Shape Your Dog

Shape Your Dog Professional puppy and dog training advise for pet families in the Warrington, Cheshire and North West UK areas.

Shape your dogs brain and Shape your dogs behaviour.



He’s such a drama queen 🐾😂

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Why does SHAPE YOUR DOG even exist?Having been the owner of a dog that struggled with the world outside,  I understand h...

Why does SHAPE YOUR DOG even exist?

Having been the owner of a dog that struggled with the world outside, I understand how it feels when you don’t know what to do. Trying various online solutions and a handful of local trainers, feeling like I wasn’t getting anywhere. I then embarked on certificated training to find the solutions.
Shape Your Dog was born to help owners develop a deeper understanding of their dog, a greater empathy and appreciation of their needs and to grow the strongest bond possible so that they go through their lives together stress free and having fun! Helping to open up their world to endless activities and experiences.
I’m here to take the confusion out of training your dog and to provide clarity and support, alongside an effective approach to address many dog owners struggles. I LOVE dogs and I want the very best for them and for their owners 🙋‍♀️🐾🐕🐕‍🦺🦴🐩

Everyone who is thinking of getting dogs should read this because you need to understand this reality:

***I am a 21st century dog.***
-I'm a Malinois.
Overskilled among dogs, I excel in all disciplines and I'm always ready to work: I NEED to work.
But nowadays I get asked to chill on the couch all day everyday.

-I am an Akita Inu.
My ancestors were selected for fighting bears.
Today I get asked to be tolerant and I get scolded for my reactivity when another approaches me.

-I am a Beagle.
When I chase my prey, I raise my voice so the hunters could follow.
Today they put an electric collar on me to shut up, and you make me come back to you - no running - with a snap of your fingers.

-I am a Yorkshire Terrier.
I was a terrifying rat hunter in English mines.
Today they think I can't use my legs and they always hold me in their arms.

-I'm a Labrador Retriever.
My vision of happiness is a dive into a pond to bring back the duck he shot to my master.
Today you forget I'm a walking, running, swimming dog; as a result I'm fat, made to stay indoors, and to babysit.

-I am a Jack Russell.
I can take on a fox, a mean badger, and a rat bigger than me in his den.
Today I get scolded for my character and high energy, and forced to turn into a quiet living room dog.

-I am a Siberian Husky.
Experienced the great, wide open spaces of Northern Europe, where I could drag sleds for long distances at impressive speeds.
Today I only have the walls of the house or small garden as a horizon, and the holes I dig in the ground just to release energy and frustration, trying to stay sane.

-I am a border collie
I was made to work hours a day in partnershipwith my master, and I am an unmistakable artist of working with the herd.
Today they are mad at me because, for lack of sheep, I try to check bikes, cars, children in the house and everything in motion.

I am ...
I am a 21st century dog.
I'm pretty, I'm alert, I'm obedient, I stay in a bag...but I'm also an individual who, from centuries of training, needs to express my instincts, and I am *not* suited for the sedentary life you'd want me to lead.
Spending eight hours a day alone in the house or in the garden - with no work and no one to play or run with, seeing you for a short time in the evening when you get home, and only getting a small toilet walk will make me deeply unhappy.
I'll express it by barking all day, turning your yard into a minefield, doing my needs indoors, being unmanageable the rare times I'll find myself outside, and sometimes spending my days sunk, sad, lonely, and depressed, on my pillow.
You may think that I should be happy to be able to enjoy all this comfort while you go to work, but actually I’ll be exhausted and frustrated, because this is absolutely NOT what I'm meant to do, or what I need to be doing.
If you love me, if you've always dreamed of me, if my beautiful blue eyes or my athletic look make you want me, but you can't give me a real dog's life, a life that's really worth living according to my breed, and if you can't offer me the job that my genes are asking, DO NOT buy or adopt me!
If you like the way I look but aren't willing to accept my temperament, gifts, and traits derived from long genetic selection, and you think you can change them with only your good will, then DO NOT BUY OR ADOPT ME.
I’m a dog from the 21st century, yes, but deep inside me, the one who fought, the one who hunted, the one who pulled sleds, the one who guided and protected a herd still lives within.
So think **very** carefully before you choose your dog. And think about getting two, rather than one, so I won't be so very lonely waiting for you all day. Eight or ten hours is just a workday to you, but it's an eternity for me to be alone.

Like David Attenborough Fans for more.



We added some more pieces (obstacles) to the puzzle today. This is progress although we did a few too many repetitions as you can see in see Chester getting tired and stumbling a bit at the end. The purpose is build CONFIDENCE and BODY AWARENESS as he moves over the puzzles. We should see him become more fluid in his movement as he improves.



I thought I’d post a quick update of our initial journey with Movement Puzzles with Mari Valgma - The Moving Canine.

Chester has had a past spinal injury so I do have to be mindful of this but we do regular physio and our canine physio is happy with this. We’ve used Spaniel bowls so he doesn’t have to repetitively dip his head down too much. I’ve speeded it up so you won’t get bored! 😂



Walking at varying paces during lead training (different gears), really helps your dog to learn to manage their energy and arousal levels on lead. They practice going faster and slower, getting more excited, then calmer and eventually learn to self regulate. Here is the gorgeous Laddu practicing pace changes with her mum for the first time.



All these videos say “I’m feeling uncomfortable with this situation, please stop doing that or let me move away from here”

These are WHISPERS, they can easily become SHOUTS (barking, snapping or biting).

Watch out for the whispers in these videos. Lip licking, side eye, yawns, movement away from….

I can never resist posting a post groom picture of my gorgeous boy on all my pages. He’s so handsome! 🥰 Thanks to Catrin...

I can never resist posting a post groom picture of my gorgeous boy on all my pages. He’s so handsome! 🥰 Thanks to Catrin at Grooming Marvellous in Warrington.

TRAINING ZONESFor dogs to be able to LEARN, we need them to be in an appropriate environment, the appropriate state and ...


For dogs to be able to LEARN, we need them to be in an appropriate environment, the appropriate state and with the most effective form of motivation (desire for reward). This infographic (courtesy of Grisha Stewart), shows that the most effective environment for training is in the green, blue and yellow zones. Just tiptoeing into the water.

If your dog is in the amber or red zones then you are simply TOO CLOSE to their triggers and training is fruitless and ineffective. Your only choice here is to move away and give more distance.

Just wanted to share for all the VISUAL learners out there.

FOMO, or "Fear of Missing Out," is a term commonly used to describe anxiety that arises when someone believes they might...

FOMO, or "Fear of Missing Out," is a term commonly used to describe anxiety that arises when someone believes they might be missing out on fun or rewarding activities. This phenomenon is not limited to humans; dogs can also experience similar feelings when owners are working from home or entertaining visitors or other pets. FOMO can be confused with Separation Anxiety but it is not the same thing. Dogs who struggle with FOMO may be fine when left entirely alone.
Here are some more general signs and ways to manage FOMO in dogs:

Signs of FOMO in dogs:

**Excessive Barking or Whining: Dogs with FOMO may bark or whine excessively when they see other dogs or people participating in activities, indicating they want to join in on the action.
** Destructive Behaviour: Chewing furniture, digging, or other destructive behaviours can be a sign that a dog is experiencing frustration and feeling left out.
** Hyperactivity: A dog may become unusually hyperactive when they sense excitement or activity around them.
** Attention-Seeking Behaviour: Climbing on laps, pawing, or nudging their owners more frequently can indicate they want to be included in whatever is happening.
** Restlessness: Pacing back and forth, particularly near doors or windows, suggests they are eager to see what is going on outside.

Managing FOMO in Dogs:

** Routine and Structure: Providing a consistent routine helps dogs feel secure and reduces anxiety related to missing out on activities.
** Exercise and Mental Stimulation: Regular physical exercise and mental stimulation through games or training can help keep a dog’s mind occupied and reduce feelings of FOMO.
** Positive Reinforcement: Rewarding your dog for calm behaviour can reinforce a sense of security and reduce anxiety-driven behaviours.
** Interactive Toys: Providing toys that challenge your dog mentally, such as puzzle feeders, can keep them engaged and less focused on outside activities.
** Quality Time: Spending quality time with your dog, ensuring they feel included in daily activities, can alleviate feelings of being left out when they can’t be involved.


Understanding that dogs can experience FOMO, just like humans is important for addressing their emotional needs. By recognising the signs and taking proactive steps to manage their anxiety, you can help your dog lead a more relaxed and happy life.

SEPARATION ANXIETY A lot of UK dog trainers won’t provide services for separation anxiety as it can be a difficult issue...


A lot of UK dog trainers won’t provide services for separation anxiety as it can be a difficult issue to overcome quickly. It is, however possible to make real progress with commitment, dedication and consistency.

Separation anxiety in dogs can be caused by various factors, including:

✴️ **Change in Routine**: A sudden change in the dog's daily routine, such as a new work schedule, can trigger anxiety.

✴️ **Loss of a Family Member**: The departure or death of a person or another pet the dog is close to can lead to separation anxiety.

✴️ **Lack of Socialisation**: Dogs that haven’t been properly socialised or exposed to different experiences and environments may develop anxiety when left alone.

✴️ **Past Trauma**: Dogs with a history of abandonment or multiple rehoming may develop separation anxiety.

✴️ **Breed Traits**: Some breeds are more prone to developing separation anxiety due to their need for human interaction and companionship.

✴️ **Boredom and Lack of Exercise**: Insufficient mental stimulation and physical activity can exacerbate anxiety when the dog is left alone.

✴️ ** Owner stress or anxiety **. Dogs pick up on our emotions and this can affect their own emotions and mental health.

✴️ ** Owner attachment**. Some dogs can develop an attachment issue to their owner and owners can also develop attachment issues to their dogs which makes it difficult to leave them alone.

✴️ **Age**: Older dogs may develop separation anxiety due to age-related cognitive decline and changes in their environment or routine.

Understanding these causes can help address the issue through appropriate and consistent training and providing a secure environment. Contact me for more info on my Separation Anxiety package.



Otis is a young adolescent boy who found his voice and would bark and lunge towards other dogs. On this session, and after a block of training sessions, it was the other dogs in the park barking, Otis was behaving beautifully with his mum Sam. Otis was rehomed around 6 months old. His is definitely in a wonderful home now which is absolutely right for him and his training is going really well.



This video makes my heart sing! Beautiful Skye playing chase with her mum at the end of a training session and throwing in some recall practice along the way. Such a delight to watch back ❤️ Relationship building at its best and a good workout for Skye’s mum!

PUPPY HOME VISIT Met this gorgeous girl Luna today, a 4 month old Shiba Inu. Luna has been nipping and jumping up at her...


Met this gorgeous girl Luna today, a 4 month old Shiba Inu. Luna has been nipping and jumping up at her human brothers and sisters and her owner now has a plan to safely manage Luna around her young children and train her to be calmer in the home.



Skye’s mum has been working hard on her training for fear of noise. Vehicles and gardening equipment in particular seem to worry Skye. Today she showed massive improvement by using what we call a ‘Threat cue”. It’s working a treat. Skye is reacting way less than she used to and recovers really quickly 👏 👌👋



Stanley has a habit of barking at literally everyone and everything when outside on walks. His family are doing some really important home based training that I’ve given them and here, he is learning to LOOK and be QUIET! Big distance at the moment because that’s the only way he can self regulate but we will move closer when it’s right for him. Slowly slowly with a boy like Stanley ☺️

5 things you CAN do with dogs when it’s too HOT to walk them. Why do we walk our dogs?Toilet, exercise, wear them out, e...

5 things you CAN do with dogs when it’s too HOT to walk them.

Why do we walk our dogs?Toilet, exercise, wear them out, enrichment?

You can get all of these from playing these games! Toileting in the garden.

▶️ Search for their daily food in a noise box
▶️ Lay on a cool mat
▶️ Occupy themselves with frozen lick mats, kongs and stock cubes in water
▶️ Play scent search games in a cool garage or shady area
▶️ Indoor fun agility


Sign up for my FREE mini online TRICKS course to teach your dog on hot days in cool spaces.


Always great to get a lovely review from my clients. Walter has done so well with just 5 sessions 😃

Sharon is a great trainer of both dogs and owners!
One of her particular strengths is understanding dog behaviours.
She bonded very quickly with Otto and was able to assess his personality and behaviour traits and what makes him tick. He’s an extrovert and adores socialising with other dogs. This for us was a game changer. It enabled us to understand Otto much better and how to respond and control his excitement when other dogs approach him on a walk including gradually allowing him to make his own “controlled choices”
An excellent trainer! Yvonne Emmett Connell

FREE online mini Tricks Course.3 Tricks any dog can learn.

FREE online mini Tricks Course.

3 Tricks any dog can learn.


Wonderful afternoon at SWNW Glastonbeardy 2024. Bit of fun trick training for Sprocket and Bobby. Really enjoyed meeting some new beardy’s and catching up with everyone too! Remember to scan the QR code for a FREE online mini Tricks Course.

Hope to see some familiar faces and beards at GLASTONBEARDY on Sunday! 🐾

Hope to see some familiar faces and beards at GLASTONBEARDY on Sunday! 🐾

I’m going to be a GLASTONBEARDY this Sunday to support the Schnauzer Walks North West charity, offer up some fun training sessions and generally meet as many Schnauzers as I can. Hoping to see some familiar client faces and beards there!

Otto has been a delightful dog to work with and today we concluded his sessions for reactivity on lead and recall. He wa...

Otto has been a delightful dog to work with and today we concluded his sessions for reactivity on lead and recall. He was an absolute star in a busy Castle Park today. Well done to Otto and his lovely guardians. He’s looking very proud of himself and so he should!

JULY and AUGUST dates available DOG FRIENDLY VILLA Very unusually, we have a few weeks available in July and August 2024...

JULY and AUGUST dates available

Very unusually, we have a few weeks available in July and August 2024 for our beautiful 2 bed, 2 bathroom townhouse villa overlooking the sea in Ferragudo, Algarve Portugal. I drive over with my dog in April and I was wonderful to have him there with me.
Mates rates available for anyone interested. DM me or call me on 07990 532774.

MY FUNNY BOYChester makes me laugh every day. Freshly groomed and ready for some FUN!


Chester makes me laugh every day. Freshly groomed and ready for some FUN!




What are the key points to remember about achieving loose lead walking?

🐾 Allow your dog to sniff during the early part of the walk. Dogs ‘see’ the world through their noses
🐾 Acknowledge when your dog looks towards you
🐾 Avoid ‘opposition reflex’ by pulling your dog back towards you
🐾 Make sure your lead is long enough to create slack in the lead. I love Mekuti training leads
🐾 Ditch the retractable lead. It encourages your dog to walk out in front of you!

Well done to Archie on his first training session 😊


Fab dog friendly cafe in Moore, Cheshire. Love it 👌☺️ 🐾

A little pearl of a coffee shop, located in the heart of Moore village
📍- WA4 6TX
🐶 Dog Friendly


Woodale Close

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 7pm
Tuesday 9am - 5:30pm
Wednesday 9am - 8pm
Thursday 12pm - 8pm
Friday 9am - 5pm
Saturday 10am - 1pm





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