Hs. Viko - Hong Kong Holding Co., Ltd

Hs. Viko - Hong Kong Holding Co., Ltd Animals come into our lives as gifts from God,
They deserve our very best efforts in caring for them.


enjoy your lunch baby


okay enjoy your food


it's a beautiful day and she enjoy her delicious food

Miss cat love this fish oil

Miss cat love this fish oil

What is puffed food:Puffed grain is formed by high-temperature puffing and extrusion. During the processing, a large amo...

What is puffed food:
Puffed grain is formed by high-temperature puffing and extrusion. During the processing, a large amount of nutrients in the raw materials will be lost.

Current status and problems of puffed grain:
Puffed food is currently the mainstream dry food for pets. The consumption is huge, all major pet brands are making puffed food, and the market competition is also very fierce. However, puffed food needs to add starch during the processing process (cats are not suitable for eating cat food with a lot of starch. 4% starch content is already very high) to expand and bind, and the high temperature in the processing plant can easily cause a large amount of vitamins and other nutrients to be lost. These problems need to be solved urgently. In the process of making puffed grains, Xiang was clever. He added various legumes and tubers (potatoes, peas, lentils, etc.) as natural binders, so that each starch could be listed when writing the ingredient list. The proportion of raw materials is greatly reduced, and the ingredient list will look much better. However, the more legume and tuber raw materials added, the more allergens will be. Have you considered it?

What is air-dried food: Since natural air-drying or sun drying is too slow and hygienic conditions cannot meet pet food standards, the current air-dried food production technology is mainly a technology that simulates natural air-drying conditions to produce pet food, that is, drying at low temperatures Rapid dehydration and drying under high wind speed conditions. This technology can greatly retain the nutritional content of meat raw materials, and at the same time does not require starch for binding, which can greatly reduce the use of starch.

What is baked grain: Baked grain is grain processed using low-temperature cold extrusion baking technology or tableting process. In the production process, the entire process is very simple, without too many physical and chemical processes. There is no effect of high temperature (temperature control at 80°C for 4 hours of maturation). At the same time, the production process is much simpler than that of puffed food. In theory, the nutrition of the food can be retained to a great extent. The most obvious feeling of baked grain is that it is very light. The density per unit volume is relatively low.

In fact, air-dried cat food, puffed food, and baked food are all processing techniques.

Puffing technology (cat food): The puffed food technology is made by mixing the raw materials, putting them into a sealed container, and suddenly decompressing them under heating and pressure to expand them. Puffed grain is the most common grain on the market and has the highest share.

Advantages: Because it has been dehydrated, it does not deteriorate easily, has a long shelf life, and is easy to carry and store.

Disadvantages: There may be high temperature and high pressure that can easily lead to nutrient loss.

Low-temperature air-drying (freeze-drying): The low-temperature vacuum freeze-drying method can directly and quickly freeze fresh food into a solid state, and sublime ice into water v***r under vacuum conditions, thereby removing the moisture in the material.

Advantages: 1. It is better dehydrated and can ensure the integrity of protein and other nutrients to the maximum extent, locking in nutrients and ensuring nutritional value. 2. It has good palatability and does not require too many artificial nutritional supplements.

Disadvantages: 1. Most freeze-dried foods are recommended to be rehydrated before use. Do not keep it if it cannot be consumed in one go, otherwise there will be problems with bacterial growth. 2. It is a high-protein and high-fat food. If the intake is not controlled, it can easily cause pets to overeat and cause soft stools. 3. Insufficient sterilization can easily lead to excessive bacteria and make it difficult to store for a long time.

Low-temperature baking (cat food): Let the raw materials mature slowly and bake them into shape. Because low-temperature baking requires high technical requirements, not many brands have gotten involved yet.

Advantages: Compared with puffed food, low-temperature baked food has higher nutritional value.

Disadvantages: It requires high production technology. At present, the technology is not mature enough, and the price is too high. It is difficult to enter the market and the audience is small. If you want to choose a good cat food, in addition to the craftsmanship, you also need to look at the raw materials, formula and nutritional content.

why you stay in there baby

why you stay in there baby


enioy your afternoon baby~


so cute!!!!!!


looks she love this toy

Cats are sensitive animals who like stability in life. They are susceptible to stress, and this manifests itself in a va...

Cats are sensitive animals who like stability in life. They are susceptible to stress, and this manifests itself in a variety of ways.
1. What is stress?
Stress refers to a set of physiological and behavioral responses caused by unpleasant stimuli. It can manifest itself as several physical and behavioral changes, and can be acute, such as a sudden onset, or chronic, which is long-term.
Every cat has a different stress threshold. Some cats are very sensitive to the same stimulus and some are not.
2. What causes cat stress?
Every cat perceives stressors differently. For example, some cats are stressed by bathing, while others are not.
So what are the common situations that cause stress in cats?
Struggle for resources (cat litter box, nest, toys, few hiding places)
move place
Going out/traveling
Cats don't get along
New family members (new animals, babies, roommates, companions)
Forcing a cat to do certain behaviors
The owner’s startled behavior
sudden noise
Cat litter box dirty
Loss of a human or pet family member
Not respecting the cat’s autonomy
Bad human-cat relationship
Inability to meet the cat’s physical and emotional needs
3. What are the symptoms of cat stress?
1. Acute stress
Acute stress can be caused by unexpected events or threats and is relatively easy to detect in cats.
Many of the following signs may be evident:
Do not move
Body - crouching, shaking
Abdomen - belly not exposed, shortness of breath
Legs - Bend
Tail - close to the body
Head - lower than body, still
Eyes - fully open
Pupils - fully open
Ears - completely flat (airplane ears)
Vocalize - to whine, roar, growl or be silent
Hissing, roaring, trembling, drooling
involuntary urination, defecation
2. Chronic stress
Chronic stress can be difficult to recognize because it can develop over time and the signs may be more subtle. It is more likely to affect behavioral patterns and habits. For example:
No eating, no licking, no urination, no defecation
always sleep
Increased dependence or fear of social interactions (depending on personality type)
Defensive aggression towards people/cats
Stay on high alert and have an increased startle response
Improper urination or defecation
Spray urine indoors
Excessive fur licking, pica
Always want to rub
4. The impact of stress on physical health
Stress in both humans and cats is directly related to shortened lifespan, because according to research, stress may cause changes in DNA (shortening of telomeres) and accelerate aging.
Stress can also affect the immune system and cause a variety of diseases. But it is sometimes difficult to define the cause-and-effect relationship between disease and stress because the disease itself can trigger stress.
5. The impact of stress on other aspects
Effects on mental health: Cats may become anxious or depressed depending on the intensity, duration and perception of each cat.
Affects cats' social situation: When cats are in a state of stress, if they adopt proactive strategies, they may behave aggressively, not only to other cats, but also to the human-cat relationship.
6. How to solve cat stress
1. Improve the environment and provide a stable living environment
Some stress is unavoidable and some is short-lived (such as a visit to the vet, moving), but stress should be avoided where possible and pheromones, amitriptyline, aromatherapy, massage can be used , T-touch, herbal treatments, nutritional supplements, behavioral therapy, etc. to reduce cat stress.
2. Provide a hidden place or an absolutely safe location
Place a basket on the top of the cabinet to provide the cat with an escape route, etc., and avoid disturbing the cat when it is stressed: For example, when the cat arrives at a new home, the new owner keeps playing with the cat forcibly, which will only aggravate the cat's stress response.
3. Keep the litter box clean and plentiful
Clean the cat litter box in time every day, keep the cat litter box clean, the cat litter is deep enough, and the number of cat litter boxes is sufficient.
4. Meet your cat’s emotional and physical needs
Spend a certain amount of time every day paying attention to the cat, accompanying the cat, meeting the cat's emotional and physical needs, and keeping the cat in a happy mood.
5.Multi-modal environment management
Provide cats with scratching posts, toys, and a place to play to enrich the environment.
Provide a safe hiding place
Enrich the environment (grab posts, toys)
Resolve conflicts between cats
Provide separate key resources (food and water bowls, nests, bedding)
Provide tools and opportunities to express their playful and predatory behaviors
6. If the cat has behavioral problems, correct them in time.
If the cat has problems such as frequent squatting in the litter box, random urination, random defecation, or biting, correct it in time and observe carefully to see if there are any health problems.
7. If the cat has developed a disease, seek medical attention promptly.
If the cat has symptoms of disease, such as loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, frequent urination, hematuria, anuria, lack of energy, etc., take him to the hospital for treatment in time.

Cat leftovers are mainly due to the following reasons:1. Small stomach, eat less. The cat's body structure determines it...

Cat leftovers are mainly due to the following reasons:

1. Small stomach, eat less. The cat's body structure determines its habit of eating in irregular amounts at different times. If the cat eats too much at one time, it will cause a heavy body and difficulty in moving. Some cats also have the awareness of weight control and are unwilling to eat too much food at one time.

2. Don’t like to eat. Cats are very picky in their tastes, and they often eat only a little bit of food they don’t like.

3. Save food to avoid missing a meal. Cats will store a certain amount of food for emergencies. If your cat often has leftover food and a lot of it, it may be because the cat does not feed it in time!


she love to eat this


is that delicious baby?

good girl

good girl


Hs. Viko is one of China's most powerful factories as well as source manufacturers that it owns six major departments which are pet department, large animal department, poultry medical department, aquatic products department, domestic trading department, foreign trading department. And we offered reliable guaranteed quality for all the products.

Usually, female cats will go into estrus between 6 and 8 months old, while male cats will go into estrus between 8 and 1...

Usually, female cats will go into estrus between 6 and 8 months old, while male cats will go into estrus between 8 and 13 months old. A female cat's estrus usually lasts for 3 to 7 days. If she does not conceive, she will go into estrus again two weeks later. If she continues not to conceive, it will gradually shorten. Male cats usually go into estrus every other week, lasting 7 to 10 days each time. A cat's estrus is affected by various factors, including season, living environment, own development level, etc.
The main manifestations of female cats in estrus are bright eyes, loss of appetite, increased activity, and likes to go out and wander, especially at night, and appears restless. 1. Behavior and voice will change, and the cry will sound like a crying baby. 2. The cat will often roll and twist on the ground. If the owner touches its back or presses its buttocks, the cat will lie on the ground and step with its hind feet alternately, then raise its buttocks, lift its tail, and tilt its tail to one side.
How to relieve a cat’s heat?
Play with the cat for a while, and if you don’t have time, prepare some toys with sounds or automatics to help the cat divert its attention. Even just a gentle stroke on the head can give your cat some emotional comfort. Grooming the cat's hair more often and cleaning up the floating hair will also calm the cat's mood. Because the cat becomes mentally stressed during estrus, which affects appetite, the cat’s resistance will be reduced.

How long will my pet dog live?Have you ever wondered how long your dog will live? How much longer can it accompany you f...

How long will my pet dog live?
Have you ever wondered how long your dog will live? How much longer can it accompany you for walks or cuddle with you?
It was found that the top three are: (calculated from birth, that is, zero years old) Jack Russell Terrier, with an average life expectancy of 12.7 years; followed by Border Collie: 12.1 years; and thirdly, Spencer Greyhound: 11.9 years old.
The shortest life spans are found in the four flat-faced dog breeds - for example, the French Bulldog has a life expectancy of only 4.5 years; the English Bulldog: 7.4 years; the Pug (also known as the Pug): 7.7 years; American Bulldog: 7.8 years old.
These dogs are affected by several life-limiting conditions, such as breathing problems, spinal disease, and difficulty in giving birth, all of which can affect the overall lifespan of these breeds.
Here are some rankings of pet dog life expectancy from birth:

Jack Russell Terrier 12.72 years old
Yorkshire Terrier 12.54 years old
Border Collie 12.10 years
Springer Spaniel 11.92 years
Crossbreed Dog 11.82 years
Labrador Retriever 11.77 years old
Staffordshire Bull Terrier 11.33 years old
English Cocker Spaniel 11.31 years old
Shih Tzu 11.05 years old
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 10.45 years old
German Shepherd 10.16 years old
Boxer dog 10.04 years old
Beagle 9.85 years old
Husky 9.53 years old
Chihuahua 7.91 years old
American Bulldog 7.79 years old
Pug 7.65 years old
English Bulldog 7.39 years old
French bulldog 4.53 years old
There are many factors that can affect the length of a dog's lifespan. Therefore, the so-called average lifespan can only be used as a reference and is partially useful.

For example, the life expectancy of a Chihuahua is only 7.9 years, so you may not see much point in rescuing and adopting a Chihuahua that is already 6 years old, because based on life expectancy, you may only have 2 years left with it.

But veterinary records show that a significant number of Chihuahuas die at a young age, driving down their average lifespan. This means that a 6-year-old Chihuahua will likely live much longer than its average lifespan of 8 years. We know that some Chihuahuas live to be 15 or 16 years old.

The difference between krill oil and fish oil:1. Different raw materials: Deep-sea fish oil is extracted from fish livin...

The difference between krill oil and fish oil:
1. Different raw materials: Deep-sea fish oil is extracted from fish living in a lightless environment of the deep sea, while krill oil is extracted from Antarctic waters.
2. Different nutrients: Deep-sea fish oil contains unsaturated fatty acids and high levels of protein, while krill oil contains nutrients from Antarctic krill. 3. Different functions and effects: Deep-sea fish oil has limited effects and incomplete nourishment. Krill oil is soluble in both oil and water and is easier to absorb. It can exert various functions and health care effects and has a wide range of effects.

OEM cat litter

OEM cat litter

lecithin for dog and cat

lecithin for dog and cat


delicious cat food~


Yalan Office Center, Nathan Road


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