Who remembers little miss skinny dipping fox from last Thursday? Following some drying out, warming up, a few sutures and a 5 star cordon bleu diet with the team at Wildlife Aid, we were privileged to have been able to release her tonight. Close to where she came from, but nowhere near the swimming pool of course. The usual thank you by way of not looking back and trashing our carrier tray on the journey!
You never know what to expect when you get a call to a trapped fox, this young lady decided to take a dip for some unknown reason. Baldy and the hairy one attended and quickly realised the only way out for this one was to literally go fishing. Whilst we don't like to use catchpoles unless we have to, we were left with no other options for safety reason's both for the fox and ourselves. Young lady was safely recovered and is now warming up nicely with our colleagues at Wildlife Aid. 😁
Our apologies it's been a ittle while since we posted an update about the Panther Pack. The little terrorists reached the 10 week mark yesterday,
they continue to terrorise us. 😄
Following an SAS style logistical mission today all six had our first vaccinations at the vet's, thank you Ellie (the newest edition to our team) for your kitten wrangling skills today.
We'll be posting over the next few day's with regards to rehoming them, watch this space. 😻
Anubis isn't letting the weather bother him tonight. 😘
We're pleased to say the Panther pack are out of the pen, off milk, on solids and have been upgraded to the purple room. Boy do we have our hands full with these six! 😆
Hand rear kittens it'll be fun they said! The Panther pack are doing well and coming along nicely, we'll probably stop lacing the kitten milk with Red Bull though. 🥹
The Panther pack (aka the terrorists)who came in on Monday last week are doing well. Four boy's, two girls. Cinder, May, Jaguar, Panther, Igor and Darth.
As we couldn't tell them apart for feeding or weighing purposes, each one has been strategically clipped, thank you Marion at CPL for that old school tip. 😁
We're seeing a consistent weight gain along with a good feeding pattern, we're not there yet though.
They are cute but the serious side is that hand rearing is always high risk, it doesn't always end well. It's extremely hard work for the team raising them, 8 day's of 3-4 hourly feeds has taken it's toll on us.
Since they came in we've recieved around a dozen phone calls from people who've either found kittens or are looking to surrender as they can't sell them. That's the real soul destroying bit in all this sadly.
Into rescue tonight after a long and complex 24 hours trying to sort these little one's, 6 kittens approximately 10-14 day's old. Found abandoned with no trace of mum despite every effort to find her. The maternity ward is up and running again, who needs sleep anyway? 😢
It's been a while so here's an update on Cassandra and her four juvenile delinquents! Del Boy, Rodney, Trigger and Raquel are all doing well and continue to behave in a dodgy manor. Loving life in the purple room though. 😁
It's Friday, it's a bank Holiday. We'll just leave this here tonight. 😻