On Saturday 17th August the Vale and West Gundog Club held our annual working test at the Clicker Gundog Training Centre in Charlton. Tests were held for all three breed groups.
Prizes were courtesy of our very kind sponsors Clicker Gundog, JR Pet Products and Sporting Saint. A huge thank you to them and please do check out their websites, they all have a huge variety on offer
The HPR group, kindly judged by Christine Carpenter, took part in four tests altogether, covering hunting and three different retrieves.
The first test was a marked retrieve onto the mown track through the cover. A shot was fired and a marked retrieve thrown to land on the track, approximately 30 yards away. The handler was directed by the judge to send their dog. This test was scored out of 20.
The second test was a memory retrieve along another mown track. The handler heeled their dog to the first post approximately 20 yards away. They left their dog at the post and went and dropped the dummy at the next post a further 10 yards away. They then returned to their dog and heeled them back to the start. The handler was then directed by the judge to send their dog for the memory. This test was scored out of 20.
The third test, held in light cover, assessed their hunting and was scored out of 40. The handler was asked to cast their dog off to hunt. After a period of hunting with their handlers the judge then asked the participant to stop and then recall their dog.
Finally, all dogs had to complete a marked retrieve out of water. This was also scored out of 20.
We had five competitors for the HPR group, who all did so well so a big well done to everyone who took part.
I was tasked with being Steward for the Retrievers competition which was being judged by Jules Morgan who had set some excellent tests. Unlike last year's the days weather was very kind to us, with spells of sunshine and some overcast cooler conditions.
Test One was a double mark with the first dummy out at a distance of about 60 yards followed by the handler and dog turning 90 degrees to watch the shot and fall of the second dummy which was over a small barrier of a grassy mound. This retrieve was to be retrieved first and once this was retrieved the dog turned and sent for the first retrieve
Test two was a marked retrieve from water. Most of the dogs achieved this test very well, with only a handful struggling to get a hand delivery.
Test three was a walk up. This saw handlers and dogs firstly sent for a long marked retrieve in long grass. Followed by so heelwork before shot and a second marked retrieve. The heelwork and steadiness was certainly tested and most dogs achieved this well. The main challenge was marking in the environment.
The final test was a blind retrieve through the long grass after watching a marked retrieve into a box jump. So after watching the marked retrieve handlers and dogs turned away and the dogs were sent for a blind at the bottom of a small tree. This was a perfect opportunity for the handlers to demonstrate their dog’s stop whistle and direction cues and those that achieved handled very well indeed. One of the main things that handlers missed considering on this exercise was working their dogs
Most of the competitors were relatively new to competing with their dogs but the feedback from all was that they were able to take the advice and tips given by Jules and the experience of each test to reflect on the areas of training that were strong and those that need some work. The camaraderie and supportive atmosphere was great and a reflection of everything that the Vale & West sets out to achieve as we encourage people to get involved in this wonderful sport.
Well done to all the retriever teams that took part
The spaniel group, kindly judged by Hilary Smith, had nine spaniels and seven handlers ( two handlers entered two dogs). There were three tests altogether, covering hunting and retrieving on land and in water.
The first test saw the spaniels hunting up an area of cover, a shot was fired and the handlers were asked to stop their dogs. A marked retrieve was then thrown into light cover approximately 15 yards away, the handler then sent their dog when directed to do so by the judge.
The second test was a mixture, covering hunting, a memory retrieve and a blind retrieve. The handlers were asked to have their dog at heel, they then marked a retrieve and were instructed to heel their dog several paces away and then cast them off to hunt the cover either side of a track. When they were approximately 25 yards away from the retrieve they were instructed to recall their dogs and send them for the memory retrieve. Whilst the dogs were running back to their handler, a second retrieve was placed where the memory retrieve had been. The dogs were then instructed to be sent for the blind retrieve. This test was marked out of 40.
The third and final test was a marked retrieve out of water. This test was scored out of 20.
Thanks to all the handlers who took part, you were all supportive of one another and the judge commented that you and your dogs were of a high standard. Really well done.
Thank you to Gemma Doherty and Lynsey Moss for the retriever and spaniel write ups.
All in all it was a thoroughly great day, with some lovely weather, well done to everyone who took part and thank you very much to all of the judges and helpers for giving up their day.
Attached are a selection of photos from th day. More photos and videos can be found here https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-85bHUJPbDuE8KcuTcAu9ZZzhKzaSY7k