Grow Something

Grow Something 我們是一所提供有機菜園設計、安裝及管理服務的社企,助客戶輕鬆種出新?

This season, we're thrilled to share some tips on growing bitter melon, also known as bitter gourd. These unique and nut...

This season, we're thrilled to share some tips on growing bitter melon, also known as bitter gourd. These unique and nutritious veggies are a fantastic addition to any garden. Check out these beauties! 🌸🥒

Here are our top 3 tips to help you grow your own delicious bitter melon:

1. Sunshine and Warmth ☀️🌡️: Bitter melon loves the heat! Make sure your plants get at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight daily and plant them when the temperature is consistently above 21°C.

2. Climbing Support 🧗‍♂️🌿: These plants are natural climbers. Provide a sturdy trellis or support for them to grow on. This helps the fruit develop better and keeps the plants healthy.

3. Regular Watering 💧: Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. Bitter melon thrives with regular watering, especially during the flowering and fruiting stages.

We hope these tips help you grow your own beautiful bitter melon!



1. 陽光同溫暖 ☀️🌡️:苦瓜鍾意熱!確保你嘅植物每日至少有6-8小時嘅直接陽光,並喺溫度穩定高於21°C時種植。

2. 攀爬支持 🧗‍♂️🌿:十瓜係天生嘅攀爬者。提供一個堅固嘅支架畀佢哋生長,可以幫助果實發展得更好,保持植物整體健康。

3. 定期淋水 💧:保持土壤濕潤但唔積水,苦瓜喺開花同結果階段特別需要定期澆水。


Happy gardening! 🌻🌞

🌿 This season, we've been having a blast growing white eggplants (aubergines if you are 🇬🇧🇬🇧), and we can't wait to shar...

🌿 This season, we've been having a blast growing white eggplants (aubergines if you are 🇬🇧🇬🇧), and we can't wait to share some of our top tips with you! The rooftop farm is thriving, and these eggplants are looking amazing. Check out these beauties! 🌸🍆

Here are some tips to help you grow your own delicious eggplants:

1. Soak Up the Sun ☀️: Eggplants love the sun! Make sure they get at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight every day.

2. Warm and Cozy 🌡️: Plant your eggplants in warm weather. They thrive best when the temperature is above 21°C.

3. Space to Grow 🌿: Give each plant plenty of room to spread out. Space them at least 30cm apart.

We hope these tips help you grow your own beautiful eggplants!

🌿 今年夏季我哋好開心種咗好多白色茄子,好興奮想同大家分享吓種植貼士!我哋嘅天台農場充滿生氣,啲茄子真係太靚喇 🌸🍆


1. 充足陽光 ☀️:茄子鍾意陽光!確保你嘅植物每日至少有6-8小時嘅直接陽光。

2. 溫暖舒適 🌡️:最好襯暖和嘅天氣種植茄子,佢哋喺溫度高過21°C嘅時候生長得最好。

3. 足夠空間 🌿:畀每棵茄子足夠嘅生長空間,每棵之間至少要預留30厘米畀植物生長。


Happy gardening! 🌻🌞

🌿 Exciting times ahead! 🌼 Our new sensory garden is set to bloom with vibrant flowers and delicious fruits! 🍓🍋 At the en...

🌿 Exciting times ahead! 🌼 Our new sensory garden is set to bloom with vibrant flowers and delicious fruits! 🍓🍋 At the engaging workshop next week, we will plant, learn, and grow together. Let's make some garden magic! 🌱✨

🌿 令人期待嘅時刻!🌼 新嘅五感官花園將綻放出色彩繽紛嘅花朵同美味嘅水果!🍓🍋 下星期嘅工作坊,我哋一齊種植、學習同成長。讓我哋一齊創造奇蹟啦!🌱✨

We're excited to bring our organic farming workshops to the clubhouses of residential estate! 🏡🌱 To help participants ge...

We're excited to bring our organic farming workshops to the clubhouses of residential estate! 🏡🌱 To help participants get a head start, we provide not only seeds but also seedlings. This way, they can enjoy a quicker harvest! 🌟👩‍🌾👨‍🌾

我哋好開心將有機耕種工作坊帶到住宅屋苑嘅會所!🏡🌱 為咗令參加者快啲有收成,我哋唔單止準備咗種子,仲有蔬菜小苗,等佢哋可以更快享受到豐收嘅喜悅!🌟👩‍🌾👨‍🌾

Hey garden lovers! 🌿 This summer, we had the joy of growing both green and red okra, and we just had to share some tips ...

Hey garden lovers! 🌿 This summer, we had the joy of growing both green and red okra, and we just had to share some tips with you! Our farm is bursting with life, and we couldn't be more excited to see these beauties thrive. Check out these stunning pics of a green okra flower and a red okra fruit growing on the plant! 🌸🍅

Here are some tips to help you grow your own okra:

1. Sunshine Galore☀️: Okra loves the sun! Make sure your plants get at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight every day.

2. Warmth is Key 🌡️: They thrive best in warm weather . Plant your okra when the temperature is consistently above 21°C.

3. Harvest Regularly 🍽️: Pick the pods when they are still soft. The more you harvest, the more the plant will produce!

We hope these tips help you grow your own beautiful okra!

Hi 農友們!🌿 今年夏天,我哋好開心種咗綠秋葵同紅秋葵,真係要同大家分享啲種植貼士!我哋嘅農場朝氣勃勃,見到靚嘢生長真係令人興奮。睇吓啲靚相,分別有綠秋葵嘅花同已經結果嘅紅秋葵!🌸🍅


1. 陽光充沛 ☀️:秋葵鍾意陽光!確保你嘅植物每日至少有6-8小時嘅直接陽光。

2. 和暖天氣 🌡️:佢哋喺溫暖嘅天氣中生長得最好,當溫度有21°C以上就係種植秋葵嘅好時機。

3. 及時收割 🍽️:襯秋葵仲柔軟就要採摘。摘得越多,植物就會生得越多!


Happy gardening! 🌻🌞

Do you know that we can bring our organic farming workshops to the clubhouses of residential estates! 🏡🌱 Whether you're ...

Do you know that we can bring our organic farming workshops to the clubhouses of residential estates! 🏡🌱 Whether you're a seasoned gardener or just starting out, our workshops are perfect for everyone. 🌟👩‍🌾👨‍🌾

We'll kick off the session with a 15-20 minute talk about the theory of organic farming 📚🌿. After that, we'll take a look at each participant's plants one by one and provide personalized advice on how to make them thrive 🌻🍅.

Contact us to learn more about our service! 🌼✨

你知唔知我哋仲會將有機耕種工作坊帶到屋苑會㗎?🏡🌱 無論參加者係有經驗嘅園藝愛好者定係初學者,我哋嘅工作坊都係你嘅不二之選。🌟👩‍🌾👨‍🌾

首先我哋會用15-20分鐘介紹有機耕種理論 📚🌿。之後,我哋會逐個參加者嘅種植箱都睇吓,並提供針對㦈嘅建議,幫助佢哋嘅植物茁壯成長 🌻🍅。


今個夏天,錦綉花園市中心準備咗超多精彩活動,等你同家人朋友一齊開心玩!🌞🍉⛱️🕶️📅 嚟緊8月25號(星期日)有我哋嘅香草手工梘作坊 🧼🫧 到時蘆薈老師會同參加者喺農莊收成新鮮香草,並指導參加者製作香草手工梘,完成活動仲可以將成品帶返屋企慢...


📅 嚟緊8月25號(星期日)有我哋嘅香草手工梘作坊 🧼🫧 到時蘆薈老師會同參加者喺農莊收成新鮮香草,並指導參加者製作香草手工梘,完成活動仲可以將成品帶返屋企慢慢享用 🏡🛁🛁

有興趣嘅朋友仔真係唔好錯過喇 🎉🎉

Plants are thriving on the rooftop of Kerry Cargo Centre 🌞🌱. Our organic farming course only started on June 21, which m...

Plants are thriving on the rooftop of Kerry Cargo Centre 🌞🌱. Our organic farming course only started on June 21, which means participants have only been growing for about 6 weeks, and having this amount of harvest is fantastic! 🌟🍅🥬

The great yield is due to the ample sunlight on the rooftop and the detailed care given to the plants by the participants 🌞🌿. Every fruit and leaf is a testament to everyone's hard work and love 💚👩‍🌾👨‍🌾.



🌱 Hey Green Thumbs! 🌱Been busy traveling or just took a break from gardening? 🌍✈️ We totally get it! But now you're back...

🌱 Hey Green Thumbs! 🌱

Been busy traveling or just took a break from gardening? 🌍✈️ We totally get it! But now you're back and those pesky weeds are taking over your planters? 😩🪴

Don't worry, we've got your back! 🌟 September is the perfect time to start planting for autumn and winter. 🍁❄️ Let's get your garden back in shape and ready for the new season. 🌻✨

Contact us and see how we can help you prepare your plants for the months ahead. 📱🌿 We're here to make your garden flourish again! 🌷🌟

🌱 親愛嘅種植達人!🌱

暑假係咪忙住去旅行或者暫時放低咗園藝?🌍✈️ 返到嚟見到雜草叢生,感到無從入手?😩🪴 我哋完全明白呀!

唔洗擔心,我哋嚟幫你!🌟 九月就係開始種植秋冬季蔬菜嘅絕佳時機。🍁❄️ 等我們幫你重整花園,為新季節做好準備。🌻✨

請聯絡我哋,睇吓我們如何幫你準備種植。📱🌿 讓你的花園再次繁茂!🌷🌟

Happy Gardening! 🌼🌿

🌱 Exciting News! 🌱 We’re joining  2024 as part of the  community! 🎉 Come check out our awesome sustainability solutions ...

🌱 Exciting News! 🌱 We’re joining 2024 as part of the community! 🎉 Come check out our awesome sustainability solutions for urban farm setups and management. Plus, get hands-on with fun activities using farm produce – from crafty DIY projects to delicious farm-to-table experiences! 🍅🛠️🥗 Can’t wait to see you all there! 🫶🏽

🌱 好消息!🌱 我哋會作為豐盛社企學會嘅一員,參加 2024!🎉 記得到時要嚟睇吓我哋同城市農場相關嘅可持續發展方案,仲有善用農產品搞嘅有趣活動,例如DIY 手工藝品同農場到餐桌嘅體驗!🍅🛠️🥗 好期待見到大家!🫶🏽

🌧️ 雨天都擋唔住我們嘅熱情!感謝環保署今天來訪我們的農場,並慷慨贈送咗多種由有機廢物轉化而成嘅產品 🌱 分別有用本地廚餘製成的堆肥 ♻️ 用倒塌樹木製成的生物炭 🪵 黑水虻肥料 🪰 仲有用本地回收塑膠製成嘅花盆 🪴 我哋急不及待用咗啲花盆...

🌧️ 雨天都擋唔住我們嘅熱情!
感謝環保署今天來訪我們的農場,並慷慨贈送咗多種由有機廢物轉化而成嘅產品 🌱 分別有用本地廚餘製成的堆肥 ♻️ 用倒塌樹木製成的生物炭 🪵 黑水虻肥料 🪰 仲有用本地回收塑膠製成嘅花盆 🪴 我哋急不及待用咗啲花盆,鋪咗層生物炭,並喺泥土中混入堆肥嚟繁殖咗一薄荷同迷迭香 🌿

🐕 最尾張相係Spot嘆緊黑水虻飼料 😋

🌧️ Rainy days can‘t dampen our spirits! A huge thank you to the EPD for visiting our farm today and generously providing us with samples of organic waste-derived products 🌱 including compost made from local food waste ♻️ biochar made from wood from collapsed trees 🪵 black soldier fly fertilisers 🪰 and even plant pots made from locally recycled plastics 🪴 We immediately used these plant pots with a layer of biochar and compost mixed into our potting soil to propagate some mint and rosemary 🌿 Stay tuned to see how the herbs grow and the effects of these organic waste-derived products! 🌱💚

🐕 The last photo shows how much Spot is enjoying her black soldier fly munchie 😋

🌱🍈 節瓜種植小技巧🍈🌱我們會在初春開始種植毛瓜 🌸 因為它大約需要三個月才能成熟,早點種植可以避開七月和八月的雨季 ☔ 如果你的種植環境不常看到蜜蜂或昆蟲,別擔心!你可以用人手授粉,用棉棒輕輕將雄花的花粉轉移到雌花上 🐝✨ 當節瓜開始生長...

🌱🍈 節瓜種植小技巧🍈🌱

我們會在初春開始種植毛瓜 🌸 因為它大約需要三個月才能成熟,早點種植可以避開七月和八月的雨季 ☔ 如果你的種植環境不常看到蜜蜂或昆蟲,別擔心!你可以用人手授粉,用棉棒輕輕將雄花的花粉轉移到雌花上 🐝✨ 當節瓜開始生長時,用廢紙包好它們,防止被果蠅叮咬。祝你種得開心!🌿👩‍🌾👨‍🌾

🌱🍈 Hairy Melon Growing Tips 🍈🌱
We usually start planting hairy melons in early spring 🌸 It takes about 3 months to mature, so planting early helps dodge the rainy season in July and August. ☔️ If you don’t see many bees buzzing around, no worries! You can hand pollinate by gently transferring pollen from the male flower to the female flower with a cotton bud 🐝✨ Once your melons start growing, wrap them in waste paper to keep fruit flies away. Happy gardening 🌿👩‍🌾👨‍🌾

#有機耕種 #都市農耕 #有機菜園 #環保工作坊 #有機課程 #本地農產品 #自家種植 #環保生活 #有機農場 #香港都市農業 #環保教育 #本地蔬菜 #有機生活 #香港有機農業 #環保農業 #綠色生活

🌿 Urban farming at its finest! 🌿 We’re thrilled to share that the rooftop farm we managed for Kader Group in Kowloon Bay...

🌿 Urban farming at its finest! 🌿

We’re thrilled to share that the rooftop farm we managed for Kader Group in Kowloon Bay is thriving with fresh mint, eggplants, chili peppers, and bitter melon! 🪴

Not only does this initiative provide their employees with the freshest produce right from the rooftop, but it also significantly reduces their food miles by eliminating the need for imported vegetables. 🌱✨

Imagine enjoying a meal knowing the ingredients were grown just a few floors above! 🍆🌶️🥒

Join us on this green journey towards sustainability and healthier living. If you’re inspired by the idea of fresh, homegrown produce and want to set up your own urban farm, drop us a message! Let’s make our cities greener, one rooftop at a time! 🌍💚

🌿 綠油油的都市農耕!🌿

我們很高興與大家分享,我們為開達集團管理位於九龍灣的天台農場正在茁壯成長,種植了新鮮的薄荷、茄子、辣椒和苦瓜! 🪴

這個計劃不僅為集團員工提供了從屋頂直接採摘的新鮮農產品,還透過減少購買進口蔬菜,大大減少了他們的食物里程。 🌱✨



🌾🌼 某畝農場美好的一天 🌼🌾今日我哋同來自聖文德堂轄下文德青少年綜合服務中心嘅訪客一齊採收了蝶豆花,仲用啲花做咗靚靚嘅藍色飲品!💙✨ 色彩繽紛,味道清新,好受歡迎。之後,大家發揮創意,自己整咗pizza,有啲用新鮮收成嘅茄子,有啲仲加咗N...

🌾🌼 某畝農場美好的一天 🌼🌾

今日我哋同來自聖文德堂轄下文德青少年綜合服務中心嘅訪客一齊採收了蝶豆花,仲用啲花做咗靚靚嘅藍色飲品!💙✨ 色彩繽紛,味道清新,好受歡迎。

之後,大家發揮創意,自己整咗pizza,有啲用新鮮收成嘅茄子,有啲仲加咗Nutella 🍫。Pizza唔單止好味,仲好好玩!

最後,我哋嘅訪客仲親手種咗自己嘅番薯葉盆栽 🌱🥔 大約兩個星期後,就可以享受自己種嘅蕃薯葉啦!


🌾🌼 A Day at Our Organic Farm 🌼🌾

Today, we had an amazing time with our visitors from Bonaventure Intergrated Children and Youth Centre harvesting butterfly pea flowers and crafting beautiful blue drinks! 💙✨ The vibrant colors and refreshing taste were a hit.

Next, everyone got creative in the kitchen, making their own pizzas topped with farm-fresh eggplants or a sweet twist with Nutella 🍫. The pizzas were as delicious as they were fun to make!

To wrap up the day, our guests planted their own potted sweet potato leaf plants. 🌱🥔 In just about 2 weeks, they’ll be able to enjoy their very own harvest!

Thank you to everyone who joined us for this hands-on, farm-to-table experience. We can‘t wait to see you again! 🌱🍕💙

🌿✨ 今天喺國際婦女會長者鄰里中心同可愛精靈嘅長者們一起做了苔球工作坊,真係超開心!🌼💚 看到大家用手指捏、擠、繞,創造出美麗的作品,讓人心暖。不僅鍛煉了雙手,還用鐵線製作獨特的苔球架,發揮創意。🌱🧶 讓我們一起滋養植物和社區的愛!💪💕 🌿...

🌿✨ 今天喺國際婦女會長者鄰里中心同可愛精靈嘅長者們一起做了苔球工作坊,真係超開心!🌼💚 看到大家用手指捏、擠、繞,創造出美麗的作品,讓人心暖。不僅鍛煉了雙手,還用鐵線製作獨特的苔球架,發揮創意。🌱🧶 讓我們一起滋養植物和社區的愛!💪💕

🌿✨ Had an amazing day at our Kokedama workshop with the wonderful seniors at the community center! 🌼💚 It was heartwarming to see everyone pinching, squeezing, and wrapping their way to beautiful creations. Not only did we get our hands working, but we also embraced our creativity by crafting unique holders with wire. 🌱🧶 Here's to nurturing both our plants and our community! 💪💕 #苔玉

🌿✨ Wellness Wednesday Recap ✨🌿We had an incredible time hosting wellness workshops this week, engaging with 80 enthusias...

🌿✨ Wellness Wednesday Recap ✨🌿

We had an incredible time hosting wellness workshops this week, engaging with 80 enthusiastic participants! In the morning, we dove into the art of kombucha making, where everyone got hands-on experience and started their 2nd fermentation with delicious blueberries and strawberries. 🍓🫐

The afternoon was all about refreshing cold brew tea. Participants enjoyed infusing jasmine tea with fresh fruit and creating their own teabags with loose leaves and freeze-dried fruits. 🍵🍑

Thank you ESF and everyone who joined us! 💚

🌿✨ 工作坊回顧!✨🌿





🥬 Exciting Update from our Urban Farming Programme! 🌱

After two weeks of dedicated care and nurturing in the very hot weather, we are delighted to share the harvest we've achieved from VA and Y6 Farm! 🌿🥦🥕 Some participants have already taken amaranth (莧菜) and morning glory (通菜) back home! Thanks to the sunlight, water, and nutrients 🌞💧✨, the vegetables have grown very well.

We would like to express our gratitude to our farming instructor, Karen from , for sharing her expertise and leading the farm.

If you are interested in urban farming, please stay tuned for our updates as we will have the next phase starting in September 2024.

🌱 Getting our hands dirty and our spirits high at PolyU! Today, students and staff came together to plant seeds of chang...

🌱 Getting our hands dirty and our spirits high at PolyU! Today, students and staff came together to plant seeds of change in our urban farming workshop. 🌿✨ Growing our own food, reducing food miles, and nurturing our planet, one plant at a time. Join us in greening our campus and our plates!

🌱 今日我哋喺理大同一眾學生及職員,懷住興奮嘅心情一齊落手落腳種植!我哋嘅種植工作坊讓參加者親手種植自己嘅食物 🌿✨ 減少食物里程,一步一步修復我哋嘅地球。邀請你加入我哋,一齊嘗試種植蔬菜,綠化我哋嘅城市同餐桌!

🌿✨ Urban farming magic on the rooftop of Kerry Cargo Centre! 🚀🏙️ Thanks to the passion and enthusiasm of our amazing par...

🌿✨ Urban farming magic on the rooftop of Kerry Cargo Centre! 🚀🏙️ Thanks to the passion and enthusiasm of our amazing participants, the workshop was a hit 🏆 Despite the strong sun, everyone was eager to learn and get their hands dirty.

From planting okra, amaranth, cucumber, to edamame, we celebrated the spirit of sustainable living and community bonding. 🌱👩‍🌾👨‍🌾

Swipe to see the joy, the dedication, and the green thumbs in action! 🌞💚

🌿✨ 喺嘉里貨運中心天台上嘅都市農耕魔法!🚀🏙️ 全靠熱情洋溢嘅參加者們,今次工作坊大成功 🏆 大家無懼烈日,盡情沉浸在學習和動手實踐中。



Digging into the dirt and growing green! 🌱Our latest organic farming course at The Hong Kong Girl Guides Association Tin...

Digging into the dirt and growing green! 🌱

Our latest organic farming course at The Hong Kong Girl Guides Association Tin Shui Wai Pansy Ho Activity Centre was a hands-on hit, led by our seasoned instructor with years of experience in both teaching and working on the farm.

The sessions covered expert theory followed by practical lessons. From preparing the soil to pruning and setting up bamboo trellises, our participants got their hands dirty learning how to properly care for their crops.

Can’t wait to see what they grow next!

耕耘泥土,綠意盎然! 🌱



🐉✨ 端午節梗係要親手製作美味嘅糭子🌾🍃 包糭活動讓小參加者認識節日嘅豐富歷史,同時親身體驗,真係令人喜悅。等我哋一齊慶祝文化、美食同製造回憶!🚣‍♂️🎉 🐉✨ Wrapped up a fantastic day at our Drago...

🐉✨ 端午節梗係要親手製作美味嘅糭子🌾🍃

🐉✨ Wrapped up a fantastic day at our Dragon Boat Festival workshop! We dove into tradition by making delicious rice dumplings right here on the farm. 🌾🍃 It was a joy watching the kids learn about the festival‘s rich history while getting hands-on experience. Here’s to culture, cuisine, and crafting memories together! 🚣‍♂️🎉

今個父親節,不妨放棄傳統的禮物,給父親一個珍貴的體驗!嚟 Fairview Park Town Centre 錦綉花園市中心 參加父親節特別活動農耕體驗工作坊 👨🏻‍🌾🌾

今個父親節,不妨放棄傳統的禮物,給父親一個珍貴的體驗!嚟 Fairview Park Town Centre 錦綉花園市中心 參加父親節特別活動農耕體驗工作坊 👨🏻‍🌾🌾


活動日期: 16/ 6/ 2024 (星期日)
時間: 9:30 - 10:30am

由即日起,顧客於錦綉花園市中心商場消費滿$500*,即可於商場B座地下客戶服務中心 #登記參加,每套消費發票最多只可登記2名參加者,每日每時段之名額有限,先到先得,額滿即止。




🌱✨ From farm to table, right in the heart of the city! This Mother’s Day, we celebrated with a special touch of green Fa...

🌱✨ From farm to table, right in the heart of the city! This Mother’s Day, we celebrated with a special touch of green Fairview Park Town Centre 錦綉花園市中心. Together, we got our hands dirty setting up bamboo trellises, mastering the art of fertilization, and even harvesting fresh amaranth! 🌿💪

🥗 Mothers and loved ones took a piece of our urban farm home, adding a fresh garnish to their meals. It was more than just planting; it was about growing memories and sharing moments. Thank you to everyone who joined us in making this day uniquely beautiful! 💖

🌱✨ 由農場到餐桌!今個母親節,我們在錦綉花園市中心以綠色慶祝這特別的一天。大家一起動手為青瓜搭建瓜棚,學習施肥技巧,甚至親手收割新鮮莧菜!🌿💪

🥗 每位媽媽和親友都帶走了我們城市農場的一部分,為他們的菜餚增添新鮮元素。這不僅僅是種植,更是一次成長記憶和分享時刻的體驗。感謝所有參與的朋友們,讓這一天變得格外美麗!💖

🍃 有無好奇您嘅餐桌由邊度開始?襯住今個母親節,嚟錦綉農莊發掘食物嘅根源,並體驗耕種嘅樂趣!🥕🌾🍃 Ever wondered where your meals start? Visit our urban farm Fairview P...

🍃 有無好奇您嘅餐桌由邊度開始?

🍃 Ever wondered where your meals start? Visit our urban farm Fairview Park Town Centre 錦綉花園市中心 on Mother’s Day to discover the roots of your food and enjoy the fun of vegetable growing! 🥕🌾

#田園到餐桌 #可持續生活


383E Tai Kong Po Village, Kam Tin
Hong Kong


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