Our Story
What we believe
All of us at Whiskers N Paws are committed to a few simple beliefs.
1) We think that life is more fun with pets
2) We believe that pets make happy families.
3) We are committed to providing pet parents only wholesome food and treats, as well as wide selection of toys and accessories.
4) We love finding and selecting only the highest quality products.
5) We believe in supporting animal rescues and non-profit organizations because we are all part of one big community.
6)We love bringing people and animals together and aim to nurture a new generation of animal lovers.
Our store
Our Southside store pans 20,000 sq ft and counting as we add more space for our furry and human friends. We carry over 200 different brands and over 15,000 skus to satisfy every paw’s need. We even built a Self Dog Wash facility and a dog friendly café so you can enjoy your time here with pets and like-minded people.
We support adoption
We have been supporting pet adoption since 2008 and we are inspired to see so many beautiful work in Hong Kong. We have been working with HKDR to set up adoption day which has homed over 1,600 puppies and have found homes for 900 cats. We have established first ever in-store Puppy & Kitten Homing Stations in Hong Kong as we want to give as many rescued animals the best chance at finding their very own human family.
We care about your pets as much as ours
We love what we do and have a big extended furry family to look after. This means we are always studying pet nutrition and testing products to ensure that they are the very best available. We even check how things are stored, handled and delivered to ensure every bite is as nutritious and wholesome as possible.
So, hop into a car and come visit us with your furry friends!
Whiskers N Paws團隊擁抱幾個簡單的信念。
1) 寵物令我們的生活更快樂。
2) 我們相信寵物成就快樂家庭,令生活充滿笑聲。
3) 我們致力為毛孩帶來天然健康的糧食和零食,同時提供一系列有趣耐用的玩具和日用品。
4) 我們喜歡為毛孩家長搜羅最高質素的產品。
5) 我們支持動物保護團體,深信自己是社區大家庭的一員。
6) 我們樂意成為橋樑,連繫人與動物,並以協助培育出愛護動物的下一代為目標。
我們自2008年開始鼓勵大家領養寵物,與香港救狗之家及Kirsten’s Zoo合作舉辦領養日,至今為超過1,600隻狗狗及900隻貓咪找到幸福的家。我們進一步為動物福利而努力,在店內設立了狗狗及貓咪領養站,以為更多待家的動物尋找屬於自己的家。
期待您跟毛孩一起來Whiskers N Paws 找我們玩!