Our Story
This our site. Originally this page was only in Finnish, as we are a Finnish couple. But because so many people from all around the world have found their way to this page, we now continue in English. But: Jos kukaan kaipaa tietoa suomeksi, laittaa vaan viestia rohkeasti tulemaan ;)
We are a couple from Finland and live in Samos, Greece. We have been here since 2009.
2018 was a remarkable year for us, because we met a wonderful couple; Evi and Panos. They share our love for the strays, and the want and need to care for them. We all have our own individual strengths and together we do all we can, for the best of the strays here in our area. Together, we are stronger and able to help more and more animals to find their forever homes and leave the street-life.
Our friend Urte is a supportive member of our team, she lives in Germany but spends a lot of time here as well. She puts us on the map in many ways, helps our voices for the animals to be heard. She has endless love for all animals.
One of our main goals is to give new lives to the strays, to find them loving homes. But before that, we take care of them here. We nurture them, sterilize them, socialize them.. and do all we can to ensure a great future for them.
We are taking cares of all strays from tortoises to donkeys and horses and everything in between.
We work together with the local vets Antonis and Natalia, who are extremely dedicated to their work.
On this page, we will post pictures of our volunteer work with the animals. There will be stories of them.. some sad.. mostly happy. We will also ask for donations, all kinds: food, medicine, material etc. Because we can't do it all alone.. there are so many that need help.
A big shout out to Argos Animal Rescue in Finland and Djuren pa Samos in Sweden, who support us as best they can. Without the help from other organizations, we can not care for the many animals that need help.