Dear loyal CARE supporters
It’s been a while since we updated you on our shelter progress and was hoping to bring some more positive news but sadly we still haven’t found anywhere to move to so we thought you might like to know where your wonderful and generous donations are being used.
We still have dogs in foster homes and boarding kennels where we supply all the food and pay for any medical requirements.
We’re also on the road daily checking out cruelty and homeless situations which are prolific at this time of the year as with so many tourists presently on the island, more and more cases are being reported.
We are doing what we can but it isn’t easy without our own shelter but there are some amazing and unpaid people on the island who help us by volunteering like Lynda and Melanie who endlessly offer support and amazing Jennifer who not only helps on a daily basis but is fostering two of the CARE dogs who are still waiting to find their forever homes and she also has her own rescue operation and a full time job to deal with. Pam at the Fever Bar in Sidari continues to support us with her weekly quizzes and raises hundreds of Euros for local charities. A huge thanks to all.
Gwen, our manager, is also very kindly temporarily fostering Bella who is also a CARE rescue dog
Please keep up your incredible donations as we couldn’t do this without you all - we’ve lost quite a few as we know how hard it is for so many people so it’s so very very important to try and keep supporting us.
We absolutely love hearing all your wonderful stories and receiving photos from all of you who have adopted from CARE over the years. It makes our mission so worthwhile and we are determined to keep going no matter what so do please keep sending your CARE doggy news to us.
We don’t want to give up after 21 years of saving and homing thousands of puppies and dogs so please dig deep into your pockets to allow us to keep going and save thousands more.
If you don’t already support CARE and you’d like to donate anything we would be so grateful and please visit our website www.carecorfu.com/donate-to-care-now/
Have a wonderful and happy summer wherever you may be and hope to send you some more updates soon!
Warmest wishes
Carole and the CARE team
Everything you give helps support our work. If you would like to specify exactly where you would like your money to go, we would be delighted to carry out your wishes. Simply send your donation and then email us with your request and we will respond as soon as possible. We thank you in advance …