當大家慶祝緊聖誕節嘅時候,有一隻可憐的十歲貴婦狗在冷冰冰的西營盤鬧市中獨自流連,全口都係爛牙... 一直都無主人搵返佢,但LAP 接收他後他一直仍好相信人類...
還有只是一隻BB 貓的 Biccy,竟然被人說不能應付而棄養。
Dosa 是男朋友送給女朋友的驚喜聖誕禮物,卻隨即被棄養了(我們極之反對以一個生命作驚喜禮物呀!)
四隻很可能來自home breeder 的純種小貓
從漁護署救出的 Dambi、Delicata、Denali…
懷疑因為家人移民而被遺棄的Denya、Deseyo 和 Dorado …..
只是舉一些off our heads 的個案,還有三位數字的貓仔狗仔在我們的照顧之中,正在待家。
利是封的部份收益會捐俾LAP 的小動物。
如果你未到派利是的人生階段,你都可以買呢四款咁靚嘅貓貓利是封派俾你嘅小貓小狗,什至派返俾我哋centre 嘅無家小狗小貓!
預購: https://forms.gle/iME5SaU3w9QpzDVT8
24/Jan 後到上環 One Bite Design Studio 或者西營盤貓中心取利是封。
利是封一套有八個, 每套 HKD$100
Charity License No. 91/7065
ALT Exemption ORG-00009
Just in the past month, while everybody is enjoying Christmas and New Year holidays, we have been working hard to help animals in need as always.
We have took in dogs and cats from all sorts of places, Ashwyn from Mong Kok Market, four cats from AFCD, these cats were thrown away out to the street….
Dusty the poor 10 years old poodle that was found wandering in the street all alone at night, Biccy JUST a kitten but the family claim that they can’t cope…
Dosa the mongrel puppy that was given to a girlfriend as a surprise Christmas gift but rejected by the family…
Four pure breed kittens that might be from a home breeder…
Darwin that called for help, mysteriously found swimming and surviving hard in the 12*C open sea….
Dambi, Delicata, Denali that were rescued from AFCD…
Denya, Deseyo and Dorado, abandoned from people leaving Hong Kong…
Just to mention a few….
Every single case we take in, we bring them to the vet, transport them to safety, feed them, process their adoption, enquiries, contacting foster and a lot more work behind the scene.
Each case requires a lot of money, effort and time.
If you want to help our operations and help more animals during this happy time of the Lunar New Year, apart from donating money, volunteering, becoming a foster family, etc. this year, you can also purchase red pockets, beautifully designed by one of our adoption family, and amazing design company onebite, part of the profit of the red pockets will proceed to LAP, and goes directly to the animals.
If you are not at the stage of life to give out red pocket, you can buy these to give out to your furry friends, or even pack a red pocket to give them back to our center's homeless animals!
You can pre-order at this link https://forms.gle/iME5SaU3w9QpzDVT8
and pick up the red pckets at onebite Sheung Wan or Sai Ying Pun Cat Centre after 24/Jan.
There are eight red packets in a set, four different designs in each, and each set is HKD$100
We wish you all a healthy and prosperous year of snake!