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Adventure Dogs No adventure too big. No paw too small.

Thursday and Friday's photos ❤️ Kick started Thursday with Archie and Loki who enjoyed some zoomies and a wrestle. The a...

Thursday and Friday's photos ❤️

Kick started Thursday with Archie and Loki who enjoyed some zoomies and a wrestle.
The afternoon saw us with Bruno, Dexter, Lou, Mayble and Talulah for a warm and slow walk in the forest.

Today we started with little legs Kiki, Nola and Ted for a slow walk in the forest.

We headed back to the forest for our afternoon with Elvis, Jet, Layla, Meeka and Thor.

How to tell who has the treats!

How to tell who has the treats!

Dotty and Fletcher got some wicked fun up the mountain today. Fletcher was being great so we gave him a breather from hi...

Dotty and Fletcher got some wicked fun up the mountain today. Fletcher was being great so we gave him a breather from his mask.

Billie got to chase Buddy around again. She had some off lead time, and loved it. Her recall was great, and Buddy took advantage of her off-led privileges.

Bonnie and Bolt had a stroll up the mountain. Bonnie was on the extendable and stretched her legs, Bolt strolled along behind us. They both really wanted to play with...the sheep. No thank you!

Gavs van was in having some work done this morning so we combined big Adventurer Jasper with the mini Adventures Bolt, B...

Gavs van was in having some work done this morning so we combined big Adventurer Jasper with the mini Adventures Bolt, Bonnie and Waffle for our walk in the secure field. Waffle was understandably a little nervous at first, a new place and with all the big dogs. It didn't take him long to realise he was free and able to stretch those little legs of his ❤️. He did fantastic at checking in with Gav. That was until a horse could be heard clippy cloppying and he was mesmerised by the sound 😂 so much so he just sat tilting his head at it. Bonnie was straight up to the tap, wanting it to be turned on so she could splash in the water. Bolt and Jasper enjoyed exploring at their own leisure. Unfortunately Jasper needed a time out because Bolt was just a little too delicious for Jasper 🤦🏼‍♀️.

A quiet afternoon with Archie, Delilah and Thor. We mooched in the woods, taking our time to stop and watch the world go by. Plenty of stoppage time in the streams too or bogs if you're a spaniel.... 🙄😂. Delilah lived having cuddles from Sarah. Though if Sarah stopped the fusses, Delilah made sure to remind Sarah she was there with a nudge. Archie and Thor had a full on snog at one point, get a room yous two 😂

It appears we didn't get too many pictures today. Clearly having too much fun. After all Tuesday is boys day for the big...

It appears we didn't get too many pictures today. Clearly having too much fun. After all Tuesday is boys day for the big adventures ❤️

This morning we started with Gruff, Loki and Milo. Of late, Gruff has been acting a little strange and super clingy. Today he chose to be clingy with Loki not that Loki cared 🤣. Milo was happy when his mini adventurer zoomies friend in Fletcher arrived. Loki joined in the fun where he could and despite Milo being loud (nothing new) we had a relaxed walk even if the woods were unusually busy. Of course Loki parked his butt when a cyclist went past. Yes mate, the works moves for you and you won't move for it, got it 🤦🏼‍♀️🙈🤣.

Our afternoon saw us with Archie, Chester, Dexter, Diesel and Freddo. As Chester was feeling under the weather with a swollen face ( he's seen a vet ) he was happy just plodding and taking things easy. Freddo wasn't too happy about the situation but fell into the calm walk. Archie really likes the grass in the forest and tries to eat it as if he hasn't been fed in weeks. 🤦🏼‍♀️ So we keep him moving and plodding with Dexter. Diesel enjoys his tethered freedom, he does his own thing. Towards the end of our walk, our yellow labs wanted to be a black lab and our black lab wanted to be a chocolate 🙈 oh the little muddy puddles that remain.

H stretched his legs and rolled himself around the field . He splashed in the water and just enjoyed life ❤️

Dotty and Fletcher got to stretch their legs up the mountain. Fletcher stuck his face in the mud 🤦 Buddy and Tina enjoye...

Dotty and Fletcher got to stretch their legs up the mountain. Fletcher stuck his face in the mud 🤦

Buddy and Tina enjoyed a stroll around the stream. We even bumped into KG Walkies for a little play time.

Bonnie and Bolt got to splosh around in what has been titles as "Sky's Bog". Bolt loves it. Bonnie...not so much. Although she did make "friends" with a sheep.

Fairly relaxed start to our week. This morning we kicked things odd with Elvis, Marley and Talulah. Elvis is certainly v...

Fairly relaxed start to our week.

This morning we kicked things odd with Elvis, Marley and Talulah. Elvis is certainly very keen on Talulah. He would handicap himself by bringing himself down to her level and wrestling with her ❤️. He was a little too obsessed at times so earned himself a time out just so Talulah could be. But she's a flirt and a wind up merchant 🤦🏼‍♀️. Marley wanted to play but his barking left Elvis slightly confused 😂. All enjoyed plenty of sniffing and a refreshing toe dip in the streams.

Our afternoon saw us with Bruno, Freddo, Martha, Ralph and Thor. Things had warmed up so another slow shaded walk with plenty of water breaks for our flat faced friends. Everyone pretty much did their own thing. Independently exploring and happily co-existing in one another's space. They also got to dip their toes and have a splash ❤️

Fridays pictures.The morning saw the little legs explore one of the other paths in the forest. Lots of long grasses to s...

Fridays pictures.

The morning saw the little legs explore one of the other paths in the forest. Lots of long grasses to sniff and eat. Ted thought he could fly when he jumped off the log stack 🤦🏼‍♀️ the girls took the more sensible route down. Despite it being an extremely soggy start, we actually missed the worst of the rain.

Our afternoon saw us with the big dogs. Meeka ended up gate crashing for an extra walk as KG walkies who we share her with had a mishap at work and needed medical treatment (nothing too serious). She had a blast playing with new boy Elvis. They are both the same age and have similar energy levels. Play was monitored to stop both getting crazy and breaks were provided so they could switch off and use their noses. Jet really wanted to join in but his communication skills aren't all there and his screaming to play just got blanked. So he ran alongside the others being the 3rd wheel 😂. Layla just loves having cuddles. Meeka tried to get her to play but she wasn't interested.

Sky looking even more beautiful after her groom with The Dog Den. Thank you for tidying Sky up ❤️ We will be back.

Sky looking even more beautiful after her groom with The Dog Den.

Thank you for tidying Sky up ❤️

We will be back.

Beautiful girl for a bath and de-shed today 🥹❤️

Today's adventures, minus the rain that we were expecting.We started with the big guns, Archie, Cassie, Layla and Loki. ...

Today's adventures, minus the rain that we were expecting.

We started with the big guns, Archie, Cassie, Layla and Loki. We wandered in the woods and were invaded by Dotty and Fletcher. Cassie was a little intrigued by Dotty but Dotty wasn't reciprocating the atte tiin and key Cassie knows that her snot wasn't welcome. Cassie understood the message and continued to explore, albeit the wrong way around the trees and shrubs so Sarah spent a lot of the walk untangling her 🤦🏼‍♀️. All was relaxed and Archie, Layla and Loki also enjoyed mooching around and just being in their surroundings. In our quiet spot the boys had some zoomies over a stick and Cassie wanted to join in.

This afternoon the first was our home. Labs Dexter, Meeka and Lou loved chasing one another and rough each other up a little. Bruno and Talulah ere between doing their own thing and joining in. Puddle diving was a mist for them all but more so Bruno, Meeka and Lou.
We bumped into Friends for Pets. Yellow labs were timing out for taking too much interest in their old spaniel but it was a good opportunity to practice being calm around big distractions.

Towards the end of our walk, Talulah challenged them all to zoomies amongst the trees. She is small and agile and can zip through more delicately than the larger dogs 😂. It was a great sight to see all 5 playing so beautifully. Unfortunately we didn't capture that part of the fun.

Thursday's MiniAdventures.Dotty and Fletcher enjoyed a stroll up the mountain with the big dogs. Fletcher even had some ...

Thursday's MiniAdventures.

Dotty and Fletcher enjoyed a stroll up the mountain with the big dogs. Fletcher even had some mask off time.

Buddy and Billie got to play around the woods and water. Billie had a load of off lead time where she spent it chasing Buddy around.

Bolt got to plod along with Bonnie. We dug her harness out and let her stretch her legs a little on the extendable. She wasn't as pulley. Happy days!

Just the one walk for the big adventurers today. But it was a great walk with Archie, Delilah, Layla, Loki and Parker. A...

Just the one walk for the big adventurers today. But it was a great walk with Archie, Delilah, Layla, Loki and Parker. Archie was happy exploring a fins sticks to carry and grass to eat 🤦🏼‍♀️. Delilah's game was to hang back and wait for Sarah to call her so she could zoom to Sarah and get cuddles. Loki was full of energy and was moving at speed with everything he did. Layla went to join in but realised after 5 paces that Loki had far too much energy for her 😂. Parker was feeling extra cuddly today so when we chilled in our quiet spot, he was in Sarah's lap ❤️

Only 1 walk for us mini's today.Bolt, Bonnie, and Waffle. We headed up the mountain and for a change, Bonnie wasn't so d...

Only 1 walk for us mini's today.

Bolt, Bonnie, and Waffle. We headed up the mountain and for a change, Bonnie wasn't so driven. Bolt got to plod at his own pace while Waffle and Bonnie spent their time on a sniffari. Once we hit the fallen tree and doubled back, Waffle decided to tank it. We got to the small water hole for the dogs to drink but instead Waffle squared up to Bonnie. It was all in fun and Bolt and I got 101 Dalmatian'd. We know they're good friends as Waffle spent the majority of the walk by Bonnie's side. Glad he made a big friend.

Well the sun was shining but it soon disappeared and the wind picked up. Not too cold and neither too warm. Perfect 😉 La...

Well the sun was shining but it soon disappeared and the wind picked up. Not too cold and neither too warm. Perfect 😉

Layla joined our morning walk with the boys Gruff, Loki and Milo. It was great to see Loki back to his usual self and wanting to play after his bout of illness. Layla wanted to join in the action too, chasing the boys when they all legged it around the trees in a big zoomies game. Things were loud when Milo and mini adventurer Fletcher got to playing. Nothing new there then 🙈.

This afternoon the boys Archie, Chester, Dexter, Diesel and Freddo explored the forest. Diesel remains tethered but free to continue to do his own thing. Archie and Dexter also mooched around doing their own thing while Chester and Freddo roughed one another up.

H got to stretch his legs and pull some faces in his walk today. He also did plenty of rolling around in the grass because it wouldn't be a walk with H if he didn't.

Another day, another MiniAdventure.Dotty and Fletcher got to meet their big adventure mates. We headed up the mountain w...

Another day, another MiniAdventure.

Dotty and Fletcher got to meet their big adventure mates. We headed up the mountain with Sarah. Fletcher took off after Milo, with Dotty on the back foot. When all the dogs decided to go mad, Dotty caught Fletcher and made him squeal, baby!

Bolt, Buddy, and Tina also got to visit the mountain. We stayed on the lower track so the old man could enjoy a steady walk. He was like a pup again when we got to the water but soon regretted it. Tina tried her hardest to get the big boys to play but Buddy is lazy and Bolt is old. Buddy did enjoy his sniffing, and when back on lead...he played with Tina🤦

Bonnie and Parker got to roam around the field. They had plenty to sniff, and even met a few lovely otherpoos (not sure what, they were just poosomethings). Bonnie was less pully today, but she did maintain her rudeness by pushing Parker out the way to sniff his spot. Back to heel she went!

This morning we started with new dog, Elvis. He's a bouncy young lad whose brain cells seem to work like magnets. Workin...

This morning we started with new dog, Elvis. He's a bouncy young lad whose brain cells seem to work like magnets. Working beautifully when they connect, but when the same poles meet and bounce off one another, he struggles to process things. He ventured out with Marley and Talulah. He was super interested in Talulah and had great moments of playing with her in-between his moments of over arousal. Marley was happy sniffing and exploring, checking in regularly ❤️. When we sat to practice calmness, Talulah covered Sarah in mud by sitting on her 😂

This afternoon we had Bruno, Layla, Martha and Ralph. We had a gentle stroll through the woods as with the temperatures trying to rise, we need to be more careful with our flatter faced breeds. Although Bruno doesn't get the memo and wants to play ball... Don't give home one, he will find one 🤦🏼‍♀️. Martha and Layla just plodded, doing their own thing while Ralph expored a little further ahead. All dipped their toes in the pond and streams to cool off.

Happy birthday to the king of our mini Adventures, Gav 🍻🎂 🍻

Happy birthday to the king of our mini Adventures,


🍻🎂 🍻

This morning we headed into the hills with H and Ralph. Ralph couldn't give two hoots about the livestock. H was a littl...

This morning we headed into the hills with H and Ralph. Ralph couldn't give two hoots about the livestock. H was a little unsure of the cows 😂 they are big and scary after all. Ralph just wanted to swim.
Nice relaxed walk for the boys.

We then headed to 'The Big Event' with our own girl Sky for some one to one time. She was a super good girl and even came joint first in the 'Golden Oldie' category of the dog show ❤️

This morning was all little legs with usual suspects Kiki, Nola and Ted. We also had invaders in H and Ralph. They all g...

This morning was all little legs with usual suspects Kiki, Nola and Ted. We also had invaders in H and Ralph. They all got to explore the forest. There was lots of sniffing and general exploring. We had a random dog appear behind us, but everyone just cracked on as if it didn't exist. They all had some excitement when a squirrel jumped out of a tree In front of us. They were all too slow and the squirrel darted into the safety of the bushes.

This afternoon was quiet. Jet and Layla had a gentle plod around the woodland. We explored a little further today so there were lots of different sniffs to smell. We passed a couple of dogs and everyone said hello before moving on.

Tonight we checked in on Freddo. We had a walk around his local, a play with the ball before having his dinner and some cuddles.

This morning was an unusual start to the day. Only Thursday regulars were Archie and Loki. Cassie is the new Thursday re...

This morning was an unusual start to the day. Only Thursday regulars were Archie and Loki. Cassie is the new Thursday regular while H and Ralph were tag alongs. Cassie did fantastic on her new group. No barking, just lots of sniffing and wanting to play. Recalled needs working on so she was on lead. Loki was also on lead as it was his first walk back since his bout of illness. Boy wasn't all there today and was certainly away with the fairies at times. H ended up on lead because he got too excited and needed to take it down a touch. Archie and Ralph were happy exploring with mini adventurers Dotty and Fletcher.

This afternoon we had a full house for our forestry adventure. We had little legs in Bruno and Talulah and big legs in labs Dexter, Lou and Meeka with shepherd Mayble. All were happy mooching and doing their own thing.

MiniAdventures up the mountain with Dotty and Fletcher. They got to meet a few odd additions to this week due to pet sit...

MiniAdventures up the mountain with Dotty and Fletcher. They got to meet a few odd additions to this week due to pet sits. We headed up the mountain, Fletcher misjudged a jump and went feet first in the mud, Dotty yelled at him. H decided he knew the situation for a photo game and wanted to play it with Dotty and Fletcher. So we let him 🤣. We also aimed to capture a behind the scenes shot of Sarah's photo attempt of the whole group. They had other plans 🤦

Billie, Bolt, and Buddy also got the mountain treatment. Bolt and Buddy were happy to plod along behind us while Billie steamed ahead. Although Bullie wasn't the best fan of Bold straight out of the van. New dog and all. So she had a bit of a growl to which Bolt just shrugged her off with a look that said, oh shut up Billie.

Finished down the river with Bonnie and Parker. Parker loved all the sniffs and was well happy to dip his paws...which was odd for him. Bonnie just wanted to drag us everywhere while she ate grass 🤷. Clearly looking forward to her dinner. We did a slow sniff lap of the rugby field and these two disagreed with the 'No Dogs Allowed" Sign. Shhh, it's ok we're on the right side of it.

Today's adventurers were Archie, Delilah, Parker, Ralph Thor. We mooched along and everyone enjoyed sniffing. That was u...

Today's adventurers were Archie, Delilah, Parker, Ralph Thor. We mooched along and everyone enjoyed sniffing. That was until we got to our little spot behind the duck pond. Parker went for a wander and found a nice couple to sit and have cuddles with... He was 30ft away and behind some trees so the couple used his tag to call us and let us know they had him. Thank you ❤️. Parker was banished to his lead because he kept trying to go back for something. We think that something was Gav and the mini adventurers who were in the vicinity. Archie found a stick to carry around and roll on. Ralph had a burst of zoomies, Thor did what spaniels do and Delilah had small bursts of energy when the boys weren't looking.

Jasper was in need of a good brush as his regular groomer doesn't have space for him just yet. So we gave him a good once over before he got to have fun in the water and explore around the field. The area was a little busy so he limited freedom with the Flexi lead.

Wednesday mini adventure? What is going on!That's right. MiniAdventures have kicked off on Wednesdays!And it wouldn't be...

Wednesday mini adventure? What is going on!

That's right. MiniAdventures have kicked off on Wednesdays!

And it wouldn't be right to do it without introducing a new addition. Welcome to the group, Waffle!

We took Waffle out with Bolt and Bonnie. Safe to say out of the van Bonnie was a little too "Bonnie" and Waffle didn't know what to do. Bolt, gave a sniff and invited the little fluff ball along for a stroll. They all had some good sniffs, Bonnie almost knocking Bolt over trying to get to a sheep, and jumping a mile when Waffle squeaked as she pushed past. Dogs, eh 🤦

And do you think they'd keep still for a photo... Bonnie did for a change.

Unusual start to out Tuesday morning. As Loki is unwell, we had all little legs this morning. Talulah kept the boys Gruf...

Unusual start to out Tuesday morning. As Loki is unwell, we had all little legs this morning. Talulah kept the boys Gruff, Milo and Ralph in check this morning 😂. They all wanted some play time with her, especially Gruff who was also extra clingy today. The peace was broken with the mini adventures invaded.

This afternoon we had our usual suspects in Archie, Chester, Dexter, Diesel and Freddo. While tethered, diesel did his own thing. Archie and Dexter kept being moved on from eating grass 🤦🏼‍♀️ while Chester and Freddo zoomed through the trees.

H did plenty of rolling in the grass. No ball today, just plenty of sniffing and exploring to be had. He's a happy boy ❤️

First day of the new and improved MiniAdventures. Now with 3 dogs!Dotty and Fletcher first up. Joining the 'Big' adventu...

First day of the new and improved MiniAdventures. Now with 3 dogs!

Dotty and Fletcher first up. Joining the 'Big' adventures but being the biggest dogs in the bunch 🤔. Fletcher spent his time being chased around by Milo. Dotty spent her time telling Fletcher off for having fun.

Bolt joined Buddy and Tina in his new home with us on the mini walks. The trio also got to visit the mountain. Bolt enjoyed his little plod, buddy was off sniffing whatever he could find, and Tina tried her hardest to get the boys playing. She wasn't successful.

Bonny and Parker ALSO got to see the mountain. But the outside. We skirted the fence as Sky was having her walk inside. Parker spent it trying to pose whenever he could. Sit on the rock? Bonnie: ok gimme food, I sit... Parker: no, I get food, I stand.

Quiet start to the week with Marley and Ralph. They headed into the woodland where both enjoyed exploring and sniffing. ...

Quiet start to the week with Marley and Ralph. They headed into the woodland where both enjoyed exploring and sniffing. Marley enjoyed his first off lead walk with us and he was a good boy. He tried to get Ralph to play but Ralph wasn't having any of it 😂

This afternoon was a little warmer so we took things slowly and made sure there were plenty of water stops. Bruno wanted the ball but that wasn't going to happen. Martha took things easy and Thor spannerd ahead leaving everyone else behind.

Just one last walk before Freddo's humans are home.Hope they're ready for a happy bouncy dog when they walk in. Tried to...

Just one last walk before Freddo's humans are home.

Hope they're ready for a happy bouncy dog when they walk in. Tried to tire him out but collies are bloody resilient!

That's a wrap. Last night with this crazy fool for me.He knows his humans are back soon and is led waiting for them.Been...

That's a wrap. Last night with this crazy fool for me.

He knows his humans are back soon and is led waiting for them.

Been a pleasure Freddo!


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Monday 08:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 18:00
Thursday 08:00 - 18:00
Friday 08:00 - 18:00
Saturday 10:00 - 16:00
Sunday 10:00 - 16:00




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Welcome to Adventure Dogs.

Looking for a dog walker in the Cwmbran, Newport or Pontypool area? Here at Adventure Dogs we are experienced in working with all types of dogs. From those who take life in their stride to those who may suffer with anxiety, nervousness or reactivity.

Specialising in dogs with reactivity, we build training into your dogs walk, helping you and your dog make progress with any issues they may be having.

We also, offer pet sitting and Mantrailing. Check out the website to find out more.