Did you know that I can combine both fingerprints and ashes set in resin on a bespoke piece of jewellery for you? ❤️ #makingjewellery #smallbusinessowneruk #silverclayjewellery #smallbusiness #northyorkshirebusiness #makingmemories #northyorkshire #smallbiz #northyorkmoors #handmade #creativebusiness #handmadejewellery #makeanimpressionyorkshire #ryedale #smallbusinessowner #makingjewellery #makeanimpression #resinjewellery #resinjewelrymaking #ashesjewellery #fingerprintjewellery #ashes #set #in #ashessetinjewellery #memorialjewellery
We’ll that’s been another fab day being creative with a lovely group of like minded ladies 🥰. Some beautiful makes ladies at todays silver jewellery workshop, I really hope you’ve all enjoyed it and would love you to join me again on another workshop in the not too distant future. Thank you for coming, Sarah ###
Christmas decorations in the making with a new little twist!!!