500ml Disinfectant pre-diluted trigger spray supplied at 1:10 dilution $120
900ml Concentrate $330
Non Toxic - Non Corrosive - Biodegradable - No need to rinse after use - Manufactured in the UK
Can be used in the home, on animal bedding and towels, on grass and plants, artificial grass etc.
Effective against Avian Flu, Parvovirus, FLV, FIV, Hep C, HIV, Bordetella, E-Coli, MRSA, Salmonella, Aspergillus etc.
無毒 - 無腐蝕性 - 可生物降解 - 使用後無需沖洗 - 英國製造
有效對抗 : 禽流感、腸病毒、貓白血病、貓愛滋、丙肝炎、愛滋病、百日咳桿菌、大腸桿菌、金黃葡萄球菌、沙門氏菌、麴菌(真菌)等。