動物醫療學會醫院 AMAH

動物醫療學會醫院 AMAH 動物醫療學會醫院 (AMAH) 提供

【🐶 寵物牙科保健服務🦷】為了讓更多寵物擁有健康的口腔和快樂的生活,AMAH特別推出牙科保健限定9折優惠!我們的專業團隊致力於提供全面的口腔護理服務,確保您的愛寵能夠享有最佳的健康狀態和愉快的生活品質。我們深知,良好的口腔健康不僅能提升寵物...

【🐶 寵物牙科保健服務🦷】
🔹牙齒X 光檢查

🔸 牙科保健限定9折優惠
🔸 優惠適用於週一至四(公眾假期除外)
🔸 根據寵物年齡和健康狀況,決定是否需要進行麻醉前血液檢查(如需要);如需進行血液測試,費用將包含在限定9折優惠內
🔸 優惠期至 2024年9月30日

【🐶AMAH Pet Dental Care Services🦷】
In order to let more pets have a healthy oral cavity and a happy life, AMAH specially launches a limited 10% discount on dental care! Our team of professionals is dedicated to providing comprehensive oral care services to ensure your pet enjoys optimal health and a happy quality of life.
We know that good oral health can improves your pet’s quality of life, and prevents many potential health problems. Therefore, AMAH provides a range of professional dental services, including comprehensive oral examinations, ultrasonic tooth cleaning, dental X-rays, oral care advice, etc., to provide comprehensive care for your pets.
AMAH pet dental services 🦷 include:
🔹Oral and dental examination
🔹Ultrasonic dental cleaning
🔹Dental X-ray
🔹Tooth enamel polishing
🔹Pet oral care advice
🔹Tooth extraction service

Offer details:
🔸 Limited 10% discount on dental care
🔸 Offer valid from Monday to Thursday (excluding public holidays)
🔸 Depending on the age and health of the pet, decide whether pre-anesthetic blood testing (if required) is required; if blood testing is required, the cost will be included in the limited 10% discount
🔸 Offer valid until September 30, 2024.

📞致電查詢 Telephone︰(852) 3899 8999 (09:00am - 07:00pm)
🌐AMAH網站 AMAH Website:www.amahvet.com.hk
🏩診所地址 Address:
Shop No. 12-17, G/F Harbour Crystal Center, 100 Granville Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East, Kowloon
✅ 一站式動物醫療服務
✅ 貼心護理
✅ 專業團隊
✅ 高端設備
#動物醫療學會醫院 #尖沙咀獸醫 #尖東獸醫醫院

【Happy Lunar New Year🏮假期期間AMAH服務將有所調整】Our services will be adjusted during the holiday!24小時急診服務在佳節期間照常開放!24 Hour Emergen...

【Happy Lunar New Year🏮假期期間AMAH服務將有所調整】
Our services will be adjusted during the holiday!

24 Hour Emergency service will remain open during the holiday season to ensure continuous care.

🏮9/2年三十:門診及急症服務照常服務 Normal Operating Hours
🏮10-11/2 初一至初二:24小時急症服務維持正常、門診服務暫停
24 Hour Emergency Service Remains open while Outpatient Closed
🏮12-13/2初三至初四:門診及急症服務照常服務 Normal Operating Hours

門診服務時間及價格則將有所調整。如有任何查詢,請致電📞24小時服務熱線:(852) 3899 8999
The operation times and prices of outpatient services will be adjusted accordingly. For any inquiries, please contact our 📞24-Hour Service Hotline: (852) 3899 8999.
📞致電查詢 Telephone︰(852) 3899 8999
🌐AMAH網站 AMAH Website:www.amahvet.com.hk
🏩診所地址 Address: 九龍尖沙咀東部加連威老道100號港晶中心12-17舖地下
Shop No. 12-17, G/F Harbour Crystal Center, 100 Granville Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East, Kowloon
#動物醫療學會醫院 #尖沙咀獸醫 #尖東獸醫醫院

【我們的獸醫團隊 Our Team - 吳一烽醫生Dr. Peter Ng】  吳一烽醫生在香港出生及成長,在香港科技大學完成化學工程學位後,再於國立臺灣大學攻讀獸醫學位,期間獲得獎學金。  吳醫生為了提供最好的醫療,不斷增進不同領域的醫療...

【我們的獸醫團隊 Our Team - 吳一烽醫生Dr. Peter Ng】




Dr. Peter Ng was born and raised in Hong Kong. After completing his degree in Chemical Engineering at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, he pursued his passion by obtaining a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree from the National Taiwan University, where he was awarded scholarships during his studies.

Dr. Ng is dedicated to providing the highest level of veterinary care by continuously expanding his knowledge in various fields of medicine. During his final year in university, he developed a strong interest in surgery, internal medicine, neurology, and diagnostic imaging. In addition to his academic pursuits, Dr. Ng volunteers at animal shelters to provide medical care and support for stray animals. He places great emphasis on effective communication between pet owners and their furry companions, believing that optimal treatment outcomes can be achieved through collaborative efforts.

During his free time, Dr. Ng enjoys reading veterinary literature, engaging in fitness activities, traveling, and tending to his furry companion “Chau Chau”.
📞致電查詢 Telephone︰(852) 3899 8999 (09:00am - 07:00pm)
🌐AMAH網站 AMAH Website:www.amahvet.com.hk
🏩診所地址 Address: 九龍尖沙咀東部加連威老道100號港晶中心12-17舖地下
Shop No. 12-17, G/F Harbour Crystal Center, 100 Granville Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East, Kowloon
#動物醫療學會醫院 #尖沙咀獸醫 #尖東獸醫醫院

【我們的獸醫團隊 Our Team - 羅熙妍醫生Dr. Veronica Law】 羅熙妍醫生在香港成長,於2016年在倫敦大學皇家獸醫學院完成獸醫學位課程。畢業後,她完成了長達18個月的實習,與不同專科獸醫合作。過去幾年間,她在香港擔任...

【我們的獸醫團隊 Our Team - 羅熙妍醫生Dr. Veronica Law】


羅醫生對急症科、外科手術及心臟專科尤其感興趣,希望在此等領域上深造,進一步提升技術並取得相關專業資格。Dr. Veronica工餘時間喜歡與她的柴犬Wasabi相處,還有做瑜伽、健身及下廚。

Dr. Veronica grew up in Hong Kong and completed her degree in Veterinary Medicine at the Royal Veterinary College, London in 2016. She completed an 18-month rotating internship working with veterinary specialists across various disciplines upon graduation, and has worked as a general practitioner and emergency veterinarian in Hong Kong for the past years.

She has special interest in Emergency Medicine, Surgery and Cardiology, and hopes to further her skills and to obtain more qualifications in these areas. In her free time she enjoys spending time with her Shiba Inu Wasabi, fitness training, cooking and yoga.
📞致電查詢 Telephone︰(852) 3899 8999 (09:00am - 07:00pm)
🌐AMAH網站 AMAH Website:www.amahvet.com.hk
🏩診所地址 Address: 九龍尖沙咀東部加連威老道100號港晶中心12-17舖地下
Shop No. 12-17, G/F Harbour Crystal Center, 100 Granville Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East, Kowloon
#動物醫療學會醫院 #尖沙咀獸醫 #尖東獸醫醫院

【🐶🐱AMAH日與夜☀️🌙為您守護毛孩!】📞 24小時服務熱線:(852) 3899 8999當您的寵物突然有異樣😵‍,身體出現不適…甚至遇上意料之外的意外;特別在午夜時份🌃,應該如何是好?AMAH明白愛護毛孩的主人們所需,因此AMAH 2...

📞 24小時服務熱線:(852) 3899 8999

當您的寵物突然有異樣😵‍,身體出現不適…甚至遇上意料之外的意外;特別在午夜時份🌃,應該如何是好?AMAH明白愛護毛孩的主人們所需,因此AMAH 24小時急症服務隨時為您提供協助,確保牠們的生命安全和健康,日與夜為您守護毛孩🏪!

動物醫療學會醫院(AMAH) 24小時急症服務🚨提供:緊急診症 (如:狗狗誤吃大量提子🍇,引發急性腎衰竭或貓咪突然小便困難並不停進出貓砂盤🐈)及緊急手術治療 (如:遇上交通意外導致骨折) 等等不同程度的急症治療🩺。

如果寵物發生任何突發狀況,請把握治療寵物的黃金時間,立即聯絡我們的24小時服務熱線📞:(852) 3899 8999

【🐶🐱AMAH - Protecting Your Fur Babies Around the Clock☀️🌙!】
📞 24/7 Service Hotline: (852) 3899 8999

When your precious pet shows sudden signs of discomfort or encounters unexpected incidents😵‍, especially during the midnight hours🌃, what should you do? At AMAH, we understand the concerns of devoted pet parents like you. That's why we provide 24-hour emergency services, ensuring the safety and well-being of your pets. Trust us to safeguard your fur babies day and night! 🏪

AMAH provides immediate care for emergencies such as dogs ingesting large quantities of grapes🍇 resulting in acute kidney failure, or cats🐈 experiencing sudden difficulty urinating and frequent visits to the litter box. We also offer emergency surgical treatments for cases like fractures caused by accidents🩺.

In the event of any unforeseen circumstances with your pet, it is crucial to act swiftly and utilize the golden treatment window. Contact our 24-hour service hotline immediately at 📞(852) 3899 8999.
📞致電查詢 Telephone︰(852) 3899 8999 (09:00am - 07:00pm)
🌐AMAH網站 AMAH Website:www.amahvet.com.hk
🏩診所地址 Address:
Shop No. 12-17, G/F Harbour Crystal Center, 100 Granville Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East, Kowloon
✅ 一站式動物醫療服務
✅ 貼心護理
✅ 專業團隊
✅ 高端設備

#動物醫療學會醫院 #尖沙咀獸醫 #尖東獸醫醫院

【我們的獸醫團隊 Our Team - 急症獸醫Emergency Veterinarian: Dr. Joel David McKenzie】 Dr. Joel David McKenzie畢業於澳洲查爾斯特大學,初時在澳洲郊區的混合型診...

【我們的獸醫團隊 Our Team - 急症獸醫Emergency Veterinarian: Dr. Joel David McKenzie】

Dr. Joel David McKenzie畢業於澳洲查爾斯特大學,初時在澳洲郊區的混合型診所工作,接觸到各種各樣的動物,包括寵物、農場動物、馬匹、野生動物等,工作了大約5年後,逐漸專注貓狗急症及深切治療。

Dr. Joel曾在香港一間大型動物醫療中心工作3年,並擔任急症及深切治療部獸醫,現在回到香港並於AMAH繼續他的急症獸醫工作。他非常期待與AMAH專業及敬業的團隊合作,包括一些熟悉的面孔與新同事。

在農場長大的Dr. Joel自小與不同種類的動物一起成長,現時在澳洲家中有2隻拉布拉多犬。他工餘時間喜歡打高爾夫球、閱讀、與朋友相聚及旅遊。

Dr. Joel David McKenzie graduated from Charles Sturt University in Australia and initially he worked in mixed practice in country Australia seeing almost any animal you can think of (pet, farm, horse, wildlife) before eventually focusing down on canine and feline emergency and critical care after about 5 years of this.

He worked as an emergency and critical care vet at one of the largest Veterinary Medical Centre in Hong Kong about three years. He is currently back in Hong Kong and joined the veterinary team at AMAH. He is thrilled to work alongside skilled and dedicated colleagues, both familiar faces and new friends.

Dr. Joel, who grew up on a farm, has been surrounded by various animals since childhood. Currently, he has 2 Labradors companions at his home in Australia. Outside of work, he enjoys playing golf, reading, socialising and eating out with friends and travelling.
📞致電查詢 Telephone︰(852) 3899 8999 (24小時服務熱線)
🌐AMAH網站 AMAH Website:www.amahvet.com.hk
🏩診所地址 Address: 九龍尖沙咀東部加連威老道100號港晶中心12-17舖地下
Shop No. 12-17, G/F Harbour Crystal Center, 100 Granville Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East, Kowloon
#動物醫療學會醫院 #尖沙咀獸醫 #尖東獸醫醫院 #24小時急症 #寵物急症

【🐶🐱 AMAH 24小時急症服務 : 寵物常見緊急情況】📞 24小時服務熱線:(852) 3899 8999寵物出現緊急情況通常是難以預計的,未能及時解決問題可使情況更趨惡化!AMAH動物醫療學會醫院設有🚨24小時急症服務(包括:診症及緊...

【🐶🐱 AMAH 24小時急症服務 : 寵物常見緊急情況】
📞 24小時服務熱線:(852) 3899 8999

寵物出現緊急情況通常是難以預計的,未能及時解決問題可使情況更趨惡化!AMAH動物醫療學會醫院設有🚨24小時急症服務(包括:診症及緊急手術治療)、深切治療部(ICU) 🏨 、化驗服務,更配備了專業的高端影像掃瞄及心臟及各類超聲波檢查等設備🩻;使您的寵物隨時得到最好的持續照顧和護理,確保牠們的生命安全和健康。以下詳列寵物常見緊急情況,讓主人了解📋:

- 撞車
- 中毒
- 抽搐
- 骨折
- 排尿困難
- 嚴重腹瀉帶血
- 嚴重嘔吐
- 高燒
- 氣喘
- 牙齦發白
- 四肢僵硬
- 走路不穩
- 低溫症
- 吞食異物
- 哀鳴

如果你的寵物發生任何突發狀況,請把握治療寵物的黃金時間,立即聯絡我們的24小時服務熱線📞:(852) 3899 8999

【🐶🐱 AMAH 24-Hour Emergency Services: Common Pet Emergencies】
📞 24-Hour Service Hotline: (852) 3899 8999

Pet emergencies can arise unexpectedly, and delaying prompt attention can worsen the situation. AMAH offers 🚨24-hour emergency services, including consultations, emergency surgeries, intensive care units (ICU) 🏨, and laboratory services. Our advanced medical equipment includes state-of-the-art imaging scanners for comprehensive examinations, including cardiac and various ultrasound evaluations🩻. We prioritize the continuous care and well-being of your pets, ensuring their safety and optimal health at all times. The following outlines common pet emergency situations for owners' awareness📋:

⚠️Common Pet Emergency Situations:
- Car Accident
- Poisoning
- Epilepsy
- Fractures
- Difficulty urinating
- Diarrhea with blood
- Severe Vomiting
- High Fever
- Asthma
- White Gums
- Stiff Limbs
- Unsteady walking
- Hypothermia
- Foreign body
- Wailing

In case of any sudden pet emergencies, seize the golden opportunity to seek treatment by contacting our 24-hour service hotline at 📞 (852) 3899 8999.
📞致電查詢 Telephone︰(852) 3899 8999 (24小時服務熱線)
🌐AMAH網站 AMAH Website:www.amahvet.com.hk
🏩診所地址 Address: 九龍尖沙咀東部加連威老道100號港晶中心12-17舖地下
Shop No. 12-17, G/F Harbour Crystal Center, 100 Granville Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East, Kowloon
#動物醫療學會醫院 #尖沙咀獸醫 #尖東獸醫醫院 #24小時急症 #寵物急症 #寵物常見緊急例子 #寵物常見緊急情況

【本院維持24小時急症服務】颱風小犬吹襲🌪, #8號風球及極端天氣下,動物醫療學會醫院 AMAH維持正常24小時急症服務,風雨不改,為各位有需要的動物和主人提供協助。(備註:留院服務維持正常,唯因天氣狀況不建議探訪)🤗 本院的醫護團隊會緊守...

颱風小犬吹襲🌪, #8號風球及極端天氣下,動物醫療學會醫院 AMAH維持正常24小時急症服務,風雨不改,為各位有需要的動物和主人提供協助。(備註:留院服務維持正常,唯因天氣狀況不建議探訪)

🤗 本院的醫護團隊會緊守崗位,如有任何查詢請致電📞(852)3899 8999 聯絡我們,謝謝!

溫馨提示🔔颱風期間,請大家與毛孩留在安全地方🏡!感謝您一直以來的支持與理解🙏🏻 不便之處,敬請原諒。

As Typhoon "Koinu" approaches🌪, we can expect adverse weather over the weekend in Hong Kong. AMAH will maintain normal service level during Typhoon period. We accept consultations, emergencies, and surgeries as per usual. (Remarks: Inpatient services remain normal, but visits are not recommended due to weather conditions)

🤗 Our team is always on standby 24/7. For any enquiries, please call☎️(852) 3899 8999. Thank you!

Gentle reminder🔔: During the typhoon, please keep yourself and your pets safe by staying in a secure location at home🏡 We sincerely appreciate your ongoing support and understanding🙏🏻
📞致電査詞 Telephone :(852) 3899 8999 (24小時服務熱線)
🌐AMAH網站AMAH Website : www.amahvet.com.hk
🏥診所地址 Address:
Shop No. 12-17, G/F Harbour Crystal Center, 100
Granville Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East, Kowloon
#動物醫療學會醫院 #尖沙咀獸醫 #尖東獸醫醫院


【🐶🐱 AMAH個案分享🔖】
4個月大的柴犬Dau Dau早前因意外導致前腿骨折,前腿無法掂地。X光檢查顯示,確認牠的前腿肱骨骨折。Dau Dau於2023年7月22日來到AMAH進行前腿肱骨修復手術,並由我們的麥子健醫生執行。手術能順利完成,亦要感謝我們的麻醉專科醫生Dr. Kim Beaulieu 👩🏻‍⚕️替Dau Dau進行的全身麻醉程序!Dau Dau在麻醉和手術後恢復良好,住院4天後,經過休息後於2023年7月25日順利出院✨!片段可見手術14天後,Dau Dau情況獲得改善,重返蹦蹦跳跳的生活。

替幼犬進行骨折修復手術需要加倍小心,因為牠們仍處於生長階段而且骨骼比成犬更柔軟,所以專業可靠的外科手術是對寵物最好的選擇。如欲了解更多AMAH的外科手術服務及其他全科診症服務,歡迎透過網站🌐👉: https://bit.ly/3PIiBzo 了解更多!

【🐶🐱 AMAH Case Sharing🔖】
Meet Dau Dau, a 4-month-old Shiba Inu who recently suffered a front leg fracture 🦴 due to an unfortunate accident, rendering the leg non-weight bearing. The X-ray examination confirmed a spiral fracture of the middle humerus RF. On July 22, 2023, Dau Dau underwent a successful surgical repair of the middle humerus, performed by our Dr. Phillip Mak 👨🏻‍⚕️ at AMAH. We would also like to express our gratitude to our anesthetist, Dr. Kim Beaulieu 👩🏻‍⚕️, for administering the general anesthesia procedure for Dau Dau. Following the anesthesia and surgery, Dau Dau recovered well and stayed in the hospital for 4 days 🏥. After a period of rest, Dau Dau was discharged on July 25, 2023, ✨! A glimpse of the recovery shows significant improvement 14 days post-surgery, and Dau Dau has returned to a lively and bouncy life 🐕🐕.

Performing fracture repair surgery on puppies requires extra caution as they are still in their growing stage and their bones are softer compared to adult dogs. Therefore, a professional and reliable surgical procedure is the best choice for pets. 💪🏻 If you would like to learn more about AMAH's surgical services and other Primary Care, please visit our website 🌐👉: https://bit.ly/3PIiBzo for more information!
📞致電查詢 Telephone︰(852) 3899 8999 (24小時服務熱線)
🌐AMAH網站 AMAH Website:www.amahvet.com.hk
🏩診所地址 Address: 九龍尖沙咀東部加連威老道100號港晶中心12-17舖地下
Shop No. 12-17, G/F Harbour Crystal Center, 100 Granville Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East, Kowloon
#動物醫療學會醫院 #尖沙咀獸醫 #尖東獸醫醫院 #24小時急症 #寵物急症 #前腿肱骨修復手術

【我們的獸醫團隊 Our Team - 急症獸醫Emergency Veterinarian: 何杰衡醫生 Dr. Edward Ho】何杰衡醫生於台灣國立中興大學獲得了獸醫學位,並於完成了實習後發現自己對急診與重症護理有濃厚的興趣。多年來...

【我們的獸醫團隊 Our Team - 急症獸醫Emergency Veterinarian: 何杰衡醫生 Dr. Edward Ho】



Dr. Edward Ho obtained his Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree from National Chung Hsing University in Taiwan. Dr. Edward completed a rotating internship and developed a strong interest in Emergency and Critical Care medicine. For several years, Dr. Edward worked as an emergency and critical care clinician in one of the busiest veterinary hospitals in Hong Kong. During this time, he gained valuable experience in managing complicated cases and treating critical patients, such as those with sepsis and respiratory failure. He has also given talk to local veterinarians on snake bite management. He is an experienced Emergency and Critical Care Veterinarian.

Dr. Edward strongly believes that care and communication are key factors in providing effective treatment for our furry friends, who are unable to speak for themselves. He understands the importance of communication with pet owners to ensure they are well-informed and involved in the care of their beloved pets. Dr. Edward is thrilled to join the team at AMAH. He is eager to work with other doctors to deliver the highest standard of veterinary care to pets in Hong Kong.
📞致電查詢 Telephone︰(852) 3899 8999 (24小時服務熱線)
🌐AMAH網站 AMAH Website:www.amahvet.com.hk
🏩診所地址 Address: 九龍尖沙咀東部加連威老道100號港晶中心12-17舖地下
Shop No. 12-17, G/F Harbour Crystal Center, 100 Granville Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East, Kowloon
#動物醫療學會醫院 #尖沙咀獸醫 #尖東獸醫醫院 #24小時急症 #寵物急症

【我們的獸醫團隊 Our Team - 急症獸醫Emergency Veterinarian : 丘沛然醫生 Dr. Polly Yau】丘沛然醫生以一級榮譽學位畢業於澳洲悉尼大學,並於澳洲柏斯蒙特大學取得獸醫科(小動物科)碩士學位。她更成...

【我們的獸醫團隊 Our Team - 急症獸醫Emergency Veterinarian : 丘沛然醫生 Dr. Polly Yau】




Dr. Polly graduated with first class honors from the University of Sydney and obtained her Masters of Veterinary Studies in Small Animal Practice from Murdoch University. She has also been admitted, via examination, as a member of the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientist. Dr. Polly has more than 10 years of experience and she is very passionate about working together with pet owners to ensure pets in Hong Kong can receive the best care.

Dr. Polly actively participates in continuing education courses to keep up to date with the latest advances in veterinary medicine. She is also a certified veterinary acupuncturist and qualified PennHip veterinarian.

Outside of work, Dr. Polly likes to keep herself busy and enjoys taking care of her 2 cats and 1 dog at home.
📞致電查詢 Telephone︰(852) 3899 8999 (24小時服務熱線)
🌐AMAH網站 AMAH Website:www.amahvet.com.hk
🏩診所地址 Address: 九龍尖沙咀東部加連威老道100號港晶中心12-17舖地下
Shop No. 12-17, G/F Harbour Crystal Center, 100 Granville Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East, Kowloon
#動物醫療學會醫院 #尖沙咀獸醫 #尖東獸醫醫院 #24小時急症 #寵物急症

【🐶🐱AMAH 24小時急症服務🚨】即將推出!📞 24小時服務熱線:(852) 3899 8999 動物醫療學會醫院(AMAH)致力於為您和您的寵物提供高質素的醫療服務。為了完成這使命,AMAH即將於2023年10月1日正式推出24小時急症...

【🐶🐱AMAH 24小時急症服務🚨】即將推出!
📞 24小時服務熱線:(852) 3899 8999


動物醫療學會醫院(AMAH) 設有:
🔸24小時急症服務 (包括:診症及緊急手術治療)
🔸24小時留院護理服務 (獨立的貓狗病房及隔離病房)
🔸手術室 - 提供專業的外科及專科手術
🔸高端影像掃瞄 (例如:MRI磁力共振掃描及CT Scan電腦斷層掃描)

有關更多24小時急症服務的資訊,請密切留意我們的公佈! 📣

🐶🐱 AMAH's 24-Hour Emergency Services📣 - Launching Soon!
📞 24-Hour Service Hotline: (852) 3899 8999

At AMAH, we are committed to providing exceptional medical service for you and your pets. That's why we are thrilled to announce the official launch of our 24-hour emergency service on October 1, 2023! We strive to offer the best continuous care and nursing for your pets, and in the event of any emergencies, our team will be readily available for assistance, ensuring the safety and health of your beloved animals.

At AMAH, we offer:
🔸 24/7 Emergency Care (including consultation and emergency surgical treatments)
🔸 24/7 Hospitalization Care (separate cat and dog wards, as well as isolation units)
🔸 Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
🔸 Surgical Suite - Providing expertise in general and specialized surgeries
🔸 Advanced Imaging Scans (e.g., MRI and CT scans)
🔸 Cardiac and various ultrasound examinations
🔸 Laboratory Service
🔸 Blood Bank

Stay tuned for more updates on our 24-hour emergency service! 📣

📞致電查詢 Telephone︰(852) 3899 8999 (09:00am - 07:00pm)
🌐AMAH網站 AMAH Website:www.amahvet.com.hk
🏩診所地址 Address:
Shop No. 12-17, G/F Harbour Crystal Center, 100 Granville Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East, Kowloon
✅ 一站式動物醫療服務
✅ 貼心護理
✅ 專業團隊
✅ 高端設備

#動物醫療學會醫院 #尖沙咀獸醫 #尖東獸醫醫院

【🌀🐶🐱️特殊天氣 - 特別通告⛈️】由於颱風逐漸迫近本港,天文台預告將於凌晨時分改掛八號或以上暴風信號🌪,八號或以上風球懸掛期間本醫院將暫停門診服務。並視乎天氣狀況,將稍後通知除下信號後的營業時間。 (備註:留院服務維持正常,唯因天氣狀況...

【🌀🐶🐱️特殊天氣 - 特別通告⛈️】
由於颱風逐漸迫近本港,天文台預告將於凌晨時分改掛八號或以上暴風信號🌪,八號或以上風球懸掛期間本醫院將暫停門診服務。並視乎天氣狀況,將稍後通知除下信號後的營業時間。 (備註:留院服務維持正常,唯因天氣狀況不建議探訪)

若您已預約服務,我們將有專人於下一個工作天與您聯絡並更改時間;如有任何問題,可於營業時間致電📞3899 8999 聯絡我們,謝謝!

溫馨提示🔔颱風期間,請大家與毛孩留在安全地方🏡!感謝您一直以來的支持與理解🙏🏻 不便之處,敬請原諒。

【⛈🐶🐱️ Special Notice】
In light of an approaching typhoon and the expected issuance of higher tropical cyclone warning signals 🌪from the Hong Kong Observatory, our clinic will be temporarily closed for the safety of our staff and customers. Depending on weather conditions, the business hours after the signal is removed will be announced later. (Remarks: Inpatient services remain normal, but visits are not recommended due to weather conditions)

If you have made an appointment, our staff will contact you on the next working day; if you have any questions, please contact us at 📞3899 8999 during business hours, thank you!

Gentle reminder🔔: During the typhoon, please keep yourself and your pets safe by staying in a secure location at home🏡 We sincerely appreciate your ongoing support and understanding🙏🏻
📞致電査詞 Telephone :(852) 3899 8999 (09:00am - 07:00pm)
🌐AMAH網站AMAH Website : www.amahvet.com.hk
🏥診所地址 Address:
Shop No. 12-17, G/F Harbour Crystal Center, 100
Granville Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East, Kowloon
#動物醫療學會醫院 #尖沙咀獸醫 #尖東獸醫醫院

【🐶 AMAH 寵物口腔護理🦷】相信大家都知道,擁有良好的牙齒護理是非常重要的。不止人類,小動物跟人一樣。根據外國資料顯示,3歲的狗狗中有80%患有牙周疾病。如果不採取預防措施,牙周疾病會隨著年齡的增長而惡化。及早預防至關重要,因為晚期牙周...

【🐶 AMAH 寵物口腔護理🦷】


AMAH寵物牙科服務🦷 包括:
🔹牙齒X 光檢查

AMAH現推出牙科保健限定9折優惠,我們會根據寵物年齡和健康狀況,決定是否需要進行麻醉前血液檢查;如寵物需要進行血液測試,該費用將包括在限定9折優惠內。上述優惠只限於週一至五享用(公眾假期除外),如需預約或查詢更多關於寵物牙齒保健計劃內容,歡迎致電📞3899 8999來查詢!

【🐶 AMAH Pet Dental Services🦷】

Good dental care is crucial for your pets' overall health and well-being, just like it is for us Hooman. According to foreign sources, 80% of dogs over the age of 3 suffer from periodontal disease. If left untreated, periodontal disease can worsen as dogs age. Early prevention is crucial, as advanced periodontal disease can cause serious problems and discomfort for pets💢. In addition to daily dental care, such as brushing🪥 your pet's teeth and using other dental products🦴, we recommend that pet owners have their pets' teeth checked and dental cleaning by a veterinarian🩺🔎 at least once a year to identify any early signs of dental disease and maintain oral health.

AMAH includes the following dental services 🦷:
🔹Oral and dental examination
🔹Anesthesia before dental cleaning
🔹Ultrasonic dental cleaning
🔹Dental x-rays
🔹Tooth enamel polishing
🔹Pet oral care advice
🔹Tooth extraction

At AMAH, we now offer a limited-time 10% discount on our pet dental services. We will determine the need for pre-anesthetic blood testing based on your pet's age and health status. If your pet requires blood testing, the cost will be included in the discounted price. This offer is valid Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays). To learn more about our dental care services or to schedule an appointment, please contact us at 📞3899 8999.
📞致電查詢 Telephone︰(852) 3899 8999 (09:00am - 07:00pm)
🌐AMAH網站 AMAH Website:www.amahvet.com.hk
🏩診所地址 Address:
Shop No. 12-17, G/F Harbour Crystal Center, 100 Granville Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East, Kowloon
✅ 一站式動物醫療服務
✅ 貼心護理
✅ 專業團隊
✅ 高端設備
#動物醫療學會醫院 #尖沙咀獸醫 #尖東獸醫醫院

【⛈🐶🐱️特別通告】由於  #八號烈風或暴風信號 經已發出,診所暫停營業。診所將於熱帶氣旋訊號除下後兩小時,重新為大家服務。若您已預約,📲請於下一個工作天致電我們更改時間;如有任何問題,可於營業時間致電我們。謝謝!🙏🏻📞致電査詞 Telep...


由於 #八號烈風或暴風信號 經已發出,診所暫停營業。診所將於熱帶氣旋訊號除下後兩小時,重新為大家服務。


📞致電査詞 Telephone :(852) 3899 8999 (09:00am -
🌐AMAH網站AMAH Website : www.amahvet.com.hk
🏥診所地址 Address
Shop No. 12-17, G/F Harbour Crystal Center, 100
Granville Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East, Kowloon
#動物醫療學會醫院 #尖沙咀獸醫 #尖東獸醫醫院

【我們的獸醫團隊 Our Team - 汪子詠醫生】當汪子詠醫生年紀尚小時,就對動物充滿熱忱。她追求成為獸醫的夢想,並於2014年畢業於墨爾本大學。畢業後,她在新加坡的一家小型動物診所工作了兩年,之後返回香港繼續她的職業生涯。多年來,汪醫生...

【我們的獸醫團隊 Our Team - 汪子詠醫生】


多年來,汪醫生在香港的各種臨床環境中獲得了廣泛的經驗,包括小型診所和醫院等。這讓她能夠發展廣泛的技能,並具備處理各種不同病例的能力。汪醫生致力於提供高質量的獸醫護理,並擁有多方面的興趣,包括超聲波、影像學、內科、貓科學和中獸醫學(TCVM)。在2018年,她成為了 Chi Institute 的認證小型動物針灸師,目前正在修讀中獸醫學的中草藥課程。她相信採取全面性的方法來幫助治療和改善患者的生活質量。她工餘時間喜愛戶外活動並參與水上運動。。

From a young age, Dr. Jessica has been deeply passionate about animals. She pursued her dream of becoming a veterinarian, ultimately graduating from the University of Melbourne in 2014. Following graduation, she spent two years working at a small animal clinic in Singapore before returning to Hong Kong to continue her career.

Over the years, Dr. Jessica has gained extensive experience in a variety of clinical settings in Hong Kong, ranging from small clinics to hospital settings. This has enabled her to develop a broad skillset and a keen ability to handle a wide range of cases. Dr. Jessica is deeply committed to providing high-quality veterinary care and undertook additional training in the discipline of ultrasonography, imaging, feline medicine, and Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (TCVM). In 2018, she became a certified small animal acupuncturist with the Chi Institute and is currently enrolled in a TCVM herbal medicine course. She believes in taking an all-rounded approach to help treat and improve the quality of life of her patients. Outside of work, Dr. Jessica enjoys spending time outdoors and participating in water sports.
📞致電查詢 Telephone︰(852) 3899 8999 (09:00am - 07:00pm)
🌐AMAH網站 AMAH Website:www.amahvet.com.hk
🏩診所地址 Address: 九龍尖沙咀東部加連威老道100號港晶中心12-17舖地下
Shop No. 12-17, G/F Harbour Crystal Center, 100 Granville Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East, Kowloon
#動物醫療學會醫院 #尖沙咀獸醫 #尖東獸醫醫院

【🐶🐱AMAH 預約平台📣 】點止“預約” 咁簡單! 每次帶毛孩去看獸醫、做定期檢查等,少不免要致電診所,怎至親自到店預約,又要自行記低毛孩的定期疫苗接種時間... 難免會影響毛孩的健康護理時間表、延誤寵物治療...  AMAH 的預約平台...

【🐶🐱AMAH 預約平台📣 】點止“預約” 咁簡單!

每次帶毛孩去看獸醫、做定期檢查等,少不免要致電診所,怎至親自到店預約,又要自行記低毛孩的定期疫苗接種時間... 難免會影響毛孩的健康護理時間表、延誤寵物治療...

AMAH 的預約平台,點止“預約”咁簡單!除了可以幫您預約診症,仲有以下功能:
🔹 預約診症:方便主人隨時隨地預約診症
🔹 預約記錄查閱:了解過去、即將及預約確認狀況,方便管理時間
🔹 疫苗接種記錄:查閱過去接種疫苗記錄,方便為寵物制定疫苗時間表
🔹 查閱化驗報告: 若寵物曾進行醫學化驗,報告會顯示在平台供主人隨時參考
🔹 寵物護理標準狀況: 根據物種、品種、年齡和診斷為寵物建立護理標準
🔹 自動提醒功能: 根據護理到期日標准設置自動提醒,免卻延誤寵物治療

為免因開雙重帳戶而不能取得資料或報告,毛孩主人記得只使用已登記的電話號碼和電郵地址登入平台!如有疑問,可電郵至[email protected] 查詢!

🌐網上預約診症: https://bit.ly/3HFdwnu

【🐶🐱AMAH Booking Platform 📣】 Booking made Easy - and More!

Taking your furry friend for routine veterinary visits, regular check-ups, and vaccinations often involves calling the clinic or even visiting in person to book an appointment. Remembering your pet's vaccination schedule can be challenging, potentially affecting their health and delaying essential treatments.

Introducing the AMAH Appointment Platform, offering more than just appointment booking! Check out these additional features:
🔹 Appointment Booking: Easily book appointments anytime, anywhere
🔹 Appointment Records: Keep track of the past, upcoming, and confirmed appointments to efficient time management
🔹 Vaccination Records: Review past vaccination details for convenient scheduling
🔹 Laboratory Report Access: Access medical lab reports for your easy reference (if your pet has undergone testing)
🔹 Pet Care Standards: Establish care standards based on species, breed, age, and diagnosis
🔹 Automatic Reminders: Set reminders based on care due dates to avoid treatment delays

To prevent issues with accessing data or reports due to multiple accounts, pet owners should use their registered phone number and email address when logging into the platform. If you have any questions, please email us at [email protected].

🌐 Online Booking: https://bit.ly/3HFdwnu
📞致電查詢 Telephone︰(852) 3899 8999 (09:00am - 07:00pm)
🌐AMAH網站 AMAH Website:www.amahvet.com.hk
🏩診所地址 Address:
Shop No. 12-17, G/F Harbour Crystal Center, 100 Granville Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East, Kowloon
#動物醫療學會醫院 #尖沙咀獸醫 #尖東獸醫醫院


「髖關節發育不良」不止影響大型狗犬 小型犬也要當心⚠️

家中狗狗早陣子還熱情地奔跑及跳躍,但突然有一天不再這樣做,走路時更左搖右擺,怎至不再活躍? 這或與狗狗「髖關節發育不良」有關。「髖關節發育不良」是指狗隻成長發育時,髖關節不正常生長 (如脾臼窩深度過淺、髖關節鬆弛等)而引發一連串的症狀。


• 不太活躍
• 起身困難
• 肌肉萎縮
• 後軀左右搖擺
• 兔仔式跳躍動作
• 後腳無力
• 腳抬不起來
• 髖部疼痛
• 步態僵硬
• 跛腳

不少人都誤以為 🦴 髖關節發育不良只出現在大型狗狗、如金毛尋回犬、牧羊犬等,其實這基因遺傳病也會發生在小型狗隻身上,而且早在狗隻四個月時已能發現最初期迹象。



Canine Hip Dysplasia⚠️: A Condition Affecting Dogs of All Breeds and Sizes

Your energetic dog used to run and jump enthusiastically around the house, but suddenly, they stopped doing so. Instead, they now walk with a wobbly gait and are no longer as active. This could be due to a condition called "Hip Dysplasia". Hip Dysplasia occurs when the hip joint does not develop properly during a dog's growth, such as shallow hip sockets (acetabulum) or hip joint laxity, leading to symptoms.

Canine Hip Dysplasia 🐶 is predominantly a genetic condition that can be exacerbated by factors such as improper weight management and rapid growth rates. We should stay vigilant for signs of this debilitating condition below and seek veterinary care as soon as possible if any are suspected.

Symptoms of hip dysplasia:
🔹 Decreased activity
🔹 Difficulty or reluctance rising
🔹 Muscle atrophy
🔹 Swaying
🔹 “Bunny Hopping" gait
🔹 Weakness in hind legs
🔹 Feet cannot lift up
🔹 Hip pain
🔹 Stiffness
🔹 Limping

Contrary to popular belief, Hip Dysplasia 🦴 is not limited to large breeds such as Golden Retrievers and German Shepherds. This can also occur in small dogs. This genetic condition can present as early as four months of age, with initial symptoms that should not be ignored.

If you notice any of the symptoms mentioned above in your dog, we recommend having them undergo a hip X-ray exam by a veterinarian. This diagnostic tool can help identify Hip Dysplasia early, allowing for timely prevention and management strategies, such as surgery or non-surgical interventions (diet and exercise management, etc.).

🔗 To learn more about hip dysplasia in dogs, please visit: https://bit.ly/3omOLa9
📞致電查詢 Telephone︰(852) 3899 8999 (09:00am - 07:00pm)
🌐AMAH網站 AMAH Website:www.amahvet.com.hk
🏩診所地址 Address:
Shop No. 12-17, G/F Harbour Crystal Center, 100 Granville Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East, Kowloon

#動物醫療學會醫院 #尖沙咀獸醫 #尖東獸醫醫院 #狗狗髖關節


Shop 12-17, G/F, Harbor Crystal Centre, 100 Granville Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East


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