Nea Makri Cat Rescue

Nea Makri Cat Rescue Helping the cats of Nea Makri to live better lives Cats are not always well cared for in Greece. Anastasia has been trying to help local cats for many years.

Some organisations around the country try to do something but, until now, no help has been available in our town, Nea Makri. Chris and Silvia came to live here in late 2009 and very soon found cats in need of help. There’s a limit to what we can do ourselves so we’ve set up this page with two main aims. Most importantly we’re trying to find homes for abandoned cats. Too often, people who no longer

want their cats and/or kittens leave them at a taverna, presumably thinking they will get some food, or outside a vet’s surgery, or elsewhere, sometimes even in rubbish bins. Often we can only feed them where they’ve been abandoned, making sure they have suitable shelter. Longer term we’re trying to find homes for them. Some just need some safe space outside, others would have better lives with more human interaction. Until we can find them homes we often need somewhere safe, away from roads, where we can look after the cats ourselves. The second aim of this page is to hopefully raise some funds to help feed the abandoned cats, to get them inoculated, treated for any illnesses, and later sterilised. Currently we pay these costs ourselves. There’s a much better chance that they will find homes if their new owners don’t have to themselves find the money. Anyone wishing to contribute can send funds via Paypal quoting [email protected]. Every month we will publish the total sum raised, the names of donors (unless they prefer to remain anonymous), and details of our expenses. We hope you will like what we’re trying to do and that you will spread the word as widely as possible.


I’m desperately sorry to tell you that I can no longer act as the first point of contact for requests for help. I have tried my best to find someone else to take over that role but without success. My post on 23 April explained in detail what would be required. Sadly Nea Makri Cat Rescue must now close until further notice.
We can strongly recommend one vet in Nea Makri if anyone would like to get help for a cat in need. Please phone 22940 96205 during working hours.
With big regrets that it ends this way, Chris
Λυπάμαι απελπισμένα που σας λέω ότι δεν μπορώ πλέον να ενεργώ ως το πρώτο σημείο επαφής για αιτήματα για βοήθεια. Προσπάθησα να βρω κάποιον άλλον να αναλάβει αυτόν τον ρόλο αλλά χωρίς επιτυχία. Η ανάρτησή μου στις 23 Απριλίου εξήγησε λεπτομερώς τι θα απαιτούνταν. Δυστυχώς το Nea Makri Cat Rescue πρέπει τώρα να κλείσει μέχρι νεωτέρας.
Μπορούμε να προτείνουμε ανεπιφύλακτα έναν κτηνίατρο στη Νέα Μάκρη αν κάποιος θέλει να ζητήσει βοήθεια για μια γάτα που έχει ανάγκη. Παρακαλούμε τηλεφωνήστε στο 22940 96205 κατά τις εργάσιμες ώρες.
Με μεγάλη λύπη που τελειώνει έτσι, Κρις


To keep this page going we need to find someone living locally to do the following.
1. Publish his/her/their phone numbers and/or email addresses on this page.
2. Respond to phone calls and/or email messages from people asking for help with cats. We don’t get many calls. Almost all calls are from visitors to Nea Makri and most are by people from other countries so basic English language knowledge is important.
3. Explain that we have no funds and that we can only try to help if the caller is willing to pay any expenses.
4. Help to catch sick cats and get them to our vet. In case it is needed the vet has a trap that he will lend to trusted people.
5. Arrange for sick cats to be given medicine, usually with their food.
6. Post notices about cats needing homes. Posts on this page do not usually get a response. A4 posters with photos and a brief description, displayed in the windows of local pet shops and vets, are more successful.
7. Help foreign visitors who want to adopt cats to understand what is needed and to get cat passports.
I will support anyone who is willing to carry out these tasks but I must step back from being the first point of contact. I very much hope that someone will at least try.


Είμαι εξαιρετικά απογοητευμένος που κανείς δεν θέλει να βοηθήσει για να κρατήσει αυτή τη σελίδα ζωντανή. Πρέπει να κλείσω τη σελίδα εκτός εάν κάποιος επικοινωνήσει μαζί μου εντός των επόμενων 15 ημερών. Έχουμε ξοδέψει πολύ λίγα χρήματα, μόνο τροφή για γάτες και λίγη βενζίνη, και έχουμε πετύχει πολλά. Οι επισκέπτες της Νέας Μάκρης που έχουν ζητήσει τη βοήθειά μας έχουν πληρώσει για επισκέψεις κτηνιάτρου και για όλα τα έξοδα για να δώσουν στις γάτες καλύτερη ζωή σε άλλες χώρες. Χωρίς αυτή τη σελίδα οι επισκέπτες θα συνειδητοποιήσουν ότι κανείς δεν ενδιαφέρεται. Ελπίζω ότι κάποιος θα θέλει τώρα να βοηθήσει. Επικοινωνήστε με τον Chris
I am extremely disappointed that nobody wants to help to keep this page alive. I must close the page unless someone contacts me within the next 15 days. We have spent very little money, just some cat food and some petrol, and we have achieved a lot. Visitors to Nea Makri who have asked for our help have paid for vet visits and for all expenses to give cats better lives in other countries. Without this page visitors will realise that nobody cares. I hope that someone will now want to help. Please contact Chris


Δυστυχώς, για διάφορους λόγους, πρέπει πολύ σύντομα να αποχωρήσω από τη θέση μου ως το πρώτο σημείο επαφής για το Nea Makri Cat Rescue. Μπορούμε να συνεχίσουμε τη δουλειά μας μόνο εάν κάποιος άλλος μπορεί να αναλάβει ως πρώτο σημείο επαφής. Αυτό θα σημαίνει διαχείριση της σελίδας μας στο Facebook και ανταπόκριση σε εκκλήσεις για βοήθεια. Δεν απαιτεί πολλή δουλειά. Θα συνεχίσω να είμαι διαθέσιμος για να υποστηρίξω αυτό το άτομο. Ευχαριστώ, Κρις
Sadly, for various reasons, I must very soon step back from my position as the first point of contact for Nea Makri Cat Rescue. We can continue our work only if someone else is able to take over as the first contact point. That will mean managing our page and responding to calls for help. It does not involve a lot of work. I will continue to be available to support that person. Thank you, Chris

Great news from Simone in Germany. To remind you, after her holiday in a Nea Makri hotel she returned to take little Sto...

Great news from Simone in Germany. To remind you, after her holiday in a Nea Makri hotel she returned to take little Stormi home with her. She gave him a new Greek name, Zeus, and she just sent us this lovely update.
"Zeus is doing well, he is a really funny and really smart guy. He wants to play and eat all the time and often hides to jump out and scare us. He loves my dog too, what really makes it easy! So everything is going great."

The Golden Coast hotel is closed through the winter (November to February or March inclusive). I've been told that many ...

The Golden Coast hotel is closed through the winter (November to February or March inclusive). I've been told that many of the cats from the hotel congregate around the small Agia Kyriaki church at the end of Brexiza beach. If anyone is ever in that area please take some food for the cats. You might even meet Jimmy, our friend the white cat with no tail.
(I posted this a few days ago as a comment and it should have been a new post for more people to see it.)
Το ξενοδοχείο Golden Coast είναι κλειστό κατά τη διάρκεια του χειμώνα (από Νοέμβριο έως Φεβρουάριο ή Μάρτιο). Μου είπαν ότι πολλά από τα γατιά από το ξενοδοχείο συγκεντρώνονται γύρω από τη μικρή εκκλησία της Αγίας Κυριακής στο τέλος της παραλίας Μπρέξιζα. Εάν κάποιος βρίσκεται ποτέ σε αυτήν την περιοχή, παρακαλώ πάρτε λίγη τροφή για τις γάτες. Ίσως συναντήσετε ακόμη και τον Τζίμι. Είνα ο φίλος μας, λευκος γάτος χωρίς ουρά.

And now for some good news. Simone from Germany fell in love with young Stormi while she was on holiday in Nea Makri. We...

And now for some good news. Simone from Germany fell in love with young Stormi while she was on holiday in Nea Makri. We helped her with all the arrangements and she returned here earlier this week to collect Stormi to take him back home. His new life with Simone will be infinitely better than begging for food in and around the hotel gardens!
We would like to thank Simone very much for supporting our own efforts with the cats we have rescued.

Help please!. We probably saved Jimmy's life after he was unable to eat. We then had a chance to fly him to Germany. Nan...

Help please!. We probably saved Jimmy's life after he was unable to eat. We then had a chance to fly him to Germany. Nancy found a family that wanted to adopt him. Very sadly he then tested positive for feline HIV. The family already have a male cat so they decided they couldn't risk taking Jimmy.
The hotel is about to close for four months so Jimmy will struggle to find food. Maybe someone can offer him a better life? He's a very friendly cat who has lost his tail.

Nancy from Germany was on holiday in Nea Makri. She found a very friendly cat that had problems around his mouth. He had...

Nancy from Germany was on holiday in Nea Makri. She found a very friendly cat that had problems around his mouth. He had difficulties eating. She contacted the Nea Makri Cat Rescue page for help. We believed he had a mouth infection that would have been very painful. We quickly gave him, via Nancy, some strong antibiotic in some cat pate, then for 6 days we fed him more tablets that our vet prescribed, all crushed into good cat food. This video clip was made after his last medicine and it's obvious that he is now perfectly healthy. Thank you very much Nancy for your financial support!

Nancy from Germany was on holiday in Nea Makri. She found a very friendly cat that had problems around his mouth. He had difficulties eating. She contacted t...

A big thank you to Aline, Thomas and Lisa in Germany for helping with the costs of treating Felix who sadly has been dia...

A big thank you to Aline, Thomas and Lisa in Germany for helping with the costs of treating Felix who sadly has been diagnosed with serious kidney problems. So far he's responding well to treatment so we hope for better news.

Lisa and Felix were very happy to see each other after three months apart! Thanks very much to her mum Aline for the pho...

Lisa and Felix were very happy to see each other after three months apart! Thanks very much to her mum Aline for the photo.

Another big thank you to young Lisa, who is the best friend of Felix as you will see, and to her family for another gene...

Another big thank you to young Lisa, who is the best friend of Felix as you will see, and to her family for another generous gift to help us care for Felix and his other rescued friends.

(Ακολουθεί μη τσεκαρισμένη ελληνική διαδικτυακή μετάφραση)Does anyone please have any ideas about how we might persuade ...

(Ακολουθεί μη τσεκαρισμένη ελληνική διαδικτυακή μετάφραση)

Does anyone please have any ideas about how we might persuade our Municipality to at least comply with the law concerning stray animals?

First a big thank you to everyone who follows this page. We can't believe that we’re now in contact with 400 active cat lovers. Sadly our Municipality does not share our enthusiasm and still fails to comply with its legal requirements. The responsible staff at Grammatiko refuse to even talk to us, saying they have no programme for cats and that we must talk to the local animal rescue volunteers. We know they are overloaded with trying to help stray dogs so they can do nothing more than bring our more serious problems to a wider audience via posts on their page.
We met the responsible Deputy Mayor who was sympathetic but he stressed that no finance can be made available, end of story. He has since resigned and there does not appear to be a replacement. We’ve therefore asked for a meeting with the Mayor to discuss the problem but he’s too busy. Meanwhile far too many cats are suffering unacceptable lives and causing problems for local people.

(Uncorrected internet translation follows)

Έχει κανείς, παρακαλώ, καμιά ιδέα για το πώς θα μπορούσαμε να πείσουμε τον Δήμο μας να συμμορφωθεί τουλάχιστον με τον νόμο που αφορά τα αδέσποτα ζώα;

Αρχικά ένα μεγάλο ευχαριστώ σε όλους όσους ακολουθούν αυτή τη σελίδα. Δεν μπορούμε να πιστέψουμε ότι είμαστε τώρα σε επαφή με 400 ενεργούς λάτρεις της γάτας. Δυστυχώς ο Δήμος μας δεν συμμερίζεται τον ενθουσιασμό μας και εξακολουθεί να αδυνατεί να συμμορφωθεί με τις νομικές του απαιτήσεις. Το υπεύθυνο προσωπικό του Γραμματικού αρνείται καν να μας μιλήσει, λέγοντας ότι δεν έχουν πρόγραμμα για γάτες και ότι πρέπει να μιλήσουμε με τους ντόπιους εθελοντές διάσωσης ζώων. Γνωρίζουμε ότι είναι υπερφορτωμένοι με την προσπάθεια να βοηθήσουν αδέσποτα σκυλιά, ώστε να μην μπορούν να κάνουν τίποτα άλλο από το να φέρουν τα σοβαρότερα προβλήματά μας σε ένα ευρύτερο κοινό μέσω αναρτήσεων στη σελίδα τους στο Facebook.
Συναντήσαμε τον αρμόδιο Αντιδήμαρχο που ήταν συμπαθής αλλά τόνισε ότι δεν μπορεί να διατεθεί χρηματοδότηση, τέλος της ιστορίας. Έκτοτε έχει παραιτηθεί και δεν φαίνεται να υπάρχει αντικαταστάτης του. Ως εκ τούτου, ζητήσαμε μια συνάντηση με τον Δήμαρχο για να συζητήσουμε το πρόβλημα, αλλά είναι πολύ απασχολημένος. Εν τω μεταξύ πάρα πολλές γάτες υποφέρουν από απαράδεκτες ζωές και προκαλούν προβλήματα στους ντόπιους.

Felix is a success story. He is obviously an abandoned house cat, extremely friendly with people. However, when he appea...

Felix is a success story. He is obviously an abandoned house cat, extremely friendly with people. However, when he appeared in our garden he viciously attacked some of our other cats. In one case he caused serious injuries. We had him sterilised but after three months nothing had changed. We thought we might have to have him euthanised but as a last resort we gave him tranquilisers that were prescribed by our vet. It took around one month on drugs but finally he was able to live a normal life. We're very glad that we persisted and, as you'll see from the previous post, so was young Lisa when she recently visited us.


A big thank you to Aline, Thomas and Lisa for their gift that will help us to care for our adopted stray cats that have enjoyed their company over the last few days.

Great news! Little Jorik has found a perfect new home! He will share a house and garden with a lovely family and another...

Great news! Little Jorik has found a perfect new home! He will share a house and garden with a lovely family and another young cat, close to our home in Nea Makri.

Jorik is now a very loving little kitten and he is ready to move into someone's home.Ο Ντζόρικ είναι τώρα ένα πολύ αγαπη...

Jorik is now a very loving little kitten and he is ready to move into someone's home.
Ο Ντζόρικ είναι τώρα ένα πολύ αγαπημένο μικρό γατάκι και είναι έτοιμος να μετακομίσει στο σπίτι κάποιου.

Little Jorik is around two months old. He was a wild kitten who somehow found his way into our garden. He has very quick...

Little Jorik is around two months old. He was a wild kitten who somehow found his way into our garden. He has very quickly become friendly with us but he really needs a new home because some of our other garden cats don't treat him well. Can anyone please help?


Little Ilios has lost his family. We feed him twice a day and he loves to play. Longer video at . Please contact us if you can help to find him a home that he desperately needs, [email protected]

Little Ilios is now a confident and friendly kitten. Who can please offer him a good life before he dies on the road?Ο μ...

Little Ilios is now a confident and friendly kitten. Who can please offer him a good life before he dies on the road?
Ο μικρός Ήλιος τώρα είναι σίγουρο και φιλικό γατάκι. Παρακαλώ, ποιος μπορεί να του προσφέρει μια καλή ζωή πριν πεθάνει στο δρόμο;

A wild mother has brought her three beautiful kittens to us and she hopes they can find loving homes.Μια άγρια μητέρα μα...

A wild mother has brought her three beautiful kittens to us and she hopes they can find loving homes.
Μια άγρια μητέρα μας έφερε τρία όμορφα γατάκια και ελπίζει να βρουν καλά σπίτια


Nea Makri



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