Wheaton Aston Manoeuvres 2020 (?)
Hello Gentleman. Many of us here have expressed an interest in conducting a fully immersive 48+hr “pre-Great War” c1913/14 tented camp/manoeuvre exercise in a suitable location.
Thanks to Lee Bond we have been able to secure use of a large area of land in Staffordshire, near and around Wheaton Aston. The venue is amazing with about 2000 acres of Edwardian fields, farmland, farm buildings and even canals with multiple, contemporary crossing points. This page is to get the creative juices flowing. We aim to hold the event (COVID restrictions allowing) in the late Spring early Summer of 2021.
The basic premise is as follows.
1. Invite only event, for people and select with the correct equipment, reputation and mind set.
2. A fully immersive 48hr tented camp with round the clock sentries/guard, ablutions (practicality/H&S allowing), food cooking and mess facilities. A chance for those interested in rations and cooking to come forward (field kitchen/field ovens etc etc?)
3. Large scale joint training, drill, field/firing manoeuvres, signalling, scouting etc over the 2 days. A chance to try out all that we have learnt from the period manuals and a chance to use all the equipment that we have in a practical situation. All on different terrains.
4. On the final day a “large” exercise. A culmination of the previous days training, consisting of a rolling attack on an enemy force at a various defensive positions, including bridges, buildings etc. With umpires, blank firing and pyrotechnics.
5. If plausible on the final night, a period mess night in a marquee.
This page will give us the opportunity to organise what we want and to source what is needed. Things such portaloos, a period marquee, field kitchen etc etc. There will most probably have to be a small charge per head to cover cost of food and absolutions. This could really be something spectacular so please get behind it an offer any suggestions/support you might have.
50 Individuals should be enough to make it worth while and should be easily attainable between the groups and select individuals. Please try to keep the page Spam free, please invite members of your group who you think would be up this.
Groups that have expressed an interest so far…
1st Btn Royal Warwicks 1914-18
Scots at War Living History Society
Great War Society
The Norfolks