Binky Flops Rescue

Binky Flops Rescue Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Binky Flops Rescue, Wigan.

Our aim is to rescue neglected/abandoned pet rabbits and provide them with any vet care and rehabilitation (both physical and emotional) necessary to find them loving new homes.

Hi Everybunny!Here are a few updates from the last few weeks πŸ₯°Duchess successfully had her spay operation and recovered ...

Hi Everybunny!

Here are a few updates from the last few weeks πŸ₯°

Duchess successfully had her spay operation and recovered very well (though she took a scary amount of time to start pooping properly post-op). Unfortunately, however, her eye is still sore. The scratch seems to be healing but she's developed a little conjunctivitis so will need to go back to the vet tomorrow for different drops.

Smore and Dill both had their teeth burred again and it's been decided that neither bunny requires incisor removal just yet.
Dill only needs burring every few months and tolerates it really well so we will continue to do this for the foreseeable.
Smore tolerates his burring super well too and never loses his appetite even when the teeth are becoming unruly again so it's not worth it to put him through such a traumatic procedure at this point. It's not off the table, however, should there be complications further down the road. It's quite sad to realise, given the condition he arrived in, that he actually wasn't so malnutritioned and unwell due to his teeth but due to sheer neglect and inappropriate diet. He is happy now, though and will be remaining with us as a sanctuary bunny so will never go hungry again β€οΈπŸ’“

Romeo has fully recovered from his recent procedure and is now eating with his old enthusiasm, regaining weight and there is no more drooling πŸ₯°β€οΈ

Although we intended to not take in any more rehab bunnies ahead of our transition to sanctuary, two urgent rescues had to be brought in. It had come to our attention that some young bunnies were roaming free in a local backstreet and onto a busy road so CrazyRabbitLady went to assess the situation. 2 bunnies approximately a mere 5 months old were discovered roaming among fly tipped waste, burnt out fire pits, brambles and broken glass. Neighbours reported that they had been loose for a couple of weeks evading all capture attempts by members of the public. We located the owner who, after a brief discussion on how dangerous it was for these bunnies to be left out, said "if you can catch them you can have them". CrazyRabbitLady was given access to their living arrangements which was a bare concrete garage floor with no food or water visibly provided. Of course, the decision was made then to rescue these poor babies.

The intention had been to send them straight into fostering but on catching the first bunny, after 2 hours of trying, it became evident that he needed rehab for fear of humans as well as fattening up quite a bit. On capture he screamed and screamed. CrazyRabbitLady has heard the rabbit "death scream" before but never like that! It's a wonder he didn't have a heart attack right there!

At this point, it was getting dark and the other bunny had taken shelter somewhere CrazyRabbitLady wasn't able to access so she reluctantly decided to return first thing in the morning with an extra pair of hands.

The next morning, CrazyRabbitLady and CrazyRabbitLadyJunior returned and quite quickly located the other bunny but capture wasn't going to be simple when the bunny decided amongst the brambles and old mattresses was a good place to hide. The cheeky bunny didn't count on the tenacity, though of our team so CrazyRabbitLadyJunior came out of the fray full of cuts and mud but with bunny number 2 finally safe! We immediately checked and found that this bunny was a girl so also had to come in for monitoring. She is now on pregnancy watch for a total of 30 days to be sure 🀞🀞🀞
She too was very thin and had thorns stuck in her fur around her face. We have therefore named her Thorn and her brother is now called Robin.

Both youngsters are making amazing progress and starting to trust the team already. They seem extremely grateful for a safe warm bed and a full belly.

Unfortunately, it's that moment again where we have to ask for your help. The vet visits this month have completely wiped us out and now we have yet more bunnies to provide with medical care, neutering, etc. If you can help with any amount at all please consider a contribution via PayPal or bank transfer 🀞❀️

Thank you so much for all your ongoing support!

P.S. Tomorrow is CrazyRabbitLadys birthday so it would be excellent if she could start the day knowing some of our emergency funds have been recovered, Duchess's antibiotic drops are paid or even that we can book in another much needed neuter surgery 😁😁😁
Thank youuu xx

Account name: Caroline Hudson
Sort code: 09-01-29
Account number: 10009040

It never rains but it pours πŸ₯ΊLittle Duchess was seen in the early hours of yesterday morning to have a wet sticky eye so...

It never rains but it pours πŸ₯Ί

Little Duchess was seen in the early hours of yesterday morning to have a wet sticky eye so we got her in to see the vet as soon as they opened to get it checked out.
Unfortunately, as can be seen in the 2nd pic, she has a painful scratch right across her cornea 😭
We don't know how this happened but suspect it may have been an injury caused by a crack in her litter tray which she regular flops into. It is being replaced just incase.

This ate another Β£95 into our funds which we had put aside for 3 appointments: Dill's burr which was successfully performed on Friday, Smore's follow up appointment later today and Duchess's long awaited spay which is booked for Thursday. There is now only Β£68 remaining in the vet account and that will halve later today.

If you can help at all to bolster our vet fund or recoup funds that are needed for Duchess Spay and follow ups on her eye please consider a contribution via PayPal or bank transfer. Alternatively, get in touch for instructions on how to make a payment directly into our vet account.

Account name: Caroline Hudson
Sort code: 09-01-29
Account number: 10009040

For anyone awaiting an update on the 2 stray bunnies we caught over the weekend we will do a post tomorrow regarding the situation and how they're doing. They're making great progress already. Such sweet babies.

Thank you x

CrazyRabbitLady x

Hello Everybunny πŸ‘‹β€οΈIn a little over 2 weeks time it's CrazyRabbitLadys birthday πŸ™Š and we were hoping to have stepped up...

Hello Everybunny πŸ‘‹β€οΈ

In a little over 2 weeks time it's CrazyRabbitLadys birthday πŸ™Š and we were hoping to have stepped up our move into Sanctuary by then. This means we need to have done as much as possible for our rehomable bunnies in order for them to start getting ready for their potential new homes. We also really need to find good homes for bunnies that have been waiting far longer than they deserve for their hoppy ever afters.

One pair of absolutely beautiful bunnies that we didn't expect to still be here are Daisy and Duke (pictured). They would make fabulous family pets and desperately need more living space than they currently have here. They are still young at 1 year old and love being fussed (on their own terms of course) and return any affection with enthusiastic chinning πŸ₯°. Rubbing their chin on objects is how bunnies claim them as theirs so it's extra adorable when they like to do that to their humans ❀️

If you can offer Daisy and Duke a loving home or for information on any of our bunnies, please get in touch via the Messenger or WhatsApp buttons 🀞🀞🀞

Unfortunately, funds being so low, we're finding it difficult to prepare other bunnies such as Axl and Rose for their own homing opportunities so, if you are able, please consider showing CrazyRabbitLady some early birthday cheer by contributing to our spay/neuter fund πŸ₯°
This can be done via PayPal or bank transfer or get in touch for details on how to make a contribution directly to our vet account.

Thank you for all your wonderful support x

Account name: Caroline Hudson
Sort code: 09-01-29
Account number: 10009040

Romeo update:Yesterday, Romeo was anaesthetised and had his lower molars burred on both sides.  He was far from happy ab...

Romeo update:

Yesterday, Romeo was anaesthetised and had his lower molars burred on both sides. He was far from happy about this πŸ˜… but today, he seems much brighter than he has done recently and dove into his breakfast kale with enthusiasm πŸ₯°

Thank you so so much to those who contributed a combined total of £90 towards the procedure. Your generosity is truly appreciated 😍❀️

The remaining £130.67 ate away the last of our readily available emergency fund and even required a top up from CrazyRabbitLadyJunior. If you can help us to recoup some of this loss so that we can provide the rest of the necessary appointments for next week please please consider doing so via PayPal or bank transfer 🀞🀞🀞

Romeo says "thank you, lovely hoomuns" and we all hope his sore tongue heals as fast as possible ❀️

Account name: Caroline Hudson
Sort code: 09-01-29
Account number: 10009040

Thank you ###



Hey Everybunny!

Romeo's drooling has increased and he's losing condition so we've booked him for his dental surgery for first thing Monday morning 🀞😭
We can't wait any longer trying to improve his food intake as the more he deteriorates the riskier it becomes to anaesthetise so it's just everything crossed 🀞🀞🀞 for a smooth procedure on Monday.
Original post linked in the comments.

Funds for this procedure are low at the moment so if you can spare anything at all to help our gorgeous fluffy man we would be forever grateful πŸ₯°

A massive thank you to the 2 wonderful supporters that have contributed so far. Your generosity is so very much appreciated ❀️❀️

Please enjoy this video of him in Starbucks earlier in the week asking to flirt with all the women he could see 😍
Momo absolutely loves the ladies πŸ™ˆ he even tried to climb into a little girl's pram for a cuddle at one point πŸ˜…

It's impossible to express in words how much this boy means to us and anyone that meets him. He really is a wonderful ray of floofy light ✨️ so if you can help him with a contribution of any amount please consider doing so via PayPal or bank transfer. Alternatively, get in touch for details of how to contribute directly to his vet account.

Thank you for your time and please show beautiful Romeo (Momo) some love by sharing our posts, reacting, commenting, etc to raise awareness πŸ₯°

Account name: Caroline Hudson
Sort code: 09-01-29
Account number: 10009040

Evening, everybunny!2025 has begun the same way 2024 ended; bills, bills and bills!Due to lack of funds we decided to po...

Evening, everybunny!

2025 has begun the same way 2024 ended; bills, bills and bills!
Due to lack of funds we decided to postpone pending neuter operations this month but to no avail as, not only have the ongoing dental issues of Smore and Dill chosen this month to resurface but our Romeo (Momo) has developed his own dental issue that is going to need surgery to correct πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ

We have been quoted Β£220 to burr Momos molars which have developed spurs that are causing painful ulceration on his tongue. Having already paid Β£123 for Smores procedures , an upcoming Β£35 for Dill and 2 x Β£87.50 to vaccinate both Sky and Mabel ahead of them moving into their furever homes, this unexpected cost is taking us to approximately Β£500 extra spending. This may not seem a lot considering the bills some rescues face but it is quite a blow to our small, independant, family run set up.

We also have quite a number of spay and neuter ops to fund so that we can rehome those bunnies suitable and create successful bonds among those that will remain as sanctuary bunnies following the switch.

If you can help with a contribution of any amount at all towards our vet fees please consider doing so via PayPal or bank transfer 🀞❀️

Thank you so much x

Account name: Caroline Hudson
Sort code: 09-01-29
Account number: 10009040


As with Romeo, bunnies can develop issues with their molars while their incisors remain looking perfect so it is essential to be ready to spot any potentially related symptoms.

These can include:

A new reluctance to eat. Especially hard foods such as pellets. They will often appear as though they want to eat at first but then will change their mind and leave the food. Bunnies may also start dropping treats after taking them.

A dirty back end. Bunnies with a sore mouth will often stop cleaning themselves properly and may stop eating their cecotropes (bunch of grapes poops).

Recurring chin wetness. Oral discomfort may cause your bunny to drool causing wetness and/or tangled fur beneath the chin or on the chest area. Their front paws may also appear damp or unusually soiled due to frequent cleaning of the wet mouth.

Chronic eye issues. Malocclusion of the molars can press onto the tear ducts causing eyes to run or regularly appear sticky. After a while the bunny may start to lose fur near their eyes. It may also cause the tear ducts to stop working causing dry eyes that are at risk of ulceration from unflushed debris.

Unusual mouth movements. Bunnies may look as though they're chewing or grinding with nothing in their mouth (be sure they're not just chowing down on their bumyums πŸ’©) or simply look different in how they chew their food/move their jaw. They may also regularly rub at their mouth area (not to be confused with washing the face).

This list is not exhaustive.
Other issues can create similar symptoms.
Any issues as mentioned above are cause for an ASAP vet visit that needs to include feeling around the face for anything unusual and inspection of the molars.

Aww look at this sulky face, bless him πŸ₯ΊSmore has been to the vet today for his teeth burring and having gained approxim...

Aww look at this sulky face, bless him πŸ₯Ί

Smore has been to the vet today for his teeth burring and having gained approximately 0.5kg since he was first assessed, he was given the all clear to be vaccinated πŸ€—

This also means he is healthy enough to be neutered and eventually bonded to a friend(s) but that will have to wait as he has already spent more than his neuter fund (Β£123) on today's visit.

If you can spare a few pounds towards covering today's visit and his ongoing vet fees please consider a contribution via PayPal or bank transfer.πŸ₯°

Account name: Caroline Hudson
Sort code: 09-01-29
Account number: 10009040

Thank you ❀️❀️❀️

Hello Everybunny! 🐰We've been very quiet over the Christmas/New Year period as the whole team has been battling a partic...

Hello Everybunny! 🐰

We've been very quiet over the Christmas/New Year period as the whole team has been battling a particularly nasty flu virus since new year's day. We will catch you all up soon with pics taken over xmas and will be running some rehoming appeals. Please get in touch via the Messenger or WhatsApp buttons if you're interested in arranging a home check, meet-greet, chat about adopting/fostering with us in the meantime ❀️

For now, take a look at how much our little babies have grown since our last post! In a few days time they will be 8 weeks old and we will be looking to separate boys (Thistle and Ice-bear) from their sisters (Bramble and Badger) ahead of their hormonal stages arriving. We will also be looking to book all 4 in for their vaccinations which is not going to be cheap at Β£87.50 per bunny for the triple vax plus a further Β£45 each (approx) a couple of weeks later for the new vaccination against the latest strain of rhd.

If you'd like to help at all towards these costs, their future neuter ops or any other of our vet fees and running costs, please consider a contribution via PayPal or bank transfer. Every single Β£ counts and is massively appreciated!

Thank you to all our supporters and we hope 2025 treats you and your loved ones well πŸ₯°

Account name: Caroline Hudson
Sort code: 09-01-29
Account number: 10009040

Please share and help if you're able 🀞🀞🀞We need your kindness more than ever at the moment πŸ₯°

Please share and help if you're able 🀞🀞🀞
We need your kindness more than ever at the moment πŸ₯°

Yep we've been keeping this one quiet but thanks to these 4 beauties being officially signed over now it's time to gush ...

Yep we've been keeping this one quiet but thanks to these 4 beauties being officially signed over now it's time to gush 😍

3 weeks old tomorrow and what a whirlwind 3 weeks it has been. The 1st week was particularly stressful due to a disgruntled momma bunny not having enough milk and getting upset with the demands being made by 4 hungry mouths. It was touch and go particularly for Thistle who seemed unable or unwilling to properly latch on.

But here they are!! 4 healthy babies full of beans and baby binkies!

These little pompoms weren't something we had planned for but there was no way we wouldn't do everything possible to give them their best start in life ❀️

Sadly, a couple of days before they arrived, we lost our beloved old man, Billy, who finally succumbed to his age at approximately 12 years old πŸ˜”
For those who aren't aware, we founded BFr in honour of Billy and the wonderful bunny he became post-rehab. We can't help but feel that these babies are sign from Billy that it's ok to look forward instead of back as we get closer to our transition from rehab to sanctuary.

Our costs already being more than we can currently handle, this added pressure of babies to care for, vaccinate, eventually neuter beyond a time we were planning to stop such outgoings, etc is not going to be easy but we will make it work as we always do 🀞❀️

If you are able to help with any amount at all towards their future needs or the upcoming costs of our remaining operations please please consider a contribution via PayPal or bank transfer. Everything counts and just a fiver will buy a bag of junior nuggets to get some much needed calories into these little balls of fluff πŸ₯°

We will also compile a new Amazon wishlist shortly and add it in the comments for anyone preferring to help in that way x

Thank you so much as always for your support ###


Account name: Caroline Hudson
Sort code: 09-01-29
Account number: 10009040

Please share and contribute if you can πŸ™Everything we have at the moment is going on basic care and even that is a strug...

Please share and contribute if you can πŸ™
Everything we have at the moment is going on basic care and even that is a struggle right now πŸ₯Ί

Thank you for your ongoing support. It means so much to us and our special bunnies ❀️

CrazyRabbitLady x

Hiiii Everybunny!!

Our change from rescue to sanctuary is less than 3 months away! Not only do we still have many bunnies waiting for their furever homes but we also still have a few that need to be neutered before they can take their next step!

We are looking to raise £500 towards 4 of these operations specifically as the bunnies in question have rehoming opportunities lined up 🀞🀞🀞

Blondie (pictured):
Blondie is in a foster placement but has the opportunity to be adopted and bonded to a lovely male bunny there once her spay can be funded. She came to us housed with her sister, Muffin, but their bond was only superficial and they were upsetting each other so they were separated for their own emotional and physical health. It must have been quite stressful enduring only a sibling bond for 4 years so we decided to allow them to move on from each other instead of attempting to create a firmer bond post spay.

Fluffy Muffin was coming off the worst for their superficial bond with her losing condition prior to arriving at the rescue and losing hair where Blondie would latch on during dominance tussles. Since separation, Muffin has massively come out of her shell and is ready to look at finding a proper bond with a new friend. She just needs that spay operation before she can begin the search. Watch out for Muffin becoming available for bonding opportunities in the future! She is adorable 😍

Axl and Rose:
Axl and Rose are now old enough for their ops and have been reserved for a home together once the winter weather has passed! So we need to get started on creating a good bond that will be with them for life. To do so, we need to get them in for their procedures ASAP so that their hormones can settle ahead of the bonding process! At Β£256 for the pair this is going to hit our funds harder but we would prefer to have them done simultaneously so that they can recover side by side.

If you can help these 4 bunnies one step closer to hoppy ever after please consider a contribution towards their combined vet fees of over Β£500 πŸ€žπŸ€—πŸ₯° via PayPal or bank transfer.


Account name: Caroline Hudson
Sort code: 09-01-29
Account number: 10009040

Every penny and pound we receive is massively appreciated ❀️❀️

If you're interested in offering a home to any of our bunnies that are ready to go please get in touch via the Messenger or WhatsApp buttons 🐰

Hiiii Everybunny!!Our change from rescue to sanctuary is less than 3 months away!  Not only do we still have many bunnie...

Hiiii Everybunny!!

Our change from rescue to sanctuary is less than 3 months away! Not only do we still have many bunnies waiting for their furever homes but we also still have a few that need to be neutered before they can take their next step!

We are looking to raise £500 towards 4 of these operations specifically as the bunnies in question have rehoming opportunities lined up 🀞🀞🀞

Blondie (pictured):
Blondie is in a foster placement but has the opportunity to be adopted and bonded to a lovely male bunny there once her spay can be funded. She came to us housed with her sister, Muffin, but their bond was only superficial and they were upsetting each other so they were separated for their own emotional and physical health. It must have been quite stressful enduring only a sibling bond for 4 years so we decided to allow them to move on from each other instead of attempting to create a firmer bond post spay.

Fluffy Muffin was coming off the worst for their superficial bond with her losing condition prior to arriving at the rescue and losing hair where Blondie would latch on during dominance tussles. Since separation, Muffin has massively come out of her shell and is ready to look at finding a proper bond with a new friend. She just needs that spay operation before she can begin the search. Watch out for Muffin becoming available for bonding opportunities in the future! She is adorable 😍

Axl and Rose:
Axl and Rose are now old enough for their ops and have been reserved for a home together once the winter weather has passed! So we need to get started on creating a good bond that will be with them for life. To do so, we need to get them in for their procedures ASAP so that their hormones can settle ahead of the bonding process! At Β£256 for the pair this is going to hit our funds harder but we would prefer to have them done simultaneously so that they can recover side by side.

If you can help these 4 bunnies one step closer to hoppy ever after please consider a contribution towards their combined vet fees of over Β£500 πŸ€žπŸ€—πŸ₯° via PayPal or bank transfer.


Account name: Caroline Hudson
Sort code: 09-01-29
Account number: 10009040

Every penny and pound we receive is massively appreciated ❀️❀️

If you're interested in offering a home to any of our bunnies that are ready to go please get in touch via the Messenger or WhatsApp buttons 🐰


Beautiful Lolo and her instant recovery from her spay surgery a while ago 😍

She is now living at her furever home with her partner in crime, Hopsy and is a very happy little girl!

We have many more bunnies waiting for their furever homes and still have a few waiting for their neuter ops before they can even move onto that stage! Unfortunately, neuter funds are extremely low at the moment so we have only, with the help of a very generous donation, been able to fund one op this month. Handsome Sky was neutered on the 15th and has recovered perfectly!

If you are able to spare anything at all towards getting another bunny in for their op and one step closer to hoppy ever after, please consider a contribution via PayPal or bank transfer 🀞

Also, if you are interested in offering a home to any of the Binky Flops bunnies please get in touch via the Messenger or WhatsApp buttons for information on adopting/fostering with us.

Thank you for all your support ❀️

Account name: Caroline Hudson
Sort code: 09-01-29
Account number: 10009040



Are you a rehabilitator, rescue centre volunteer or vet professional interested in first aid, care & rehabilitation?

There are TWO spaces available on our First Aid course run with Vale Wildlife Hospital & Rehabilitation Centre, near Tewkesbury, on Friday, 20th December.

Β£70 each – or Β£35 each if you’re on the BHPS directory.

Call 01584 890 801 to book it now!

Found locally! Please contact the practice with any relevant info πŸ™

Found locally! Please contact the practice with any relevant info πŸ™

πŸ‡ Bunny Found! πŸ‡ WN5 area 🐾

A lovely couple found this rabbit in their garden this afternoon. They were happy to look after him and keep him warm for now. Entire Male rabbit with no chip. Is anyone missing him? 🐰

Please call the practice tomorrow if anyone knows any information πŸ’šπŸ’š


Hi Binkies and Floppers πŸ‘‹

CrazyRabbitLady here just to apologise to anyone who has been in contact recently. I've had to take some impromtu time off from all but the essential bunny care this week.

I will do my best to get back to everyone by the end of the week. In an emergency, or if you're worried about your bfr bunny/s please put 'URGENT' as the first word of your message and I'll prioritise it.

Thank you πŸ€—

CrazyRabbitLady x

Another bunny found out and about last week! Contact Gilmore vets, Standish, with any relevant information 🀞❀️

Another bunny found out and about last week! Contact Gilmore vets, Standish, with any relevant information 🀞❀️




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