We have made the decision to reduce our herd size and are releasing some of our fantastic females and pet males 👀🏡 All AAI registered. Up to date with health & husbandry.
Lillibet - 2 years old. Solid white. Kind well built young female ready to start her breeding career. Father is Phantom our grey male and mother is Lucy Lou. Unfortunately cannot be covered as related to our male.
Arabella - Solid white. Really friendly, gentle natured and loves snacks! Also, ready to start her breeding career. Father is a white male Burren Atomic and mother is Happy Daze (White female, great pedigree and has produced coloured cria).
Sunrise - Cria born is 2024 and will be ready once weaned. Solid white in colour. Great personality and looking for a loving home! Will be handled and familiar with halter prior to leaving.
Pet males- 2024 born cria available soon! Great personality’s and variety of colours - white, brown, rose grey & black. Will be handled and familiar with halter prior to leaving.
Please don’t hesitate to get in touch for more info or any further interest. 🦙🦙