A huge THANK YOU to everyone who made this day a memorable event! Celebrating Guam’s 80th Liberation was a significant milestone and wouldn’t have been possible without everyone’s participation and efforts❤️
Please nominate Guahan Paws for Pets as Pika's Best
Category: Island Pride
Best NonProfit & Best Local page
1. Click on the link
2. Register your email
3. Go to your email inbox and click "Enter the contest now"
4. Nominate under the category "Island Pride"
*Best Local page
*Best Local Non-Profit
**Don’t forget you can nominate ONCE daily**
A quick update on Reno who departed Guam yesterday and on his way to Chicago! He arrived safely in Honolulu 🤙🏽🌺 and is chilling for a bit until his next flight tomorrow morning ❤️
Thank you to everyone who supported Reno these past couple of years! We are so excited for him and his new journey!
#guampikasbest #bestnonprofit #bestlocalfacebookpage
Our amazing artists raised $615!
Please join us in congratulating our talented selfless artist who dedicated and volunteered to make this fundraiser so succesful.
To all who donated, thank you so much for your pet entries.
Heres a video montage, please enjoy
Rescue family in Chicago and nearby areas, our rescue Pixie will be heading to Chicago from Guam under care of Traveling Tails Dog Rescue and will need a foster and/or adopter ASAP🙏🏽 Arrival date is 3-5 Aug. ❤️Hi, I'm PIXIE! 🧚♀️I'm a super beautiful 2-year-old German Shepherd mix. I'm the perfect size pup at about 40 pounds. I was found with my mama Elena when I was a puppy. A nice lady rescued us and has kept us safe ever since.I'm now a healthy happy girl ready to enjoy the good life.I am... 💘Loves other dogs (I'm not dominant!). 💘Loves kids and being with her people. 💘Walks well on leash, and off lead beside you. 💘Eager to be loved Fully vetted and can’t wait to meet my foster or adopter and make you so, so happy! I am currently still in Guam but will be arriving ❗️8/3❗️ and I need to have a foster or adopter to help me have a safe place to land. Can you help? 🥹 I promise I'm so sweet!Visit www.ttdr.org to FOSTER or ADOPTShare Pixie to help her find love in the USA!Thank you to everyone!🙏HELP US, HELP PIXIE!NEW FOSTERS always welcome!#travelingtails #dogrescue #rescuedog #guamdog #adoptme #adoptdontshop #fosteringsaveslives #midwestrescue #midwesternrescue #illinoisrescue #guamrescue #partnerrescue #goodgirl #goodestgirl #arrivingsoon #pixie #germanshepherddog #gsd #shepherdmix #guam #hound #houndmix #dogoftheday #pupoftheday