Lovely Tilly enjoying a relaxing massage as part of her physio appointment with our in-house physio nurse, Dawn. Do contact us if you think your pet could benefit from physiotherapy T: 01934 511611 / E: [email protected]
🌟 cover photo stars 🌟
We love receiving photos of your pets for a chance of them becoming our cover photo star for the month! 😍
Post a picture of your pet in the comment section below ⬇️
🌟 We will pick a new cover photo star from the comments on Friday 🌟
⭐️ cover photo star winners ⭐️
Thank you for all the lovely pictures of your pets! 😍
We couldn’t just pick one cover photo star winner, so we have picked four! 😊
🌟 This is Cooper, Smithy, Arlo and Tigsie 🌟
There will be another chance for your pets to feature as our cover photo star next month!
Mobility Month:
Is your cat slowing down, or becoming more reluctant to jump? Book in for a free of charge check during Mobility Month!
Hypertension in Cats
Did you know that kidney disease is a common and serious disease in cats. It is often associated with 'Hypertension' or high blood pressure. Hypertension remains silent for a long time before symptoms appear, but can be easily tested for. That’s why regular check ups at the veterinary clinic are essential!
At Summer Lane Vets we are offering half price blood pressure checks for all cats for the month of May. Give us a ring on 01934 511611 to book your cat's half price blood pressure check or click for more info!