It's amazing how the bond between the dog and the owner is created. It's also amazing how quickly you can see the effects. Innocent play helps to learn to focus and follow the owner. The long lead allows for safe work at a distance. I can't wait to see what the future holds for this team🐾🐾
#goodogday #kilkennydog #kilkennydogtrainer
Beyond the bawl ❤️
Easy idea for a frozen treat ☺️
You will need:
👉 Treats
👉Wet dog food
👉 Balloon 🎈🎈
Controlling emotions when greeting guests. These are the results we have after 2 training sessions. I have to praise the owners for their hard work. Understanding the dog and proper communication is the most important aspect. I am only a link between the dog and the owner.
#goodogday #kilkennydogtrainer #kilkennydog
Woofland Dog Park
Amazing time at Woodland Dog Park with Kaya. Great place for dogs, where they can run and exercise without leashes or muzzles. I hope there will be one in Kilkenny in the future
#goodogday #kilkennydogtrainer #kilkennydog #kilkennydogfriendly
Keith is a resuce dog. No one wanted him until he found a wonderful person❤️❤️❤️
. Keith decided to be a husky and guess what? he's really, really good at it. He is even the leader of the pack🐾🐾. Thank you for sharing the video with me
. I can't wait to meet you again.
#goodogday #kilkennydogsocialwalks #kilkennydogwalker #kilkennydogtrainer #kilkennydogfriendly #kilkennydog
Quick training session with Úna this afternoon.
Remember to keep training short and sweet.
Today we practiced focus, leave it, give it, sit🐾
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A decompression walk involves slow walking and wandering in nature, with longer breaks to observe the surroundings, wander along paths and examine different smells. This is a form of therapeutic walking that allows the dog to have a more in-depth experience of the world around him.
#goodogday #kilkennydog #kilkennydogfriendly #kilkennydogtrainer
This type of reward teaches the dog to work despite attractions nearby, i.e. to pay attention to us while waiting for the reward. There are several examples of working with delayed reward. Such exercises allow the dog to cope with stress and teach it to focus better on the handler. The delayed reward may be a thrown ball, then, for example, calling the dog and releasing it to the toy as a reward. There are many combinations, the principle is the same - the reward is postponed, we release the dog to it after the task is completed.
Do you want to start your agility adventure with us? Let me know in the comment 🥰
You often asked me , what to do if my dog is not food motivated. The reward is not just food and we would be unwise to think of food only as a reward. The reward can be anything the dog wants, e.g. a toy, our touch or voice. Úna likes her discs more than food rewards. For a job well done, she receives a disc. Here I practice various commands with her, such as sit, give, give back. Remember, let's not rely only on food💪
I work with my dogs in Polish, so I will write to you what I say: siad (sit), podaj (give me), let go (drop it)
#goodogday #goodogpuppyclasses #kilkennydogtrainer #kilkennyflydogclub #kilkennydogfriendly #kilkennydogfitness #kilkennydog
We see a dog playing.
Nothing extraordinary, right? Not for this dog😞 This girl is about a year old. Her life so far has been sad, full of fear and aggression from people.
Fortunately, she found a wonderful home where she starts a new, better life. The new owners are doing a great job showing her that people can be good and that the touch of a hand doesn't have to hurt. I look forward to further changes.
Thank you for your trust and see you soon❤️
#kilkennyreactivedogsupportgroup #kilkennydogfriendly #kilkennydog #goodogday
Reactive dog set up 🐾🐾
The last session of the reactive dog this year. What are my thoughts? Working with a reactive dog is a marathon, not a sprint, working with a reactive dog gives a lot of satisfaction but also stress. Having a reactive dog is often seen as a failure. Why is it like that ? I don't know. For me, working with a reactive dog is not a shortcut, the owners of such dogs are amazing, understanding and empathetic. They are not a failure. Many of these dogs are rescued where some people have let them down. Now others who are more responsible help them. Why do you always see videos of Kaya? Kaya's owners want to help others that it is worth working and that the goal is achievable. A lot of people are ashamed. There's nothing wrong with that. This has to be respected. I hope that next year will be even better for me, my small business and will give courage to all those who think there is no hope for them🐾🐾
#goodogday #kilkennydogsocialwalks #kilkennydogtrainer #kilkennyreactivedogsupportgroup #kilkennydog
Reactive dog set up 🐾
I love working with this couple. They work very hard to achieve their goals . You know what? The improvement is amazing. You are great❤️❤️
#kilkennyreactivedogsupportgroup #kilkennydog #kilkennydogfriendly #kilkennydogtrainer
I love my job❤️. I love to meet amazing people.
One of these is Keith's owner.
A great young person dedicated to her dog.
#goodogday #kilkennyreactivedogsupportgroup #kilkennydog #kilkennydogfriendly
Reactive dog training sessions 🐾
After short holidays, it's time to get back to work❤️ Session with Kaya and her beloved owner. The communication between them is absolutely amazing. Due to Kaya's reactivity, we create a safe environment to help her meet other dogs. Chuckie helps us a lot, he teaches her how to communicate properly, he is a calm dog, which helps her feel more confident and safe.
Working with such a dog is slow but very satisfying. If you want to improve your life with a reactive dog, please join our support group🍀
#kilkennyreactivedogsupportgroup #goodogday #kilkennydog #kilkennydogtrainer #kilkennydogfriendly
Reactive dog set up
Great session with Kaya. It's amazing how she develops and how her owners gain self-confidence.
If you have a reactive dog and want to learn how to help it, remember that our support group starts operating in January🐾🐾
#kilkennyreactivedogsupportgroup #kilkennydog #kilkennydogtrainer #kilkennydogfriendly #goodogday
Social walks in Kilkenny 🐾🐾
Yesterday was a big step in working with Kaja. I'm so impressed with how hard the owners work. Kaja is a participant of our social walks and only now you can see how they can help a reactive dog. Today we allowed her to interact with Chuckie. See how cool she behaves, how nice she reads his body language, how nice she respects him. Czaki was adopted by me 7 years ago as a highly reactive dog. Now he's my partner❤️🐾 Again, great respect for the owners❤️
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