Pet Medics Veterinary Centre 哈比動物醫療中心

Pet Medics Veterinary Centre 哈比動物醫療中心 專注動物牙科的獸醫診所 Vet clinic specialised in dentistry



由2025年2月3日起,本診所將進行全面升級工程,為期約一個月,診所將來會專注動物牙科及口腔外科服務。本診所將引入人類牙科儀器製造商芬蘭Planmeca的牙科儀器,包括香港首台Planmed Verity 動物口腔CBCT機,牙科X光機,以...

由2025年2月3日起,本診所將進行全面升級工程,為期約一個月,診所將來會專注動物牙科及口腔外科服務。本診所將引入人類牙科儀器製造商芬蘭Planmeca的牙科儀器,包括香港首台Planmed Verity 動物口腔CBCT機,牙科X光機,以及牙科治療枱。我們的新型牙科設備被香港和世界各地的人類牙科教學醫院廣泛使用。另外,我們會升級麻醉儀器,使麻醉過程更安全。
From 3 February 2025, our clinic will undergo a comprehensive upgrade which will last for about one month. Our clinic will provide exclusive animal dentistry and oral surgery services in the future. We will introduce dental equipment and technology from Planmeca, a manufacturer of high-end human dental equipment based in Finland. We will welcome Hong Kong’s first Planmed Verity veterinary CBCT machine, planmeca dental X-ray machines, and dental units. Our new dental units are widely used by human dental teaching hospitals in Hong Kong and the world. In addition, our anaesthetic machines will be upgraded to further enhance anaesthesia safety.

哈比祝大家有一個愉快嘅聖誕!Pet Medics team wishes you all a Merry Christmas!

Pet Medics team wishes you all a Merry Christmas!

中秋節快樂!以下為本診所跟明兩日的開放時間:17/9: 10am-4pm18/9: 10am-8pm

17/9: 10am-4pm
18/9: 10am-8pm

Dr. Jonathan 與Dr. Jerzy 於蘇州出席世界小動物獸醫協會,所以Dr Jonathan最快於9月6日回港應診。

Dr. Jonathan 與Dr. Jerzy 於蘇州出席世界小動物獸醫協會,所以Dr Jonathan最快於9月6日回港應診。

恭喜譚醫生 通過考試成為澳洲及新西蘭獸醫科學院院士(小動物牙科及口腔外科)!譚醫生會繼續提供高水準動物牙科服務。Congratulations to Dr. Tam on pass...

恭喜譚醫生 通過考試成為澳洲及新西蘭獸醫科學院院士(小動物牙科及口腔外科)!譚醫生會繼續提供高水準動物牙科服務。
Congratulations to Dr. Tam on passing the examination and becoming a member of the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists (Small Animal Dentistry and Oral Surgery). Dr. Tam will continue to provide high-quality animal dental services.


Dr Jonathan had created a personal page to share dental knowledge and interesting cases.

MANZCVS(Small Animal Dentistry and Oral Surgery)澳洲及新西蘭獸醫科學院院士(小動物牙科及口腔外科)

加華醫生對哈比牙科服務標準非常滿意,除了Jonathan醫生會提供進階牙科治療,他將會定時來港為哈比提供牙科專科服務。下次駐診日期為8月20日-24日Dr Gawor was very satisfied with the standard...

Dr Gawor was very satisfied with the standard of dental service provided by Pet Medics. In addition to the advanced dental treatment provided by Dr Jonathan, Dr Gawor will visit Hong Kong regularly to provide dental specialist referral services. He will be in Hong Kong again between August 20th and 24th. See you soon Dr. Gawor!

#獸醫 #牙科獸醫 #動物牙科 #寵物洗牙 #獸醫 #獸醫診所 #良心獸醫診所

這是加華醫生的牙科講座摘要:有4 種方法保持寵物的口腔健康:1.定期口腔複查  在每年的疫苗接種或身體檢查期間,由獸醫定期檢查口腔。2. 牙菌膜控制與預防: 分為主動預防和被動預防。 主動預防即透過寵物主人或獸醫預防。 預防的最有效方法是至...

有4 種方法保持寵物的口腔健康:
2. 牙菌膜控制與預防:
分為主動預防和被動預防。 主動預防即透過寵物主人或獸醫預防。
預防的最有效方法是至少每天用牙刷和獸醫口腔健康委員會 (VOHC) 批准的牙膏為寵物刷牙。 如果嘴巴不能被觸摸,那麼口腔清潔液(例如 Maxiguard)將是次一級的替代品。另外, 獸醫可能會在麻醉時使用牙科密封劑來防止寵物牙菌膜積聚。
被動預防包括牙科主食、零食、水添加物和補充劑。 我們推薦VOHC認可產品。 在麻醉下進行全面的口腔健康評估後,我們會根據口腔健康狀況建議不同類型的被動預防。 例如小型犬的口腔後部可能會因無法刷牙,面積聚更多牙菌膜。我們可能會建議適合的零食。
我們建議寵物主人盡可能定期檢查寵物的口腔。 如果牙齦形成紅線或出現牙石,請諮詢獸醫。
綜合口腔健康評估和治療 (COHAT) 是寵物口腔檢查的黃金標準,其中包括適當的洗牙、牙科 X 光檢查、咬合檢查等。 10kg以下的狗需要更頻繁的COHAT(每1-1.5年)。 貓和大型犬每 1.5-2 年需要一次 COHAT。

Summary of the dental talk by Dr. Jerzy Gawor.
4 ways to keep our pet’s mouth healthy:
1. Regular oral rechecks
The oral cavity should be checked by a veterinarian regularly. It can be during the yearly vaccinations or body checks.
2. Plaque prevention at home:
Active prevention means that either the pet owner or veterinarian does the prevention.
The most effective way of active prevention is by brushing your pet’s teeth AT LEAST DAILY with a toothbrush and a Veterinary Oral Health Council (VOHC) approved toothpaste. Oral cleansing gels (such as Maxiguard) will be a less favourable alternative if the pet’s mouth cannot be touched. A veterinary dentist may apply dental sealant to prevent plaque accumulation in your pet.

Passive prevention includes dental treats, diets, water additives and supplements. We recommend a product which is approved by VOHC. After a comprehensive oral health assessment under anaesthesia, we may recommend different types of passive prevention depending on the oral health status. For example, Small dogs may have more plaque accumulation in the back of the mouth where the teeth cannot be brushed. A suitable type of dental chew may then be recommended.
3. Self evaluation
We recommend pet owners check the pet’s mouth regularly if possible. If there is a red line forming in the gum or calculus formation please consult a veterinary dentist.
4. Regular Professional dental cleaning
A Comprehensive Oral Health Assessment and Treatment (COHAT) is the gold standard for performing a thorough oral examination on pets.


BB牙斷咗,留喺口腔一日都嫌多? By Dr. Jonathan作為牙科獸醫,最難說服客人做的就是把一隻幾個月大的動物麻醉,拔去用了一、兩個月的BB犬齒。今天的例子,或者能更容易令主人明白,為什麼乳齒斷裂是急症,需要立刻拔掉。今天我們為一隻...

BB牙斷咗,留喺口腔一日都嫌多? By Dr. Jonathan

今天我們為一隻4個多月大的哥基拔除斷了的右上顎犬齒。牙齒斷了約一個月,牙髓死去變色,在我們3天前的例行檢查中發現。 今日再打開口腔檢查,牙肉已長出牙瘡。X光見到犬齒牙根有含膿,細菌感染範圍再大一點,便會影響到底層在長出的成犬犬齒。而斷裂的牙齒表面在X光有被吸收的情況,表面變得不平滑。如果沒有拔去牙齒,沖走含膿,成犬犬齒會受到破壞,有機會不能順利長出。



Leaving a broken baby tooth in the mouth is a disaster waiting to happen Dr. Jonathan
As a veterinarian dealing with lots of dental cases, the most difficult thing to persuade owners is to let us anaesthetise a pet that is several months old so we can remove a broken canine tooth. This advice may seem very aggressive to the pets as these teeth only erupted 1 or 2 months ago. Today’s example will make it easier for owners to understand why a broken baby tooth is an emergency and need to be removed immediately.

Today we removed the broken upper right baby canine of a 4-month-old Corgi. The tooth has been broken for about a month and the pulp has become discoloured. We discovered it during a visual examination 3 days ago. I examined the mouth again today and found a swelling on the gums. Dental X-ray showed an abscess in the root of the baby canine. The abscess can potentially destroyed the erupting adult canine. There is also resorption on the fractured tooth surface, which makes it look rough. If the broken baby tooth is left behind, the adult canine teeth will be damaged and may not erupt.

Tooth root abscess is very painful for humans. For pets, it is not easy for owners to see clear clinical signs. However, by the time it affects chewing and appetite, it is already very serious.

Therefore, a broken tooth is an emergency and therefore nothing is worth observing. Don‘t wait until the problem occurs. It is unwise to give up the adult canine tooth that will last decades for a deciduous tooth that will only be used for a few months.
#獸醫 #牙科獸醫 #動物牙科 #寵物洗牙 #獸醫 #獸醫診所 #良心獸醫診所 #動物醫院推薦 #沙田獸醫邊間好 #牙周病狗 #狗狗牙醫 #動物牙醫 #狗刷牙 #貓牙醫 #貓刷牙 #幫貓刷牙 #狗牙醫推薦 #狗狗蛀牙 #狗刷牙牙膏 #貓蛀牙

從今年年中開始,將會有一名在獸醫牙科界備受尊重的大人物加入Pet Medics,這位醫生將會是香港首位同時獲得美國(AVDC)及歐洲獸醫牙科專科學院(EVDC)雙重認證的牙科專科醫生,他亦將會成為香港牙科專科獸醫中,學術文章產量最多、最常被...

從今年年中開始,將會有一名在獸醫牙科界備受尊重的大人物加入Pet Medics,這位醫生將會是香港首位同時獲得美國(AVDC)及歐洲獸醫牙科專科學院(EVDC)雙重認證的牙科專科醫生,他亦將會成為香港牙科專科獸醫中,學術文章產量最多、最常被引用的醫生。 這位醫生將會一年到香港幾次,與Pet Medics一起處理各種牙科及口腔顎面的問題,詳情將於稍後時間公佈。 #獸醫 #牙科獸醫 #動物牙科 #寵物洗牙 #獸醫 #獸醫診所 #良心獸醫診所 #動物醫院推薦 #沙田獸醫邊間好 #牙周病狗 #狗狗牙醫 #動物牙醫 #狗刷牙 #貓牙醫 #貓刷牙 #幫貓刷牙 #狗牙醫推薦 #狗狗蛀牙 #狗刷牙牙膏 #貓蛀牙

《Veterinary Orthodontics》Malocclusion is commonly seen in younger animals. Some breeds are more likely to get malocclusi...

《Veterinary Orthodontics》
Malocclusion is commonly seen in younger animals. Some breeds are more likely to get malocclusion. Without treatment, malocclusion can lead to traumatic oral ulcers, faster development of periodontal disease, and attrition on the teeth. Depending on the severity and the type of malocclusion, there are many ways to correct malocclusion. We recommend a dental consultation at 6 months of age for both puppies and kittens. Early diagnosis and treatment of malocclusion leads to a better outcome.

咬合不正在年幼的動物十分常見,有些品種更容易出現咬合不正。不幸的是,這種問題經常被忽視。如果不進行治療,咬合不正可導致創傷性口腔潰瘍,加速牙周病,以及使牙齒磨損。視乎咬合不正的嚴重程度和類型,矯正的方法有很多種。我們建議幼犬和幼貓在 6 個月大時進行牙科諮詢。如果能夠及早診斷及治療,可以提升治癒的機會。

#獸醫 #牙科獸醫 #動物牙科 #寵物洗牙

冬至及聖誕節期間,哈比會有等別營業時間。喺冬冰冰嘅聖誕,記住要好好同毛孩保暖啊!祝大家同毛孩有一個愉快嘅聖誕節。☺️There will be special opening hours during winter solstice and...

There will be special opening hours during winter solstice and Christmas. Pet Medics wishes you a warm and Merry Christmas with your beloved pets. ☺️


Shop A, G/F, Lap Wo Building, 75 Chik Shun Street
Hong Kong

Opening Hours

Monday 10:00 - 20:00
Tuesday 10:00 - 20:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 20:00
Thursday 10:00 - 20:00
Friday 10:00 - 20:00
Saturday 10:00 - 20:00
Sunday 10:00 - 20:00


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