🍀落種‧眾樂 (社區實踐)We Grow Food and Happiness (Community Growing)
《落種‧眾樂(社區實踐)》延續上一部《落種‧眾樂》的故事,講述港大天台農莊營運面對不同挑戰,卻又巧合地將都市種植的理念從港大校園伸延至社區。於疫情期間,通識與堅尼地城明愛莫張瑞勤社區中心(@caritas_mcskcc_ )合作,在社區中心設置天台農莊,讓街坊體驗種植,接觸大自然;同時港大同學亦參與其中,與街坊交流互動,合力讓天台農莊的植物茁壯成長。透過這個計劃,即使在疫情期間,亦無阻人與人之間相互連繫,也藉此於社區推廣綠色生活。
The Rooftop Farm at HKU and the Community Centre at Kennedy Town were brought together by serendipity.
“We Grow Food and Happiness (Community Growing)” continues the story from the previous episode “We Grow Food and Happiness in Our City”. CEDARS-GE collaborated with the Caritas Mok Cheung Sui Kun Community Centre at Kennedy Town to establish their rooftop farm and organise farming workshops for the neighbourhood. HKU students also participated, exchanging and interacting with the community, and working together to make the rooftop farm plants grow vigorously. The collaboration enabled the neighbourhood to maintain the connections and promote green living during the COVID-19 pandemic.
影片 Video: link in bio
#cedarsge #hkucedarsge @hku.cedars #hkucedars #hkuge #hku #hkuer #hkuers #universityofhongkong #kongu #香港大學 #港大 #sustainability #urbanfarming #organicfarming #holisticurbanfarming
🌱【落種‧眾樂 We Grow Food and Happiness in Our City】
Living in Hong Kong, we may find ourselves disconnected from nature. CEDARS-GE established the Rooftop Farm in 2013 as a platform for students to connect with nature, enhance environmental awareness, promote sustainable living, improve well-being, and foster community connection.
“We Grow Food and Happiness in Our City” is a documentary about the HKU Rooftop Farm, it shares the story of the farm’s mission and vision, as well as the difficulties and challenges has faced, including the relocation of the farm and the outbreak of COVID-19. But these challenges served as a catalyst and enabled us to connect with the community, allowing more people to get in touch with nature.
📽️ 影片 Video: link in bio
#cedarsge #hkucedarsge @hku.cedars #hkucedars #hkuge #hku #hkuer #hkuers #universityofhongkong #kongu #香港大學 #港大 #sustainability #urbanfarming #organicfarming #holisticurbanfarming