We’re jumping into a new week here at Mutts to Mansions. We still have some spaces available on our afternoon and morning walk slots. If you’re returning to work and are worried about leaving your pup after lockdown, these walks are a great way to break up their day and give them a chance to socialise and explore our gorgeous parks.
These slots are also ideal if your making the most of this beautiful weather and heading out for the day and don’t want to be time restricted.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We’d love to have a chat and see how we can help.
Monte and Churchill cooling off during our sunshine filled walk this afternoon
I believe that roughly translates as ... 'Hurry up and get your shoes on... It's about to rain!'
Today bonbon found... Herself!
'Have you by any chance, just done exactly the same thing again max?!'
'Max... Did you drop your ball in that very big deep muddy puddle?' 'No?'
.... 'Where's your ball max?'