The Haven Rescue

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The Haven Rescue 🇮🇪 The Haven Rescue is a small group of volunteers who have the same approach to animal welfare... at the moment, we are based in Roscrea, co.

The Haven rescue was set up by a bunch of like-minded people with the same ideas on animal rescue and the welfare of animals,

we are based in Tipperary, Ireland. It is solely run by volunteers, and worked completely from their homes, that they have opened up to love, care for and rehabilitate any animal that comes in to their care. They work together for the animals in their care, but also for

the future of animals in all of Ireland. Tipperary, but we are happy to help any animal that we can. we have a very strong network of people and we work alongside a qualified and professional positive dog behaviorist/trainer. We are a small group of people hoping to make a difference. Please note: all photos that appear on this page are the property of the Haven Rescue Tipperary and The Haven Rescue Tipperary Limited. By using our photos without our permission you are accepting a contractual liability in the form of a fee of €1000 per photo per appearance in any media format, payable to The Haven Rescue Tipperary or the Haven Rescue Tipperary Limited.

Happy forever home, Bashful ( now Saffy ), who was adopted by Aoibhin and family ❤️Saffy arrived as a part of a litter o...

Happy forever home, Bashful ( now Saffy ), who was adopted by Aoibhin and family ❤️

Saffy arrived as a part of a litter of pups that was left into the pound in a cardboard box as they were unwanted .. They came straight from the pound to us ( thanks to Rachel, who collected them ) and went to foster ❤️

Saffy was fostered by Erika for the first few weeks while she got her vaccines sorted .. and she then found her forever home with her new family and doggie brothers and sisters 💕

She now had her own Instagram at ,where you can follow all her fun ❤️

Happy forever home, little one 💓

Happy forever home, Blossom 🌸  Another of the 6 little Chichuhua pups has happily found her own forever home 🏡 Blossom a...

Happy forever home, Blossom 🌸

Another of the 6 little Chichuhua pups has happily found her own forever home 🏡

Blossom arrived from Dublin City Dog Shelter after her and her littermates came into the pounds care .. thanks to Carmel and Holly, they made the drive from the pound d to us ..

Happily, we got the last of their vet work completed, and Blossom found her own forever home with Elaine and family.

Happy forever home, little one 💓

Happy forever home Susie 🏡 Susie arrived to us from Dublin City Dog Shelter after she had been picked up as a stray in h...

Happy forever home Susie 🏡

Susie arrived to us from Dublin City Dog Shelter after she had been picked up as a stray in horrific condition.. she was matted to the bone, and had already had a litter of pups even though she was only a pup herself ..

Thankfully the crew at the pound got her shaved down and comfortable and she arrived to us shortly after ❤️

She got the rest of her vet work completed and then went up for rehoming ❤️

Happily she found her forever home with Eileen and family where she's loving her own forever home 🏡

Happy forever home little one 💓

Happy forever home Gromit ( now Ruby ) who arrived to us from Dublin County Dog Shelter a few weeks ago .. She got her v...

Happy forever home Gromit ( now Ruby ) who arrived to us from Dublin County Dog Shelter a few weeks ago .. She got her vet work finished up and went up for homing 💕

Happily she didn't have to wait long and found her forever home with a previous adopter and another ex Dublin County Dog Shelter resident Terry ❤️

They both now live happily in their forever home 🏡

Thank you to Ciara and family for adopting not just once but twice ❤️

What a trip ❤️❤️❤️On Friday night, we flew to Sweden to the annual reunion day with  Hundar Utan Hem .. and what a day S...

What a trip ❤️❤️❤️

On Friday night, we flew to Sweden to the annual reunion day with Hundar Utan Hem .. and what a day Saturday was ❤️🌞

We arrived and were made so welcome as always by the HUH team, and we met so many of our past dogs that we were overwhelmed!

We were also privileged to be asked to speak about the current crisis and XL bully ban that is being implemented in Ireland.. and the impacts that it will have, we, alongside lots of other Irish rescues, are working behind the scenes to get as many dogs to safety as we can before the ban is implemented.

The HUH day is more than a trip to see dogs, it really is something so special to see our past dogs walk up to us with their new families, and for those families to speak to us so openenly about the love that they have for these dogs.. and the funny stories about settling them into their forever homes and the trials that came with that process ..

Dogs that were mostly just discarded here in Ireland as easily as rubbish .. and that we, alongside our foster homes, have cared for and loved until we have had to say goodbye to them ❤️... and look at them now!!!!

Yesterday, we met Pablo who is home almost 2 years , Crepe whos Bonnies pup, Nicki the greyhound who travelled 3 months ago, Luna who was part of the meryl litter of pups who arrived from Carlow Kilkenny Dog Pound in June 2023, one of our little frenchies, Lilly Junior ( now Dottie) who was born in the haven, with her 9 brothers and sisters, and Jimmy one of the collie pups who travelled 2 weeks ago 💙

We also met some of the foster homes that cared for our dogs and that will care for our future dogs and future adopters ( that exciting post it to come for a special greyhound)

It was a wonderful trip with wonderful people, doing the most wonderful work, and we will have memories forever ❤️

Thank you, Utan Hem

Here's to many more years of continued collaboration and success stories ❤️

Happy forever home Tyson ( now Troy ) Tyson arrived unto our care with his sister Lady ( also rehomed) after there was a...

Happy forever home Tyson ( now Troy )

Tyson arrived unto our care with his sister Lady ( also rehomed) after there was a change in circumstances in their home.

Happily they weren't with us long when they found their forever homes.

Troy now lives with Laura and family and his little tortoise brother ❤️

Happy forever home little one 💓

 # FOUND  #Message to the page this morning- "I am in Castledermot county Kildare. He was found in the park of Castleder...


Message to the page this morning- "I am in Castledermot county Kildare. He was found in the park of Castledermot, right inside the playground. "

Wasn't wearing the jumper. the finder put that on him as she thought he was cold and wet.

If you recognise this dog, please message the page ASAP 🙏

*not scanned for a microchip yet

Finally!! Some sense!!Maybe now the Government  and dept. Of agriculture will listen and  something  might be done about...

Some sense!!
Maybe now the Government and dept. Of agriculture will listen and something might be done about this very flawed "industry "

The ISPCA is calling on the Department of Agriculture, Food, and the Marine (DAFM) to urgently examine the appalling animal welfare and export issues linked with the greyhound industry, and to review the enormous allocation of funding supporting such an industry, given the governance issues and numerous failings on the part of the bodies tasked with regulating greyhound racing and the coursing industry in Ireland.

The ISPCA is raising concerns about the welfare of greyhounds and that includes before, during and after their racing lives, and is seeking a ban on the export of greyhounds to non-EU countries, with poor animal welfare standards. This is something that we have been raising previously over the past number of years.

The ISPCA will continue to highlight their concerns for greyhounds involved in racing – particularly focusing on the massive issue of over-production as well as the unacceptable number of dogs currently unaccounted for.

We believe that the greyhound industry is flawed and in decline, and that its end is inevitable. The charity is disappointed by the State funding provided for the industry and would welcome the start of discussions on a plan to phase-out the industry and a plan to address the large numbers of dogs that would be impacted so their welfare is not compromised.

Message juat received  - "Hi I’m at gala Roscrea and there’s a gorgeous girl here who looks like a stray and I’m afraid ...

Message juat received -

"Hi I’m at gala Roscrea and there’s a gorgeous girl here who looks like a stray and I’m afraid she may get hurt, she has a collar but no name or number, can ye help, I would only I’m in work and can’t take her anywhere, the staff in gala have fed her, can ye help"

Unfortunately we have no volunteers in that area at the minute? Can anybody get this girl to a vets to be scanned for a chip? Or at least secure her.....

We got a fab update from Harley and her family this week: Coming up on a year since this squishy pupper came into our li...

We got a fab update from Harley and her family this week:

Coming up on a year since this squishy pupper came into our lives 😍🥰❤️
We had a few days away in Wexford recently- Harley’s first holiday! She absolutely loved it and couldn’t be kept out of the water 💦😆🥰 she loved splashing in the waves 🌊
She has brought down much joy and happiness to us she is such a character 🥰🥰🥰

We love to see our past pups 🐶 Harley arrived from County Dog Shelter last year

What's peoples thoughts on this ??

What's peoples thoughts on this ??

"If I die before my dog, let him see my body.
He understnds death, if he feels my death he can cry for me.
If he doesn't see me again he will think I abandoned him and he will continue waitng for my return.
If I die before my companion, let him say goodbye to me.
"Dogs are an endless friendship, a loyal friend, a part of life and a reason to exist! "🐾❤️

23 Animals Whose Love For Their Owners Goes Above And Beyond 👉

Harry the Wheaten Terrier arrived to us last year at an adoption day .. to be surrendered as he was too active for his e...

Harry the Wheaten Terrier arrived to us last year at an adoption day .. to be surrendered as he was too active for his elderly owners .. He was caked in concrete dust after he ripped a bag appart as he spent most of his days in the garage as he would escape his garden ..

He arrived and we got all that coat shaved off and he found his forever home with Megan and family .. We got this lovely update during the week

Harry had his first experience of the beach today and loved it. Still a lunatic but we wouldn't have him any other way 😊

Happy forever home 🏡 Another of the litter of 6 Chihuahua puppies is home ❤️ They arrived to us after we saw them in the...

Happy forever home 🏡

Another of the litter of 6 Chihuahua puppies is home ❤️ They arrived to us after we saw them in the pound and couldn't not offer to take them 😢

Louise and family applied when they saw the post go up, they were local to us in Roscrea and already had a little Chichuhua who was ready to be a big sister ❤️

Happily they sailed through their trial and is has been a success and it's official now they are adopted ❤️

Happy forever home and thank you to Louise and family for adopting ❤️

Marvellous Maeve ❤️Maeve arrived to us from the pound after she was handed in as a stray .. the pound had the suspicion ...

Marvellous Maeve ❤️

Maeve arrived to us from the pound after she was handed in as a stray .. the pound had the suspicion that she was a sneaky owner surrender though..

Maeve arrived with a stinky old kennel coat and was full of worms .. she was also a little off on a hind leg, but we thought nothing too serious, but we got an x-ray done just in case .. Sadly, that showed that Maeve had trauma to her hip, consistent with being hit by a vehicle.. sadly this had damaged her hip, at the time it would have been horrific for her, she recieved no treatment at the time, as at the time it would have required plating or amputation.

This is an old injury, which has occurred definitely over 2-3 years ago, and which Maeve has learned to cope with, she runs, is fully weight bearing on the leg, jumps and plays with the other dogs. Her leg is well muscled and she uses it, it will most likely come again her as she ages with arthritis but currently she copes incredibly well on it.

Maeve is now looking for her own forever home with the following requirements:

• She can live with another dog, or as an only dog. If there is another dog in the house it should be a passive dog that doesn't want to play .. that's all behind Maeve now she wants a chilled life

• Dog savvy kids and parents

• She is crate trained

• no cats or chickens please

If you'd like to offer Maeve her own forever home please pm the page to start the process 🙏

Happy forever home to the smallest ( yet boldest 😅)  little Chichuhua pup of the litter now named Pinky 💕 These little o...

Happy forever home to the smallest ( yet boldest 😅) little Chichuhua pup of the litter now named Pinky 💕

These little ones arrived as a part of a group of 6 from Dublin City Dog Shelter..

They thrived thanks to the care they received in the pound, and then when they arrived to us and to foster, happily, they have all found their own forever homes 🏡

This little mite even has his own Instagram account now aswell at

Thank you to his family for adopting and keeping in touch as this little fella grows up 💕

Happy forever home little one

Happy forever home, little Claudia 💓 Claudia arrived to us from  County Dog Shelter a few weeks ago after she got all of...

Happy forever home, little Claudia 💓

Claudia arrived to us from County Dog Shelter a few weeks ago after she got all of her vet work completed she went off on trial, and it's been a success, and she's officially adopted 💓

We got this lovely message from her new home during the week:

Pepita(Claudia) has been with us for a few weeks, I swear it feels like she's been with us forever. She is perfect. Sleeps through the night, has no accidents in the house, eats all her dinner, and loves people, children, and all other dogs. She very rarely barks. We won the lottery with this little girl,she's a gem. Thank you so much! We are out in Donegal. She slept the 3 hours in the car and made herself at home at our house. Shortly we will go for a walk on the beach.

Happy forever home, little one 💓

 # RESERVED  #Meet Little Fly ❤️Fly arrived to us from  Dog Pound after she did her mandatory stray days and was never r...


Meet Little Fly ❤️

Fly arrived to us from Dog Pound after she did her mandatory stray days and was never reclaimed.. She's a teeny little Jack Russel and is a more settled lady at 4-5 years old we think.

Fly is great with the other dogs, she's quite shy until she warms up but then all she wants is to crawl across onto your lap for the cuddles ❤️

Fly is fully vaccinated microchipped and neutured. Her ideal home will be;

• With or without other dogs
• dog savvy kids and parents
• no cats please
• she is crate trained

If you'd like to offer Fly her own forever home please pm the page to start the process.

Happy forever home Willow 🏡 The first of the 6 little Chichuhua pups that arrived from Dublin City Dog Shelter has saile...

Happy forever home Willow 🏡

The first of the 6 little Chichuhua pups that arrived from Dublin City Dog Shelter has sailed through her adoption trial and is now officially adopted ❤️

She now even has her own Instagram where you can follow her and her doggie friends adventures on

Thank you to her family for adopting, Happy forever home little one 💗

Goregous Boy Zebo ❤️Zebo arrived to us with his brother Guinness ( also rehomed and doing well) back earlier this year.....

Goregous Boy Zebo ❤️

Zebo arrived to us with his brother Guinness ( also rehomed and doing well) back earlier this year..

Zebo found his forever home in Waterford with Dean and his partner ❤️

We got these lovely photos during the week and look at him loving his new life ❤️

It's nearly Buddys 1st Birthday 🎂 We really don't want him celebrating his first birthday in rescue 💔 He was surrendered...

It's nearly Buddys 1st Birthday 🎂

We really don't want him celebrating his first birthday in rescue 💔 He was surrendered into our care as his owners were unable to keep him anymore because their landlord changed there mind about them having a dog.

Buddy arrived to us. He's since been to the vets to be neutured and has had a clean bill of health from the vets as well.

Buddy is starting to learn about socialising with other dogs ( he has been an only dog in the home ) he is also now crate trained and is relearning to not slip out of his collar .. he was putting on the brakes, and his collar would slip over his head. He now wears martingale, so that can't happen 😅

Buddy is now looking for his own forever home, his ideal home will be:

• With or without another dog he can live with males or females but ideally a female

• Dog savvy kids and parents

• He is crate trained

• no cats please

• an active family that know the exercise needs for a young collie

If you'd like to offer Buddy his own forever home please pm the page to start the process 🙏

Hope Update ❤️Little Hope has come alive the last few days .. She is feeling and looking so much happier and better 💕 Ne...

Hope Update ❤️

Little Hope has come alive the last few days .. She is feeling and looking so much happier and better 💕

Next step is her spay and then onto her forever home 🏡

Thank you to everyone who donated towards her care ❤️

Meet Cece ❤️ Cece arrived to us from  County Dog Shelter a few weeks ago.. she had been picked up as a stray and never r...

Meet Cece ❤️

Cece arrived to us from County Dog Shelter a few weeks ago.. she had been picked up as a stray and never reclaimed.. She was terrified.. she has several substantial old deep scars on her body .. how she got them we have no idea and how she survived them we have less of an idea .. she must have received veterinary attention at the time as they would have required extensive stitches to heal .. the scars don't bother her now physically, but mentally, they've certainly contributed towards her fear.

Cece is a 3-4 year old Saluki.. and like most, Salukis is wary and unsure of new people and situations..

We have struggled with Cece and her fear for the last few weeks. She doesn't expect any kindness from us .. but merly allows us to do what we need .. She has started to improve in some respects, but in others, she is struggling..

Today, Ruby and her mom Tracey came to visit and collect their next bunch of foster pups .. and Cece walked straight over to Ruby and really enjoyed getting petted and the attention.. something that she has avoided from her adult minders.

Cece, we believe now needs to progress to her next step .. and that's a forever home..

Cece isn't a "straightforward" dog .. she is nervous and that will require management but it is easily managed if you want to .. and if you have the patience and desire to do it.

Her ideal home will be:

• With or without another dog .. Cece doesn't show much interest with other dogs, but a confident dog would probably help her in the home to show her the way

• Ideally, kids - sensible dog savvy children we think would give her great comfort in a new home

• no cats or small fluffys, please

• A quiter area or housing estate.. and fully secure

• A crate as her safe space and bolt hole that she can use

• Most importantly, a home that understands that Cece won't be the dog to go offlead on the beach 2 weeks into her home or to go for pupcups the week after .. she will need a patient kind home to learn that not all humans are bad.

Cece is spayed, fully vaccinated, microchipped, and passported.

If you'd like to offer her a forever home, please pm the page to start the process.

Welcome to Virgo, Aries, and Libra ❤️These 3, 6 month old collie pups came from the pound where their time was running o...

Welcome to Virgo, Aries, and Libra ❤️

These 3, 6 month old collie pups came from the pound where their time was running out .. they needed out ASAP, so thanks to a new foster home and the fact that they were booked to travel in a few weeks' time, we were able to say yes and welcome them into our care ❤️

Unfortunately, on the morning, all 3 were being collected they had diarrhoea and were suspected parvo .. all 3 were rushed to the vets, where, thankfully, they tested negative , Libra did stay in the vets overnight on a drip but was well enough to be discharged the following day and travelled back to foster where all 3 are on antibiotics and worming treatments and some good food to fatten them up.

A team effort to get these 3 to safety.

We will love to share photos of them over the next few weeks while they strengthen up and get ready for their next adventure ❤️

PHOTO FOR ATTENTION Foster home wanted for 2 pups for 2/3 weeks, ideally in the Templemore, Cashel or Nenagh area of Tip...


Foster home wanted for 2 pups for 2/3 weeks, ideally in the Templemore, Cashel or Nenagh area of Tipperary

Please pm the page directly if you can help. These pups are already reserved for their new homes.

We will provide all food, crates, leads etc for the duration of foster.

You will need to be able to drive to collect foster pups.

Please pm the page directly with foster pups as title.

Thank you

The Haven Rescue will be closed today as a mark of respect for Eamonn Dowling, Rosies Dad, who passed away on Tuesday. P...

The Haven Rescue will be closed today as a mark of respect for Eamonn Dowling, Rosies Dad, who passed away on Tuesday.

Please direct all messages to the page where they will be answered in due course, rehomings, etc. will continue as planned tomorrow with organised appointments.

Thank you to everyone who has provided support this week.

Rest in peace, Eamonn ❤️

Transport SORTED Thank you Aoife ❤️

Transport SORTED

Thank you Aoife ❤️

MISSING - BOLTED FROM NEW HOME This dog went to his new home last night, ( A private rehoming not one our ours ) and sad...


This dog went to his new home last night, ( A private rehoming not one our ours ) and sadly, when they were getting him inside, he bolted and ran ..

He goes by Flossy or Floss. He went from Camblin Roscrea Co Tipp but is originally Borrisoleigh.. so may attempt to make his way back in thar direction

He is a very scared collie .. if you have any sightings of him please let us know so we can pm the owner.. Previous owner has been made aware incase he travels back.

Please share 🙏






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