Heartland Hungary Fan

Heartland Hungary Fan Ez az oldal a Heartland című kanadai sorozatal foglalkozik és minden ezzel kapcsolatos témával...És persze az ezzel kapcsolatos dolgokkal, a lóvakkal is...

Heartland kanadai drámasorozat, 60 perc, 2007-

A Heartland egy dráma, mely Amy Flemingről szól, aki különleges érzékkel bánik a lovakkal. Ezen képességét anyjától örökölte, aki azonban a történet elején meghal egy viharban. A kislány magára marad, ám úgy dönt, folytatja anyja feladatát: lelkileg és testileg sérült lovakon segít. A történetet Lauren Brooke írta meg könyvként, majd később filmet i

s készítetettek a Heartlandből. Heartland

Season eight of HEARTLAND continues the saga of a Western family as they chase big dreams and manage life's setbacks, while holding on to what matters most: courage, love, family and a home you can always come back to. It also marks their 125th episode, making it the longest running Canadian one-hour dramatic series in history. HEARTLAND has won the Directors Guild of Canada Award for Best TV Series: Family, from 2009-2013, making it the only series to win five consecutive awards from the Guild. The season begins with Amy arriving back from the European Equestrian circuit, still riding high on the opulent lifestyle and adrenaline of working with Prince Ahmed's high-performance horses. But if she thought life at Heartland was going to pick up where it left off, she is sadly mistaken. Amy's time away has changed her and everyone else back home. And as the family struggles through secrets, rivalries and misunderstandings, Amy and Ty must find solid ground in their relationship. By the end of the season they have persevered and grown as a couple, moving forward into their future.






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