I think I have got to everyone now, but please let me know if I have missed any bookings.
But as of the 15th of May Walking Paws will be closing, this is a very heavy hearted decision and not one I want to have made but for me personally moving forward I have had to make it.
I am going to miss all the dogs, cats & small animals so so much, and can’t thank each and every one of you enough for all the support over the last 6+ months, and as always trusting me with your pets which have become a big part of my life too, so going to miss seeing there faces everyday😩
I feel relief that I have got the lovely Karen’s dog walking services taking over a lot of the team from me which makes me feel happy knowing they are going to be loved by Karen who is running her business similar to me on a solo 1-2-1 basis.
I will continue to support Karen even once I have closed the business to ensure everyone is happy & all the dogs are settled just so it is peace of mind for everyone.
Again thankyou to everyone that has supported, messaged & trusted me with your pets🐕🤍