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Grants Rentals Grants Rentals Alaró My name is Rochelle. A rental agent FOR Alaró FROM Alaró. Send me a message or Whatsapp +385955066465

Mi nombre es Rochelle.

My services include introduction of potential tenants, viewing arrangement, rental contract drafting and overseeing the entire rental process at 50% less than the average agency fee. Agente de alquileres EN Alaró DE Alaró. Mis servicios incluyen introducción de posibles inquilinos, organización de visitas, redacción del contrato de alquiler y supervisión de todo el proceso de alquiler por un 50% menos de las típicas comisiones intermediarios. Mandame un mensaje o un Whatsapp +385955066465



4 bedroom, 1 bathroom, traditional Mallorcan house. Furniture optional. 1400€ per month.
Dm for photos, details and to arrange a viewing or WhatsApp +385955066465

I had imagined Palma de Mallorca to be a real City and it is, it has a Cathedral and it’s big to a dog. Nothing however prepared me for Barcelona. It was mind bogglingly large. Roundabout had up to seven lanes of traffic and the driving, unlike what I’d experienced before, was chaotically aggres...

LUTHERS BLOGWhy Black Dogs are Less Likely to Get AdoptedYou may have noticed that I am a big black dog. I covered other...


Why Black Dogs are Less Likely to Get Adopted

You may have noticed that I am a big black dog. I covered other dogs' reactions to us Black dogs in a previous post. Here I’m wondering why humans feel less inclined to shower us with love.

If you are a long time pet lover or you have worked in a shelter, you may have noticed that black dogs tend to spend considerably more time waiting to be taken to their forever home compared to dogs of other colours. When My Guy first heard this he thought it was a people ethnicity based joke. However regardless of all the Black Dogs Matter comedy there is a hurdle that the ignorant need to get over.

This phenomenon is referred to as "Black Dog Syndrome" and it is a real problem that affects the adoption rates of black dogs. I can only thank the Dogs that my people do not clearly see colour and are not amongst the “norm”.
I’m going to try and explain the reasons behind this issue as I sometimes think to myself that it could've been me left there in the shelter. Scared and lonely. Hope ebbing away day by day. Watching other dogs leaving with their new people. I’m just trying to level the field and help these lovable dogs find their forever homes.

What is Black Dog Syndrome?
Black Dog Syndrome is simply the phenomenon where black dogs, like me, are less likely to be adopted from animal shelters compared to dogs of other colours. As I say it it sounds ridiculous but its been studied and the disparity in adoption rates is clear for you to see. I’m not a Dog to quote statistics etc but I can tell you that this is attributed to several factors. These include superstition and belief, photography and wait for it….the physical appearance of black dogs.

Superstitions and beliefs are a people thing. We have nature, they have “superior brains” so they invented things to scare themselves. Throughout history, black dogs have been connected to the negative. They have been associated with evil spirits or being a sign of bad luck. These superstitions have been perpetuated in a number of cultures down the ages and have led to a negative perception of black dogs. Even today when a man is depressed they say he has a black dog. The WHO even made a four minute video called, “I had a Black Dog his name was Depression”. Thanks a lot WHO.

Photography plays a significant role in how dogs are perceived in the shelter environment. Remember a previous diary that I wrote explaining how other dogs are unsure of a black dog's intentions because the colour of its fur hides certain distinctive traits that convey a dog's current attitude? It appears those super brains that people have are as easily fooled. For example poor lighting in kennels or cages can make black dogs appear less friendly, less approachable, and therefore less adoptable. This is because, a bit of science for you here, black dogs absorb light, making it difficult to capture their true personalities in photos. As a result, black dogs may appear unappealing and less attractive to potential adopters. I may have to disagree with that particular finding. I’m a Black Dog that photographs superbly. In fact I am a muse for both photographers and artists. Perhaps it’s the photographer and not the dog in this case.

Here is another one that tells you that those people's brains are not as sharp as they would have you believe. If you do your research you’ll find that the physical appearance of black dogs can also contribute to Black Dog Syndrome. Their dark fur can make their features appear less defined, as it does to other dogs, making it more challenging to distinguish individual characteristics and personalities. Thankfully My People took the time and made the effort to get to know my personality and peculiar character traits. I was even told by one worker at a dog's home that The Lady was assisting that black dogs can blend into their surroundings, making it difficult to spot them in a crowded shelter environment.

So lets get down to it. How to Help Black Dogs Find Forever Homes.
As a pet portrait site, we help raise awareness and reduce the impact of Black Dog Syndrome by promoting the adoptions of black dogs. We are aware of these issues noted above and have taken conscious actions to combat them so here are some ways you can help us do this:
Highlight the Positive Qualities of Black Dogs
Whenever we can we emphasize the positive qualities of black dogs, such as their loyalty, intelligence, and affectionate nature. By highlighting these traits, you can change the negative perception of black dogs and make them more desirable to adopters. I know these are common to all dogs but other dogs' qualities are taken for granted.
Use High-Quality Photography
Use high-quality photography to showcase the real beauty and true personality of black dogs. I can absolutely, categorically confirm that this works. The use of proper lighting in my photo shoot changes the way people view me completely and my character shines through. This helps potential adopters see the true essence of these dogs and make them more appealing.
Partner with Local Shelters
Partner with local shelters to promote the adoption of black dogs. It’s something The Lady has been doing in the countries that we settle in as we travel across Europe. She offers to take professional portraits of the dogs and provide the images to the shelters to use in their adoption efforts. This will help increase visibility and attract potential adopters. This has been remarkably effective.
Share Adoption Stories
Share stories of black dogs who have been successfully adopted and are now thriving in their forever homes. By highlighting these success stories we encourage more people to adopt black dogs and help break the negative stereotypes associated with them. This is my story so I don’t have to chat on about how much we value this method. My Home and My People are amazing. I can feel the love from them every moment of every day. My story like every other dog is unique but I know I’m blessed and I want more black dogs to feel like I do.

Summing up, Black Dog Syndrome is a real problem and as crazy as it seems it really does affect the adoption rate of black dogs. Hopefully by understanding the reasons behind this phenomenon and taking action to help, you can make a difference in the lives of these lovable dogs. If you want to use our platform as a pet portrait site to promote the positive qualities of black dogs, showcase their beauty through high-quality photography, partner with local shelters, and share success stories please contact us. With your help, black dogs can find their forever homes and live the happy lives they deserve.

This weekend I’ve celebrated my 8th birthday. My humans bought me lots of treats and I had my very own birthday cake! I ...

This weekend I’ve celebrated my 8th birthday. My humans bought me lots of treats and I had my very own birthday cake! I am feeling extremely loved & happy and have loved every second of it except of course having to wear my birthday hat 🙄
Thank you to everyone that wished me a happy birthday. I was overwhelmed by the 474 happy birthday comments & likes from my friends in the Cane Corso doggy group, thank you thank you thank you ❤️


Valentine's Day from a Black Dog's PerspectiveValentine's Day is coming up, and I, Luther the Great, First of My Name, T...

Valentine's Day from a Black Dog's Perspective

Valentine's Day is coming up, and I, Luther the Great, First of My Name, The Black Dog, have a few things to say about this occasion. You see, I am a hopeless romantic. Let’s keep that quiet as I have my Kingly reputation to think of. I love to snuggle up on a wet afternoon with My People and watch romantic dog movies and watch My Guy pretend he’s not crying. I'm always on the lookout for a special someone to share playtime with, to run wild and wrestle on the grass. I’m a complete sucker when it comes to belly rubs. However as far as long term playmates go, being a black dog, I have found it a bit challenging to find my perfect match. I know what you’re thinking, I’m never in one place more than 3 months but remember in dog terms that’s nearly two years. However I am Luther the Great I will never admit defeat. I cannot be discouraged. I believe that love knows no bounds, no colour, and no breed.

And so, as we approach Valentine's Day, I would like to share with you some hilarious insights into the world of love and black dogs.

First of all, let's talk about the colour black. “Again I hear you cry?” Yes I’m afraid so. You might think that being a black dog is not the best when it comes to love. After all, black is often associated with darkness, mystery, and the unknown. But, let me tell you, being a black dog has its advantages. Yes we are mysterious, intriguing and that’s good. Best of all, our fur won't show the sins of our play times. We can roll and wrestle all we like and no one will ever know. Except if it's snow…. Or sand… In fact strike that. We’re just dark and mysterious. Good enough.

Secondly, let's talk about being a dog. As dogs, we have a unique approach to love. We don't waste time with flowers, chocolates, or fancy dinners. To be honest if I get a fancy dinner, some raw fillet mignon and a chicken back, I’m not sharing that with anydog. However we show our affection in other ways through wagging tails, playtime and lots and lots of cuddles. Let me tell you, nothing says "I love you" better than a good belly rub.

Lastly, let's talk about the real reason we celebrate Valentine's Day – to show our love and appreciation for those special people (or pets) in our lives. Whether you're single or in a relationship, it's important to celebrate love in all its forms. This is one of the characteristics that so few species have, the ability to give and accept love, it’s so rewarding in so many ways that we must honour this cherished, shared experience.

So, this Valentine's Day, make sure to give lots of love and attention to your furry friends. I speak for Dogs but I also speak for all pets that we have produced portraits for, cats, rabbits, hamsters, even rats.

Therefore contrary to popular belief being a black dog and celebrating Valentine's Day isn’t a daunting task at all, it's all about finding love in unexpected places. Whether it's through belly rubs, playtime, or a good old-fashioned game of fetch, love knows no bounds. My Guy will pretend that he’s remembered The Lady and shower her with attention, letting me believe that I’ve been forgotten. Only to surprise me with a trip out to run and play and some extra special gourmet food. The way to my heart is truly through my stomach.

So, this Valentine's Day, don't let being a dog stop you from celebrating love in all its forms.

And, if you're looking for a special gift for your furry friend, why not consider a pet portrait? With our pet portrait services, you can capture your pet's unique personality and show your love and appreciation for them.

This Valentine's Day, let's celebrate love and woofs with laughter and joy.

Happy Valentine's Day from Luther the Great, First of my Name and The Black Dog.

Thank you Margot for the 5 ⭐ Review!“My georgeous fur babies”The portraits of my cat and 2 dogs are simply perfect! Roch...

Thank you Margot for the 5 ⭐ Review!

“My georgeous fur babies”

The portraits of my cat and 2 dogs are simply perfect! Rochelle has caught their spirits just the way they are! I'm very happy with the result and will come back to her when I need a gift for someone with a pet!

Swipe to see the beautiful Dino’s original photo.

For you pet portrait dm or visit our web ( Link in bio )

My puppy years. I wasn’t a huge destructor but I really had a thing for zips on cushions and my humans panties. I even p...

My puppy years. I wasn’t a huge destructor but I really had a thing for zips on cushions and my humans panties. I even pooped a whole thong out once. I got into some serious trouble for that one…apparently it can be very dangerous. So this photo you see here is probably the last rope toy I ever had. After that I was reduced to the famous unbreakable kongs. These days toys don’t interest me that much…I like to have a wrestle with my little sister and let her think she’s winning because she’s kind of cute, but other than that my destruction days are over.

Thank you Dominique for the 5 ⭐ Review!“ Stunning”Portraits of our pets are absolutely stunning, delivery time was much ...

Thank you Dominique for the 5 ⭐ Review!

“ Stunning”

Portraits of our pets are absolutely stunning, delivery time was much shorter than expected.
We are very happy with the outcome and can't wait to set these up in our home.

Swipe to see the beautiful Dora’s original photo.

To get your custom pet portrait dm or visit our web ( link in bio )

Ahh yes, Portugal! I’ve already expressed my love for this country on previous posts! But I would like to talk some more...

Ahh yes, Portugal! I’ve already expressed my love for this country on previous posts! But I would like to talk some more about Peneda Gerês, Portugals only National Park. We drove here for a long weekend to celebrate my human Guys birthday and stayed in a Pet Friendly mountain cabin. We had hikes planned out for every day and seriously didn’t even scratch the surface of what this place has to offer! Our first trail was The 7 Lakes (Sete Lagoas), as always we set off with a backpack full of water for my humans, me and my sister and a few cooked meat snacks for us all. We set off nice and early and hit the track. The path was clear so we were taken off our leads and allowed to enjoy the freedom of running around. There were so many smells I hadn’t smelt before! What kind of animals live up this mountains? Wildcat?Wolves? I couldn’t keep my nose off the ground! It was a challenging hike for the humans (obviously it was a piece of cake for me!), but they did love it. The entire hike was stunning but when we reached the 7 lakes it took the beauty to a whole new level. We walked down a side rubble path to try reach one of the lakes, they were all small natural pools each one below a waterfall, we reached one and had the most amazing swim. I like to try eat the water as I swim so attempting to eat the waterfall was lots of fun. After all the water fun we continued the hike, there was still quite a way to go to. We were on the last leg and came across a deep river with a strong rapid… oh oh… no way could we turn and go back the way we came, we’d be walking in the mountains full of wildlife at night… the humans had no other choice but to figure it out! The Lady had to slowly climb over some rocks that were poking a little bit out of the water, making sure they weren’t too slippy or loose, she had my little sister gripped in her hand and her lead clipped to the rucksack. It was my turn, my human Guy had me tied around his waist as we both scrambles across the rocks avoiding the rapid waters. I could feel the nerves from my humans but we did it! We completed the hike and as soon as I hit the back seat of the car I slept like a baby. What a great day!

Thank you Lucy for the 5 ⭐ Review!“Perfect tribute to the dog of my Life”After my brothers soulmate of 16+ years passed ...

Thank you Lucy for the 5 ⭐ Review!

“Perfect tribute to the dog of my Life”

After my brothers soulmate of 16+ years passed the rainbow bridge , it took him a good couple of years to finally get a new pup . Seeing him happy and in love again , the moment was right to gift him a loving memory of his previous partner in crime . I ordered the portrait and it was very easy and arrived very quickly . Beautifully done capturing all the details of the eyes and the dirty beard that characterised her in life so much! Needless to say he was overjoyed and his words not mine “ This is the perfect tribute to the dog of my Life “ .

This was one of my human Lady’s favorite photo sessions. I did my best to be the best boy ever and pose exactly how she ...

This was one of my human Lady’s favorite photo sessions. I did my best to be the best boy ever and pose exactly how she wanted. She was very proud and shows this photo to all her friends so I thought I’d post it here to show you my fans :)

Here I am in Belavici (Croatia) posing in one of my famous hat photos, this one is an old fashioned pith helmet, usually...

Here I am in Belavici (Croatia) posing in one of my famous hat photos, this one is an old fashioned pith helmet, usually used on safaris (I have an entire album dedicated to hats). We loved Belavici! We lived in a pet friendly holiday home with a huge garden right by the river where we could go swimming, it was just the best! I lay in the sunshine listening to the birds & snoozin all day. It’s close to some really beautiful sightseeing spots so if you ever want a pet friendly chilled out place to stay message me and I’ll send you the landlady’s contact details.

Not my most photogenic moment…

Not my most photogenic moment…

Get a Custom Portrait of your beloved Pet today!A Fun, Modern piece of Art every Pet Parent would Love! AND it’s all for...

Get a Custom Portrait of your beloved Pet today!
A Fun, Modern piece of Art every Pet Parent would Love! AND it’s all for a good cause as we collaborate with a number of Animal Welfare Organisations ( you can find out more about these organisations on our website )
Dm for commissions or visit the website, link in Bio

This is me on a really cool hike! We were living in Northern Portugal at the time but we were only a 10 minute drive to ...

This is me on a really cool hike! We were living in Northern Portugal at the time but we were only a 10 minute drive to the Galician border, so we’d make the most of it and go for days out there!
The hike was called Pozas de Loureza. There was no one around, it was luscious green and my humans ended up cold swimming in a natural pool at the top of a waterfall! The usually let me swim too but this one was a bit too dangerous so I kept watch with my little sister.

They tried to stop me eating meat fat and I said no, no, no….

They tried to stop me eating meat fat and I said no, no, no….

I think my human lady is confused. She keeps telling me she could swim in my big brown eyes… I’m pretty sure she can’t! ...

I think my human lady is confused. She keeps telling me she could swim in my big brown eyes… I’m pretty sure she can’t!

Get a Custom Portrait of your beloved Pet today!A Fun, Modern piece of Art every Pet Parent would Love! AND it’s all for...

Get a Custom Portrait of your beloved Pet today!
A Fun, Modern piece of Art every Pet Parent would Love! AND it’s all for a good cause as we collaborate with a number of Animal Welfare Organisations ( you can find out more about these organisations on our website )
Dm for commissions or visit the website, link in Bio

𝒜 𝒞𝒶𝓃𝑒 𝒲𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝒩𝑜𝓌?My humans are constantly being stopped in the streets by people asking what breed I am. I am of course n...

𝒜 𝒞𝒶𝓃𝑒 𝒲𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝒩𝑜𝓌?

My humans are constantly being stopped in the streets by people asking what breed I am. I am of course no breed, I’m just a handsome mutt, a very handsome mutt of course!
People have guessed from black boxer, pit bull, staffie mix, great dane mix and labrador. However, when we were in Italy, my humans were sat on the plaza having coffee and saw what only could be described as my identical twin, could it be? Could they finally have figured it out? My human lady ran over to ask the people what breed he was and they said Cane Corso. NEVER HEARD OF IT! After doing some research I’m clearly not a pure Cane Corso but I think it might be the closest guess yet. What do you think I am?

Get a Custom Portrait of your beloved Pet today!A Fun, Modern piece of Art every Pet Parent would Love! AND it’s all for...

Get a Custom Portrait of your beloved Pet today!
A Fun, Modern piece of Art every Pet Parent would Love! AND it’s all for a good cause as we collaborate with a number of Animal Welfare Organisations ( you can find out more about these organisations on our website )
Dm for commissions or visit the website, link in Bio

When we lived in Mallorca this was our funky apartment, in Palma’s city centre, a place I loved to sunbathe on the balco...

When we lived in Mallorca this was our funky apartment, in Palma’s city centre, a place I loved to sunbathe on the balcony and watch the busy world go by. I would say Palma is missing some nice parks or walks for dogs. The seafront is nice but in summer it’s far too hot with very few trees to keep me in the shade, so summer walking was changed around to walking extremely early in the morning and waiting until the sun went down to make sure I didn’t overheard or burn my paws. I did suffer with the heat in summer as so many other dogs do, so my human tried a few tricks to keep me cool as we didn’t have aircon in our apartment. She started off with a cooling mat, but I wasn’t very enthusiastic about it so she would wet a towel or sheet, fold it and put in the freezer. It made a mess when it defrosted but it was worth it and did the trick! She also made lots and lots of frozen treats, they don’t all have to be fancy ice cream or beautifully decorated frozen cupcakes like what you see on the internet, it can be as simple as freezing bone broth. I was on a biscuit diet at that point and sometimes for quickness sake she’d even blitz some biscuits with warm water and freeze. For a special treat I’d also get frozen watermelon ( without the seeds and skin of course! ). There are so many options and foods you humans don’t know we can eat!
How about I put together a blog / post of pet friendly homemade treat ideas for you all. Stay tuned.

Follow me for more stories of Luther the Great, the big black travelling dog.

𝒢𝓇𝒾𝑒𝒻Remember Seketin in Croatia? I posted about this place not long back, the place we had to heal from the loss of my ...


Remember Seketin in Croatia? I posted about this place not long back, the place we had to heal from the loss of my little sister Dizzie. We all arrived here completely heart broken and traumatised by the whole incident.
Me and my human guy were attacked and she was killed by another dog in the driveway of the property they rented by the housekeepers brothers dog. We are currently undergoing legal proceedings almost a year later, so I’m not allowed to post the property’s name until the case is over, so that’s a story for another day…

Little did I know I was going to be a big brother again, my humans put the guilt and hurt to one side and brought home a little piece of sunshine called Biska that gifted us all with a piece of her heart to replace the piece Dizzie took with her.

It’s very common that humans feel guilty if they get another dog after loosing a dog, DON’T! It’s what your dog would have wanted. I once read:
“ when I’m gone promise me you won’t say “ I’ll never get another dog” go find another dog to love & care for, one that needs a home…Every time you hug them I will feel it”
Which is what my human lady does now every time she thinks of my little sister Dizzie, I promise it helps with the heartache.

Unfortunately grief is the price we pay for love.

𝒜𝓈𝓉𝓊𝓇𝒾𝒶𝓈We’d been living in a very rural part of Asturias for 6 months and now moved to another part of Asturias that se...


We’d been living in a very rural part of Asturias for 6 months and now moved to another part of Asturias that seemed like a whole new world. We headed to the coast, to a town called Lastres which would be our home for the next 3 months. Lastres was a fairytale picturesque village, sitting on the edge of a cliff overlooking the Bay of Biscay. And old fisherman’s town that has won awards for its beauty. Once a town famous for its whaling, today a town famous for its sardines & tuna. We went before the high touristic season and got to enjoy the season where me & my sister could run wild on the beach and we had so much fun! Well, maybe not fun the day my sister decided to chase seagulls and my human lady had to chase her for miles screaming her name. I’ll be honest, walking around the town wasn’t too much fun as you literally are walking up the steepest hills just to get from A to B, which for sightseeing is great but doing it twice a day was tough! The thing that I loved the most is we could go from walking on a sandy beach to a luscious forest within minutes! And the SMELL, ohh the smell of the forest was like nothing I’ve smelt before! So fresh, so clean, pure oxygen! The mixed landscape is crazy and so beautiful.
We went in so many hikes and adventures during our time in Lastres, but they’ll be a story for another day :)

Don’t forget to follow me, Luther the Great for more adventures of the Big Black Travelling Dog!

Ever since I was a pup I had trouble with other dogs, dogs would just lunge at me, barking or growling and I never reall...

Ever since I was a pup I had trouble with other dogs, dogs would just lunge at me, barking or growling and I never really understood why. Even their humans seemed surprised at their dogs reaction and would always apologise saying “ they’ve never done that before”. It turns out that it isn’t just me, it’s a common occurrence with black dogs in general. Dogs have a superior low light sensitivity than humans and peripheral vision, which is why dogs can not see black dogs facial expressions very well, hence they react on the defensive.






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