Wat is Phytoplankton and why should you use it. Phytoplankton are small photosynthetic organisms considered to be one of the building blocks at the base of the coral reef food chain. Many filter-feeding invertebrates depend on phytoplankton as a significant source of nourishment. Within the saltwater reef tank, however, phytoplankton are generally not present in abundant numbers. As a result, adva
nced aquarists often dose this valuable living food source to boost the growth of their invertebrates. Clams (and other bivalves), soft corals, sponges, zooplankton and copepods are all known to feed directly on phytoplankton. Boosting the growth of beneficial zooplankton and copepods provides a secondary nutritional food source for your reef inhabitants.
** Reminder **
You MUST keep the culture refrigerated at all times do not allow the culture to warm up to room temperature. While the cultures are typically grown at room temperature, the conditions are much different than what is in your supply bottle. Phytoplankton are grown in less dense concentrations (up until harvest), in larger water volumes, with rigorous aeration and nutritional supplementation. Left out at room temperature, the metabolism of the cells quickly speeds up, consuming the remaining oxygen and increasing the amount of metabolic waste generated. Without sufficient gas exchange (oxygen and carbon dioxide) the plankton cells will start to die, fouling the water and causing the culture to crash. You can save PhytoPlankton for almost 1 month cooled in the fridge.