RCM Veterinary and Animal Management Services

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RCM Veterinary and Animal Management Services We at RCM Veterinary and Animal Management Services strive to provide compassionate, quality, progre

Our services include prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases and disorders in any animal species. We also provide livestock management services such as: helping farmers getting started with their livestock farms (pig, cattle, sheep & goat, poultry, rabbit and fish), management of these farms; breeding, housing, nutrition etc.


🐶👂 Otitis Interna in Dogs! 👂🐶

Our furry friends rely heavily on their ears to navigate the world around them. When they're not feeling their best, we must ensure they get the care they need. Today, we're shedding light on a less common but important issue: Otitis Interna in dogs.

🔍 What is Otitis Interna in Dogs? 🔍

Otitis Interna is a condition that affects the inner ear in dogs. Unlike Otitis Externa (inflammation of the external ear canal), this condition goes deeper, affecting the inner ear structures responsible for balance and hearing.

👂 **Signs of Otitis Interna in Dogs** 👂

Recognizing the symptoms of Otitis Interna is crucial for early intervention:

Ear Scratching: Dogs with ear infections often scratch at their ears excessively. If you notice your dog constantly pawing at or rubbing their ears, it may be a sign of discomfort.

Head Shaking: Frequent head shaking is another indicator. Dogs will shake their heads to try to alleviate the irritation or discomfort in their ears.

Ear Odor: Infected ears can emit a foul, unpleasant odor. If you notice an unusual smell coming from your dog's ears, it could be a sign of an infection.

Ear Discharge: Ear infections can cause discharge from the ear, which may be brown, yellow, or bloody. Check for any unusual substances around or inside the ear.

Redness and Swelling: The affected ear(s) may appear red, swollen, or inflamed. This can be especially noticeable if you gently lift your dog's ear flap and examine the ear canal.

Pain or Sensitivity: Dogs with ear infections may become sensitive to touch around their ears. They might flinch or yelp when you try to examine or clean their ears.

Tilting of the Head: Some dogs with ear infections will tilt their heads to one side. This is often a sign of inner ear discomfort.

Loss of Balance or Coordination: In severe cases, ear infections can affect a dog's balance and coordination, leading to stumbling or falling.

Changes in Behavior: Dogs in pain or discomfort may exhibit changes in behaviour. They might become irritable, anxious, or less active than usual.

It's important to note that these symptoms can vary in severity, and not all dogs will show all of these signs. Ignoring ear infections can lead to more severe complications, so early intervention is key to your dog's comfort and well-being.

Otitis Interna can result from various underlying causes, such as infections, tumors, or trauma. Regardless of the cause, it's essential to seek veterinary care promptly.

👩‍⚕️ **Trust Nyx Animal Clinic for Expert Care👨‍⚕️

At Nyx Animal Clinic your dog's well-being is our top priority! If you suspect your dog might be struggling with Otitis Interna, contact us today or visit our clinic to schedule an appointment.

Let's work together to ensure your dog enjoys a happy, healthy life with all their senses intact! 🐾❤️


Celulitis Juvenil Canina

La celulitis juvenil es una enfermedad cutánea idiopática, que puede presentarse en cachorros de 3 a 24 semanas. Esta enfermedad tiene bastantes aspectos desconocidos, con un componente inmunomediado, ya que se caracteriza por pústulas y piogranulomas estériles que responden intensamente al tratamiento con glucocorticoides. También existe un factor hereditario y familiar, debido a que existe una mayor incidencia en algunas razas (Golden Retriever, Husky Siberiano, Setter Gordon, Dachshund). Debido al desconocimiento de su etiopatogenia, es una dermatosis que no se incluye fácilmente en alguno de los grupos clásicos de patologías dermatológicas. Esta enfermedad se manifiesta como un trastorno pustular y granulomatoso en la cara, orejas, y ganglios linfáticos retrofaríngeos, y casi siempre en cachorros de menos de 4 meses. Las pápulas y pústulas aparecen en labios, hocico, mentón, puente de la nariz y en el área periocular. Las lesiones suelen fistulizar y formar costras. Es común que se presente una otitis externa pustular marcada, con engrosamiento y edema del pabellón auricular.
La piel afectada se muestra muy dolorosa pero no pruriginosa; y aproximadamente el 50% de los cachorros afectados están letárgicos y depresivos. La hipertermia, anorexia y artritis supurativa estériles son hallazgos menos frecuentes, también puede presentarse anemia normocítica normocrómica y leucocitosis con neutrofilia.
La celulitis juvenil puede diagnosticarse basado inicialmente por los signos clínicos. Sin embargo, el diagnóstico definitivo requiere evaluaciones citológicas e histopatológicas. El examen citológico de las lesiones papulopustulares revela una inflamación piogranulomatosa sin microorganismos. La citología de aspirados de ganglios linfáticos, pústulas, abscesos, raramente revelan bacterias, los resultados de cultivos de lesiones intactas son siempre negativos, sugiriendo una etiología no bacteriana. Aunque su curso y evolución son bastante rápidos, tras el diagnóstico, la respuesta al tratamiento es muy eficaz. La terapia debe realizarse cuanto antes y de modo agresivo para resolver los efectos sistémicos de la enfermedad y evitar las cicatrices cutáneas. La respuesta a los antibióticos como único tratamiento es ineficaz, pero siempre deben usarse conjuntamente con los corticosteroides, tanto por las posibles infecciosas secundarias como para contrarrestar los efectos de bajada de defensas de aquellos.

Imagen chihuahueño: novikova_ja


Enfermedades del tracto urinario inferior en el gato (FLUTD).
Extraído de: Rubén M. Gatti. Enfermedades del tracto urinario inferior en el gato.

El FLUTD es un conjunto de problemas que afectan al tracto urinario inferior de los gatos.
Sus sígnos típicos son dificultad para o***ar, sangre en la o***a y obstrucción total o parcial de la uretra, el conducto que comunica la vejiga con el exterior. Como consecuencia de la obstrucción la o***a se acumula poco a poco, lo que puede resultar fatal para el gato si no se hay una rápida atención. Son varias son las enfermedades que se pueden instalar en el tracto urinario inferior de los felinos, denominándose genéricamente con las siglas: FLUTD. En general, la mayoría de estas enfermedades producen alteraciones en la micción del gato, y en algunos casos también la obstrucción de la uretra en el macho, y muy pocas veces en la hembra. Hay que destacar que, todavía hoy, se desconoce la causa de la mayor parte de los casos de “síndrome urológico felino”, nombre por el que se conocía antiguamente al FLUTD.

¿Cómo saber si un gato tiene FLUTD?

Si el gato padece FLUTD, puede presentar algunos de los siguientes signos:

-O***a muchas veces y en pequeñas cantidades (polaquiuria).
-O***a fuera del cajón sanitario.
-Presencia de sangre (hematuria) y/o arenilla (cristaluria).
-O***a con esfuerzo (disuria) y puede maullar por el dolor.
-Se lame de forma persistente la zona genitourinaria.
-Exterioriza el pene (machos) o mantiene la v***a abierta (hembras).
Si no o***a en 24 horas, comienza a presentar signos de alteración general.
Una vez se ha confirmado que el gato presenta un problema que tiene su origen en el aparato urinario (habiendo realizado los diagnósticos diferenciales correspondientes y después de tomar la temperatura, inspeccionar las mucosas, determinar el peso corporal, evaluar la deshidratación y demás valoraciones de rutina), el primer paso es determinar en qué etapa de la enfermedad está nuestro paciente, para lo cual se debe palpar la vejiga de la o***a. En el gato esta maniobra se hace fácilmente con una mano, mientras se apoya la otra sobre la zona lumbar.

Gracias a ella es posible determinar el tamaño y la consistencia de la vejiga, pudiendo encontrarnos con dos posibilidades:

Caso 1. Una vejiga pequeña y blanda o vacía

Una vejiga pequeña o vacía significa que todavía existe permeabilidad uretral, o sea, que la uretra no está obstruida del todo; el paciente está o***ando y su estado general es bueno, activo, come normalmente, etc. La vejiga pequeña con permeabilidad es indicativa de cistitis, por lo que para confirmar el diagnóstico se deben realizar estudios de laboratorio:

-Análisis completo de o***a (físico, químico y sedimento).
-Cultivo y antibiograma de la o***a.
-Radiología simple y contrastada de vejiga y uretra.
-Análisis de sangre (hemograma y química sanguínea).

El estudio completo de la o***a aporta datos importantes sobre pH, densidad, proteinuria y presencia de nitritos. En el sedimento de la o***a se investiga la presencia de cristales, bacterias, huevos de parásitos, glóbulos blancos y cilindros. La existencia de piuria indica una probable infección urinaria. Es importante tener en cuenta que en los gatos ancianos la proporción de infecciones urinarias aumenta geométricamente hasta valores que llegan al 40 o 50 % de los casos de FLUTD.

El cultivo (y su antibiograma, de ser positivo) ayuda a elegir el antibiótico más indicado para tratar la infección.
Las diferentes técnicas de radiología simple y contrastada y la ecografía son muy útiles para evaluar las estructuras anatómicas de la vejiga y la uretra, la presencia de urolitos, tumores (también más frecuentes en gatos ancianos), etc.
Los estudios en sangre, como el hemograma y la química sanguínea, ofrecen un panorama del estado general del paciente.
En gatos sénior la proporción de infecciones urinarias sube hasta el 40-50 % de los casos de FLUTD.
La vejiga llena y dura se detecta cuando hay obstrucción de la uretra. Tiene aproximadamente el tamaño de una naranja, es de consistencia firme o dura, no hay emisión de o***a y el animal manifiesta un claro dolor cuando se le palpa la zona. El gato suele llegar a la consulta porque el propietario ha observado que hace esfuerzos infructuosos para o***ar o porque está muy desanimado, anoréxico y adinámico (lo que es consecuencia del mal estado en el que se encuentra el animal debido a la insuficiencia renal que se produce cuando hay obstrucción total de la uretra).
Es importante destacar que las obstrucciones pueden ser intraluminales (dentro de la luz de la uretra) o extraluminales (alteraciones de la pared uretral o externas a ella).

Dolor al o***ar
Cuando un gato o***a con esfuerzo y maúlla de dolor es probable que tenga FLUTD.

Si no hay emisión de o***a, en primer lugar se debe inspeccionar el pene, ya que muchas veces el tapón uretral se encuentra cerca o saliendo del orificio uretral externo y puede extraerse fácilmente.
Si el tapón está más profundo, se dará un masaje peniano, que es el método de elección y el que desobstruye la mayoría de los casos. Hay que tener en cuenta que el tapón es de consistencia pastosa, por lo que el masaje permite desalojarlo.
Si tras intentar el masaje, como mínimo durante media hora, no se logra eliminar la obstrucción, se puede introducir por la uretra una aguja de punta roma unos milímetros para inyectar suero fisiológico a presión con una jeringa.
Si no se logra solucionar la obstrucción con las dos primeras maniobras, será necesario recurrir al sondaje total, que debe hacerse con mucho cuidado para no lesionar la uretra, y tanto al entrar como al salir se debe ir inyectando permanentemente solución fisiológica. Si se encuentra mucha dificultad al paso de la sonda habrá que hacer de nuevo un diagnóstico diferencial, para descartar que existan alteraciones de próstata, anomalías anatómicas de la uretra, etc.
La cirugía es la última opción, pero prácticamente ya no se recomienda ni se utiliza por las muchas complicaciones posteriores que presenta, además de no solucionar el origen del problema.
Tras lograr la desobstrucción, y con el esperado flujo de o***a a la vista, se toman las muestras para realizar un análisis de o***a con el fin de conocer la causa del problema.

Alteraciones posteriores a una obstrucción

La alteración más importante después de un episodio de obstrucción es la parálisis de la vejiga de la o***a que se produce durante 4 o 5 días.

En estos casos, hasta que el gato recupera el control de la micción, pierde gotas de o***a. Si se comprime la vejiga externamente suele salir un buen chorro, salvo que exista una constricción (estrechamiento) uretral, en cuyo caso se medicará fármacos dilatadores uretrales y estimulantes de la contracción vesical para solucionar el problema.

Imagen: Causas de Obstrucción Urinaria.


🐾🏥 NYX Animal Clinic: Caring for Our Feline Friends 🏥🐾

Hello, fellow pet lovers! We've noticed that dogs tend to steal the spotlight when it comes to pet care tips, but today, we want to shift the focus to our beloved feline friends! We've got some fantastic tips lined up to help pet owners take excellent care of their adorable kitties. Let's give our feline buddies the attention they deserve!

🐱💕 To ensure that our whiskered companions lead healthy and happy lives, it's essential to provide them with the best care possible. Here are some valuable tips from NYX Animal Clinic on how to care for your precious cats:

1️⃣ Regular Veterinary Check-ups: Just like us, cats need routine medical check-ups to monitor their overall health. Schedule annual visits to NYX Animal Clinic, where our experienced animal health agents will perform thorough examinations, vaccinations, and address any concerns.

2️⃣ Balanced Nutrition: A well-balanced diet is crucial for your cat's well-being. Feed them high-quality cat food that is appropriate for their age, size, and health condition. Consult our veterinary experts for personalized dietary recommendations.

3️⃣ Hydration Matters: Always keep fresh, clean water available for your cat. Proper hydration supports their kidney function and overall vitality.

4️⃣ Safe and Stimulating Environment: Create a safe and enriched living space for your feline companions. Provide scratching posts, toys, and perches to satisfy their natural instincts and keep them mentally engaged.

5️⃣ Dental Care: Dental health is often overlooked, but it's crucial for your cat's overall health. Regularly brush your cat's teeth and provide dental treats or toys to help maintain their oral hygiene. This happens to be one of the biggest health issues affecting cats.

6️⃣ Parasite Prevention: Protect your fur babies from fleas, ticks, and worms. Ask our veterinarians about the best preventive measures and treatments to keep parasites at bay.

7️⃣ Regular Exercise: Encourage playtime and physical activity to keep your cat's muscles toned and their weight in check. Playful interactions also strengthen the bond between you and your feline friend!

8️⃣ Attention to Behavior: Cats communicate through behavior. Pay attention to any changes in their actions or habits as these might indicate underlying health issues. If you notice anything unusual, don't hesitate to contact NYX Animal Clinic.

At NYX Animal Clinic, we are passionate about providing the best care for your beloved pets. 🌟 Our team of dedicated professionals is here to support you and your cats at every step of their journey. If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out to us.

Let's ensure our feline friends have a paw-some and purr-fect life! 🐾💖


📢 Attention all bird lovers! 🐦🐦🦜

C&S Products Berry Treat Suet attracts a "WIDER" variety of birds for successful wild bird feeding. Berry Treat contains corn, white millet, oats, and blueberries that are mixed with the highest quality of beef fat, which is the most concentrated source of energy you can offer wild birds. By feeding suet, you offer a much higher caloric energy source and a meal the birds can't resist.

Feed your feathered friends year-round with this C&S Berry Treat Suet Wild Bird Food! It has a high-energy fat base, which provides your backyard buddies with a quick and easy source of energy. This recipe is nutritionally balanced to provide wild birds with energy when they need it the most.

Come check us out! We have a wide variety of these berry cakes

Price: $1200


📢 Hey pet owners! ☀️ As we gear up for the hotter months ahead, the team at NYX Animal Clinic wants to share some valuable information about a common issue affecting our furry friends: Epistaxis, also known as nosebleeds. 🐶❤️

Recently, we've noticed a rise in the number of cases involving nosebleeds among dogs, and we want to ensure that you're well-informed about this matter.

📢 Curious about why your dog might experience nosebleeds? 🐶❤️

At NYX Animal Clinic, we take pride in providing comprehensive explanations and patient care for your beloved furry friends. We understand that witnessing a nosebleed in your dog can be worrisome, and we're here to help you understand what might be happening.

Here are some common causes:

1️⃣ Trauma: Accidental injuries to the nose, such as rough play, falls, or collisions, can rupture blood vessels in the nasal cavity, leading to nosebleeds. (Source: Merck Veterinary Manual)

2️⃣ Foreign Objects: Dogs, especially curious puppies, may insert foreign objects into their noses while exploring, causing irritation and bleeding. Keep an eye out for their adventurous antics! (Source: American Kennel Club)

3️⃣ Infections: Fungal or bacterial rhinitis can cause inflammation of nasal tissues, resulting in nosebleeds. These infections can be triggered by environmental factors, immune system deficiencies, or underlying health conditions. (Source: VCA Hospitals)

4️⃣ Tick-borne Illnesses: Tick-borne diseases like Ehrlichia canis and Babesia gibsoni can affect a dog's blood-clotting abilities, leading to nosebleeds, along with other symptoms like fever, lameness, and lethargy. (Source Buzby, 2022) - In the next feature, we will discuss this since these diseases claim many lives.

5️⃣ Tumors and Polyps: Nasal tumors or polyps can obstruct the nasal passage or erode blood vessels, leading to chronic nosebleeds in dogs. (Source: Merck Veterinary Manual)

6️⃣ Blood Disorders: Certain blood clotting disorders, such as thrombocytopenia or von Willebrand disease, make dogs more prone to nosebleeds due to impaired clotting ability. (Source: Canine Inherited Disorders Database)

7️⃣ Toxin Exposure: Exposure to toxic chemicals, like rat poison (rodenticide), can affect a dog's blood clotting ability and lead to nosebleeds and other bleeding issues. Ensure these poisons are safely out of reach of your furry companions. (Source Buzby, 2022)

8️⃣ Autoimmune Diseases: Dogs with autoimmune disorders may experience immune-mediated thrombocytopenia (ITP), where the immune system attacks and destroys platelets responsible for blood clotting. Low platelet counts can result in nosebleeds. (Source Buzby, 2022)

9️⃣ Liver or Kidney Failure: Liver disease can decrease coagulation factor production, impairing blood clotting and leading to spontaneous bleeding, including nosebleeds. Chronic kidney failure may cause hypertension, making blood vessels fragile and prone to rupture, resulting in nosebleeds. (Source Buzby, 2022)

📢 Breeds Prone to Nosebleeds! 🐶❤️

While nosebleeds can affect dogs of any breed, certain breeds may have a higher susceptibility due to genetic factors or physical characteristics. Let's take a look at some of these breeds:

1️⃣ German Shepherds and Huskies: Using our experience German Shepherds and Huskies have also been observed to have a higher predisposition to specific blood disorders associated with nosebleeds.
2️⃣ Doberman Pinschers
3️⃣ Brachycephalic Breeds: Bulldogs, Boxers, Pugs and Rottweilers
4️⃣ Golden Retrievers

Stay informed and share this knowledge with other pet owners. If you notice nosebleeds in your furry friend, seek veterinary assistance promptly. We're here to support you and ensure your pets receive the best possible care! 🐾💙

If you've noticed your furry friend experiencing a nosebleed, don't panic! Reach out to us, and we'll help determine the underlying cause and the best course of action.

Remember, prevention and early intervention are key to ensuring your pet's optimal health. Stay tuned for more tips and advice on how to keep your four-legged family members safe and happy during these warmer months. Feel free to share this information with other pet owners who might find it useful!

📞 Contact NYX Animal Clinic today for any questions or concerns you may have. Let's work together to keep our pets healthy and thriving! 🐾💙

R.N. Domer - Dip AH&VPH, DVM, MSc.
Veterinarian and Livestock Production Specialist


Yo bro don’t stare …. She is gonna know we looking.


– Shevonne Bryne shares her success story It’s a busy Monday at Anna Regina, and young entrepreneur Shevonne Bryne is preparing her animal supplies business for the week ahead. With a glare of determination in her eyes and the wit to fulfill her goals, Bryne says the business keeps her on her to...


Is your dog having a callus problem???

Don't worry we are here to help🩹

Dogs typically get calluses on their joints, especially on the outside of their elbows, hips, and hind legs.🦮🐕‍🦺

They’re usually caused by frequently lying on hard surfaces such your concrete yard.

We have the solution🥰
Come in and check us out‼


The Ten Commandments of Dog Ownership

1. My life is likely to last 10-15 years. Any separation from you will be very hard and painful for me. Remember that before you adopt me.
2. Give me time to understand what you want from me. Please be patient with me.
3. Place your trust in me. It is crucial for my well being.
4. Do not be angry with me for long, and do not lock me up as punishment. You have your work, your friends and your entertainment. I only have you!
6. Talk to me, even if I do not understand your words, I understand your voice when it is speaking to me. You only have to look at my tail!
7. Be aware that however you treat me, I will never forget it!
8. Before you hit me, remember that I have teeth that could crush the bones in your hand, but I choose not to bite you. (DON'T HIT YOUR DOG!)
9. Before you scold me for being lazy or uncooperative, ask yourself if something might be bothering me. Perhaps I am in pain or sick, or my heart might be getting weak and I cannot tell you.
10 Take care of me when I get old, you too will grow old someday.
Go with me on difficult journeys. Never say, “I can’t bear to watch it” or, “let it happen in my absence.” Everything is easier for me if you are there.







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