These are some of the puppies I’ve done from their very first grooms!
I’ve groomed Nala, Blue and Mabel for a while now as they have been coming to me regularly since they were a few months old. It’s been so lovely to watch them as they grow up and see how their characters develop ❤️
Regular visits from such a young age has enabled these beautiful pups to get used to the whole grooming process as well. Gradually, they have gotten more confident with the loud noises of the dryers, the handling techniques to keep them safe whilst we are using scissors, and our relationship has strengthened because of it ❤️
So if you’ve got a new fluffy bundle of joy and you’re wondering about when is the right time to bring them to a groomers, please don’t hesitate to message me with any enquiries as I’m always happy to help!
Loves and Woofs,