Rachael Claire - Dog Behaviour

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Rachael Claire - Dog Behaviour Hi I'm Rachael 🙋🏼‍♀️
Separation anxiety specialist ✨
Clinical Animal Behaviour post grad 📚

Heroes 🫶🏼

Heroes 🫶🏼


When Mac started his separation training in June we started just by getting him used to his owners walking towards the door, at which point he would try and block their exit

Here he is today at the end of his 10 MINUTE ABSENCE alone in the house 🤩

He rarely moves a muscle from start to finish now, and if he does it's to settle on the sofa and never to block the door

If you would like to start 2024 by tackling your dog's separation anxiety email [email protected]. Now taking bookings for January 💫

Dangerous dog legislation isn't working. If it was we wouldn't be seeing dog bites increasing year on year.Banning breed...

Dangerous dog legislation isn't working.

If it was we wouldn't be seeing dog bites increasing year on year.

Banning breeds makes them more desirable as status dogs.

The answer is investing in education. And in legislating breeding.

If politicians would spend any time talking to experts in the field, rather than having kneejerk reactions to media outcry, they would realise this.

The APBC does not believe, and sees no evidence, that banning a particular breed/type of dog has worked in the past, or will work now.

There is no evidence that the American XL Bully and its variations are more predisposed to aggressive and erratic behaviour, than other dogs.

Regardless of breed, type or size, all dogs, including American XL Bullies, require responsible ownership.

Clearly, the stronger and more powerful the dog, the greater the responsibility on us humans to keep everyone safe.

The APBC recommends that a more considered approach is required to address the growing problem of dog-related injuries.

The situation is complex and an effective solution involves addressing the breeding and responsible sourcing of dogs, education on responsible dog ownership and enforcing animal welfare laws in order to protect both the public and dogs.

Anne McBride
APBC Chair



In a historic moment for animal welfare, we’re welcoming news today that the Government is completely banning the use of remote controlled electric shock collars in England, as of 1 February 2024, following our ten year campaign. To find out more, visit thekennelclub.org.uk/shockcollarsbanned


Lovely communication demo 🫶

Online scentwork classes will be starting on Wednesday 12th April✨Limited spaces Scentwork is something that I introduce...

Online scentwork classes will be starting on Wednesday 12th April

✨Limited spaces

Scentwork is something that I introduce into a lot of behaviour programmes

It reduces stress and gets dogs who are hypervigilant to focus on one thing. This is really useful for reactive dogs to get them to relax on walks

If your dog has a strong hunt drive it is a great outlet for it

It's also just really fun to teach and all dogs can learn to love nosework

Classes will run on Google Meet once a week for 4 weeks

You will get access to an online course platform where the videos will be stored, and where you can ask questions and upload your own training videos for feedback

If you can't make the live sessions it's no problem, they will be recorded for you to watch when you like

We will cover -

📃Supply list for scentwork

📥An introduction to scentwork including why it is so beneficial, how to prepare scent boxes and introducing your dog to scent

💓Easy hunting games to build your dog's desire to scent track

🐕Training your dog to indicate on a scent (the lovely nose pointing behaviour that you see in sniffer dogs)

🐽Teaching your dog to search for scents in different places and levels

🕵️Adding in challenging searches including heights and hidden placements

£47 for the 4 week course

Any questions pop them below 👇😊

Sign up - https://www.rachaelclairedogbehaviour.co.uk/challenge-page/7489df33-2aa0-4065-a9ed-a4cdf17f02bf?fbclid=PAAaaUL07yCqs1wF173ckmZWKRUb800-Ll5GIDbKwUIOLXnumBDm36j4-NNik


The thrill of the stalk... 🕵️

I know it doesn't look it, but Pablo comes from a very long line of expert hunters

Podencos aren't meant to be pets, they are bred and born to hunt small furries

They get their dopamine hits from the chase and kill

So before you think 'my dog could never do that'..

Believe me you rarely find dogs who are more proficient than Pods

Pablo has caught rabbits, so it is in him!

We work a lot on whenever we see a small furry

It involves reminding the dog to stay in the stalk from a distance they can manage to

You then reward any disengagement from the animal

There is no tension on this long line! He can run if he wants to

Sighthound followers how many 🐿️ here?


Who would have thought this boy is at the vets to dicuss his anxiety 💁

His mat training has worked wonders for his vet phobia

He went on the scales because his mat was there

He led down in the waiting room throughout

He even led down on his mat in the consult room!!!

Mats become a safety zone that you can take with you everywhere

It gives them something to focus on in otherwise scary situations

This might be in the car, the groomers or the vets

Our vets are fantastic and give us the last appointment when the building is empty and are very understanding of his vet phobia

They take time to allow him to acclimatise without interacting with him and then feed him from a distance until he's approaching

Tell your vets if your dog is scared of them! They will make adjustments for you

It is as much in their interest as it is in your dog's to ensure they are are chilled as possible

Most vets also allow you to bring your dog in for treats regularly to build positive associations between visits and it is well worth scheduling this in every now and again

Imagine you're for some reason you will never understand, taken from your home by an Amazonian tribeYou don't speak the ...

Imagine you're for some reason you will never understand, taken from your home by an Amazonian tribe

You don't speak the language, you don't understand the culture, their way of life. Everything is alien

When you do things the only way you know, you are physically punished because it's not the 'right' way in their eyes

You don't know what you're doing wrong but you have to try and work it out quickly. Or just stop doing anything if the punishments are painful enough

This sounds ludicrous, dramatic and click baity I know. But it's absolutely the reality for all dogs

We are aliens who bring them into our world without giving them any choice about it. But have the audacity to blame them when they don't fit into OUR lives

I've had calls from people who say that my training method of stopping leaving a dog who can't cope alone, or avoiding dogs if they are reactive isn't feasible and wouldn't fit around their lifestyle

Maybe we should consider that our lifestyle needs to fit around the animals who we chose to live with us, as they don't have the option to say it isn't fitting around their lifestyle

The dog training world is toxic right now. Trainers are fighting eachother, trainers are quitting, trainers are getting 'cancelled'. We've completely lost sight of why we all do it, no matter what our training style or what the other side thinks of it. Which is to help dogs. But in my eyes it is absolutely never necessary to use punishment to change behaviour

It’s Random Acts of Kindness Day. How about, though, instead of just today, and instead of randomly, we agree to train dogs with kind and gentle methods, rather than cruel and violent ones?

Our strange human world is scary enough for dogs as it is, without choosing training methods that make things worse.

Choose kindness. Everyday.


Focus and impulse control around movement is hard for working breed dogs, especially when they're adolescent

So I'm so proud of Ellie and her parents for getting this amount of attention from her with her dog pal running around in the background

We walked around the whole field and she didn't give the dog a second thought

A week ago she was lunging and jumping at dogs and people so she is showing a huge amount of restraint

All we have used is positive reinforcement for one week to get these behaviours, consistency and patience is key and never underestimate the power of eye contact training!


One week progress from Ellie 🤩

A week ago like a typical adolescent Lab she was pulling like a train

Her owners had been told that because she is a gun dog breed she needed to be slip leaded to walk nicely (they knew they didn't want to do this..)

And we have proven that with treats alone, patience and a good harness you don't need to use force at any point

If you are ever taken aback by how much a trainer charges for 'an hour' bear this in mind 👇It is never just an hour

If you are ever taken aback by how much a trainer charges for 'an hour' bear this in mind 👇

It is never just an hour

When you hire a dog trainer it is MUCH more than an hour of their time...

This is so they can give owners and their dog the very best ongoing support, with effective long term results.

Here at PPN our Members go through an online assessment to meet our guiding principles and ethics.

Our community is friendly, safe, supportive and inspiring so we can grow together and help more dog owners.

When choosing a dog trainer we recommend checking the following:

Associations they are aligned, study with or are members of, accreditations, CPD, knowledge, skills, experience, methods of training, references and testimonials.

Kindness, empathy and understanding should be at the forefront of what they do and dog owners should never be made to feel guilty or uncomfortable.

Here at PPN we are a people and animal friendly community – animal and human welfare is our number one priority. We help stamp out unethical business practices and raise the standards of the industry to provide pet owners with the most trusted of services.

We are proud to support and follow the principles of the Hierarchy of Dogs Needs Do No Harm Dog Training in which our Members proactively promote force free or fear free training and handling methods.

Pet Professional Network

'Together we are stronger'

Kind. Ethical. Trusted

When I first met Syd his tolerance was 20 seconds of alone time at which point he would get anxiousToday he reached 20 M...

When I first met Syd his tolerance was 20 seconds of alone time at which point he would get anxious

Today he reached 20 MINUTES of anxiety free alone time 🥳

His parents have worked so hard from day 1 and can finally start having some freedom

They baked him a cake to celebrate his milestone 🥹

Biggest well done Syd and his parents 🎉

Get in touch if you're struggling with a separation anxiety dog, there can be light at the end of the tunnel!

Separation anxiety training doesn't involve
🏛️ Crates
😭 Crying, barking, howling
😟 Your dog panicking
🦴 Food
💥 Punishment such as bark or shock collars
✋ Ignoring your dog until they are 'calm'
♂️ Trying to be the 'alpha'

The training is so simple you won't believe it..

Link below to book a free strategy call 👇



Incredible work 💪

Feels like Spring is finally on the way doesn't itThis means (hopefully) no more slipping on ice for us humans 🙏Remember...

Feels like Spring is finally on the way doesn't it

This means (hopefully) no more slipping on ice for us humans 🙏

Remember how scary it was to walk in slippy conditions?

Having to hold your arms out to maintain balance

Shuffle along the floor to reduce the chances of falling

Feeling like every step was a step towards face planting or breaking a bone

What does this have to do with dogs..?

Pain is a huge driver of behavioural issues and the sad fact is that a lot of dogs are in pain

Joint and musculoskeletal issues are rife in many breeds and unfortunately for us, dogs are pain masking experts so we often don't know that they are uncomfortable

Imagine how stressful it is for a dog who isn't in pain to have to walk on slippy floors every day, let alone for those that are already finding movement agonising

Imagine living on an ice rink!

This is the reality for dogs who live in homes with lino, tiled or laminate floors

It's really relevant as this can massively increase anxiety and unease at home

You might find your dog is reluctant to enter certain rooms

Or is skidding when they try and run

Putting down runners can make a huge difference to behaviour and your dog's overall anxiety levels

Has anyone noticed this before with their dogs?

Syd has just aced his way into the 12 minute club 🤩

Syd has just aced his way into the 12 minute club 🤩



Firstly, Happy New Year!

Secondly, to help you kick it off right I am running a FREE 3 day separation anxiety training challenge starting on the 29th January.

There will be live training each evening, a free training plan and a chance to have any questions answered throughout.

If one of your New Year's resolutions was to finally get your dog's SA sorted then take this as your sign to join!

See you there :)

Sign up for the completely FREE 3 day separation anxiety training course. Once you subscribe you will receive a link to the Facebook group.

Thinking of everyone who is worried about doing Christmas with an anxious dogSeparation anxiety, visitor reactivity and ...

Thinking of everyone who is worried about doing Christmas with an anxious dog

Separation anxiety, visitor reactivity and aggression can be really hard to manage over Christmas

Sensory overload and change of routine is a catalyst for anxiety (for everyone)

Preparation is the key to success, so arm yourself with all of the calming stuff like Lickimats and Kongs

And a kilo of pate 🫠

And don't be afraid to ask people to leave your dog alone

Merry Christmas from me and Pablo, I hope it's a chilled one for all of you ❤


Competition over on Instagram 👉


When is there a better time to start changing your life than New Year?

If you're struggling living with a separation anxiety dog

Or if you have a puppy and want to make sure you get alone time training right first time


1 winner will receive...

👩🏼‍💻A voucher for a 1-2-1 remote separation anxiety consultation
📱2 weeks of unlimited follow up help
📝Behaviour report sent to your vet
📲2 weeks of free training app access

VALUE £249

👩🏼‍💻 Open to everyone including past clients who would like a catch up

This competition is only on Instagram and will close on NYE when the winner will be announced


🎁 Give the gift of freedom this Christmas!🎅What better present to give someone living with a separation anxiety dog than...

🎁 Give the gift of freedom this Christmas!

🎅What better present to give someone living with a separation anxiety dog than the tools to start getting their freedom back in 2023

🤶Voucher available for 1 off 1-2-1 sessions right up to programmes that will get their dog to an hour of anxiety free alone time

🎄Vouchers are completely customisable and printable and can be paid for in installments if you wish

LINKS TO ORDER 🥰 https://linktr.ee/rachaelclairedogbehaviour


I can't recommend scratch boards enough for dogs who are worried by nail clipping

I tried desensitisating Pablo to clippers and a grinder and it just wasn't happening

With a scratch board they don't even know they're having their nails trimmed

You can take their nails down several mm in a few minutes

This one is off Etsy - search dog scratch board

Train them to scratch initially by holding a tea towel over a treat

They will try everything to get it out and eventually will paw at it

Then you say 'scratch' and remove the towel

Eventually they will associate 'scratch' with the behaviour and you can then try it on the board

Just need to try and get him doing it straight now so his nails aren't filing at this diagonal angle 🤔

Latest Platinum separation anxiety graduates have left some lovely reviews 🥰My next availability for a Platinum programm...

Latest Platinum separation anxiety graduates have left some lovely reviews 🥰

My next availability for a Platinum programme is in the New Year and a few places have already been filled

I only take on 10 clients at a time so that everyone can have daily help

A lot of my clients feel like they have tried everything and that there is no hope, so please don't feel that your dog is beyond help, even if you've had multiple trainers before

What better time to start than at New Year

Book in a free call and we can have a chat about your dog and where you want to get to - https://RachaelClairedogtraining.as.me/PhoneConsultation

My separation anxiety masterclass has had a revampNow also includes a puppy section on how to prevent SA as much as poss...

My separation anxiety masterclass has had a revamp

Now also includes a puppy section on how to prevent SA as much as possible

If you sign up between now and Monday you will also get a 25% discount code for my self paced, self study separation anxiety programme

Join here https://www.rachaelclairedogbehaviour.co.uk/masterclass


Never cease to be amazed by the intelligence of very young puppies 😍

Ted is 13 weeks old and not only has he learnt how to lie down and target a mat in the 4 weeks we've been together, he has also learnt how to properly settle on cue

His owners have been 'capturing' his settle behaviours such as putting his head on his paws and kicking out his back legs with a 'shhhhh' sound

Capturing involves waiting for a dog to perform a behaviour and then saying the cue at the same time

Eventually they build an association with the behaviour and the cue without you having to even train them traditionally how to do it

Here he is settling on cue in a pub with 2 tables around us

We have been really careful not to 'flood' him as he is still in his critical socialisation period

His owners have worked so hard at carefully exposing him to lots of sounds, animals and people from the minute he came home

Chilling out and about doesn't come naturally to dogs, especially puppies

It takes a lot of work behind the scenes first of building focus and connection with you

That way everyone and everything else becomes background noise as you are the most important and exciting thing in the room

Start off with an empty pub on a weekday and focus on getting them just used to the environment

Keep sessions short as their attention span is so small at this age

And make sure your mat target is absolutely solid at home before trying it out and about

Absolute superstar ❤️🤩


Giving dogs choice around situations they are probably going to be scared of reduces anxiety and aggression

It is also only fair that they're not forced into scenarios against their will (as little as possible anyway)

🖲️ A way of having a conversation with a dog is by asking them for a behaviour which is a 'start button'

👍 Basically it is their way of pressing a button to say 'okay I'm ready'

✋If they stop pressing the button it means they're uncomfortable and that you should stop

A 'chin' is great for this

It keeps dogs still which allows for any procedures to be done more safely

For dogs who are scared in the vets (like Pablo) it is well worth practicing

If he lifts his head up that's him taking his paw off the button and a sign that I should stop

You should still be rewarding your dog for this as they're not doing anything wrong

In fact we're encouraging them to continue 'talking' to us in future which reduces their anxiety

If they start becoming reluctant because you've pushed a little too far make sure you end on an easy win

Pablo has shown aggression around handling and during his last vet visit (when he had been stung by a bee 🥴) we had to abandon the visit and hope for the best as he was so fearful

His jabs are due so I'm practicing picking up the scruff of his neck for longer periods

I'm also going to introduce poking him lightly with a cocktail stick on upcoming sessions

🤔 Can you think of any scenarios where choice training would help your dog?

I get asked quite a lot whether someone's dog has separation anxiety or 'just FOMO'The question implies that 'Fear of Mi...

I get asked quite a lot whether someone's dog has separation anxiety or 'just FOMO'

The question implies that 'Fear of Missing Out' is nothing to worry about, and a dog just being spoilt

Either way, FOMO or fear is pretty much treated in the same way

🤯 Frustration is HORRIBLE

Remember a time when you were on hold for an hour and then got cut off

Or when you got stuck at temp lights for ages and when you got there they changed to red again

Luckily it's probably a rare occurrence to get that wound up, but for FOMO dogs they are subjected to it sometimes on a daily basis

It's an extremely negative emotion. We shouldn't be expecting our dogs to accept it

We need to manage their expectations better and help them to understand that they aren't coming with us

We need to make sure that all of their needs have been met, especially if they are a high energy breed or a young dog

The fact is that dogs with FOMO still dread being alone as it has negative emotions attached to it

So we still need to gradually expose them to alone time at a level that doesn't create frustration


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 16:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 16:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 16:00
Thursday 09:00 - 16:00
Friday 09:00 - 16:00


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