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smileydogs- positive training ΘΕΤΙΚΗ ΕΚΠΑΙΔΕΥΤΡΙΑ ΖΩΩΝ



Confidence builder✅
Engagement and Disengagement✅
Don't dismiss this really simple game.
SO many ways you can add this simple and fun game into your lives.
Give it a go !

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Γνωρίζετε ότι ένας σκαντζόχοιρος εάν μιλούσε θα σας έλεγε το εξής:

ΜΗΝ ΜΟΥ ΔΩΣΕΤΕ ΓΑΛΑ θα κινδυνεύσω !

Αν με δείτε στον κήπο σας, δώστε μου φαγητό και νερό.

Ωμό κρεατάκι ανάλατο, κιμά, τρώω και κροκέτες γάτας ή κονσέρβα γάτας αλλά όχι με ψάρι. Μην μου δώσετε γάλα που μου δημιουργεί προβλήματα στο στομαχάκι και θα πεθάνω απο αφυδάτωση. Είμαι αφελής και μόλις δω γάλα, το πίνω!

Μην ρίχνετε φυτοφάρμακα, μην βάζετε παγίδες... είμαι απόλυτα ΑΚΙΝΔΥΝΟΣ!

Στον κήπο σας βοηθάω, γιατί τρέφομαι με όλα τα ζουζούνια και τα έντομα, που επιτίθενται στα λαχανικά σας.

Αν με δείτε στον δρόμο , μην τρέξετε να με σκοτώσετε.

Βοηθείστε με να περάσω τον δρόμο με ασφάλεια και να βρω ένα χωράφι ή ένα οικόπεδο. Το είδος μου εξαφανίζεται. Βοηθείστε με να επιβιώσω...


Πάσχα και βεγγαλικά! Προστατέψτε τα ζώα σας!Δυστυχώς, κάθε χρόνο δεν είναι λίγα τα ζωάκια που τρέπονται σε φυγή, αυτοτρα...

Πάσχα και βεγγαλικά! Προστατέψτε τα ζώα σας!

Δυστυχώς, κάθε χρόνο δεν είναι λίγα τα ζωάκια που τρέπονται σε φυγή, αυτοτραματίζονται ή χάνουν τη ζωή τους επειδή τρόμαξαν από τα βεγγαλικά, τα πυροτεχνήματα και τα δυναμιτάκια.

Κροτοφοβικά, ή μη, τα ζώα μας, με την ιδιαίτερα ευαίσθητη ακοή τους, γίνονται πολύ εύκολα θύματα του φόβου τους όταν είναι εκτεθειμένα σε τόσο έντονους και ξαφνικούς ήχους.

Προσοχή λοιπόν! Προστατέψτε τα ζώα σας, κάντε τα να νιώσουν ασφάλεια :

► ΠΟΤΕ μην παίρνετε μαζί σας το ζώο, σε εξωτερικούς χώρους, πριν την Ανάσταση!

► Βγάλτε το βόλτα νωρίς, εκτονώστε το όσο γίνεται περισσότερο και επιστρέψτε σπίτι.

► Κλείστε καλά παράθυρα και παντζούρια-κουρτίνες για να μειώσετε όσο το δυνατόν τους εξωτερικούς ήχους και τις λάμψεις, ανοίξτε την τηλεόραση ή το ραδιόφωνο.

► Δώστε στο ζώο σας τη δυνατότητα να χρησιμοποιήσει τις κρυψώνες που έχει μέσα στο σπίτι και μασητικά παιχνίδια που θα του αποσπούν την προσοχή και ίσως το βοηθήσουν να εκτονώσει σε αυτά το άγχος του. Εάν μείνετε μαζί του (κάτι που το προτείνουμε), λίγο πριν από την ώρα της Ανάστασης και κατά τη διάρκεια των βεγγαλικών, αποσπάστε την προσοχή του με παιχνίδια και λιχουδιές. Δείξτε απόλυτη ψυχραιμία στην εκδήλωση ανησυχίας ή φόβου. Φερθείτε με τρυφερότητα και ηρεμία ώστε να το βοηθήσετε να νιώσει ασφάλεια.

► Μην αφήνετε το σκύλο σας στο μπαλκόνι, τον κήπο ή την αυλή, ακόμα κι αν έχει ειδικό χώρο (σπιτάκι) ή είναι δεμένος. Πολλοί σκύλοι, στον πανικό τους, έχουν πηδήξει από μπαλκόνια, έχουν κρεμαστεί από τις αλυσίδες τους ή έχουν δραπετεύσει κι έχουν χαθεί…

► Μείνετε μαζί τους αυτή τη δύσκολη ημέρα! Η παρουσία σας τους προσφέρει την ασφάλεια που έχουν ανάγκη. Κι αν πρέπει να απουσιάσετε, επιστρέψτε στο σπίτι μετά την Ανάσταση, βεβαιωθείτε ότι όλα είναι καλά και συνεχίστε μετά την έξοδό σας με τους φίλους σας.

Είτε βρίσκεστε στην πόλη είτε στην επαρχία, το Πάσχα είναι το ίδιο «επώδυνο», οπότε με την δική σας προετοιμασία και προσοχή θα περάσει ανώδυνα για τους μικρούς μας φίλους!

Σας ευχόμαστε καλή Ανάσταση και καλό Πάσχα!!!

Μαριτίνα Πετράτου
Smiley Dogs - positive training


❗Controversial... but no toys should be used in a dog park around others.
It may not happen today or next week but some dogs react very badly to sharing toys. Others will become targets of pestering dogs and those dogs may not give up until they have the others toy.
Dog Parks...I have to confess I am firmly in the "nope" side with dog parks....but I do know others go there with no issues and have a great time.
For some dogs they are a great option.
For others....they would be a very unwise place to go.
If your dog spend the time racing and barking at dogs on the other side of the fence, is your dog having a good time, or could they be "practicing" the very behaviour that you desperately want to stop at your own home with the neighbours dog ?

No matter what my opinion is I thought some people would like some tips on dog park "etiquette".

If you go there to catch up with friends... remember your dog needs actively supervised...incidents that happen in a second often have a build up period and if you can stop and intervene before an incident...everyone wins.

⚠️Be aware of dogs rushing to meet the "newbie" when you are entering.
⚠️Over aroused dogs don't tend to make good decisions.
⚠️Don't let dogs just "sort it out themselves" they will....and you may not like it. You have no idea of just how the other dog could react.
⚠️If your dog wants to leave...go. Even if you have only just arrived, advocate for your dog and leave.
⚠️If there is a tussle, don't automatically think it is an aggressive dog involved, they may just be communicating. It is also really important to keep calm when you see a tussle, dogs will feel your energy.
⚠️Interrupt play if you feel uncomfortable with how it is progressing. Take the time to teach your dog how to "break" when they are playing. This should be practiced many times before you need it, or attempt it.
⚠️Be aware that many dogs with high energy may not be thinking clearly when they run up to yours and engage immediately. These dogs can be considered rude by other dogs and this can cause issues.

Keep play session shorter rather than longer....hyper arousal and hyper play can easily turn to something no-one wants when there are longer durations of play.

If your dog truly enjoys dog parks.....great.

If your dog never enters a dog park....that is absolutely fine too.

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The perfect distance to start reactive work.

10 metres ?
20 metres ?
35 metres ?
95 metres ?

I am often asked how far away should a reactive dog be from a trigger to start changing their emotional response.
It CANNOT be measured by metres.

It is measured by your dogs emotional state.
Your dogs body language IS the key to finding a perfect starting matter what your dogs trigger is.

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It doesn't take much for a negative association to form.
We may not understand it because (to us) there may be "fun" associated with the object or item which they now find scary or avoid.
Cars are often seen by dogs as scary even though they may love to run to the garage yet stop and refuse to budge or go in. They may even be conflicted.
Cars often have negative associations associated with them as many dogs are car sick when younger...the sickness they felt creates a negative association.....and the loop begins.
The car now has a negative association.

The vets are a very obvious target for negative associations....but they don't have to be.
Many people will try making a positive association with the vets yet not change many other cues associated with visiting....they may pull up in a different spot in the car park and this time are armed with treats....their dog still refuses to budge.
Start from FAR away, park way down the road and walk past the vets on the other side of the road ( maybe the building is just visible...maybe not, your dogs body language is the guide ) and start making a positive association with just being in the area. Save a special toy or treats....repeat again and again....gradually getting closer over days or weeks....and it is a gradual and slow change for some dogs.
Others may make a positive association after a couple of visits.
The less pressure you put on your dog the quicker they may respond.

Sometimes we simply don't understand why a negative association has been doesn't actually matter...your dog knows why.
Maybe going through the front door the door banged in the wind (negative association has been made).
The treat toy your dog loved is now something that turns their tail under and lowers their body in fright....Why ?
Maybe their tongue got caught and hurt while using it.

Food bowls are often the target of negative associations and many people believe their dog has simply gone off their food......perhaps the reason for this is you dropped it around them either once...or one too many times.
Or maybe they twinged their neck muscles when they ate.

Your dog IS the decider of why and how they have made a negative association.

Break it down into little steps and make each step will know when you have taken it a step too far (your dogs body language will let you know)....go back and start again below the new "threshold" and KEEP making the positive associations there for a few days or longer...then gradually add in the next step.

If you push this, you are likely going to add a whole lot of other issues and create more negative associations....for example your dog may start to make a new negative association with the garage AND the car.

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Running full speed into play and not assessing or waiting for social cues is a big issue with dogs.
It can cause an immediate change in energy. Sometimes the high energy may be matched...sometimes it causes an immediate stillness and stiffening in the other dog.
THAT can become a very big issue.
While the focus is on the dog that has the highest energy, people can often forget about the other dog involved....BOTH dogs need read and not just the dog that has that extreme energy.
Don't forget who that energy is targeted at.
That quietness/stiffness and stillness from the other dog needs noticed...and intervene if necessary.

Play can turn in an it is important to advocate even when they are playing.
I am all for dogs communicating together and letting each other know what is appropriate and what is not, but unfortunately many dogs do have inappropriate play styles and are unable to read social cues. They have gone from 0 to 10 even before the lead is taken off to let play commence.
Dogs may react badly to pushy play styles or behaviour they may see as inappropriate.
Over excited/hyper dogs often have very little emotional self regulation.
They don't wait for those important social cues and some don't know how to read them when they are given.
They charge in with an immediate intensity that dogs can react very badly to.

Watch for sudden changes.
Read BOTH dogs and not just yours.

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"Oh they just want to play."❗ ..... its not enough.

Just because dogs may look like they want to interact doesn't mean they should.
They have just met....and that's the important point here.
They have JUST met.
🔵Does this dog listen to the owner/guardian/handler. People often forget that is a really important consideration because if this handler has no control, that needs to be weighed up. They won't have control if anything happens, and you may not either.
🔵Observe the dog and handler before you decide. Observations are really important and easily forgotten when dogs just want to interact. Forget the words the handler is saying and watch the interactions....they speak volumes.
🔵Is it worth the risk ? The risk is very real (and many people may automatically think of injuries or fights) but reactiveness is a very common occurrence after just one bad interaction with another dog.
🔵Is the other dogs playstyle similar to yours, are they calmer, hyper or are they well matched. Matching styles is an important part of healthy play. This doesn't mean that differing styles won't work but if one of the dogs is hyper...they will just dive into play rather than wait on some social cues given. If they don't wait on them initially, they are unlikely to stop play when disengagement signals are given one appreciates a pushy dog.
🔵Are these really signals to play or do they just have maladaptive ways to greet others ? Many dogs will dig in, straining on the lead, desperately wanting to get close to meet another dog...then stiffen when they manage to get close, that stiffening can be taken badly by the other dog.

The most important point of all....dogs do not need to interact with other dogs they have just met.

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If you watch dogs you will see this can be a normal pattern of behaviour that many dogs display when they naturally encounter others and we can mimic this.
You may have even experienced meetings which suddenly turned about 5 seconds after they met, one dog suddenly got snappy. They may have hung around too long and social cues may have been ignored.
The 3 second "rule" is a good way to help dogs that struggle with reading other dogs.
However, this is NOT for dogs that are hyper excited and are "digging" in to meet others....this likely won't help.
🔵If you have a puppy/dog that is calmer and perhaps unsure, this can help.
🔵Choose your dogs wisely for this and watch the body language of BOTH dogs.
🔵Just because 3 seconds is mentioned....if you see an issue before 3 seconds, advocate and remove your dog.
🔵You can do this on a lead BUT remove the tension on the lead, Tension creates tension.
🔵You can repeat this if signals are good after the first meeting. Some dogs will need 4 - 5 micro meetings over a few minutes to be comfortable.
🔵Don't even attempt if either dog is giving a very clear "No"
🔵Dogs do NOT need to meet every other dog they encounter and encouraging that can be dangerous as you know nothing about the other choosy with this.
✅If your dog doesn't want to engage with any dog, that is just fine. Every dogs sociability is fluid and many do not enjoy the company of other dogs, and even when they do, they can be very choosy.
If you haven't tried this give this a go.... with a well thought out calmer dog to help your puppy or dog that may be struggling.

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Please respect that these graphics take time and effort to make . All graphics belong to ABC Dogs NZ and are under copyright.


Ο γλυκός Μόρφης ζούσε σε διαμέρισμα στην Αθήνα αγκαλιά με τον άνθρωπό του. Μια αρμονική συμβίωση και μια αμοιβαία αγάπη. Πριν λίγες μέρες όμως, ο αγαπητός μας φίλος Πάνος έφυγε από τη ζωή και ο Μόρφης έχει μείνει πάλι μόνος. Ημίαιμος Ελληνικός ιχνηλάτης 9 ετών (τόσο τον έκανε η κτηνίατρος, αλλά η συμπεριφορά του είναι νεότερου ζώου), ο Μορφάκος είναι απολύτως ήρεμος με άλλα σκυλιά και ανθρώπους. Διάσωση από την περιοχή του Βόλου, είναι μεσαίου μεγέθους, στειρωμένος, εμβολιασμένος και υγιής. Λεπτός και ευκίνητος, του αρέσουν οι βόλτες αλλά και η ξάπλα. Αναζητεί άτομο ή οικογένεια που θα τον υιοθετήσει σαν μέλος της και θα τον αγαπήσει όπως έχει συνηθίσει και όπως του αξίζει. ❤
Αν θέλετε να τον γνωρίσετε από κοντά, καλέστε στο 6937938107.


Greeting a dog should not involve sticking your hand in their face.❗
Children are often told to put their hand out for the dog to sniff...and it is absolutely no coincidence that hands (and faces) are the most bitten body parts by dogs.
How should a dog perceive a strangers (or childs) hand right in their face ?
"If the dog moves into you to smell means you can pat ".
No.......NO.... it absolutely does not.
All it means is the dog is trying to smell one of the most interesting places on a body.
Hands sweat.
They are full of information, scents and maybe even some tasty food smells still lingers.

It doesn't mean you are friends.
It doesn't mean the dog will like you.
and it certainly doesn't mean you now have an instant bond.

A dog sniffing a hand means they smelled what is thrust into their face.
Dogs are entitled to personal space just as much as we are.

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Everyone is free to share these posts on social media, however off social media use is protected.
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Please respect that these graphics take time and effort to make . All graphics belong to ABC Dogs NZ and are under copyright.

Για ακόμη μια χρονιά σας ευχαριστούμε από καρδιάς που μας εμπιστευθήκατε τα όμορφα μαθητούδια μας και σας ευχόμαστε ολόψ...

Για ακόμη μια χρονιά σας ευχαριστούμε από καρδιάς που μας εμπιστευθήκατε τα όμορφα μαθητούδια μας και σας ευχόμαστε ολόψυχα Καλά Χριστούγεννα και μια Νέα Χρονιά γεμάτη υγεία, αγάπη, περισσότερα χαμόγελα και αλληλοσεβασμό!!!🙏💖🐾🙏


One of the biggest issues with goals is that handlers/owners/guardians will train IN the very environment they want their dog to be calm and focused in, before they are ready.⚠️
Everyone has a goal they want to achieve with their dog....however many people rush to get there, which leads to frustration for both you and your dog.
Reactivity for many dogs can be directly linked to exposing dogs to environments and triggers before they are emotionally ready.
All goals need small and achievable steps to become a reality, but we often forget this with our dogs and train IN the area we so desperately want them to be calmer with.

Go back some steps and for some that means way, wayyy back, because if you are not getting engagement or focus on you in your own home, they will NEVER show it in more challenging environments.
They can't....they just do not know how.

That should be the first goal you need to achieve.

If you have an over aroused or hyper dog that in itself adds an extra pressure on you and your goals that you want to achieve....reactivity too is often a much slower process than many people realise.
Training when there are dogs walking past on the same path and insisting on focus is NOT how to help a reactive dog.

Keep your goal in mind and work on it little and often and the only real measure of success is what you achieve together.....and that is a very real success.

So.... have that goal in mind.
Take achievable steps towards it together.
Your relationship together will only strengthen.

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Please respect that these graphics take time and effort to make . All graphics belong to ABC Dogs NZ and are under copyright.


Silliness is often misread as just that...a dog acting silly or goofy, but it is a very common (but lesser known) misread sign of stress.
These dogs are often labelled as "naughty", "not listening" or "acting crazy" when these dogs can be behaving this way from fear.
It can look to us like they are suddenly having a great time, jumping, leaping and "having the time of their life", when the reality is they are fearful and this is how they are showing it.
Often this can be a real eye opener when people realise their dog isn't enjoying what they are doing at ALL, and they are highly stressed.
Lifting one paw can be a sign of curiosity, but it can also mean they are moving into a state of anxiousness.
If you have a reactive dog (or even if you don't), you may be aware sometimes when you give a reward your dog almost takes your fingers with the reward.....normally they take rewards happily and don't "snatch"....that snatching and grabbing can mean they have moved into a state of anxiousness.....OR excitement.
That is the tricky thing with ALL of these signs, they can mean something else entirely.
The best way to decipher is to look for other signs of anxiousness or stress, those physical changes in their posture or face that you may have recognised before.....are they present ?
Is the tail tucked ?
Has the mouth suddenly clamped shut ?
Is there a sudden heavy pant/drooling ?
Have the ears changed position ?

These other signals will help you decipher exactly what is occurring.
Context is everything when deciding what these signs mean.

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Belly rubs can mean a whole lot more than we think.
Flopping on the ground in front of us, showing their belly and wanting rubs may not be what your dog is saying at all.

Generally speaking.....tongues licking noses or poking out, ears flat and back or tight against head, stiff posture with paws tucked in tight can all be signs your dog may not enjoying that rub on the belly.

Please don't feel badly that you may recognise your dog shows some of these signs when you give a belly rub as many people don't know these changes in body language.

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