years were spent working at Battersea, training and assessing the dogs. This is were I gained a huge amount of experience and knowledge working with some of the most amazing rescue dogs. I worked with dogs of all sizes and breeds and gained experience in different areas of behaviour and issues. As well as working in the kennels I also fostered some of the dogs that needed a little more time and TLC. Django was my 10th foster dog, and he got to stay. 🥰 It's a miracle I didn't end up with more!

🐾I hold a BSC Hons in animal behaviour from Manchester Metropolitan university and I Qualified and passed with distinction at the Victoria Stillwell dog training academy. I am also currently studying for an advanced diploma in canine behaviour management. I am always on the look out for further courses to keep up to date.

🐾 I am also a dog trainer for canine assisted learning. Helping to train dogs to help in schools. Check out canine assisted learning's page they do some amazing things.

🐾I am a positive reinforcement trainer, training with kindness (and treats!), building trust and relationships is at the core of how I work. I use methods that are ethical and scientifically backed.

🐾 Experienced with many different behaviours and issues and specialise in rescue dogs and anxious/fearful dogs.

Hello! We are back! After a much longer break than anticipated we are ready to relaunch and get back to training with yo...


We are back!

After a much longer break than anticipated we are ready to relaunch and get back to training with your wonderful dogs 🐕

So where have we been?
There's been some quite big changes!

🌸 We took a break over COVID due to shielding as I was put on the vulnerable list due to pregnancy.

🌸 In 2020 the dogs tale family grew by 1. I now have the most wonderful daughter who I am training up to be the next great dog trainer! Her and Django have the most amazing bond ❤️

🌸Lastly, I continued our break after maternity leave as we sold our house and moved!

We are now based in Hampshire and are looking forward to meeting some of your dogs!

I couldn't step away from dogs for all that time so have continued learning about dogs and doing plenty of webinars and courses over our break. We have been coming up with some new ideas and services for you all too including starting up our intensive dog training walks 🐶

There must be someone out there who will take Henry home. He's such a gentle soul at heart and the biggest cuddler. He h...

There must be someone out there who will take Henry home. He's such a gentle soul at heart and the biggest cuddler. He has been waiting far too long for his new home.
Please share 🙏

This Valentine's Day Henry here has dressed up for the occasion, in the hope that someday soon he can find that special someone. 💙

Henry can be a bit apprehensive when he first meets people but before long his loving and scatty side shines through, and he simply adores curling up together once he's bonded with you. Learn more about our matching process and how to rehome a Battersea dog like Henry: https://bit.ly/3BmO9TP

Please be careful, not all "advice" is good advice. In this particular episode this dog was clearly in pain and that is ...

Please be careful, not all "advice" is good advice.

In this particular episode this dog was clearly in pain and that is the cause of the behaviours. A good trainer will never ignore these signs and will always consider pain and know the signs to look for.

The " trainer" in this program chose to ignore these signs. To then label the dog as a diva and a madam is irresponsible. To then go on and force them to do things that will cause further pain is disgusting and unethical.
This is not the first time this trainers methods have been questioned and it's scary that he has a platform and a TV show!

Please do your research and use a kind, ethical, reward based trainer. Even if you choose not to train with me please look in to your chosen trainer. I can recommend plenty of great trainers in and out of my area so get in contact for help and recommendations.

2024 update -

This post was made two years ago and has recently been getting attention again. The sad thing is that actually nothing has changed. This program is still being made. There is ( as far as I know - and very happy to be corrected if I am wrong) no veterinary involvement with these dogs prior to filming.

How many more dogs are going to be labled as awkward, difficult, stubborn or just lazy when actually there is an underlying pain issue?

We have so many wonderful trainers and behaviourists that could fill this man’s shoes and provide far more valuable advice and training. Stop giving people like this man air time… pick someone who actually cares about the wellbeing of the dogs they work with instead of the cash going to line their pockets…


Some phrases used on this particular episode of ‘Dogs behaving (very) badly’ where 8 year old Ruby would only get off the sofa if the rug was over the laminate flooring, and would sit down and stop on walks…

‘being a madam’

‘Controlling the diva’

‘Indulging her with rugs’

‘Thinks she’s in charge’


Is this actually a dog in pain, a dog scared of slipping and hurting, a dog trying to tell everyone that she’s uncomfortable?

It’s not indulging her with a rug, it’s making sure her own home is accessible and safe for her. She’s not ‘being a diva’ and refusing to walk, she’s telling you it hurts and she’s uncomfortable.

I’m very glad that the owners realise that this dogs weight is having a significant impact on her life but there are other things that need addressing here. I have no doubt they absolutely adore their girl, that is very clear to see, but I desperately wish they had the right kind of support for Ruby, not just let’s force her to walk and walk on a floor she’s is scared

Dogs Behaving Very Badly and The Dogfather (Graham Hall)… I’m afraid the blame falls to you on this occasion. You have a massive platform with thousands of dog owners watching every episode. How about talking about signs of pain? Indicators of discomfort? When behaviours actually tell us somethings wrong? Ways to adapt houses for older dogs and those that struggle with mobility? You could educate SO MANY owners but no, it doesn’t happen. Instead we just see an uncomfortable dog being forced to walk when she doesn’t want to, and live in an environment that she is scared of.

Dogs need us to advocate for them, to realise when we need to do more and to learn the ways that they tell us something isn’t right. Owner education is the key to this and this could have been a brilliant opportunity to do just that.

We recently spent some time with the lovely Ella, and how beautiful is she?!? Ella has recently been rehomed from a grey...

We recently spent some time with the lovely Ella, and how beautiful is she?!?

Ella has recently been rehomed from a greyhound rescue so her owners took advantage of our rescue package/deal. She is doing so well in her new home and settling in, she particularly enjoys the sofa!
Her owners are also doing a wonderful job of helping her settle in and relax and they needed a little guidance with Ella around dogs as she can lunge and growl.
We worked on building her confidence out and about and learning to put trust in her handler. We also gave her more choice on her walks to explore and make the right choices.
Ella did so well and even politely greeted some dogs on her walk.
Well done Ella, looking forward to seeing her progress and spending time with her again soon ❤️


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday 09:00 - 17:00


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A Dog’s Tale - A Dog Training Adventure!

Here at a Dog's Tale we love what we do and it shows. We are a fully insured and fully qualified dog training company dedicated to both you and your dog. We will guide both human and dog through the amazing world of dog training. Helping you understand your dog better and develop your skills at the same time. We believe that every dog has a tale to tell and complete, as their pet parents it is our job to help them along the way. Dog training should be fun and our aim is to make dog training enjoyable for all, both human and dog. We think dog training rules!

As lovers of rescue dogs and working in rescue we have experience with all breeds big and small, as well as dealing with a range of different behaviours and issues. One of the main reasons A Dog's Tale was created was to help support dogs to live in our human world and help owners to be the guiding hand their dog may need from time to time. We hope that if we can help people develop their skills and knowledge as well as training well-adjusted dogs we can reduce the amount of dogs that end up in rescue.

How Do We Work? We strongly believe that dogs are a part of the family and the bonds between human and dogs can be amazing. Dog training is a partnership between our dogs and us, therefore we only ever use force free and reward based training. We train with compassion, kindness and of course some tasty treats! Not only does this mean you create an awesome relationship with your pooch but it is also backed by scientific evidence. We want training to be something you both look forward to and enjoy.

We dedicate our utmost energy to every Dog training adventure we take on. Every tale is different - How will yours unfold?