As lambing gets into full swing it’s crucial not to forget the importance of colostrum
A lamb needs approximately 220ml of colostrum per kg in the first 24 hours of life. The first feed of which should be within the first 2 hours of life. An average 5 kg lamb needs over a litre of colostrum in the first day of life.
As we no longer have spectam as a preventative for watery mouth in lambs, colostrum is more important than ever. There is also a vaccine for pregnant ewes to get antibodies in the colostrum to specifically fight off watery mouth in lambs.
If your concerned about the impact of watery mouth in your flock come talk to us at Emlagh Lodge Vets today
If you have liver fluke in your stock, at some stage the fluke passed through this snail!!!!
The liver fluke needs this snail to become infective to your stock
It is found all over Ireland, but is highest in concentration in the North West
This snail likes to live in wet soils and close to fresh water courses, such as rivers, ponds and lakes
It likes slightly acidic soils
Keeping your stock away from where these snails live will reduce their exposure and infection with liver fluke
Strategies to avoid fluke snails include
1. Fence off wet areas of land
2. Allowing stock to drink from rivers, ponds or lakes increases exposure to fluke habitats
3. Piped mains water in troughs is best for stock
4. Applying lime to land will change soils from acidic to alkaline and be less hospitable to the fluke snail
Concerned about liver fluke in stock? Contact us at Emlagh Lodge Veterinary Centre for flukicide advice
Lice treatment comes in three main forms, injections, spot-on and pour-on, NOT ALL LICE TREATMENTS KILL ALL TYPES OF LICE
Spotinor is a spot on. It is applied all in one area and kills adult biting and sucking lice
Cypercare is a pour-on. It is applied all along the back in one stripe and kills adult biting and sucking lice
Enovex/Animec/Bimectin are a pour-on treatment. They are applied all along the middle of the back. They kill adult biting and sucking lice. They have the added benefit of killing worms
Closamectin is a pour-on that kills adult biting and sucking lice, adult and immature fluke and worms. It is applied as a pour on down the middle of the back
Ivomec/ ivomec classic/ enovex injectable/ animec super are all injectable products that only kill adult sucking lice. THESE PRODUCTS DO NOT KILL BITING LICE
Talk to us at Emlagh Lodge Veterinary Centre for all your parasite requirements