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Lihat KebunKu Fun Home Gardening

Pemilihan lokasi yang tepat untuk menanam jeruk santang sangat penting untuk memastikan pertumbuhan dan produktivitas ya...

Pemilihan lokasi yang tepat untuk menanam jeruk santang sangat penting untuk memastikan pertumbuhan dan produktivitas yang optimal. Berikut adalah beberapa faktor yang perlu dipertimbangkan dalam pemilihan lokasi untuk menanam jeruk santang:

Bibit Jeruk Santang Madu @3.000 =

- Jeruk santang membutuhkan sinar matahari yang cukup untuk pertumbuhannya.
- Pilihlah lokasi yang mendapatkan sinar matahari langsung setidaknya 6-8 jam per hari.
- Pastikan tidak ada rintangan seperti pohon besar atau bangunan yang dapat menutupi sinar matahari dan menghalangi pencahayaan yang memadai.

Drainase Tanah:
- Jeruk santang membutuhkan tanah yang memiliki drainase yang baik.
- Hindari lokasi yang rentan tergenang air atau memiliki tanah yang terlalu liat.
- Pastikan tanah di lokasi tersebut memiliki kemampuan untuk mengalirkan air dengan baik agar akar jeruk santang tidak tergenang dan terkena kelembaban berlebih.

Suhu dan Iklim:
- Jeruk santang tumbuh baik dalam iklim subtropis hingga tropis. Pastikan lokasi penanaman memiliki suhu yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan jeruk santang.
- Suhu yang optimal untuk pertumbuhan jeruk santang berkisar antara 15-30 derajat Celsius.

Perlindungan dari Angin dan Cuaca Ekstrem:
- Jeruk santang rentan terhadap kerusakan akibat angin kencang dan cuaca ekstrem.
- Pilihlah lokasi yang terlindungi dari angin kencang atau siapkan perlindungan seperti penggunaan pagar atau peneduh untuk melindungi tanaman dari angin yang berlebihan.
- Jika Anda berada di daerah dengan cuaca ekstrem seperti hujan deras atau angin topan, pertimbangkan untuk menyediakan perlindungan ekstra seperti penutup atau rumah kaca.

Ketersediaan Air:
- Pastikan lokasi penanaman jeruk santang memiliki akses yang baik ke sumber air yang memadai.
- Jeruk santang membutuhkan penyiraman yang cukup terutama pada musim kemarau.
- Jika ketersediaan air terbatas, pertimbangkan penggunaan sistem irigasi yang efisien seperti tetes atau sprinkler yang dapat mengatur penyiraman secara otomatis.

Aksesibilitas dan Kemudahan Perawatan:
- Pertimbangkan juga faktor aksesibilitas ke lokasi penanaman dan kemudahan perawatan tanaman.
- Pastikan Anda dapat dengan mudah mengakses lokasi dan melakukan perawatan rutin seperti pemangkasan, pemupukan, dan perlindungan dari hama dan penyakit.

Dengan memperhatikan faktor-faktor di atas, Anda dapat memilih lokasi yang sesuai untuk menanam jeruk santang. Lokasi yang tepat akan memberikan kondisi yang optimal bagi pertumbuhan dan perkembangan tanaman, serta meningkatkan peluang keberhasilan dalam budidaya jeruk santang.

Many people have known the side effects of this one kale. Eating too much kale can cause a person to become prone to dro...

Many people have known the side effects of this one kale. Eating too much kale can cause a person to become prone to drowsiness. This is because kale has a high enough potassium substance that can affect the nerves in the head.

Instead of setting a price that is quite expensive, you can use used bottles in your home to make various kinds of uniqu...

Instead of setting a price that is quite expensive, you can use used bottles in your home to make various kinds of unique and beautiful pots.

No need to worry that it will be difficult and make you complicated because the steps are so easy to follow even if you are a beginner. Here is complete information on how to make flower pots from used bottles, unique and very inspiring.


Easy Way to Grow Cucumber at Home | Amazing Idea
Cucumber is one of the most popular fruit vegetables. Cucumber is usually consumed as juice, fresh vegetables, and pickles, or consumed directly as fresh fruit. Well, for those of you who like cucumbers, it would be nice if you try to grow them yourself in your home. Take advantage of the yard around the house for gardening. You can grow cucumbers even though the land you have is narrow and limited. The solution is to plant cucumbers in pots or polybags. Plant some trees according to the space you have. Or if you want to save a little, you can use plastic bags and used goods in your home. The point is that pots can use any important material that can be used for planting media.


Planting mustard greens is quite easy and does not require complicated planting and care, it can even be planted on a large scale such as in rice fields, it can also be planted on a small scale for personal consumption in the yard of the house.
If you are also one of the fans, there is no harm in trying to grow it yourself, so you can enjoy chicory from your own cultivation.


In farming, not only land that can be relied on as a planting medium. There are other growing media, cocopeat is one of them. Cocopeat is included in the hydroponic growing media that is organic because it is made from coconut fiber powder.

Cocopeat is easy to absorb and store water. It also has pores, which facilitate the exchange of air, and the entry of sunlight. The content of Trichoderma molds, a type of enzyme from fungi, can reduce disease in the soil. Thus, cocopeat can keep the soil loose and fertile.


Mustard is one of the most popular types of vegetables. In addition to its nutritional content that is rich in benefits, mustard greens also tend to be easy to cultivate. You can even grow your own mustard at home in a way that Hipwee will explain in this article. Basically, growing mustard greens at home is much easier than growing mustard greens in the fields because there is no need to cultivate the land first. The key to success is in the selection of seeds

Organic pesticides are medicinal ingredients to control pests and plant diseases made from natural ingredients. The ingredients for making organic pesticides...

JLF (Jadam Liquid Fertilizer) is a method of making POC that was popularized by JADAM, an organic farm in Korea.There are at least 2 important things that di...


JLF (Jadam Liquid Fertilizer) is a method of making POC that was popularized by JADAM, an organic farm in Korea.

There are at least 2 important things that distinguish JLF from ordinary POC.

1. The JLF production process is easier in terms of the methods and materials used.
2. The cost of making JLF is cheaper
How to make JLF It's easier because in the process it uses weeds on agricultural land, and leaves that have undergone decay are taken from under the trees.

Then soaked with plain water, so that the process of decay releases nutrients.

Using the “Self-watering system” is a fun, water-saving, and easy way of gardening because you don't need to water the plants every day, just every 3-4 days ...


Using the “Self-watering system” is a fun, water-saving, and easy way of gardening because you don't need to water the plants every day, just every 3-4 days to fill the water reservoir.

Self Watering System is a system that gardens in a container or place that is made so that plants can irrigate the plants in it automatically (by the container itself).

A kind of reservoir is made for water that is stored in a pot, and this water is used to irrigate the plants, according to the needs of the plant. The Self Watering System is made in such a way that water does not inundate the plants which will eventually make the plants rot or over watering.

To make a Self Watering System, you can use used materials that are around us. For example, used mineral bottles, plastic paint cans, used oil bottles, spice containers, or other plastic materials.

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Soundtrack Garden Music :

Garden Tools :
3PCS Gardening Tool Set Hand Planting:
Seedling Trays Seed Starter Starter:
Cutter Cutting Knife Portable:
Gardening Gloves:
Grow Bags For Home Garden:
Garden watering can:
compound fertilizer NPK 16-16-16:

a good growing medium is a cocopeat:

Recommended E-Book for You
1. Getting Started In Hydroponics: Expert Tips, Plans & Secrets:
2. New Updates! 7250 Landscaping Ideas:
3. Aquaponics 4 You:
4. Mushroom Growing 4 You:
5. Discover Beekeeping - A Beginner Beekeepers Guide:
6. The Complete Grape Growing System:
7. The Bonsai Tree Care System:
8. Orchid Secrets Revealed:
9. Brand NEW Food Crisis Survival:


How to Make Liquid Organic Fertilizer Jadam Version - very easy and low cost

JLF (Jadam Liquid Fertilizer) is a method of making POC that was popularized by JADAM, an organic farm in Korea.

There are at least 2 important things that distinguish JLF from ordinary POC.

1. The JLF production process is easier in terms of the methods and materials used.
2. The cost of making JLF is cheaper
How to make JLF It's easier because in the process it uses weeds on agricultural land, and leaves that have undergone decay are taken from under the trees.

Then soaked with plain water, so that the process of decay releases nutrients.

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Soundtrack Garden Music :

Garden Tools :
3PCS Gardening Tool Set Hand Planting:
Seedling Trays Seed Starter Starter:
Cutter Cutting Knife Portable:
Gardening Gloves:
Grow Bags For Home Garden:
Garden watering can:
compound fertilizer NPK 16-16-16:

a good growing medium is a cocopeat:

Recommended E-Book for You
1. Getting Started In Hydroponics: Expert Tips, Plans & Secrets:
2. New Updates! 7250 Landscaping Ideas:
3. Aquaponics 4 You:
4. Mushroom Growing 4 You:
5. Discover Beekeeping - A Beginner Beekeepers Guide:
6. The Complete Grape Growing System:
7. The Bonsai Tree Care System:
8. Orchid Secrets Revealed:
9. Brand NEW Food Crisis Survival:





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