West Yorkshire Hunt Saboteurs

West Yorkshire Hunt Saboteurs We are dedicated to total liberation: We use NVDA to prevent the slaughter of wildlife


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For over six decades, the Hunt Saboteurs Association has been taking direct action and campaigning against bloodsports.

To celebrate this rich movement of committed individuals saving wildlife, the HSA produced a book โ€“ titled Sabotage โ€“ championing those who campaigned and continue to campaign against animal cruelty in the fields of the UK countryside.

Read all about it:



The Hunt Saboteurs Association was proud to join over 100,000 marchers in central London yesterday to demand that the new government Restore Nature Now. With 350 organisations represented - from Extinction Rebellion to the Bat Conservation Trust - this was the largest march of its kind in history.


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These two poison hoppers intending to kill squirrels wonโ€™t be ever used again.


We are currently at the 1 in 12 club in Bradford for their belated May Day celebrations - head down from 2pm and see our...

We are currently at the 1 in 12 club in Bradford for their belated May Day celebrations - head down from 2pm and see our stall!

MINK HUNT HIDE IN BARNYesterday our summer of sabbing the Northern Counties Mink Hounds got off to a productive - if rat...


Yesterday our summer of sabbing the Northern Counties Mink Hounds got off to a productive - if rather dull - start as we packed them up in Arram, north of Hull. After following the hound van to Eastfield Farm at around 1pm we watched a miserable group of no more than 8 or 9 would-be hunters eat shortbread in a barn for 20 minutes, before they all decided to head home.

Thanks to Sheffield Hunt Saboteurs, Staffordshire Hunt Sabs, Manchester Hunt Sabs, Hull Wildlife Protectors, local monitors, and a moderately large earthworm who were all also in attendance!

CONFUSION AT CLEVELAND CLOSING MEETWith most other hunts now finished for the year, we made the long journey north to th...


With most other hunts now finished for the year, we made the long journey north to the Cleveland where we joined Jorvik Hunt Sabs, Teesside Anti Blood Sports - TABS, Geordie Hunt Sabs, East Yorkshire Coast Hunt Sabs & NE HUNT Monitors.

After riders enjoyed a gallop around the surrounding countryside, the huntsman and hounds set off from the kennels just north of Guisborough at the relatively late hour of 12.30. Clearly not expecting to be accompanied by so many sabs, they appeared rather confused about how to go about their day, aimlessly meandering towards Errington wood while sabs watched on, not making any serious attempts to hunt foxes while we were present.

As is often the case when sabs are in attendance at the Cleveland, we were soon accosted by the police, who accused us of spraying scented oils at the hounds. Unsurprisingly the police had no evidence for such an obviously false accusation, and soon left, having wasted their own time as well as your tax money.

Having failed to remove us from proceedings, the hunt began slowly making their way back to the kennels, where they packed up at 3.15. Sadly just before packing up hounds did go into cry by the disused shafts in Tocketts Dump Wood, and we were unable to confirm whether a kill had been made.

MIDDLETON 13/3/2024 - PROBABLE KILL BY THE KENNELSAt what we hope will prove to be their final outing of the season, Mid...


At what we hope will prove to be their final outing of the season, Middleton set off from their Kennels in Birdsall at 12.30, accompanied by ourselves, Jorvik Hunt Sabs, York Anti-Hunt League, and a team of independent monitors.

As is usual for a middleton end of season meet, huntsman Jason O'Donnell was even more bloodthirsty than usual, making no attempt to hide illegal hunting behind a smokescreen. Heading east from the meet, hounds quickly found a fox in Oxpasture Plantation, possibly killing by Picksharpe House. A second fox was soon found in Pond Plantation and was chased east and south round Fox House, with field riders encouraging hounds onto the scent in full view of sabs.

The rest of the day was spent in a long loop through Cow Cliff and Leys Wood before ending up back at the kennels at 5pm. As has been the case all season, the majority of badger setts in the areas hunted today had been blocked in advance. This is highly illegal, but is done by the hunt in order to prevent foxes from escaping from hounds by going underground.

MUDDY MIDDLETON MONDAYTaking a day off from work, we joined Jorvik Hunt Sabs, York Anti-Hunt League, and independent mon...


Taking a day off from work, we joined Jorvik Hunt Sabs, York Anti-Hunt League, and independent monitors and set off to find the Middleton.

After searching half of Yorkshire, we eventually found huntsman and hounds at Woodside Farm near Langtoft, where they remained until setting off at the surprisingly late time of half past 12.

Heading east, huntsman Jason O'Donnell seemed bizarrely unable to keep his hounds together, and within 5 minutes of leaving the meet at least 3 or 4 hounds had been scattered through the fields east of Octon; some of them eventually getting so lost they ended back at the meet.

Unpeturbed, O'Donnell turned south, finding a fox at Spittle Garth. Here, O'Donnell angrily demanded that sabs avoid using citronella, but we were thankfully able to cover the line of the fox, and hounds were unable to continue the chase.

Turning south again, the hunt eventually made it as far as North Plantation by Pockthorpe Hall. Here they found a couple more foxes that were also seen to safety, but they also found a very angry landowner, tired of having his land trespassed by redcoat scum.

After being turned around by the landowner, the hunt went back north to the covers around Raven Hill Farm, where a number of blocked badger setts had been prepared for them. Here O'Donnell employed the tactic of encouraging his hounds after a fox, while himself hanging back, in order to make it harder to prove his complicity in case of a kill. Hounds covered a significant amount of ground, eventually ending up by Eastfield Farm, south of Burton Fleming where they packed at 4pm, however we are unsure whether this chase culminated in a kill.

MIDDLETON KEPT ON THE MOVE 9/3/2024For what might turn out to be their last saturday meet of the year, Middleton met in ...


For what might turn out to be their last saturday meet of the year, Middleton met in Uncleby, East Yorkshire, on the land of Lord Irwin, where they were disappointed to learn they would be joined by ourselves, Calder Valley Hunt Saboteurs, Jorvik Hunt Sabs, and some independent monitors.

After heading north to Opendale Plantation the hunt went west, possibly finding a fox near Back Warren Plantation and turning back east with hounds in cry. They were next found by sabs near Rigg Plantation, where they spent an extended period of time running in circles.

As the day wore on the hunt went south, as far as East Brow Plantation. Although huntsman Jason O'Donnell appeared to want to hunt Fox Cover, Admiral Plantation, and the banks of Uncleby Beck, we were now joined by East Yorkshire Coast Hunt Sabs, who arrived having already seen off the Derwent. With so many sabs in attendance, hunting on began to look rather pointless, and Jason began the circuitous route back to the meet, packing up just in time for us to catch the start of England's win over Ireland in the Six Nations.

DAY OF DISAPPOINTMENT FOR DERWENTOn a very dreary Saturday, we made our way to Derwent's kennels in Snainton with Calder...


On a very dreary Saturday, we made our way to Derwent's kennels in Snainton with Calder Valley Hunt Saboteurs and East Yorkshire Coast Hunt Sabs. Leaving the kennels at around 10.30, huntsman and hounds walked along to road to Wydale Cote, where they met with their mounted support, terrier boys, and large quantities of fortified wine.

Leaving Wydale Cote at half 11, the hunt headed in a large clockwise circle through the lands around Mile Bush Farm, Malton Cote, Cockmoor Hall, eventually ending up in the woodland around Wydale High Farm. Here hounds were in cry on the line of a fox, with huntsman clearly looking for blood, however we did not see any evidence of animals being killed.

For much of the rest of the day the hunt moved at increasing speeds, sometimes getting away from sabs for extended periods, but never spending enough time in any one place to productively look for foxes. Eventually finding themselves as far west as Kirk Dale, they began one last slow circle round High Park Farm, Cockmoor Hall, and Mile Bush Farm, before continuing back to the Kennels in Snainton, packing up just after 4pm, but not having actively hunted for at least the last hour.

The day was marked by unusually rowdy behaviour from many hunt riders, who proved themselves and their huntsman to very much be two cheeks of the same arse. While one rider seemed to take genuine joy in teaching his young son to assault sabs, as the day wore on it increasingly seemed like the majority of the hunt were not having as much fun as they had hoped.


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More details and tickets released soon

BURTON HUNT FRUSTRATED AT AISTHORPEHeading further south than usual, yesterday we joined Sheffield Hunt Saboteurs & Linc...


Heading further south than usual, yesterday we joined Sheffield Hunt Saboteurs & Lincoln Hunt Saboteurs and found the Burton Hunt at The Old Rectory in Aisthorpe.

Starting shortly after 11am, huntsman Neil Burton headed north at speed, taking most of his hounds with him - the pattern of losing animals was one of the consistent themes of the day.

It was clear from the outset that no trail had been laid and that the intention was to hunt illegally, but with such poor hound control, and with three teams of sabs constantly on him, for most of the day Burton had to content himself with merely trying to get away from us. After accidentally setting his hounds after a deer, which quickly escaped, Burton took the hounds as far north as Nursery Plantation by the sewage works in Glentworth, where they switched to their second horses.

While in Glentworth waiting for the hunt to resume, saboteurs were interrogated by Lincolnshire Police. Apparently aware that an illegal hunt was taking place, the cops decided that the best use of their time and your money was to conduct vehicle checks on saboteur cars, and then leave just as the hunt set off again.

After this, the hunt headed along Kexby Road to Larch Wood. Perhaps frustrated that the police hadnโ€™t removed us altogether, huntsman and whipper in grew more emotional as the day wore on, with the latter dismounting his horse to threaten a sab. Meanwhile half the pack of hounds had got lost, and were seen several fields east chasing a hare. The animal was thankfully seen to safety.

Heading south Burton finally managed to get his hounds after a fox, but sabs were on hand to cover its scent, and hounds never came particularly close to recording a kill before the day ended at Manor Farm near Cammeringham.

BEDALE BASTARDS BOTHERED BY SABSToday we took a day trip to Patrick brompton with our comrades in Calder Valley Hunt Sab...


Today we took a day trip to Patrick brompton with our comrades in Calder Valley Hunt Saboteurs to bother the bedale hunt.

The hunt set off at 11, and sabs were on them immediately, in place to prevent them from illegally hunting. The huny drew west spending a considerable amount of time along a live rail line, eventually crossing towards Runswick manor. Where sabs believe the hunt may have attempted to flush a fox from a sett.

Police made an appearance during the day, stopping sabs and their vehicle for questioning, brilliant use of their time, considering the wildlife criminals operating nearby, undeterred by police inaction on hunt criminals, and policing of legitimate and legal sabs, our crews kept on the hunt and kept them moving.

The hunt then moved east, drawing woodland and blatantly hunting between Thornton grange and cowling. With hounds catching onto numerous scents, Sabs found the huntsman hollering & hunting the hounds on on numerous of these occasions.

Thanks to the great teamwork, communication & cohesion between the crews today the sabs were always around the corner, and never too far from the bedale. Who spent the latter half of the day near bedale town, towards langthorpe wood.

The day drew to a close around 16.15, around great crakehall, where sabs made sure the hunt had packed their hounds away. The bedale remain a bothersome blight on the otherwise blissful area, and will be sure to continue to receive attention from our diligent and committed sabs.

Thanks to our comrades in CV sabs, our supporters, and wider well wishers, whom without we wouldn't be able to put in the shifts we do to combat this cruel and illegal bloodsport.

10th FEBRUARY - MIDDLETON HUNT AT GIVENDALEToday, WY sabs, joined by comrades in Jorvik Hunt Sabs, Calder Valley Hunt Sa...


Today, WY sabs, joined by comrades in Jorvik Hunt Sabs, Calder Valley Hunt Saboteurs and an independent monitor group, took to targeting the Middleton hunt, who started their torrid affair of brutal bloodsports at Little Manor Farm, Givendale, a meet so kindly revealed to us by a member of the hunt, whose horsebox we followed after spotting it on the main road.

Setting off from little manor Farm the hunt meandered around Givendale, moving towards Grimthorpe wood and surrounding areas, encouraging hounds to hunt, with no clear trail laid.

Surrounded for much of the day in thick fog, and steep terrain, sabs did well to keep eyes on the hunt. With great teamwork and quick thinking sabs were around every corner. Ready to intercept and intervene

The hunt spent the majority of the day around swingling moor, deepdale, and bishop wilton wold areas. Drawing in and out of the woodlands, clearly not following a trail, and blatantly hunting in front of sabs.

At one point, the huntsman lost sight and control of the hounds, letting them riot over a busy road. Causing some serious concerns for the local community, as well as welfare concerns for the hounds, some of whom were seen injured and limping through the day.

The day came to an unceremonious close for the hunt, with the huntsman packing up in a layby around 16.45

Thanks ever so much to our supporters, friends and comrades, without whose support the incredible work done by saboteurs would be impossible

FOX ESCAPES BEDALE & HURWORTHYesterday we met up with Calder Valley Hunt Saboteurs and Jorvik Hunt Sabs and made our way...


Yesterday we met up with Calder Valley Hunt Saboteurs and Jorvik Hunt Sabs and made our way up north to the Bedale and Hurworth joint meet near Northallerton.

We found the hunt at around half past eleven, heading west towards The Banks, with a large number of terrier men on hand to kill foxes below ground. A fox was seen, but after we covered its scent it was not found by the hounds.

From The Banks the hunt headed further west, before eventually getting onto the trail of a fox in The Highlands, and following it south. We did not see evidence of a kill, however the large number of hounds that got lost, or were left behind as the huntsman set off at speed serves as pretty clear evidence that they were not following a pre-planned route.

From there hounds went east, but an hour spent trekking through Sigston, Landmoth, and Cotcliffe Woods resulted only in an encounter with a very aggressive anti-hunt landowner. We were hopeful the day would end there, but hounds were taken back north to Old Thompson's Plantation, where they were again on the line of a fox. We were able to use voice calls to send the hounds back, and thankfully the huntsman's attempts to hunt them on only led to the pack becoming scattered. With dusk fast approaching the hunt made one last visit to Sigston, and again lost half their hounds while Jorvik sabs did a good job of disrupting their final attempt to kill.

Events finally came to a close at 5pm, and we believe the huntsman managed to gather all stray hounds before we left.

ILLEGAL HUNTING AND DANGEROUS RIDING AT THE MIDDLETONYesterday we joined Jorvik Hunt Sabs, Calder Valley Hunt Saboteurs,...


Yesterday we joined Jorvik Hunt Sabs, Calder Valley Hunt Saboteurs, East Yorkshire Coast Hunt Sabs and independent monitors and found the Middleton Hunt near Hanging Grimston in North Yorkshire.

Setting off at around half 11, the hunt immediately got on the line of a fox, seen running north through Acklam Brow. Sabs were on hand to cover the line of the fox with citronella, and used voice calls to send hounds back, however the chase was quickly resumed when huntsman Jason Oโ€™Donnell directed hounds around sabs, and onwards after the fox. The hunt continued at pace, getting away from sabs as they headed east to Brown Moor Farm, before heading north to Aldro Farm, where it is possible they killed.

For much of the rest of the day sabs were able to keep closer to the hounds, who crossed an incredible amount of ground but seemed to focus their efforts around Rabbit Hill and the tall grass north of Leppington Wood. While the hunt were clearly illegally hunting throughout the day, we did not see any further evidence of kills before hounds finally packed near Bassen Howe at a quarter past 4.

Aside from the fox that was chased, yesterday was also marked by a number of incidents where horses were used as weapons by the hunt. At the start of the day Jason O'Donnell kicked sabs while riding dangerously, while a field rider later caused his horse to headbutt a sab after riding dangerously at a number of us. We believe that a separate incident involving a third member of a hunt also took place towards another sab group.

Yesterday we joined Jorvik Hunt Sabs, East Yorkshire Coast Hunt Sabs, York Anti-Hunt League and an independent monitor a...

Yesterday we joined Jorvik Hunt Sabs, East Yorkshire Coast Hunt Sabs, York Anti-Hunt League and an independent monitor and paid a visit to the Middleton, who met at Aldby Park in Buttercrambe.

After leaving the meet shortly after 11am, the hunt headed east to High Field, before going south to Skirpenbeck, where hounds were briefly in cry. From there, they were taken north to The Hassocks, where they got on the line of a fox and chased them west to The Leys. Whether they killed at this point is unclear, as they continued moving at speed, eventually crossing Bleaberry Lane and hunting the coverts west of Low Farm.

The latter part of the day was eventually spent in the area around Acklam, however as the day wore on the hounds were increasingly out of our sight, as huntsman Jason Oโ€™Donnell kept them moving on at pace.

The only fox we saw today was thankfully seen to safety, and the only violence we saw was when Oโ€™Donnell hit one of our sabs on Bleaberry Lane, but with the hounds clearly on the line of foxes for much of the afternoon it is possible that animals were killed.


Damning drone footage captured by East Yorkshire Coast Hunt Sabs on monday shows the Derwent taking two terriers out of Fox Covert, just south of Charity Farm, where it is believed they may have killed.

Fox Covert is a known location of an artificial earth, and carcases are regularly left there to encourage foxes to settle and breed. Many hunts nowadays try to hide their illegal behaviour, but its hard to get any more blatant than this!

NEW YEAR, NEW EMBARRASSMENT FOR DERWENT HUNTSMANYesterday we managed to drag ourselves out of bed following new year fri...


Yesterday we managed to drag ourselves out of bed following new year frivolities and went to bother the Derwent Hunt who were meeting at โ€œThe Hallโ€ in Thornton-le-Dale alongside our pals East Yorkshire Coast Hunt Sabs and Jorvik Hunt Sabs.

The hunt left the hall at just after 11am and hacked around the area south of Thornton-le-Dale and Wilton. They were witnessed multiple times encouraging the hounds onto the scent of a fox, particularly around Charity Farm and Willow Grange. At Fox Covert, just south of Charity Farm, hounds were in cry for a considerable amount of time, and it is possible that the hunt made a kill here.

Throughout the day the hunt were unable to maintain control of their hounds, and after they headed north from Charity Farm in pursuit of a fox they lost the hounds completely for at least half an hour. Losing an entire pack of 30 dogs, trained to respond to voice and horn calls from fields away is unprecedented, and poses a serious threat not only to local wildlife, but also to pets, and the hounds themselves. We made the rounds to inform local dog walkers of the need to look out for a pack of loose hounds, and were pleased to learn how widely the hunt are disliked among non-hunting locals.

After eventually finding and gathering the hounds they soberly (unlike some of their support) hacked their way up to Wilton Grange to pack up. Sheepishly hanging their heads in shame at what must have been an embarrassing day for all involved.

Thanks to all the sabs who were out today, the local community, and the amazing folk at Action Against Foxhunting - Kirkbymoorside who led a peaceful demonstration outside The Hall as the hunt set off.

We are currently with the Derwent who have lost their hounds near Thornton-le-Dale (picture taken earlier). If anyone ha...

We are currently with the Derwent who have lost their hounds near Thornton-le-Dale (picture taken earlier). If anyone has contacts with locals in Thornton-le-Dale please let them know. Incidents like this can be extremely dangerous for local pets, but also for the hounds themselves.

RARE POLICE ACTION LEADS TO PREMATURE COMPLETION FOR THE GROVE & RUFFORDYesterday we made the journey south to bother th...


Yesterday we made the journey south to bother the Grove and Rufford, who were meeting at the Old School Inn in Epworth.

Along with Sheffield Hunt Saboteurs we found the Grove heading down the abandoned railway track that goes from Epworth to Haxey, where no attempt was made to hide their illegal hunting, and hounds were seen going into cry.

The Grove are famous not just for killing foxes, but also for attacking sabs (see Sheffield Hunt Saboteurs' page for more details) but today they found themselves escorted by no less than 3 police vehicles, which meant they were afraid to do more than just block our vehicle on a few occasions.

Clearly unwilling to continue hunting under the watchful eye of the cops the hunt headed east to High Burnham, before circling to Epworth Showground for a ridiculously early 1pm finish.

It is unfortunate that the police have only done their job of monitoring the Grove in response to violence against sabs, but on this occasion it all worked out for the best and we were able to spend the best part of our afternoon enjoying a pub lunch!

HOLDERNESS SMOKESCREEN IN FULL SWING!For what might have been our last day sabbing this year we joined Hull Wildlife Pro...


For what might have been our last day sabbing this year we joined Hull Wildlife Protectors and Calder Valley Hunt Saboteurs at Houghton Hall, where the Holderness were hosting a very festive display of animal abuse!

The day got off to a later than usual start, as the riders first gathered to enjoy a tipple. This perhaps isn't the most responsible thing to do when riding a horse, but it gave us the opportunity to make unusually light conversation with hunt supporter Danny Lamb, who confirmed that it was only last year that the Holderness starting laying trails! Clearly showing that even if the Holderness are less likely to kill foxes than some other hunts are, this is only because of the effects of the pressure that Hull Wildife Protectors have put on them over many years to force a change in their behaviour.

For much of the day the hunt did seem to be sticking to pre-laid trails, but as the day wore on we increasingly found the hounds in dense fields of elephant grass that it seemed unlikely a human trail-layer could have made their way through. After the early departure of the field riders the pretense of trail hunting was dispensed with entirely, and hounds went into cry in Millhill Plantation, seemingly on the line of a fox. Thankfully sabs were on hand to call them off, and it wasn't long before the hunt headed back to Houghton Hall for an early finish.

We are currently at Houghton Hall near Market Weighton, where the Holderness are currently readying themselves for a day...

We are currently at Houghton Hall near Market Weighton, where the Holderness are currently readying themselves for a day of hunting!

Hit report to follow


Fantastic footage captured by Jorvik sabs of a fox breaking covert on saturday! As we were all scrambling to cover the line of the fox the cameras don't show what happened next, which was a hunt supporter and huntsman working together to encourage the hounds after the fox.

Thankfully the teamwork of all 5 sab groups in attendance was enough to ensure the fox made it to safety - for today at least!


ZETLAND & BEDALE CHASE TWO FOXES: CATCH NEITHERThis Saturday we were very glad to make the trip up north to another join...


This Saturday we were very glad to make the trip up north to another joint meet of the Bedale and the Zetland, who we have been itching to get to again following their extremely illegal antics a few weeks back.

Along with Calder Valley Hunt Saboteurs, Jorvik Hunt Sabs , East Yorkshire Coast Hunt Sabs , and Teesside Anti Blood Sports - TABS we were with the hunt from the off as they set off from Maunby Hall at 11am. Sabs were with them most of the day despite being held up by police who had responded to a false allegation of assault.

The hunt once again confirmed their reputation as some of the most blatant wildlife murderers we have come across as they flushed two foxes out of Swine Carr plantation. Incredible teamwork from all groups of sabs allowed us to cover the foxes' scent with citronella, and distract the hounds from the huntsman's attempts to hunt them on. Even with sabs on hand, however, hunt support continued to alert the hunt staff as to the location of the foxes, and encourage the hounds after them.

After finally admitting defeat as far as those two foxes were concerned the huntsman took the hounds further north, eventually packing up at Swalefields near Morton-on-Swale.

We are currently sabbing another joint meet of the Bedale and the Zetland at Maunby in North Yorkshire. Hit report to fo...

We are currently sabbing another joint meet of the Bedale and the Zetland at Maunby in North Yorkshire. Hit report to follow!

Hate hunting? Live in West Yorkshire? Drop us a message?We are currently recruiting, and will be hosting meetings over t...

Hate hunting? Live in West Yorkshire? Drop us a message?

We are currently recruiting, and will be hosting meetings over the next few weeks to meet potential new members. Message us on here if you want to get involved!


West Yorkshire


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