Animal Zone International

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Animal Zone International Working with the community to save animals and the environment.

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Animal Zone International participates

Animal Zone International participates

Due to the ongoing, intense seismic activity in our area, the planned spay/neuter program is postponed until further not...

Due to the ongoing, intense seismic activity in our area, the planned spay/neuter program is postponed until further notice.
The safety of all of us, two-legged and four-legged, is our priority. We wish strength and courage to the residents of our islands.

Urgent help is needed for this poor creature..

Urgent help is needed for this poor creature..

Βρέθηκε στο Αίγιο να σέρνεται μέσα στο δρόμο

Έχει πολλαπλά κατάγματα και μεγάλο μέρος του δέρματος της ράχης του λείπει.
Νοσηλεύεται προσωρινά

Πρέπει να υποβληθεί άμεσα σε 4❗️ χειρουργεία το κόστος των οποίων αγγίζει τα 1000 ευρώ
Θέλει καθημερινούς καθαρισμούς

Αν όλα πάνε καλά η κοπέλα που το βρήκε θα αναλάβει τη νοσηλεία του που θα πάρει αρκετές εβδομάδες.

Αυτό που δίνει ελπίδα είναι ότι δεν έχει πειραχτεί κανένα ζωτικό όργανο η νεύρο

Δυστυχώς δεν υπάρχει αυτή τη στιγμή σύμβαση από το Δήμο Αιγιαλείας γιατί βρισκόμαστε πάνω στην αλλαγή της και μεχρι να υπογραφεί η νέα λόγω γραφειοκρατίας θα περάσουν ένα δύο μήνες, οπότε όλη αυτή η προσπάθεια θα στηριχτεί από τις δωρεές του κόσμου.

Κάθε πόσο είναι σημαντικό
Ο χρόνος μέτρα αντίστροφα για το γατούλη

Αν θέλετε να συνεισφέρετε με οποιοδήποτε ποσό μπορείτε να καταθέσετε στο λογαριασμό μας με την αιτιολογία


➡️➡️➡️Ο λογαριασμός του Φιλοζωικού Συλλόγου που μπορείτε να κάνετε τη δωρεά
είναι ο εξής:


Τράπεζα Πειραιώς

IBAN: GR50 0172 5130 0055 1308 9073 133


Found dragging himself in the middle of the road in Aigio

He has multiple fractures and part of his back skin is missing
Temporarily hospitalized

He must have 4❗️ operations right away and their cost is close to 1000 euros
Needs to be cleaned daily

If all goes well, the lady who found him will take on the expenses for his hospitalization which will take weeks.

No vital organs or nerves have been injured, which is a good sign

Unfortunately, there is no contract in effect with the Municipality of Aigialeia at the moment because we're currently in a change period and there won't be another 2 months until the new contract is signed, so our effort will get support from donations.

Every donation matters
Time is counting down for the male cat

If you wish to contribute with any amount you want, you can make your donation with the reason for doing so:


➡️➡️➡️The Animal Welfare's Society bank account where you can make the donation is this:


Piraeus Bank

IBAN: GR50 0172 5130 0055 1308 9073 133

Spotted a stray unneutered cat and not sure what to do? Here is what you can do in order to help us to become more effec...

Spotted a stray unneutered cat and not sure what to do? Here is what you can do in order to help us to become more effective in controlling the stray population.

Reporting unneutered cats is crucial for managing cat populations on the islands. By tagging the exact location on the map, you help us identify cat colonies, including those we might not know about, allowing us to plan targeted neutering drives and this can be done in 3 easy steps.

Please click the link to complete this form.

WINTER STERILIZATION PROGRAMSUNDAY, 16th — FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2025The Municipality of Amorgos and Animal Zone Internat...

SUNDAY, 16th — FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2025

The Municipality of Amorgos and Animal Zone International will carry out a sterilization program for stray cats. We ask those who take care of stray cats in their area and those who are interested in participating to contact us.
According to Law 4830/2021, article 9 (par. 1) & 10, sterilization of dogs and cats is MANDATORY except for the animals whose genetic sample of material (DNA) has been sent to the genetic storage and analysis laboratory pet.
The surgeries will take place at the Veterinary clinic of Animal Zone International in Pera Rachidi (Katapola)
Contact telephone numbers: 22850-71717 & 697 4990 045
Sponsor: Blue Star Ferries

ATTENTIONChora Amorgos - Cat PoisoningWe inform you that in Chora of Amorgos, someone unscrupulous has placed poisons wi...


Chora Amorgos - Cat Poisoning

We inform you that in Chora of Amorgos, someone unscrupulous has placed poisons with the aim of exterminating stray cats. Already, as far as we know, 7 cats (as many as we have found until now) have lost their lives and a dog is fighting for its life.

We ask that you pay SPECIAL ATTENTION to the safety of your children and pets.

Animal poisoning is a felony and carries criminal penalties (with a prison sentence of up to ten -10- years and a fine of €3,600 to €18,000) and administrative penalties (€50,000 per animal) according to Greek law.

The municipality of Amorgos has issued an announcement from the very beginning, the local veterinarian is trying to help and the police is conducting an investigation.

Anyone who has noticed anything suspicious should inform the police or the prosecutor's office as soon as possible. Do not hesitate at all. It is important for all citizens to understand that we all have a responsibility not to remain indifferent to such incidents.
It is the responsibility of all of us to protect stray animals!
It depends on all of us to save lives!

Πόσο σημαντικό είναι να μην αδιαφορούμε αλλά να ζητάμε βοήθεια όταν ένα πλάσμα την έχει ανάγκη.Η συγκεκριμένη γατούλα τρ...

Πόσο σημαντικό είναι να μην αδιαφορούμε αλλά να ζητάμε βοήθεια όταν ένα πλάσμα την έχει ανάγκη.
Η συγκεκριμένη γατούλα τριγυρνούσε για περίπου 3 χρόνια στους δρόμους της Αμοργού (Αιγιάλη) με την πληγή που βλέπετε στην πρώτη φωτογραφία και κανένας δεν μπήκε στον κόπο να μας κάνει έστω ένα τηλέφωνο. Είναι γνωστό ότι δεν ζητάμε ποτέ χρήματα για τα ζώα που έρχονται στη φιλοζωϊκή και αναλαμβάνουμε εμείς τη θεραπεία, κτηνίατρους, νοσηλεία κτλ για οποιοδήποτε αδέσποτο ζώο της Αμοργού έχει άναγκη. Και όχι δεν έχουμε μηχάνημα που βγάζει χρήματα ούτε πλούσιους χορηγούς. Σε δωρεές ευαισθητοποιημένων ανθρώπων στηριζόμαστε και χρωστάμε μόνιμα στους κτηνίατρους.
Αυτό το ζώο σίγουρα πολλοί θα το έδιωχναν καθώς θα το θεωρούσαν άρρωστο και πηγή μικροβιών. Μετά από 3 χρόνια ταλαιπωρίας και πόνου βρέθηκε τελικά μία κοπέλα που ζήτησε βοήθεια..Μας είπε η γάτα είναι φοβική και δεν μπορώ να την πιάσω αλλά χρήζει βοήθειας. Κατανοήτο..Πήγαμε με μία παγίδα και σε ελάχιστό χρόνο η γάτα είχε πιαστεί. Τόσο απλά. Η γάτα, η οποία είναι πολύ μεγάλη σε ηλικία, ήρθε στο κτηνιατρείο της Animal Zone International όπου στειρώθηκε και της περιποιηθήκαμε το τραύμα. Παρέμεινε για νοσηλεία ώστε να λάβει αντιβιοτικά και να μπορούμε να καθαρίζουμε την πληγή και ούτε 2 βδομάδες μετά η πληγή είναι παρελθόν. Με κάποιες πλύσεις, μία αντιβίωση και αποπαρασίτωση το ζώο αυτό δεν θα ταλαιπωρείται, δεν θα πονάει και δεν θα τριγυρνάει στους δρόμους προκαλώντας αποτροποιασμό. Κοινώς άλλαξε η ζωή της γιατί ένας άνθρωπος δεν προσπέρασε όπως έκαναν όλοι οι υπόλοιποι. Ας γίνουμε λοιπόν λίγο παραπάνω σαν αυτόν τον ένα άνθρωπο και ας ξεχωρίζουμε από τους υπόλοιπους. Ας μην προσπερνάμε, είτε πρόκειται για ζώο είτε πρόκειται για άνθρωπο, όλα ζωή έχουν και όλα νιώθουν.

Global animal protection is a critical issue that many fight for and face daily. World Animal Day helps bring people tog...

Global animal protection is a critical issue that many fight for and face daily. World Animal Day helps bring people together to increase awareness and improve education worldwide so animals can live the lives they deserve.
World Animal Day is celebrated yearly on October 4th to align with the feast day of Saint Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of ecology and animals.
Animals can’t talk in the conventional way that humans communicate with each other. But there’s one day where we can all give a voice to the animals who can’t speak for themselves.
Happy World Animal Day

The neutering program will be moved by 1 day.So instead of Monday 30/9 it will start on Tuesday 1/10 and instead of Frid...

The neutering program will be moved by 1 day.
So instead of Monday 30/9 it will start on Tuesday 1/10 and instead of Friday 4/10 it will end on Saturday 5/10.
Sorry for any inconvenience

TUESDAY, 1st — SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5th, 2024The Municipality of Amorgos and Animal Zone International will carry out a ste...


The Municipality of Amorgos and Animal Zone International will carry out a sterilization program for stray cats. We ask those who take care of stray cats in their area and those who are interested in participating to contact us.

According to Law 4830/2021, article 9 (par. 1) & 10, sterilization of dogs and cats is MANDATORY except for the animals whose genetic sample of material (DNA) has been sent to the genetic storage and analysis laboratory pet.

The surgeries will take place at the Veterinary clinic of Animal Zone International in Pera Rachidi (Katapola)

Contact telephone numbers: 22850-71717 & 697 4990 045

Sponsor: Blue Star Ferries


Good morning people ☺️. I am one of the three kittens from Aegiali for whom they were looking transportation to our Center in Katapola yesterday. My siblings remained back as a lady is willing to take care of them but I am very sick so I came to AZI's Center for more intensive care!

Vroutsi has its own cat feeder!One more village of Amorgos has its own feeder for the stray cats. The Municipality of Am...

Vroutsi has its own cat feeder!

One more village of Amorgos has its own feeder for the stray cats. The Municipality of Amorgos and Animal Zone International have placed one more cat feeder at Vroutsi. The feeder was placed on spot where a big colony of stray cats already existed and were being fed with leftovers by the locals. The purpose of placing the feeder is the existence of constantly available proper food for the stray cats as well as the maintenance of cleanliness since the food will not be put on the ground but in the feeder.
It is estimated that this will limit the prevalence of animals that are malnourished, cachectic, and therefore, more vulnerable to disease. It will also reduce the need for stray cats to forage from other sources (such as garbage bins or restaurants), which in turn creates other problems. Finally, with the intensive program of sterilization for the stray cats that are fed in those specific areas, it is sought not to increase their number further.
We ask residents who feed stray cats where there are feeders to put the food (dry food) in the feeder and not on the ground. We hope everyone is pleased (including the cats) with this smart improvement!

Two more wonderful volunteers joined our team this summer. Sarah Kate, a young veterinary student who came from Tampa, F...

Two more wonderful volunteers joined our team this summer.

Sarah Kate, a young veterinary student who came from Tampa, Florida (USA) and stayed for two weeks and Tabitha, who is also a veterinary student came from London (United Kingdom) and stayed the whole July.

Τhe girl's help was valuable to us as well as to our veterinarian. Our sterilization program was continuing throughout the summer so our vet had help on the surgeries but also the girls learned valuable things that they will need in their careers. Both girls were always willing to help and we are grateful for our very special time with them and wish them a long and fruitful career.
Thank you Sarah and Tabitha!

We are waiting for you after your graduation for a sterilization program at the new clinic!


Opening Hours

Monday 07:30 - 15:30
Tuesday 07:30 - 15:30
Wednesday 07:30 - 15:30
Thursday 07:30 - 15:30
Friday 07:30 - 15:30




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Our Story

Animal Zone International (AZI) was founded in 2007 after we witnessed the desperate situation of so many of the animals both wild and domestic on the beautiful island of Amorgos.

At that time, the feline population had proliferated and cats and kittens were desperate for food. Mules and donkeys were often abandoned once they could no longer work the fields and dogs were kept in the worst of conditions.

There was no veterinarian on the island and unfortunately the local population dealt with the situation by poisoning the cats and ignoring the dire conditions of many of the others.