How to perform a daily guinea pig health check.
1. Check your piggies eyes and nose for any discharge or mucus.
2. Check your piggies coat is glossy and well kept and their skin is healthy.
3. Check they are moving around normally.
4. Note any changes in behaviour.
5. Check your piggies are eating all parts of their diet.
6. Check they are passing urine and droppings normally.
7. Check the skin around the back end for any signs of wet which can cause fly strike ( check twice a day in the summer months )
8 . Check their nail length.
If your guinea pig shows signs of illness or disease take them to your vet! #GPAW
The Rabbit Behaviour Dictionary 📒🐇
Have you noticed your rabbits jumping in the air and twisting? This is called a binky! This is a great sign showing they’re feeling very happy and playful.
If you get a small nip from your rabbit, like a little pinch, this could be a sign that your rabbit wants your attention now, or that they’re warning you. If your rabbit bites you hard, this could be a sign of fear or stress.
Ears on alert
When your rabbit’s ears are up, something has got their attention and they’re on alert. Similarly, with their ears back, they’re very relaxed.
Licking you or each other
Rabbits show affection by licking each other, so this a great way to see that you’re doing great!
Rabbits thump to communicate that there’s danger around. It can also be a sign that they’re annoyed and often means stop doing what you’re doing!
Grinding their teeth
When rabbits grind their teeth, listen out for how loud they are. Gentle, soft grinding (like a purring cat) is a sign of contentment. If you hear your rabbit grinding their teeth loudly, they’re in pain and need to see a vet as soon as possible.
#RAW2024 #rabbitawarenessactiongroup
It's tick season! Watch the video below for some tips on how to safely remove a tick from your pet. Tick hooks can be purchased from the practice, just ask one of our lovely reception team 😀
We’re so pleased to let you know that we have recently been awarded for our client service by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS). We achieved the award after demonstrating high levels of care for our clients, and we’re delighted to receive it as it’s a true team effort!
The awards are part of the RCVS Practice Standards Scheme, which aims to promote and maintain the highest standards of veterinary care, and which we’re accredited under. If you would like to, you can find out more about the Scheme at:
We’re so pleased to let you know that we have recently been awarded for our in-patient service by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS). We achieved the award after demonstrating excellence in the service we provide for patients staying within our practice, including our veterinary nursing care and facilities. We’re delighted to receive it as it’s a true team effort!
The awards are part of the RCVS Practice Standards Scheme, which aims to promote and maintain the highest standards of veterinary care, and which we’re accredited under. If you would like to, you can find out more about the Scheme at:
We’re so pleased to let you know that we have recently been awarded for our patient consultation service by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS). We achieved the award after demonstrating the quality of our practice in the first-opinion services we offer to our clients and patients. We’re delighted to receive it as it’s a true team effort!
The awards are part of the RCVS Practice Standards Scheme, which aims to promote and maintain the highest standards of veterinary care, and which we’re accredited under.
If you would like to, you can find out more about the Scheme at:
Oreo enjoying a treat after his op 🍌❤️
Your local vet, here to support you and your pets.
We’re committed to keeping you and our colleagues protected, which is why we’ve made several important changes in our practice.
We have also adapted our services to make it easier to care for your pet. Get in touch to find out more -
Please note: Video consultations are unavailable. Home delivery upon request via email [email protected]
Reggies Entry
....and in 1st place is REGGIE for *Most Talented*🧡
He will be put forward to Best in Show♥️
A cat playing fetch! Don’t see that everyday 🐱
Thank you Kelly for submitting Reggie’s video🐾